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[Sun Signs] Vaisakh - Aries (April 15 - May 14) - to Vistiji

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Are you sure? Your observation does NOT bear out in practice at

all.. While I have noticed Mars in 7ths to definitely be caring and

nice, they are ALSO definitely extremely forceful, ESPECIALLY when

confronted, at which time they are unstoppable. The two

characteristics are not contradictory and can occur together -

simply because they are caring you cannot assume that they are

pushovers. And if what you say were to be true, then why would Mars

in own house or in exaltation in 7th be Ruchaka yoga (natural

leader, enterprising, bold). Where do you see such people - as

leaders of armies, or as loving nuns in charities? Was Hitler

forceful or was he a benign caring person, as your theory might have

him be - he had Mars (moolatrikona) and Sun (exalted) in the 7th (Me

and Ve too)?


I would love to see examples of the lives of famous Ruchaka Yoga

Mars in 7ths to support your conclusion. I know two - Hitler, and

the most famous American chess guy - forget his name - Bobby

Fischer, thats it. Both were known to be competitive to no end.

Bobby Fischer is really the example you should take - unaspected

Ruchaka yoga *Paaraavatamsa*/*Chandanvaanamsa* Mars in 7th, and is

the ONLY planet on the 1-7 axis although ascendant is also aspected

by Saturn. I forget where the actual piece where this was written,

but it was something like " put him wherever you want, in any game

you want, and he wont stop until he wins - chess simply happened to

catch his interest first " .







sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Sir, Namaskar

> Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of

whom we

> are. I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and

> nice... far from being argumentative and forceful like Mars.


> apply this to all planets in the seventh house.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti <visti

> For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

> <http://srigaruda.com>



> hmuttagi wrote:

> >

> > Shree Ganeshayanamaha,

> >

> > I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who was

> > born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun


> > the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

> > initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the chart


> > show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in


> > May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your

comments to

> > better understand the way jyotish works.

> >

> > Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon


> > 14:16:51),mercury(mesha-1:09:01),mars(makara-9:26:17),venus


> > 25:41:39),jupiter® (09:51:17),saturn(vrishabha-01:27:04),Rahu


> > 25:45:47),Ketu(Karka-25:45:47)

> >

> > Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.

> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%


> > " Pt.Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary


> > > passes

> > > over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-


> > head of

> > > Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one

month is

> > > characterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of

> > Aries.

> > > The

> > > sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence the


> > and

> > > character of the native born in this month.

> > > The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a


> > > planet.

> > > Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet


> > the

> > > master

> > > of lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops


> > > delineated

> > > below :-

> > > Character

> > > The internal character of the person born in this month may be

> > summed

> > > up in

> > > a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is


> > alert

> > > and

> > > active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the


> > of

> > > affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he

may be

> > in

> > > the

> > > head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in

> > subordination.

> > > He

> > > can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to

> > accomplish

> > > the

> > > affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any

matter and

> > > expects

> > > others to follow him. However with all his activity and


> > and

> > > alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to

> > finish or

> > > accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is

> > > overzealous to

> > > get quick result and is impatient too.

> > > The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him.


> > does

> > > not

> > > like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants

> > reforms in

> > > every department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish any

> > kind of

> > > business according and up to his ideal. He does not like that


> > > will

> > > surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost

in any

> > > affair.

> > > He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great ideal.


> > > cherishes

> > > an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He also


> > > inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as

it is

> > in

> > > his

> > > nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find


> > with

> > > other

> > > people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal

one. It

> > is

> > > wise

> > > for him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes


> > > himself and

> > > overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a

bit too

> > much

> > > optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is


> > He

> > > cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs

or in

> > his

> > > independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should


> > him

> > > calmly

> > > to make him understand a thing.

> > > He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but he


> > rather

> > > restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and

> > > assistance of

> > > other persons to translate or materialize his idea into

action. He

> > > wants to

> > > lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery

> > enthusiasm.

> > > He

> > > feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in

preference to

> > > ordinary

> > > and stereotyped ways.

> > > He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is


> > > intelligent

> > > man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and manners


> > he

> > > cannot

> > > tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words when


> > is in

> > > anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any


> > > matter due

> > > to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting nature.

> > > Health

> > > The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is

> > called

> > > the

> > > head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore


> > > born in

> > > this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind of


> > > disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental


> > or

> > > any

> > > kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e. he


> > > likely to

> > > suffer from " Urdha Jatrugata " diseases as Ayurveda calls it

and from

> > > bilious

> > > or blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition.

It is

> > > likely

> > > that the condition of his brain remains excited and heated due


> > his

> > > overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-

> > pressure or

> > > insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due to

> > > excessive

> > > exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and

rest, and

> > > pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He


> > also

> > > guard

> > > himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or


> > > Fate

> > > He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is


> > > that he

> > > will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his


> > and

> > > restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and

downs in

> > life

> > > and

> > > also establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration


> > and

> > > activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear


> > > adverse

> > > conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid

> > > impulsiveness

> > > and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> > > Profession (or capability)

> > > He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp

> > intelligence

> > > and

> > > rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an

> > organizer, a

> > > pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of

> > undertaking

> > > where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high


> > and he

> > > may

> > > hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do


> > when

> > > he is

> > > at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in

> > subordination.

> > > He

> > > wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted

exercise of

> > his

> > > head

> > > and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the


> > play

> > > of

> > > his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine


> > > literary

> > > world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a


> > and the

> > > like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of

> > mankind.

> > > Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show


> > > originality by working independently.

> > > Friendship

> > > He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an


> > > novel

> > > bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a large

> > number

> > > of

> > > people, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of


> > Due

> > > to

> > > his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in


> > > with

> > > his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good terms


> > such

> > > people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August

to 14th

> > > September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th


> > > approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January

> > > approximately).

> > > Marriage

> > > He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and


> > and

> > > during his married life as well. He should take care a bit,


> > his

> > > own

> > > conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely


> > he

> > > may

> > > mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty


> > > overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature.

> > However

> > > he may

> > > be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in


> > of the

> > > Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November


> > > Kartick

> > > (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th

> > December to

> > > 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi

with his

> > > own.

> > > Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born


> > the

> > > moon

> > > in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or

> > Sagittarius

> > > (Dhanu).

> > > Some important information

> > > 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th


> > 15th

> > > August

> > > to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th

> > December

> > > to

> > > 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels

change of

> > > career

> > > after every 15 years usually.

> > > 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> > > 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> > > 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are lucky

> > dates

> > > for

> > > him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health


> > luck.

> > > Synopsis

> > > The native of this month is naturally independent and

spirited. He

> > does

> > > not

> > > like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and

> > aspires for

> > > more light. " Light and more light " - will be his motto. He

wants to

> > > lead and

> > > pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head and

> > helm of

> > > affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head


> > He

> > > does

> > > not like subordination of any kind.

> > > He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and

> > > enterprising.

> > > Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of brain


> > eyes,

> > > ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His

> > married

> > > life

> > > is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his

> > overbearing

> > > attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her

> > > reasoning in

> > > order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any


> > > where

> > > courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and

learning are

> > > required.

> > > He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for

him to

> > stop

> > > at a

> > > certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid

physical and

> > > mental

> > > overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and


> > > health and

> > > thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm

> > enough to

> > > hear

> > > and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid

> > discords.

> > > However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born


> > and

> > > enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute largely


> > make

> > > the

> > > world bright and brilliant.

> > > Some great personages born in this month are

> > > Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver

> > Cromwell,

> > > Duke

> > > of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer,

> > Scientist

> > > Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal


> > Herr

> > > Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan

> > (Hirohita) ;

> > > Film

> > > Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.

> > >

> > > _____

> > > avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.com

<http://www.avast.com>> :

> > Outbound message clean.

