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[Sun Signs] Vaisakh - Aries (April 15 - May 14)

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During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary (Sun) passesover the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-called head ofVirata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one month ischaracterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of Aries. Thesign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence the mind andcharacter of the native born in this month.The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a fiery planet.Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet Mars, the masterof lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops is delineatedbelow :-CharacterThe internal character of the person born in this month may be summed up ina few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is brisk, alert andactive, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the head ofaffairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he may be in thehead of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in subordination. Hecan show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to accomplish theaffair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any matter and expectsothers to follow him. However with all his activity and inspiration andalacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to finish oraccomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is overzealous toget quick result and is impatient too.The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him. He does notlike any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants reforms inevery department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish any kind ofbusiness according and up to his ideal. He does not like that anyone willsurpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost in any affair.He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great ideal. He cherishesan over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He also feelsinclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as it is in hisnature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find fault with otherpeople's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal one. It is wisefor him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes about himself andoverestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a bit too muchoptimistic and repent the result of his action. He is opinionative. Hecannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs or in hisindependent way. He is amenable to reason but one should convince him calmlyto make him understand a thing.He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but he is ratherrestless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and assistance ofother persons to translate or materialize his idea into action. He wants tolead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery enthusiasm. Hefeels an inclination towards novel lines of action in preference to ordinaryand stereotyped ways.He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is an intelligentman. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and manners but he cannottolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words when he is inanger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any trifling matter dueto his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting nature.HealthThe sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is called thehead of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore anyone born inthis sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind of braindisease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental troubles, or anykind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e. he is likely tosuffer from " Urdha Jatrugata " diseases as Ayurveda calls it and from biliousor blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition. It is likelythat the condition of his brain remains excited and heated due to hisoverstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-pressure orinsomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due to excessiveexercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and rest, andpleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He should also guardhimself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or wound.FateHe will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is likely that hewill not get the full benefits of the chances due to his changing andrestless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and downs in life andalso establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration will andactivity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear through adverseconditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid impulsivenessand rashness as these may retard his progress.Profession (or capability)He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp intelligence andrapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an organizer, apioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of undertakingwhere there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high posts, and he mayhence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do well when he isat the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in subordination. Hewants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted exercise of his headand brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the full play ofhis independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine in literaryworld too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a liberator and thelike. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of mankind.Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show hisoriginality by working independently.FriendshipHe will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an original novelbent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a large number ofpeople, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of them. Due tohis rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in discord withhis acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good terms with suchpeople as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August to 14thSeptember approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th Novemberapproximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January approximately).MarriageHe should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and marriage andduring his married life as well. He should take care a bit, about his ownconduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely that he maymar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty andoverbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature. However he maybe mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in any of theVedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November approximately) Kartick(15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th December to14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi with his own.Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born with the moonin any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or Sagittarius(Dhanu).Some important information1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th May, 15th Augustto 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th December to14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels change of careerafter every 15 years usually.2. Tuesday is favourable for him.3. Red is a lucky colour for him.4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are lucky dates forhim. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health and luck.SynopsisThe native of this month is naturally independent and spirited. He does notlike restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and aspires formore light. " Light and more light " - will be his motto. He wants to lead andpioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head and helm ofaffairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head thereof. He doesnot like subordination of any kind.He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and enterprising.Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of brain and eyes,ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His married lifeis not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his overbearingattitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her reasoning inorder to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any profession wherecourage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and learning arerequired.He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for him to stop at acertain place for a long period. He should try to avoid physical and mentaloverstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and mental health andthus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm enough to hearand look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid discords.However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born leader andenthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute largely to make theworld bright and brilliant.Some great personages born in this month areSri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver Cromwell, Dukeof Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer, ScientistHuxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal Bose, HerrHitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan (Hirohita) ; FilmActors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc. _____ avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.com> : Outbound message clean. Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AMavast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software. -- Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM

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Shree Ganeshayanamaha,


I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who was

born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun aspects

the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the chart may

show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in reality.

May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your comments to

better understand the way jyotish works.


Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon(tula-


25:41:39),jupiter® (09:51:17),saturn(vrishabha-01:27:04),Rahu(makara



Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.



sohamsa , " Pt.Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath



> During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary (Sun)

> passes

> over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-called

head of

> Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one month is

> characterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of


> The

> sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence the mind


> character of the native born in this month.

> The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a fiery

> planet.

> Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet Mars,


> master

> of lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops is

> delineated

> below :-

> Character

> The internal character of the person born in this month may be


> up in

> a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is brisk,


> and

> active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the head


> affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he may be


> the

> head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in


> He

> can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to


> the

> affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any matter and

> expects

> others to follow him. However with all his activity and inspiration


> alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to

finish or

> accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is

> overzealous to

> get quick result and is impatient too.

> The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him. He


> not

> like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants

reforms in

> every department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish any

kind of

> business according and up to his ideal. He does not like that anyone

> will

> surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost in any

> affair.

> He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great ideal. He

> cherishes

> an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He also feels

> inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as it is


> his

> nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find fault


> other

> people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal one. It


> wise

> for him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes about

> himself and

> overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a bit too


> optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is opinionative.


> cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs or in


> independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should convince


> calmly

> to make him understand a thing.

> He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but he is


> restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and

> assistance of

> other persons to translate or materialize his idea into action. He

> wants to

> lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery


> He

> feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in preference to

> ordinary

> and stereotyped ways.

> He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is an

> intelligent

> man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and manners but


> cannot

> tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words when he

is in

> anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any trifling

> matter due

> to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting nature.

> Health

> The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is


> the

> head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore anyone

> born in

> this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind of brain

> disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental troubles,


> any

> kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e. he is

> likely to

> suffer from " Urdha Jatrugata " diseases as Ayurveda calls it and from

> bilious

> or blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition. It is

> likely

> that the condition of his brain remains excited and heated due to


> overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-

pressure or

> insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due to

> excessive

> exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and rest, and

> pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He should


> guard

> himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or wound.

> Fate

> He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is likely

> that he

> will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his changing


> restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and downs in


> and

> also establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration will


> activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear through

> adverse

> conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid

> impulsiveness

> and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> Profession (or capability)

> He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp


> and

> rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an

organizer, a

> pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of


> where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high posts,

and he

> may

> hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do well


> he is

> at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in


> He

> wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted exercise of


> head

> and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the full


> of

> his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine in

> literary

> world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a liberator

and the

> like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of


> Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show his

> originality by working independently.

> Friendship

> He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an original

> novel

> bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a large


> of

> people, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of them.


> to

> his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in discord

> with

> his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good terms with


> people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August to 14th

> September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th November

> approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January

> approximately).

> Marriage

> He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and marriage


> during his married life as well. He should take care a bit, about


> own

> conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely that


> may

> mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty and

> overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature.


> he may

> be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in any

of the

> Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November approximately)

> Kartick

> (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th

December to

> 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi with his

> own.

> Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born with


> moon

> in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or


> (Dhanu).

> Some important information

> 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th May,


> August

> to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th


> to

> 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels change of

> career

> after every 15 years usually.

> 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are lucky


> for

> him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health and


> Synopsis

> The native of this month is naturally independent and spirited. He


> not

> like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and

aspires for

> more light. " Light and more light " - will be his motto. He wants to

> lead and

> pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head and

helm of

> affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head thereof.


> does

> not like subordination of any kind.

> He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and

> enterprising.

> Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of brain and


> ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His


> life

> is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his


> attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her

> reasoning in

> order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any profession

> where

> courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and learning are

> required.

> He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for him to


> at a

> certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid physical and

> mental

> overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and mental

> health and

> thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm

enough to

> hear

> and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid


> However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born leader


> enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute largely to


> the

> world bright and brilliant.

> Some great personages born in this month are

> Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver


> Duke

> of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer,


> Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal Bose,


> Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan

(Hirohita) ;

> Film

> Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.


> _____

> avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.com> : Outbound message clean.


> Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


> --

> Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM


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II Om Gurave Namah IIHari om ,

Post of "hmuttagi" hmuttagi

is a point, I have always wondered How these worlds transits

are helpful?

I am perplexed the postings are coming from the pen of celebrated Master.

How to correctluy utilize.

Posting is related to one month.It is very exhaustive naturally much labour has gone in writing and eleven times more labour is expected to complete the series.

I remember two incidents.

1. Perhaps it was Free press Journal, may be i used to read some newspaper around 1968 published from Bombay.The paper carried wonderful and very interesting column in Jyotish.Suudenly they stopped

but same paper continued to carry weekly rasi phal. Later on it was found that colums were continued to be readjusted by composer and nobody could understand that auther is no more unless detected.

2. Astrological Magazine continued to carry detailed Gochar phala meticously taking into consideration vedha month after months.

I do remember even Utpal did not made use of such influences in answering Personal Section.

Any way if series is completed I will ponder over it.

How and to what extent to make use of the information.



Sarve Bhavantu SukhinahSarve Santu NiramayaSarve Bhadrani PasyantuMa Kashchid Dukh Bhaag BhaveitHARI OM TATSAT------------------------R.C.SrivastavaFor Consultation -ServiceE-mail : swami_rcs


199,MMIG "Guru Kripa"Shaheed Nagar. Agra 282001INDIA


Ph +91-562-223-2323/+91-562-400-1223 Mob +91-94122-68768http://www.cosmograce.comhttp://www.kaalvastu.comhttp://www.cosmograce.blogspot.com------------------------ Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy our sins, and guide us in the right direction!



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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Sir, Namaskar

Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of whom we

are. I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and

nice... far from being argumentative and forceful like Mars. Similarly

apply this to all planets in the seventh house.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen

email: visti

For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




hmuttagi wrote:



Shree Ganeshayanamaha,


I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who was

born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun aspects

the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the chart may

show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in reality.

May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your comments to

better understand the way jyotish works.


Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon(tula-


25:41:39),jupiter® (09:51:17),saturn(vrishabha-01:27:04),Rahu(makara



Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.


sohamsa ,

"Pt.Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath



> During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary (Sun)

> passes

> over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-called

head of

> Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one month is

> characterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of


> The

> sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence the



> character of the native born in this month.

> The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a fiery

> planet.

> Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet Mars,


> master

> of lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops is

> delineated

> below :-

> Character

> The internal character of the person born in this month may be


> up in

> a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is brisk,


> and

> active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the head



> affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he may be



> the

> head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in


> He

> can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to


> the

> affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any matter


> expects

> others to follow him. However with all his activity and



> alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to

finish or

> accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is

> overzealous to

> get quick result and is impatient too.

> The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him. He


> not

> like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants

reforms in

> every department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish any

kind of

> business according and up to his ideal. He does not like that


> will

> surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost in


> affair.

> He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great ideal. He

> cherishes

> an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He also


> inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as it is



> his

> nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find fault


> other

> people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal one.



> wise

> for him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes about

> himself and

> overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a bit



> optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is



> cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs or



> independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should convince


> calmly

> to make him understand a thing.

> He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but he is


> restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and

> assistance of

> other persons to translate or materialize his idea into action. He

> wants to

> lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery


> He

> feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in preference to

> ordinary

> and stereotyped ways.

> He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is an

> intelligent

> man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and manners but



> cannot

> tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words when he

is in

> anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any trifling

> matter due

> to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting nature.

> Health

> The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is


> the

> head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore anyone

> born in

> this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind of


> disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental troubles,



> any

> kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e. he is

> likely to

> suffer from "Urdha Jatrugata" diseases as Ayurveda calls it and


> bilious

> or blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition. It is

> likely

> that the condition of his brain remains excited and heated due to


> overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-

pressure or

> insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due to

> excessive

> exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and rest,


> pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He should


> guard

> himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or wound.