> > >

> > > Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> > > Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> > > avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

> > >

> > > --

> > > Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM

> > >

> >

> >


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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Sundeep,

I believe you`ve answered your question. A person with Mars in the

7th will become forceful WHEN confronted. In other words he will be

forced to fight, but that is not in his nature.

Hitler`s example is not actually a right one. He definetly know how

to fight opponents, but violence and crimes in this case are not

caused by the Ruchaka mahapurusa yoga but by Shakti yoga in his chart.

The fact that Bobby F. is a great, unbeatable chess player doesn`t

mean that he has Marsian nature but that he knows how to play chess,

and that WHEN ON THE BATTLEFIELD he acts as a true warrior thanks to

this strong Mars.

BTW, he also has Shakti yoga...




sohamsa , " vedicastrostudent "

<vedicastrostudent wrote:


> Visti-ji,

> Are you sure? Your observation does NOT bear out in practice at

> all.. While I have noticed Mars in 7ths to definitely be caring and

> nice, they are ALSO definitely extremely forceful, ESPECIALLY when

> confronted, at which time they are unstoppable. The two

> characteristics are not contradictory and can occur together -

> simply because they are caring you cannot assume that they are

> pushovers. And if what you say were to be true, then why would Mars

> in own house or in exaltation in 7th be Ruchaka yoga (natural

> leader, enterprising, bold). Where do you see such people - as

> leaders of armies, or as loving nuns in charities? Was Hitler

> forceful or was he a benign caring person, as your theory might


> him be - he had Mars (moolatrikona) and Sun (exalted) in the 7th


> and Ve too)?


> I would love to see examples of the lives of famous Ruchaka Yoga

> Mars in 7ths to support your conclusion. I know two - Hitler, and

> the most famous American chess guy - forget his name - Bobby

> Fischer, thats it. Both were known to be competitive to no end.

> Bobby Fischer is really the example you should take - unaspected

> Ruchaka yoga *Paaraavatamsa*/*Chandanvaanamsa* Mars in 7th, and is

> the ONLY planet on the 1-7 axis although ascendant is also aspected

> by Saturn. I forget where the actual piece where this was written,

> but it was something like " put him wherever you want, in any game

> you want, and he wont stop until he wins - chess simply happened to

> catch his interest first " .



> Thanks


> Sundeep


> sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > ??? ??? ??????

> >

> > Dear Sir, Namaskar

> > Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of

> whom we

> > are. I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring


> > nice... far from being argumentative and forceful like Mars.

> Similarly

> > apply this to all planets in the seventh house.

> >

> > Yours sincerely,

> >

> > --

> > Visti Larsen

> > email: visti@ <visti@>

> > For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

> > <http://srigaruda.com>

> >

> >

> > hmuttagi wrote:

> > >

> > > Shree Ganeshayanamaha,

> > >

> > > I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who


> > > born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun

> aspects

> > > the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

> > > initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the chart

> may

> > > show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in

> reality.

> > > May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your

> comments to

> > > better understand the way jyotish works.

> > >

> > > Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon

> (tula-

> > > 14:16:51),mercury(mesha-1:09:01),mars(makara-9:26:17),venus

> (meena-

> > > 25:41:39),jupiter® (09:51:17),saturn(vrishabha-01:27:04),Rahu

> (makara

> > > 25:45:47),Ketu(Karka-25:45:47)

> > >

> > > Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.

> > >

> > > sohamsa <sohamsa%

> 40>,

> > > " Pt.Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary

> (Sun)

> > > > passes

> > > > over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-

> called

> > > head of

> > > > Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one

> month is

> > > > characterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of

> > > Aries.

> > > > The

> > > > sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence


> mind

> > > and

> > > > character of the native born in this month.

> > > > The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a

> fiery

> > > > planet.

> > > > Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet

> Mars,

> > > the

> > > > master

> > > > of lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops

> is

> > > > delineated

> > > > below :-

> > > > Character

> > > > The internal character of the person born in this month may be

> > > summed

> > > > up in

> > > > a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is

> brisk,

> > > alert

> > > > and

> > > > active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the

> head

> > > of

> > > > affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he

> may be

> > > in

> > > > the

> > > > head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in

> > > subordination.

> > > > He

> > > > can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to

> > > accomplish

> > > > the

> > > > affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any

> matter and

> > > > expects

> > > > others to follow him. However with all his activity and

> inspiration

> > > and

> > > > alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to

> > > finish or

> > > > accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is

> > > > overzealous to

> > > > get quick result and is impatient too.

> > > > The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him.

> He

> > > does

> > > > not

> > > > like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants

> > > reforms in

> > > > every department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish


> > > kind of

> > > > business according and up to his ideal. He does not like that

> anyone

> > > > will

> > > > surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost

> in any

> > > > affair.

> > > > He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great


> He

> > > > cherishes

> > > > an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He


> feels

> > > > inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as

> it is

> > > in

> > > > his

> > > > nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find

> fault

> > > with

> > > > other

> > > > people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal

> one. It

> > > is

> > > > wise

> > > > for him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes

> about

> > > > himself and

> > > > overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a

> bit too

> > > much

> > > > optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is

> opinionative.

> > > He

> > > > cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs

> or in

> > > his

> > > > independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should

> convince

> > > him

> > > > calmly

> > > > to make him understand a thing.

> > > > He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but


> is

> > > rather

> > > > restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and

> > > > assistance of

> > > > other persons to translate or materialize his idea into

> action. He

> > > > wants to

> > > > lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery

> > > enthusiasm.

> > > > He

> > > > feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in

> preference to

> > > > ordinary

> > > > and stereotyped ways.

> > > > He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is

> an

> > > > intelligent

> > > > man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and


> but

> > > he

> > > > cannot

> > > > tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words


> he

> > > is in

> > > > anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any

> trifling

> > > > matter due

> > > > to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting


> > > > Health

> > > > The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is

> > > called

> > > > the

> > > > head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore

> anyone

> > > > born in

> > > > this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind


> brain

> > > > disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental

> troubles,

> > > or

> > > > any

> > > > kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e.


> is

> > > > likely to

> > > > suffer from " Urdha Jatrugata " diseases as Ayurveda calls it

> and from

> > > > bilious

> > > > or blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition.

> It is

> > > > likely

> > > > that the condition of his brain remains excited and heated


> to

> > > his

> > > > overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-

> > > pressure or

> > > > insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due


> > > > excessive

> > > > exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and

> rest, and

> > > > pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He

> should

> > > also

> > > > guard

> > > > himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or

> wound.

> > > > Fate

> > > > He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is

> likely

> > > > that he

> > > > will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his

> changing

> > > and

> > > > restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and

> downs in

> > > life

> > > > and

> > > > also establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration

> will

> > > and

> > > > activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear

> through

> > > > adverse

> > > > conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid

> > > > impulsiveness

> > > > and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> > > > Profession (or capability)

> > > > He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp

> > > intelligence

> > > > and

> > > > rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an

> > > organizer, a

> > > > pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of

> > > undertaking

> > > > where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high

> posts,

> > > and he

> > > > may

> > > > hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do

> well

> > > when

> > > > he is

> > > > at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in

> > > subordination.

> > > > He

> > > > wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted

> exercise of

> > > his

> > > > head

> > > > and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the

> full

> > > play

> > > > of

> > > > his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine

> in

> > > > literary

> > > > world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a

> liberator

> > > and the

> > > > like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of

> > > mankind.

> > > > Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show

> his

> > > > originality by working independently.

> > > > Friendship

> > > > He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an

> original

> > > > novel

> > > > bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a


> > > number

> > > > of

> > > > people, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of

> them.

> > > Due

> > > > to

> > > > his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in

> discord

> > > > with

> > > > his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good


> with

> > > such

> > > > people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August

> to 14th

> > > > September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th

> November

> > > > approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January

> > > > approximately).

> > > > Marriage

> > > > He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and

> marriage

> > > and

> > > > during his married life as well. He should take care a bit,

> about

> > > his

> > > > own

> > > > conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely

> that

> > > he

> > > > may

> > > > mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty

> and

> > > > overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature.

> > > However

> > > > he may

> > > > be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in

> any

> > > of the

> > > > Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November

> approximately)

> > > > Kartick

> > > > (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th

> > > December to

> > > > 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi

> with his

> > > > own.

> > > > Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born

> with

> > > the

> > > > moon

> > > > in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or

> > > Sagittarius

> > > > (Dhanu).

> > > > Some important information

> > > > 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th

> May,

> > > 15th

> > > > August

> > > > to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th

> > > December

> > > > to

> > > > 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels

> change of

> > > > career

> > > > after every 15 years usually.

> > > > 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> > > > 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> > > > 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are


> > > dates

> > > > for

> > > > him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health

> and

> > > luck.

> > > > Synopsis

> > > > The native of this month is naturally independent and

> spirited. He

> > > does

> > > > not

> > > > like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and

> > > aspires for

> > > > more light. " Light and more light " - will be his motto. He

> wants to

> > > > lead and

> > > > pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head


> > > helm of

> > > > affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head

> thereof.

> > > He

> > > > does

> > > > not like subordination of any kind.

> > > > He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and

> > > > enterprising.

> > > > Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of


> and

> > > eyes,

> > > > ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His

> > > married

> > > > life

> > > > is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his

> > > overbearing

> > > > attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her

> > > > reasoning in

> > > > order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any

> profession

> > > > where

> > > > courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and

> learning are

> > > > required.

> > > > He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for

> him to

> > > stop

> > > > at a

> > > > certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid

> physical and

> > > > mental

> > > > overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and

> mental

> > > > health and

> > > > thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm

> > > enough to

> > > > hear

> > > > and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid

> > > discords.

> > > > However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born

> leader

> > > and

> > > > enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute


> to

> > > make

> > > > the

> > > > world bright and brilliant.

> > > > Some great personages born in this month are

> > > > Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver

> > > Cromwell,

> > > > Duke

> > > > of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer,

> > > Scientist

> > > > Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal

> Bose,

> > > Herr

> > > > Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan

> > > (Hirohita) ;

> > > > Film

> > > > Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.

> > > >

> > > > _____

> > > > avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.com

> <http://www.avast.com>> :

> > > Outbound message clean.

> > > >

> > > > Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> > > > Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> > > > avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

> > > >

> > > > --

> > > > Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

Whenever a person is confronted then Mars gets activated in a chart,

whether or not it has an association with the lagna. Just see the

placement and aspects of Mars in your chart and you will know which

'issues' you tend to be defensive about. A person with Mars in the

seventh house will start digging trenches once their name/reputation

(first house), job/career (tenth house) and money matters (second

house) come under scrutiny.


As for Ruchaka Mahapurusha yoga, all mahapurusha yogas fall under a

separate category when it comes to interpretation. Mahapurusha yogas

carry the intelligence of Shiva and so also the dhi of the native gets

focused on the mahapurusha yoga. You will find that curses/afflictions

to a mahapurusha yoga in a chart tend to affect the persons mentality

and character. Just take the young Sri Achyuta Dasa whose Malavya

Mahapurusha yoga was afflicted by Saturn and Rahu... he was very

depressed and sad as a child... this is due to this yoga.


Hence, in the examples you cite with Mahapurusha yogas, we cannot

say that the principle is not working as their intelligence has become

directed towards that particular aspect of Shiva.

I hope this clarifies your questions.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen

email: visti

For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




vedicastrostudent wrote:




Are you sure? Your observation does NOT bear out in practice at

all.. While I have noticed Mars in 7ths to definitely be caring and

nice, they are ALSO definitely extremely forceful, ESPECIALLY when

confronted, at which time they are unstoppable. The two

characteristics are not contradictory and can occur together -

simply because they are caring you cannot assume that they are

pushovers. And if what you say were to be true, then why would Mars

in own house or in exaltation in 7th be Ruchaka yoga (natural

leader, enterprising, bold). Where do you see such people - as

leaders of armies, or as loving nuns in charities? Was Hitler

forceful or was he a benign caring person, as your theory might have

him be - he had Mars (moolatrikona) and Sun (exalted) in the 7th (Me

and Ve too)?


I would love to see examples of the lives of famous Ruchaka Yoga

Mars in 7ths to support your conclusion. I know two - Hitler, and

the most famous American chess guy - forget his name - Bobby

Fischer, thats it. Both were known to be competitive to no end.

Bobby Fischer is really the example you should take - unaspected

Ruchaka yoga *Paaraavatamsa*/*Chandanvaanamsa* Mars in 7th,

and is

the ONLY planet on the 1-7 axis although ascendant is also aspected

by Saturn. I forget where the actual piece where this was written,

but it was something like "put him wherever you want, in any game

you want, and he wont stop until he wins - chess simply happened to

catch his interest first".






sohamsa ,

Visti Larsen <visti wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Sir, Namaskar

> Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of

whom we

> are. I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and


> nice... far from being argumentative and forceful like Mars.


> apply this to all planets in the seventh house.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti <visti

> For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

> <http://srigaruda.com>



> hmuttagi wrote:

> >

> > Shree Ganeshayanamaha,

> >

> > I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who


> > born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun


> > the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

> > initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the



> > show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in


> > May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your

comments to

> > better understand the way jyotish works.

> >

> > Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon


> > 14:16:51),mercury(mesha-1:09:01),mars(makara-9:26:17),venus


> > 25:41:39),jupiter® (09:51:17),saturn(vrishabha-01:27:04),Rahu


> > 25:45:47),Ketu(Karka-25:45:47)

> >

> > Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.

> >

> > sohamsa



> > "Pt.Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great



> > > passes

> > > over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the



> > head of

> > > Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of


month is

> > > characterized with the influence of Mars, the master

planet of

> > Aries.

> > > The

> > > sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof

influence the


> > and

> > > character of the native born in this month.

> > > The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars

is a


> > > planet.

> > > Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the



> > the

> > > master

> > > of lord of the sign, how the character of the native



> > > delineated

> > > below :-

> > > Character

> > > The internal character of the person born in this month

may be

> > summed

> > > up in

> > > a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He



> > alert

> > > and

> > > active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be

in the


> > of

> > > affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when


may be

> > in

> > > the

> > > head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in

> > subordination.

> > > He

> > > can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty


> > accomplish

> > > the

> > > affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in


matter and

> > > expects

> > > others to follow him. However with all his activity and


> > and

> > > alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and

perseverance to

> > finish or

> > > accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for

he is

> > > overzealous to

> > > get quick result and is impatient too.

> > > The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by



> > does

> > > not

> > > like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He


> > reforms in

> > > every department of life. He wants to finish and

accomplish any

> > kind of

> > > business according and up to his ideal. He does not like



> > > will

> > > surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and


in any

> > > affair.

> > > He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great



> > > cherishes

> > > an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber.

He also


> > > inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated

way, as

it is

> > in

> > > his

> > > nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may



> > with

> > > other

> > > people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the


one. It

> > is

> > > wise

> > > for him to be careful about this. He entertains high



> > > himself and

> > > overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may

be, a

bit too

> > much

> > > optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is


> > He

> > > cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his


or in

> > his

> > > independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should



> > him

> > > calmly

> > > to make him understand a thing.

> > > He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity

but he


> > rather

> > > restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the

aid and

> > > assistance of

> > > other persons to translate or materialize his idea into

action. He

> > > wants to

> > > lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and


> > enthusiasm.

> > > He

> > > feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in

preference to

> > > ordinary

> > > and stereotyped ways.

> > > He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light.