> Fate

> He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is likely

> that he

> will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his changing


> restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and downs in



> and

> also establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration will



> activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear through

> adverse

> conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid

> impulsiveness

> and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> Profession (or capability)

> He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp


> and

> rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an

organizer, a

> pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of


> where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high posts,

and he

> may

> hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do well


> he is

> at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in


> He

> wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted exercise



> head

> and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the full



> of

> his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine in

> literary

> world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a liberator

and the

> like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of


> Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show his

> originality by working independently.

> Friendship

> He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an original

> novel

> bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a large


> of

> people, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of them.



> to

> his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in


> with

> his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good terms



> people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August to


> September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th


> approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January

> approximately).

> Marriage

> He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and marriage



> during his married life as well. He should take care a bit, about


> own

> conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely that



> may

> mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty and

> overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature.


> he may

> be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in any

of the

> Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November approximately)

> Kartick

> (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th

December to

> 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi with


> own.

> Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born with



> moon

> in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or


> (Dhanu).

> Some important information

> 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th May,


> August

> to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th


> to

> 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels change of

> career

> after every 15 years usually.

> 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are lucky


> for

> him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health and


> Synopsis

> The native of this month is naturally independent and spirited. He



> not

> like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and

aspires for

> more light. "Light and more light" - will be his motto. He wants to

> lead and

> pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head and

helm of

> affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head



> does

> not like subordination of any kind.

> He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and

> enterprising.

> Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of brain and



> ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His


> life

> is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his


> attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her

> reasoning in

> order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any


> where

> courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and learning are

> required.

> He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for him to



> at a

> certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid physical


> mental

> overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and mental

> health and

> thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm

enough to

> hear

> and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid


> However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born



> enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute largely to


> the

> world bright and brilliant.

> Some great personages born in this month are

> Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver


> Duke

> of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer,


> Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal Bose,


> Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan

(Hirohita) ;

> Film

> Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.


> _____

> avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.com>

: Outbound message clean.


> Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


> --

> Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM


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Dear sir,


With jupiter in the 7th how the person will be.


Thanks. Rgds



Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld



Visti Larsen <visti

Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:13:35


Re: Re: [sun Signs] Vaisakh - Aries (April 15 - May 14)


Untitled Document


Dear Sir, Namaskar

Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are.

I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and nice... far from

being argumentative and forceful like Mars. Similarly apply this to all planets

in the seventh house.



Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) : <visti com

For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.: <http://srigaruda.com>



hmuttagi wrote:


Shree Ganeshayanamaha,


I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who was

born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun aspects

the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the chart may

show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in reality.

May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your comments to

better understand the way jyotish works.


Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon(tula-


25:41:39),jupiter® (09:51:17),saturn(vrishabha-01:27:04),Rahu(makara



Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.


sohamsa@: <sohamsa%40> .com, " Pt.Sanjay

Rath " <sanjayrath



> During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary (Sun)

> passes

> over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-called

head of

> Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one month is

> characterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of


> The

> sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence the mind


> character of the native born in this month.

> The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a fiery

> planet.

> Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet Mars,


> master

> of lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops is

> delineated

> below :-

> Character

> The internal character of the person born in this month may be


> up in

> a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is brisk,


> and

> active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the head


> affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he may be


> the

> head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in


> He

> can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to


> the

> affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any matter and

> expects

> others to follow him. However with all his activity and inspiration


> alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to

finish or

> accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is

> overzealous to

> get quick result and is impatient too.

> The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him. He


> not

> like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants

reforms in

> every department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish any

kind of

> business according and up to his ideal. He does not like that anyone

> will

> surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost in any

> affair.

> He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great ideal. He

> cherishes

> an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He also feels

> inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as it is


> his

> nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find fault


> other

> people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal one. It


> wise

> for him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes about

> himself and

> overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a bit too


> optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is opinionative.


> cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs or in


> independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should convince


> calmly

> to make him understand a thing.

> He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but he is


> restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and

> assistance of

> other persons to translate or materialize his idea into action. He

> wants to

> lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery


> He

> feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in preference to

> ordinary

> and stereotyped ways.