He is


> > > intelligent

> > > man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and



> > he

> > > cannot

> > > tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing

words when


> > is in

> > > anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any



> > > matter due

> > > to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting


> > > Health

> > > The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac,

and is

> > called

> > > the

> > > head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme)



> > > born in

> > > this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any

kind of


> > > disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental



> > or

> > > any

> > > kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear

i.e. he


> > > likely to

> > > suffer from "Urdha Jatrugata" diseases as Ayurveda calls


and from

> > > bilious

> > > or blood affections as well for he is of bilious


It is

> > > likely

> > > that the condition of his brain remains excited and

heated due


> > his

> > > overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from


> > pressure or

> > > insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders

due to

> > > excessive

> > > exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep


rest, and

> > > pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health.



> > also

> > > guard

> > > himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of

hurt or


> > > Fate

> > > He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but

it is


> > > that he

> > > will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his



> > and

> > > restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups


downs in

> > life

> > > and

> > > also establish himself by clint of his indomitable



> > and

> > > activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer



> > > adverse

> > > conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should


> > > impulsiveness

> > > and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> > > Profession (or capability)

> > > He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp

> > intelligence

> > > and

> > > rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director,


> > organizer, a

> > > pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any

kind of

> > undertaking

> > > where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible



> > and he

> > > may

> > > hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He

may do


> > when

> > > he is

> > > at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in

> > subordination.

> > > He

> > > wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted

exercise of

> > his

> > > head

> > > and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may

get the


> > play

> > > of

> > > his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may



> > > literary

> > > world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a


> > and the

> > > like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or

adviser of

> > mankind.

> > > Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to



> > > originality by working independently.

> > > Friendship

> > > He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have



> > > novel

> > > bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with

a large

> > number

> > > of

> > > people, but there will be no lasting friendship with

many of


> > Due

> > > to

> > > his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may

be in


> > > with

> > > his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good



> > such

> > > people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th


to 14th

> > > September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to



> > > approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th


> > > approximately).

> > > Marriage

> > > He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating



> > and

> > > during his married life as well. He should take care a



> > his

> > > own

> > > conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very



> > he

> > > may

> > > mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his



> > > overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing


> > However

> > > he may

> > > be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be

born in


> > of the

> > > Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November


> > > Kartick

> > > (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus


> > December to

> > > 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of


with his

> > > own.

> > > Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is



> > the

> > > moon

> > > in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha),


> > Sagittarius

> > > (Dhanu).

> > > Some important information

> > > 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to



> > 15th

> > > August

> > > to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and

from 15th

> > December

> > > to

> > > 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels


change of

> > > career

> > > after every 15 years usually.

> > > 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> > > 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> > > 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month

are lucky

> > dates

> > > for

> > > him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying



> > luck.

> > > Synopsis

> > > The native of this month is naturally independent and

spirited. He

> > does

> > > not

> > > like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent


> > aspires for

> > > more light. "Light and more light" - will be his motto.


wants to

> > > lead and

> > > pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the

head and

> > helm of

> > > affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the



> > He

> > > does

> > > not like subordination of any kind.

> > > He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is

courageous and

> > > enterprising.

> > > Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of



> > eyes,

> > > ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this

effect. His

> > married

> > > life

> > > is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by


> > overbearing

> > > attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear

in her

> > > reasoning in

> > > order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for



> > > where

> > > courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and

learning are

> > > required.

> > > He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible


him to

> > stop

> > > at a

> > > certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid

physical and

> > > mental

> > > overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily



> > > health and

> > > thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and


> > enough to

> > > hear

> > > and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to


> > discords.

> > > However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a



> > and

> > > enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute



> > make

> > > the

> > > world bright and brilliant.

> > > Some great personages born in this month are

> > > Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya,


> > Cromwell,

> > > Duke

> > > of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert


> > Scientist

> > > Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya,



> > Herr

> > > Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of


> > (Hirohita) ;

> > > Film

> > > Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.

> > >

> > > _____

> > > avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.com




> > Outbound message clean.

> > >

> > > Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> > > Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> > > avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

> > >

> > > --

> > > Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007

07:55:00 AM

> > >

> >

> >


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Namaste Sri Sundeep It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am sure you know this. Btw, I have and seen charts with Mars in the 7th with results (not necessarily related to this combination):1. Sexual Abuse in Childhood

2. Sexual Abuse by Father3. Borderline Personality4. Amazing Loving and caring wife with Husband having Saturn in 7th5. A mother hanging her infant child upside down by holding her legs and abusing her child verbally

6. A man with little confidence7. Taking abuse from husband8. Major complexes in Life9. Extremely logical personality10. and more...Remember each graha, its position, aspect and how it relates through nakshatras and divisions, have a great say in the whole result. So it is best not to jump to conclusions but state from basic facts about a particular position.

Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 1/20/07, vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent

> wrote:






Are you sure? Your observation does NOT bear out in practice at

all.. While I have noticed Mars in 7ths to definitely be caring and

nice, they are ALSO definitely extremely forceful, ESPECIALLY when

confronted, at which time they are unstoppable. The two

characteristics are not contradictory and can occur together -

simply because they are caring you cannot assume that they are

pushovers. And if what you say were to be true, then why would Mars

in own house or in exaltation in 7th be Ruchaka yoga (natural

leader, enterprising, bold). Where do you see such people - as

leaders of armies, or as loving nuns in charities? Was Hitler

forceful or was he a benign caring person, as your theory might have

him be - he had Mars (moolatrikona) and Sun (exalted) in the 7th (Me

and Ve too)?


I would love to see examples of the lives of famous Ruchaka Yoga

Mars in 7ths to support your conclusion. I know two - Hitler, and

the most famous American chess guy - forget his name - Bobby

Fischer, thats it. Both were known to be competitive to no end.

Bobby Fischer is really the example you should take - unaspected

Ruchaka yoga *Paaraavatamsa*/*Chandanvaanamsa* Mars in 7th, and is

the ONLY planet on the 1-7 axis although ascendant is also aspected

by Saturn. I forget where the actual piece where this was written,

but it was something like " put him wherever you want, in any game

you want, and he wont stop until he wins - chess simply happened to

catch his interest first " .






sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Sir, Namaskar

> Planets in the seventh house show the exact opposite nature of

whom we

> are. I.e. Mars in the seventh house makes a person very caring and

> nice... far from being argumentative and forceful like Mars.


> apply this to all planets in the seventh house.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti <visti

> For consultations and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com

> <http://srigaruda.com>



> hmuttagi wrote:

> >

> > Shree Ganeshayanamaha,

> >

> > I have observed mostly opposite traits in my wife's chart who was

> > born on 9th May 1971 at Gulbarga (6.45 PM). An exalted sun


> > the ascendant but she is mostly diffident, is afraid to take

> > initiative (forget taking lead). While astrologically the chart


> > show lot of potential it baffles me to see the opposite in


> > May be my understanding is limited..would appreciate your

comments to

> > better understand the way jyotish works.

> >

> > Her details are Asc:tula (25:37:40), sun(mesh - 24:48:44),moon


> > 14:16:51),mercury(mesha-1:09:01),mars(makara-9:26:17),venus


> > 25:41:39),jupiter® (09:51:17),saturn(vrishabha-01:27:04),Rahu


> > 25:45:47),Ketu(Karka-25:45:47)

> >

> > Look forward to postings by erudite gurujans.

> >

> > sohamsa <



> > " Pt.Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > During the Vedic month of Vaisakha/Aries, the great luminary


> > > passes

> > > over the sign Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, the so-


> > head of

> > > Virata or Kalapurusha. Any one born in this period of one

month is

> > > characterized with the influence of Mars, the master planet of

> > Aries.

> > > The

> > > sign Aries and the planet Mars, the lord thereof influence the


> > and

> > > character of the native born in this month.

> > > The sign Aries is a cardinal fiery sign and so also Mars is a


> > > planet.

> > > Due to the joint influence of the sign Aries and the planet


> > the

> > > master

> > > of lord of the sign, how the character of the native develops


> > > delineated

> > > below :-

> > > Character

> > > The internal character of the person born in this month may be

> > summed

> > > up in

> > > a few words, as enterprise, action and independence. He is


> > alert

> > > and

> > > active, both physically and mentally. He prefers to be in the


> > of

> > > affairs to any subordinate position. He may do well when he

may be

> > in

> > > the

> > > head of any affair, as it is against his nature to be in

> > subordination.

> > > He

> > > can show his full-fledged capacity when he is at liberty to

> > accomplish

> > > the

> > > affair independently. He is eager to give the lead in any

matter and

> > > expects

> > > others to follow him. However with all his activity and


> > and

> > > alacrity, he requires sufficient patience and perseverance to

> > finish or

> > > accomplish any matter perfectly and satisfactorily; for he is

> > > overzealous to

> > > get quick result and is impatient too.

> > > The native is fond of change; stagnation is not liked by him.


> > does

> > > not

> > > like any conservative stereotyped methods and ideas. He wants

> > reforms in

> > > every department of life. He wants to finish and accomplish any

> > kind of

> > > business according and up to his ideal. He does not like that


> > > will

> > > surpass him in any way. He wants to be the first and foremost

in any

> > > affair.

> > > He entertains high hopes and tries to act up to a great ideal.


> > > cherishes

> > > an over-estimated idea about his capacity and caliber. He also


> > > inclination to describe any matter in an exaggerated way, as

it is

> > in

> > > his

> > > nature to see anything in an exaggerated form. He may find


> > with

> > > other

> > > people's affairs rather in a greater degree than the normal

one. It

> > is

> > > wise

> > > for him to be careful about this. He entertains high hopes


> > > himself and

> > > overestimates his capacity and for this reason he may be, a

bit too

> > much

> > > optimistic and repent the result of his action. He is


> > He

> > > cannot tolerate that anyone will criticize him in his affairs

or in

> > his

> > > independent way. He is amenable to reason but one should


> > him

> > > calmly

> > > to make him understand a thing.

> > > He is ambitious and spirited. He may have much activity but he


> > rather

> > > restless. He entertains high hopes but he requires the aid and

> > > assistance of

> > > other persons to translate or materialize his idea into

action. He

> > > wants to

> > > lead and pioneer his way by him indomitable zeal and fiery

> > enthusiasm.

> > > He

> > > feels an inclination towards novel lines of action in

preference to

> > > ordinary

> > > and stereotyped ways.

> > > He is fond of idealism. He has a craving for new light. He is


> > > intelligent

> > > man. He is brilliant and brisk in his conversation and manners


> > he

> > > cannot

> > > tolerate any kind of criticism. He may use piercing words when


> > is in

> > > anger. He may pick up any quarrel with somebody over any


> > > matter due

> > > to his strong temperament and impulsive easily-exciting nature.

> > > Health

> > > The sign Aries is the natural first sign of the Zodiac, and is

> > called

> > > the

> > > head of the Virata Purusha (i.e. the Soul Supreme) Therefore


> > > born in

> > > this sign has a susceptibility to be attacked with any kind of


> > > disease, as headace, or of anykind of eye, ear or dental


> > or

> > > any

> > > kind of discharge of blood from the nose, mouth or ear i.e. he


> > > likely to

> > > suffer from " Urdha Jatrugata " diseases as Ayurveda calls it

and from

> > > bilious

> > > or blood affections as well for he is of bilious desposition.

It is

> > > likely

> > > that the condition of his brain remains excited and heated due


> > his

> > > overstrong nature. For this reason he may suffer from blood-

> > pressure or

> > > insomnia. He may also suffer from nervobilious disorders due to

> > > excessive

> > > exercise of his brain. He requires moderation in sleep and

rest, and

> > > pleasure trips to hilly tracts will improve his health. He


> > also

> > > guard

> > > himself from any accident due to fire or any kind of hurt or


> > > Fate

> > > He will get many chances of improving his fortune, but it is


> > > that he

> > > will not get the full benefits of the chances due to his


> > and

> > > restless nature. He will have to pass through may ups and

downs in

> > life

> > > and

> > > also establish himself by clint of his indomitable aspiration


> > and

> > > activity. However, he will have the stamina to steer clear


> > > adverse

> > > conditions in life and to rise in prominence. He should avoid

> > > impulsiveness

> > > and rashness as these may retard his progress.

> > > Profession (or capability)

> > > He is fitted for any kind of work where quick wit, sharp

> > intelligence

> > > and

> > > rapid activity are required. He is fit to be a director, an

> > organizer, a

> > > pioneer in any kind of business. He may excel in any kind of

> > undertaking

> > > where there is novelty. He is fitted for responsible high


> > and he

> > > may

> > > hence shine as a supervisor, manager or organizer. He may do


> > when

> > > he is

> > > at the helm of affairs. He may not feel easy when is in

> > subordination.

> > > He

> > > wants to be original and a deviser by the whole-hearted

exercise of

> > his

> > > head

> > > and brain. He is best fitted for any job where he may get the


> > play

> > > of

> > > his independence and intellect. For this reason, he may shine


> > > literary

> > > world too, as a writer or journalist or pamphleteer, a


> > and the

> > > like. He is also fit for the work of a professor or adviser of

> > mankind.

> > > Anyway, he is likely to shine where he may get chance to show


> > > originality by working independently.

> > > Friendship

> > > He will feel an inclination to mix with people who have an


> > > novel

> > > bent of mind and an independent nature. He may mix with a large

> > number

> > > of

> > > people, but there will be no lasting friendship with many of


> > Due

> > > to

> > > his rash and hasty mood and independent nature, he may be in


> > > with

> > > his acquaintances. However, he will be in amity and good terms


> > such

> > > people as are born in the months of Bhadra (from 15th August

to 14th

> > > September approximately) Kartick (from 15th October to 14th


> > > approximately) and Paus (from 15th December to 14th January

> > > approximately).

> > > Marriage

> > > He should be calm and careful in the matter of mating and


> > and

> > > during his married life as well. He should take care a bit,


> > his

> > > own

> > > conduct in conjugal and domestic affairs as it is very likely


> > he

> > > may

> > > mar the peace of domestic and conjugal affairs by his haughty


> > > overbearing irritable uncompromising also criticizing nature.

> > However

> > > he may

> > > be mated well in case he marries such woman as may be born in


> > of the

> > > Vedic months of Bhadra (15th August to 14th November


> > > Kartick

> > > (15th October to 14th November approximately) and Paus (15th

> > December to

> > > 14th January approximately) and have consanguinity of Rashi

with his

> > > own.

> > > Any woman born in this month may marry any person who is born


> > the

> > > moon

> > > in any one of the signs of Aries (Mesha) Leo (Shingha), or

> > Sagittarius

> > > (Dhanu).

> > > Some important information

> > > 1. Favourable period: The period between 15th April to 14th


> > 15th

> > > August

> > > to 14th September 15th October to 14th November, and from 15th

> > December

> > > to

> > > 14th January in any year is favourable for him. He feels

change of

> > > career

> > > after every 15 years usually.

> > > 2. Tuesday is favourable for him.

> > > 3. Red is a lucky colour for him.

> > > 4. The dates 9, 18, 27, in any English calendar month are lucky

> > dates

> > > for

> > > him. If he observes these he may be helped in enjoying health


> > luck.

> > > Synopsis

> > > The native of this month is naturally independent and

spirited. He

> > does

> > > not

> > > like restraint or bondage of any sort. He is intelligent and

> > aspires for

> > > more light. " Light and more light " - will be his motto. He

wants to

> > > lead and

> > > pioneer in any and every matter. He wants to be in the head and

> > helm of

> > > affairs and he accomplishes any work well when at the head


> > He

> > > does

> > > not like subordination of any kind.

> > > He is ambitious physically and mentally. He is courageous and

> > > enterprising.