> He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is an

> intelligent

> man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and manners but


> cannot

> tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words when he

is in

> anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any trifling

> matter due

> to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting nature.

> Health

> The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is


> the

> head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore anyone

> born in

> this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind of brain

> disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental troubles,


> any

> kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e. he is

> likely to

> suffer from " Urdha Jatrugata " diseases as Ayurveda calls it and from

> bilious

> or blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition. It is

> likely

> that the condition of his brain remains excited and heated due to


> overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-

pressure or

> insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due to

> excessive

> exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and rest, and

> pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He should


> guard

> himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or wound.

> Fate

> He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is likely

> that he

> will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his changing


> restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and downs in


> and

> also establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration will


> activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear through

> adverse

> conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid

> impulsiveness

> and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> Profession (or capability)

> He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp


> and

> rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an

organizer, a

> pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of


> where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high posts,

and he

> may

> hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do well


> he is

> at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in


> He

> wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted exercise of


> head

> and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the full


> of

> his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine in

> literary

> world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a liberator

and the

> like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of


> Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show his

> originality by working independently.

> Friendship

> He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an original

> novel

> bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a large


> of

> people, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of them.


> to

> his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in discord

> with

> his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good terms with


> people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August to 14th

> September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th November

> approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January

> approximately).

> Marriage

> He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and marriage


> during his married life as well. He should take care a bit, about


> own

> conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely that


> may

> mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty and

> overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature.


> he may

> be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in any

of the

> Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November approximately)

> Kartick

> (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th

December to

> 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi with his

> own.

> Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born with


> moon

> in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or


> (Dhanu).

> Some important information

> 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th May,


> August

> to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th


> to

> 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels change of

> career

> after every 15 years usually.

> 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are lucky


> for

> him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health and


> Synopsis

> The native of this month is naturally independent and spirited. He


> not

> like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and

aspires for

> more light. " Light and more light " - will be his motto. He wants to

> lead and

> pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head and

helm of

> affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head thereof.


> does

> not like subordination of any kind.

> He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and

> enterprising.

> Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of brain and


> ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His


> life

> is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his


> attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her

> reasoning in

> order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any profession

> where

> courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and learning are

> required.

> He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for him to


> at a

> certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid physical and

> mental

> overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and mental

> health and

> thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm

enough to

> hear

> and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid


> However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born leader


> enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute largely to


> the

> world bright and brilliant.

> Some great personages born in this month are

> Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver


> Duke

> of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer,


> Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal Bose,


> Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan

(Hirohita) ;

> Film

> Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.


> _____

> avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.: <http://www.avast.com> com> : Outbound

message clean.


> Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


> --

> Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM


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[ Hare Rama Krsna ]Dear Visti,Could you elaborate on this? I thought Kendras to Lagna supported the same, so why does the 7th house show the complete opposite? Initially I thought of Hitler, who has Mars in the 7th house, allbeit there are many other combinations there also, but hardly very caring and nice...Respectfully,Michal[ Om Namo Narayanaya ]Visti Larsen <vistiTo:

sohamsa Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 6:13:35 AMRe: Re: [sun Signs] Vaisakh - Aries (April 15 - May 14)




Untitled Document

हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Sir, Namaskar

Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of whom we

are. I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and

nice... far from being argumentative and forceful like Mars. Similarly

apply this to all planets in the seventh house.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com




hmuttagi wrote:



Shree Ganeshayanamaha,


I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who was

born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun aspects

the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the chart may

show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in reality.

May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your comments to

better understand the way jyotish works.


Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon( tula-

14:16:51),mercury( mesha-1:09: 01),mars( makara-9: 26:17),venus( meena-

25:41:39),jupiter( r) (09:51:17),saturn( vrishabha- 01:27:04) ,Rahu(makara

25:45:47),Ketu( Karka-25: 45:47)


Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.


sohamsa@ .com,

"Pt.Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath@ ...>



> During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary (Sun)

> passes

> over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-called

head of

> Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one month is

> characterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of


> The

> sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence the



> character of the native born in this month.

> The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a fiery

> planet.

> Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet Mars,


> master

> of lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops is

> delineated

> below :-

> Character

> The internal character of the person born in this month may be


> up in

> a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is brisk,


> and

> active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the head



> affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he may be



> the

> head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in


> He

> can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to


> the

> affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any matter


> expects

> others to follow him. However with all his activity and



> alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to

finish or

> accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is

> overzealous to

> get quick result and is impatient too.

> The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him. He


> not

> like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants

reforms in

> every department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish any

kind of

> business according and up to his ideal. He does not like that


> will

> surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost in


> affair.

> He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great ideal. He

> cherishes

> an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He also


> inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as it is



> his

> nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find fault


> other

> people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal one.



> wise

> for him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes about

> himself and

> overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a bit



> optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is



> cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs or



> independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should convince


> calmly

> to make him understand a thing.

> He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but he is


> restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and

> assistance of

> other persons to translate or materialize his idea into action. He

> wants to

> lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery


> He

> feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in preference to

> ordinary

> and stereotyped ways.

> He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is an

> intelligent

> man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and manners but



> cannot

> tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words when he

is in

> anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any trifling

> matter due

> to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting nature.

> Health

> The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is


> the

> head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore anyone

> born in

> this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind of


> disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental troubles,



> any

> kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e. he is

> likely to

> suffer from "Urdha Jatrugata" diseases as Ayurveda calls it and


> bilious

> or blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition. It is

> likely

> that the condition of his brain remains excited and heated due to


> overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-

pressure or

> insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due to

> excessive

> exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and rest,


> pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He should


> guard

> himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or wound.

> Fate

> He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is likely

> that he

> will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his changing


> restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and downs in



> and

> also establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration will



> activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear through

> adverse

> conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid

> impulsiveness

> and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> Profession (or capability)

> He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp


> and

> rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an

organizer, a

> pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of


> where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high posts,

and he

> may

> hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do well


> he is

> at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in


> He

> wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted exercise



> head

> and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the full



> of

> his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine in

> literary

> world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a liberator

and the

> like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of


> Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show his

> originality by working independently.

> Friendship

> He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an original

> novel

> bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a large


> of

> people, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of them.



> to

> his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in


> with

> his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good terms



> people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August to


> September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th


> approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January

> approximately) .

> Marriage

> He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and marriage



> during his married life as well. He should take care a bit, about


> own

> conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely that



> may

> mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty and

> overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature.


> he may

> be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in any

of the

> Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November approximately)

> Kartick

> (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th

December to

> 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi with


> own.

> Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born with



> moon

> in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or


> (Dhanu).

> Some important information

> 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th May,


> August

> to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th


> to

> 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels change of

> career

> after every 15 years usually.

> 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are lucky


> for

> him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health and


> Synopsis

> The native of this month is naturally independent and spirited. He



> not

> like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and

aspires for

> more light. "Light and more light" - will be his motto. He wants to

> lead and

> pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head and

helm of

> affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head



> does

> not like subordination of any kind.

> He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and

> enterprising.

> Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of brain and



> ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His


> life

> is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his


> attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her

> reasoning in

> order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any


> where

> courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and learning are

> required.

> He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for him to



> at a

> certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid physical


> mental

> overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and mental

> health and

> thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm

enough to

> hear

> and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid


> However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born



> enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute largely to


> the

> world bright and brilliant.

> Some great personages born in this month are

> Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver


> Duke

> of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer,


> Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal Bose,


> Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan

(Hirohita) ;

> Film

> Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.


> _____

> avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast. com>

: Outbound message clean.


> Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.


> --

> Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM







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Untitled Document||Hare Ram Krishna||


Dear Visti,




Do you not mean that the 7H planet shows the attitude towards

spouse/relationships? And that this attitude will be the opposite of the

natural characeristic of the planet?


Sanjay ji has explained that 7H planet shows one attitude towards the



I also wanted to know how one can be helped in changing this attitude, if

it is an adverse one. Like Moon in 7H, may make one very

insensitive/unemotional/not caring and Ju, may make one think the spouse is

an idiot. Also how is Ketu considered in 7H, as many seem to unable to

assign it as malefic or benefic, being headless!