> > > Due to overstrain he may be attacked with any disease of brain


> > eyes,

> > > ears or nose. He should be rather careful of this effect. His

> > married

> > > life

> > > is not very peaceful as he may mar the conjugal peace by his

> > overbearing

> > > attitude. His wife should be patient and calm and clear in her

> > > reasoning in

> > > order to convince him in any matter. He is fitted for any


> > > where

> > > courage, inspiration, originality and intelligence and

learning are

> > > required.

> > > He may change place at intervals, as it is not possible for

him to

> > stop

> > > at a

> > > certain place for a long period. He should try to avoid

physical and

> > > mental

> > > overstraining as it may seriously tell upon him bodily and


> > > health and

> > > thus on his nervous system. He should be rather wise and calm

> > enough to

> > > hear

> > > and look for other people's arguments and reasonings to avoid

> > discords.

> > > However, he is a man of inspiration and action, he is a born


> > and

> > > enthusiast. Many persons born in this month contribute largely


> > make

> > > the

> > > world bright and brilliant.

> > > Some great personages born in this month are

> > > Sri Sri Ramachandra, Lord Buddha, Sri Sankaracharyya, Oliver

> > Cromwell,

> > > Duke

> > > of Wellington, The great poet Rabindranath, Herbert Spencer,

> > Scientist

> > > Huxley, Krishnadas Pal, Rakhal Das Bandopadhyaya, Amritalal


> > Herr

> > > Hitler, Sir Stafford Cripps, Lord Halifax, Mikado of Japan

> > (Hirohita) ;

> > > Film

> > > Actors - Shirly Temple, Gary Cooper, Charlie Chaplin etc.

> > >

> > > _____

> > > avast! Antivirus <http://www.avast.com

<http://www.avast.com>> :

> > Outbound message clean.

> > >

> > > Virus Database (VPS): 000704-0, 01/18/2007

> > > Tested on: 1/19/2007 7:54:48 AM

> > > avast! - copyright © 1988-2007 ALWIL Software.

> > >

> > > --

> > > Posted By Pt.Sanjay Rath to Sun Signs at 1/19/2007 07:55:00 AM

> > >

> >

> >


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|om|Dear Anuj, namaste

4. Amazing Loving and caring wife with Husband having Saturn in 7th{Hari} That observation interests me! Specific questions: Is Saturn retrograde in that chart? When did the husband get married and is the wife older or older-looking than the husband? Could you please share the birth details of this chart?

best regardsHari

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Namaste Sri HariI cannot share the birth details of any of the above mentioned charts since some of them are very well known people and their relatives in society in India and have bestowed faith in me to protect the same.

I can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 1/21/07,

Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi wrote:





|om|Dear Anuj, namaste

4. Amazing Loving and caring wife with Husband having Saturn in 7th{Hari} That observation interests me! Specific questions: Is Saturn retrograde in that chart? When did the husband get married and is the wife older or older-looking than the husband? Could you please share the birth details of this chart?

best regardsHari

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Dear Anuj, namaste


Well then dont share the names! only the birth data and nothing else, what say? And you can send it to my personal email ID. Your information is pretty interesting and does raise further lines of thinking. Thanks anyway.



best regards



On 1/21/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology wrote:






Namaste Sri HariI cannot share the birth details of any of the above mentioned charts since some of them are very well known people and their relatives in society in India and have bestowed faith in me to protect the same. I can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.Thanks and RegardsBharat

On 1/21/07, Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi

> wrote:





|om|Dear Anuj, namaste






4. Amazing Loving and caring wife with Husband having Saturn in 7th

{Hari} That observation interests me! Specific questions: Is Saturn retrograde in that chart? When did the husband get married and is the wife older or older-looking than the husband? Could you please share the birth details of this chart?

best regards






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Dear Bharatji and Vistiji,

Yes I know that it is improper to give results by just one graha.

However, I dont if you read the original post by Vistiji - which had

me really surprised and confounded. It said " Planets in the seventh

house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are " .


First, do you agree with Vistiji's statement?

Second, my statement is to be taken with exactly the same amount of

salt. I obviously dont mean to see one graha in isolation. However, in

order to test out the validity of Vistiji's statement of the effect of

Mars in the 7th - you cannot simply choose any chart with Mars in the

7th, because for exactly the reason you state i.e. each chart is the

result of a whole range of effects, you cannot draw any simple

conclusions. So, I searched for charts in which Mars is in strength in

the 7th, so that its effect is dominant and not diluted or veiled by

other planets. In such a chart, the Mars in 7th effect would/should

show up rather clearly. That is exactly why I chose Bobby Fischer's

and Hitler's charts.


I have 2 other charts of people I know with powerful virtually

undiluted effects of Mars in 7ths clearly visible (IMO). Consequently,

I still find it hard to believe that planets in the 7th show the exact

opposite nature of who we are.


So I have a question for you:

1) In the charts that you have examined, do you have any charts in

which Mars is in the 7th in strength and dominance over other planets?

If yes, does this person show the " exact opposite nature " of Mars? If

they do, please share it and I will stand corrected.


It just so happens that for some reason, I meet a lot of strong Mars

people (I'm sure there's a deeper reason for it, but for now, I dont

know). My opinion, based purely on experience, is that planets in the

7th, dont show you the *opposite* of who you are, but rather the

*other half* of the people picture. Planets in the 7th are the lens

through which you view relationships. Mars in the 7ths (undiluted and

dominant of course) tend to view relationships like Mars - high

energy, love deeply and hate deeply. They divide the world into

friends and enemies, not much in between. Of course, now if you have a

powerful Jupiter in the 1st diluting, intellectualizing and smoothing

out the rough edges, the Mars effects will only come out

occasionally.. Similarly Sun in the 7ths (undiluted and dominant) will

have an egocentric (not egotistical, but egocentric) view of the

world, which may manifest in many different ways depending on the



So in any case, although I am no match in astrological knowledge to

Vistiji, but I continue to have difficulty in accepting the

dictum " planets in 7th show opposite nature... " , simply because my

experience contradicts it..


But as always, I am open to new information, new data.. Would be very

interesting to hear what you have to say..








sohamsa , " Bharat Hindu Astrology "

<hinduastrology wrote:


> Namaste Sri Sundeep


> It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am sure you know


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Soulsadhak,



Who would look for a fighting spouse?


Kind regards,


Pierre-Olivier Loisel


Dans un e-mail daté du 24/01/2007 05:38:45 Paris, Madrid, soulsadhak a écrit :

Also, 1h ~ ascendant, 7h ~ descendant, and the Ascendant is considered the `point of self-awareness' and the Descendant is considered `the point of awareness of others'....or what we look for in our relationships (whehter the native is aware of this or not).... so 7h in this sense becomes the 'hs of the significant other'



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Namaste Sri SundeepMy statements though had your name on top, but were given to all generally. If Mars is in the 7th, it also casts aspects on 10th, lagna and 2nd. Moreover it can be in 27 nakshatras, whose lords can be connected to 12 signs and houses. Moreover the nature of lagna will have a great effect on results given by Mars. Mars in 7th for Leo Lagna will be very different from Mars in 7th for Capricorn Lagna. The friendship Mars have with grahas will impact its results. Mars in the 7th is not always opposite due to the above. However, when Mars is in the 7th, generally the relationships that a person has with the world tend to presume dominance over him. It is likely the person turns timid. This is just one way to looking at it. There is another way to look at it. 7th house is the house of identification and of expansion. Mars, here, is a misfit. So it takes a role of Protector of the Loved ones. It has to show its nature somehow -if not fight, then turn protector. If Mars is weak, survival issues show up and person becomes very insecure. Insecurity and Survival issues is one of the main causes for sexual diseases. Sexual abuse in early childhood can contribute to this insecurity too. So you have a whole range of results of Mars. Moreover, it is very very important to remember that we are assuming surety of relationship between a said graha and its results for any given chart. At best, we are only sure to the level of our knowledge... or... to the level of our ignorance. :)

Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 1/24/07, vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent

> wrote:





Dear Bharatji and Vistiji,

Yes I know that it is improper to give results by just one graha.