Your comments will be much appreciated.


Thanks as always for your guidance.





>>Dear Sir, Namaskar

Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are.

I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and nice... far

from being argumentative and forceful like Mars. Similarly apply this to all

planets in the seventh house.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen

email: visti

For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Sir,

It`s amazing how much of importance the western astrology gave to

these wordly transits even without the knowledge of the Atma...must

be a kind of an esotheric intuition. Considering that the Sun is

naisargika Atma karaka we are more then obliged to properly

understand in what way the light is cominig in our lives and how it

will/can be used.





sohamsa , " swami " <swami_rcs wrote:



> II Om Gurave Namah II

> Hari om ,

> Post of " hmuttagi " hmuttagi

> is a point, I have always wondered How these worlds transits

> are helpful?

> I am perplexed the postings are coming from the pen of celebrated


> How to correctluy utilize.

> Posting is related to one month.It is very exhaustive naturally

much labour has gone in writing and eleven times more labour is

expected to complete the series.

> I remember two incidents.

> 1. Perhaps it was Free press Journal, may be i used to read some

newspaper around 1968 published from Bombay.The paper carried

wonderful and very interesting column in Jyotish.Suudenly they stopped

> but same paper continued to carry weekly rasi phal. Later on it was

found that colums were continued to be readjusted by composer and

nobody could understand that auther is no more unless detected.

> 2. Astrological Magazine continued to carry detailed Gochar phala

meticously taking into consideration vedha month after months.

> I do remember even Utpal did not made use of such influences in

answering Personal Section.

> Any way if series is completed I will ponder over it.

> How and to what extent to make use of the information.





> Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah

> Sarve Santu Niramaya

> Sarve Bhadrani Pasyantu

> Ma Kashchid Dukh Bhaag Bhaveit


> ------------------------

> R.C.Srivastava

> For Consultation -Service

> E-mail : swami_rcs


> 199,MMIG " Guru Kripa "

> Shaheed Nagar. Agra 282001



> Ph +91-562-223-2323/+91-562-400-1223

> Mob +91-94122-68768

> http://www.cosmograce.com

> http://www.kaalvastu.com

> http://www.cosmograce.blogspot.com

> ------------------------

> Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy

> radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy

> our sins, and guide us in the right direction!


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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Sharat, Namaskar

Do see my previous mail to Sundeep also. Opposites attract is really

the theme for the seventh house, and so also what you are seeking in

relationships also indicates how you will behave. However, the persons

OWN nature will not be this.


Either of the nodes in the seventh house has been designated as a

sign of adultery according to Vyankatesh Sharma (Sarvartha Chintamani)

and my experience is that especially with Ketu in the seventh house

that the motivation arises if no (biological) children come in

marriage. This is because Ketu's premise for allowing marriage is that

the family must grow, hence Ketu can cause marriage for this reason.


Rahu's or Ravana's motivation for marriage is very different. I'm

sure you can get the hint.


The method to overcome the weaknesses caused by the malefics

joining/lording/aspecting the seventh house is by worshiping the

Mahavidya of the same.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen

email: visti

For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




Sharat wrote:



Untitled Document||Hare Ram Krishna||


Dear Visti,




Do you not mean that the 7H planet shows the attitude towards

spouse/relationships? And that this attitude will be the opposite

of the

natural characeristic of the planet?


Sanjay ji has explained that 7H planet shows one attitude towards the



I also wanted to know how one can be helped in changing this attitude,


it is an adverse one. Like Moon in 7H, may make one very

insensitive/unemotional/not caring and Ju, may make one think

the spouse is

an idiot. Also how is Ketu considered in 7H, as many seem to unable to

assign it as malefic or benefic, being headless!


Your comments will be much appreciated.


Thanks as always for your guidance.




>>Dear Sir, Namaskar

Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of whom we


I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and nice...


from being argumentative and forceful like Mars. Similarly apply this

to all

planets in the seventh house.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

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