However, I dont if you read the original post by Vistiji - which had

me really surprised and confounded. It said " Planets in the seventh

house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are " .


First, do you agree with Vistiji's statement?

Second, my statement is to be taken with exactly the same amount of

salt. I obviously dont mean to see one graha in isolation. However, in

order to test out the validity of Vistiji's statement of the effect of

Mars in the 7th - you cannot simply choose any chart with Mars in the

7th, because for exactly the reason you state i.e. each chart is the

result of a whole range of effects, you cannot draw any simple

conclusions. So, I searched for charts in which Mars is in strength in

the 7th, so that its effect is dominant and not diluted or veiled by

other planets. In such a chart, the Mars in 7th effect would/should

show up rather clearly. That is exactly why I chose Bobby Fischer's

and Hitler's charts.


I have 2 other charts of people I know with powerful virtually

undiluted effects of Mars in 7ths clearly visible (IMO). Consequently,

I still find it hard to believe that planets in the 7th show the exact

opposite nature of who we are.


So I have a question for you:

1) In the charts that you have examined, do you have any charts in

which Mars is in the 7th in strength and dominance over other planets?

If yes, does this person show the " exact opposite nature " of Mars? If

they do, please share it and I will stand corrected.


It just so happens that for some reason, I meet a lot of strong Mars

people (I'm sure there's a deeper reason for it, but for now, I dont

know). My opinion, based purely on experience, is that planets in the

7th, dont show you the *opposite* of who you are, but rather the

*other half* of the people picture. Planets in the 7th are the lens

through which you view relationships. Mars in the 7ths (undiluted and

dominant of course) tend to view relationships like Mars - high

energy, love deeply and hate deeply. They divide the world into

friends and enemies, not much in between. Of course, now if you have a

powerful Jupiter in the 1st diluting, intellectualizing and smoothing

out the rough edges, the Mars effects will only come out

occasionally.. Similarly Sun in the 7ths (undiluted and dominant) will

have an egocentric (not egotistical, but egocentric) view of the

world, which may manifest in many different ways depending on the



So in any case, although I am no match in astrological knowledge to

Vistiji, but I continue to have difficulty in accepting the

dictum " planets in 7th show opposite nature... " , simply because my

experience contradicts it..


But as always, I am open to new information, new data.. Would be very

interesting to hear what you have to say..






sohamsa , " Bharat Hindu Astrology "

<hinduastrology wrote:


> Namaste Sri Sundeep


> It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am sure you know


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Namaste Sri HariI respectfully decline to share this data as it would be amount to dishonesty with those who have placed their trust in me. However, I can share the data of Borderline Personality person, as I have verbal permission from the concerned person, without giving the name.

For the said husband-wife, there was a statement I read that Saturn in same position in spouse's chart can quell the results of Mars in the same position. I keep remembering statements from books but my memory fails to recall their names. Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 1/22/07, Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi wrote:







Dear Anuj, namaste


Well then dont share the names! only the birth data and nothing else, what say? And you can send it to my personal email ID. Your information is pretty interesting and does raise further lines of thinking. Thanks anyway.



best regards



On 1/21/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology

> wrote:






Namaste Sri HariI cannot share the birth details of any of the above mentioned charts since some of them are very well known people and their relatives in society in India and have bestowed faith in me to protect the same. I can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.Thanks and RegardsBharat

On 1/21/07, Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi

> wrote:





|om|Dear Anuj, namaste






4. Amazing Loving and caring wife with Husband having Saturn in 7th

{Hari} That observation interests me! Specific questions: Is Saturn retrograde in that chart? When did the husband get married and is the wife older or older-looking than the husband? Could you please share the birth details of this chart?

best regards






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Dear Anuj, namaste


Ok fine. But in the said husband-wife case, Mars and Saturn are in 2/12 position!


best regards



On 1/24/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology wrote:






For the said husband-wife, there was a statement I read that Saturn in same position in spouse's chart can quell the results of Mars in the same position. I keep remembering statements from books but my memory fails to recall their names. I can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.


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Namaste Sri HariYes, but in their respective 7th houses. Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 1/24/07, Jyotisa Shisya <

achyutagaddi wrote:






Dear Anuj, namaste


Ok fine. But in the said husband-wife case, Mars and Saturn are in 2/12 position!


best regards



On 1/24/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <

hinduastrology wrote:






For the said husband-wife, there was a statement I read that Saturn in same position in spouse's chart can quell the results of Mars in the same position. I keep remembering statements from books but my memory fails to recall their names. I can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.


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Hare rama krsna pranam learned members, As i understand, nothing exists in duality or stark contradiction. when 7th house is opposite, it is the pulling end to ur intellect. A person may by his dhi would want to refrain from the martian tendencies, but soon , when he faces the world which has martian aggresivenes, a person is pulled to do same, with mars aspect on ones lagna. With me having mars in 7th, i know and have seen the ruthless world at times, and am tended to hit and snap back once in a while. More so my mercury is also conjunct mars, and mercury fiercly contradicts the martian nature.

With jupiter aspect , my pakesha more so it refrains me from doing so, but people notice the once in a while agressiveness, over the muted me under the lordship of jupiter, which is exalted.

Again this can be wrong as i am beginning to uncover my own aspects.So duality is in our minds, and so are opposites. Each thing works in flux and spin and u would not function without the other. Swati namah shivaya

On 1/24/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology wrote:





Namaste Sri HariYes, but in their respective 7th houses. Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 1/24/07, Jyotisa Shisya


achyutagaddi wrote:






Dear Anuj, namaste


Ok fine. But in the said husband-wife case, Mars and Saturn are in 2/12 position!


best regards



On 1/24/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <

hinduastrology wrote:






For the said husband-wife, there was a statement I read that Saturn in same position in spouse's chart can quell the results of Mars in the same position. I keep remembering statements from books but my memory fails to recall their names. I can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.


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dear learned members, Sorry i forgot to mention that i am born under the month of vaisakh on the 15th of april , when sun had entered aries, having sun exalted in 8th.


namah Shivya On 1/24/07, healing spaces <healingspaces wrote:

Hare rama krsna pranam learned members, As i understand, nothing exists in duality or stark contradiction. when 7th house is opposite, it is the pulling end to ur intellect. A person may by his dhi would want to refrain from the martian tendencies, but soon , when he faces the world which has martian aggresivenes, a person is pulled to do same, with mars aspect on ones lagna. With me having mars in 7th, i know and have seen the ruthless world at times, and am tended to hit and snap back once in a while. More so my mercury is also conjunct mars, and mercury fiercly contradicts the martian nature.

With jupiter aspect , my pakesha more so it refrains me from doing so, but people notice the once in a while agressiveness, over the muted me under the lordship of jupiter, which is exalted.

Again this can be wrong as i am beginning to uncover my own aspects.So duality is in our minds, and so are opposites. Each thing works in flux and spin and u would not function without the other. Swati namah shivaya


On 1/24/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology wrote:






Namaste Sri HariYes, but in their respective 7th houses. Thanks and RegardsBharatOn 1/24/07, Jyotisa Shisya


achyutagaddi wrote:






Dear Anuj, namaste


Ok fine. But in the said husband-wife case, Mars and Saturn are in 2/12 position!


best regards



On 1/24/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <

hinduastrology wrote:






For the said husband-wife, there was a statement I read that Saturn in same position in spouse's chart can quell the results of Mars in the same position. I keep remembering statements from books but my memory fails to recall their names. I can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.


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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

Didn't you get my answer to this reply? I wrote about the significance

of Mahapurusha yoga and the intricacies of having mars in seventh?


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




vedicastrostudent wrote:



Dear Bharatji and Vistiji,

Yes I know that it is improper to give results by just one graha.

However, I dont if you read the original post by Vistiji - which had

me really surprised and confounded. It said "Planets in the seventh

house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are".


First, do you agree with Vistiji's statement?

Second, my statement is to be taken with exactly the same amount of

salt. I obviously dont mean to see one graha in isolation. However, in

order to test out the validity of Vistiji's statement of the effect of

Mars in the 7th - you cannot simply choose any chart with Mars in the

7th, because for exactly the reason you state i.e. each chart is the

result of a whole range of effects, you cannot draw any simple

conclusions. So, I searched for charts in which Mars is in strength in

the 7th, so that its effect is dominant and not diluted or veiled by

other planets. In such a chart, the Mars in 7th effect would/should

show up rather clearly. That is exactly why I chose Bobby Fischer's

and Hitler's charts.


I have 2 other charts of people I know with powerful virtually

undiluted effects of Mars in 7ths clearly visible (IMO). Consequently,

I still find it hard to believe that planets in the 7th show the exact

opposite nature of who we are.


So I have a question for you:

1) In the charts that you have examined, do you have any charts in

which Mars is in the 7th in strength and dominance over other planets?

If yes, does this person show the "exact opposite nature" of Mars? If

they do, please share it and I will stand corrected.


It just so happens that for some reason, I meet a lot of strong Mars

people (I'm sure there's a deeper reason for it, but for now, I dont

know). My opinion, based purely on experience, is that planets in the

7th, dont show you the *opposite* of who you are, but rather the

*other half* of the people picture. Planets in the 7th are the lens

through which you view relationships. Mars in the 7ths (undiluted and

dominant of course) tend to view relationships like Mars - high

energy, love deeply and hate deeply. They divide the world into

friends and enemies, not much in between. Of course, now if you have a

powerful Jupiter in the 1st diluting, intellectualizing and smoothing

out the rough edges, the Mars effects will only come out

occasionally.. Similarly Sun in the 7ths (undiluted and dominant)


have an egocentric (not egotistical, but egocentric) view of the

world, which may manifest in many different ways depending on the



So in any case, although I am no match in astrological knowledge to

Vistiji, but I continue to have difficulty in accepting the

dictum "planets in 7th show opposite nature...", simply because my

experience contradicts it..


But as always, I am open to new information, new data.. Would be very

interesting to hear what you have to say..






sohamsa ,

"Bharat Hindu Astrology"

<hinduastrology wrote:


> Namaste Sri Sundeep


> It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am sure you



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Dear Members,


sorry to jump in , abt mars in 7th house


but our respected guru ji, Shri Sanjay Rath have mars in 7th

house..if i am not wrong.



we can ask him abt this thing.





sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

> Didn't you get my answer to this reply? I wrote about the


> of Mahapurusha yoga and the intricacies of having mars in seventh?


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti <visti

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:


> <http://srigaruda.com>



> vedicastrostudent wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bharatji and Vistiji,

> > Yes I know that it is improper to give results by just one graha.

> > However, I dont if you read the original post by Vistiji - which


> > me really surprised and confounded. It said " Planets in the


> > house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are " .

> >

> > First, do you agree with Vistiji's statement?

> > Second, my statement is to be taken with exactly the same amount


> > salt. I obviously dont mean to see one graha in isolation.

However, in

> > order to test out the validity of Vistiji's statement of the

effect of

> > Mars in the 7th - you cannot simply choose any chart with Mars

in the

> > 7th, because for exactly the reason you state i.e. each chart is


> > result of a whole range of effects, you cannot draw any simple

> > conclusions. So, I searched for charts in which Mars is in

strength in

> > the 7th, so that its effect is dominant and not diluted or

veiled by

> > other planets. In such a chart, the Mars in 7th effect


> > show up rather clearly. That is exactly why I chose Bobby


> > and Hitler's charts.

> >

> > I have 2 other charts of people I know with powerful virtually

> > undiluted effects of Mars in 7ths clearly visible (IMO).


> > I still find it hard to believe that planets in the 7th show the


> > opposite nature of who we are.

> >

> > So I have a question for you:

> > 1) In the charts that you have examined, do you have any charts


> > which Mars is in the 7th in strength and dominance over other


> > If yes, does this person show the " exact opposite nature " of

Mars? If

> > they do, please share it and I will stand corrected.

> >

> > It just so happens that for some reason, I meet a lot of strong


> > people (I'm sure there's a deeper reason for it, but for now, I


> > know). My opinion, based purely on experience, is that planets

in the

> > 7th, dont show you the *opposite* of who you are, but rather the

> > *other half* of the people picture. Planets in the 7th are the


> > through which you view relationships. Mars in the 7ths

(undiluted and

> > dominant of course) tend to view relationships like Mars - high

> > energy, love deeply and hate deeply. They divide the world into

> > friends and enemies, not much in between. Of course, now if you

have a

> > powerful Jupiter in the 1st diluting, intellectualizing and


> > out the rough edges, the Mars effects will only come out

> > occasionally.. Similarly Sun in the 7ths (undiluted and

dominant) will

> > have an egocentric (not egotistical, but egocentric) view of the

> > world, which may manifest in many different ways depending on the

> > chart..

> >

> > So in any case, although I am no match in astrological knowledge


> > Vistiji, but I continue to have difficulty in accepting the

> > dictum " planets in 7th show opposite nature... " , simply because


> > experience contradicts it..

> >

> > But as always, I am open to new information, new data.. Would be


> > interesting to hear what you have to say..

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%


> > " Bharat Hindu Astrology "

> > <hinduastrology@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Sri Sundeep

> > >

> > > It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am sure

you know

> > this.

> >

> >


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Dear Vistiji,

Yes, I did, but I am not able to comprehend it fully. You first


" Whenever a person is confronted then Mars gets activated in a

chart, whether or not it has an association with the lagna. Just see

the placement and aspects of Mars in your chart and you will know

which 'issues' you tend to be defensive about. A person with Mars in

the seventh house will start digging trenches once their

name/reputation (first house), job/career (tenth house) and money

matters (second house) come under scrutiny. "


However, you do not discuss the effect of the planet being IN the

house, ONLY aspects. Why doesnt it effect the 7th house, and if it

does, how? When you take a Sun in the 10th, do you expect it to

affect the person's career or only 4th house? If a Sun in the 10th

affects career, why doesnt a Mars in the 7th affects relationships?


Next you said:

" As for Ruchaka Mahapurusha yoga, all mahapurusha yogas fall under a

separate category when it comes to interpretation. Mahapurusha yogas

carry the intelligence of Shiva and so also the dhi of the native

gets focused on the mahapurusha yoga. You will find that

curses/afflictions to a mahapurusha yoga in a chart tend to affect

the persons mentality and character. Just take the young Sri Achyuta

Dasa whose Malavya Mahapurusha yoga was afflicted by Saturn and

Rahu... he was very depressed and sad as a child... this is due to

this yoga.

Hence, in the examples you cite with Mahapurusha yogas, we cannot

say that the principle is not working as their intelligence has

become directed towards that particular aspect of Shiva. "


I guess my understanding here is again a bit lacking. You say

Mahapurusha yogas carry the intelligence of Shiva. I dont understand

exactly how this colors the result. What does the intelligence of

Shiva do to otherwise standard astrological principles of judging

the effect of a planet in a house. Is it an (a) additive effect (b)

contradictory effect altogether and if so how exactly? I always that

yogas were an additive effect, a kind of a gestalt in which the yoga

had a greater (but not contradictory) result from the sum of its


Due to this lack of understanding, I am unable to comprehend your

example on Sri Achyuta Das's mahapurusha yoga. If I didnt know about

Mahapurusha yogas, seeing a strong Venus terribly afflicted by

Saturn and Rahu, I would anyway have predicted the same result.. In

fact I do know of one case (discussed only a few days ago - Malavya

Mahapurusha yoga in the 4th, aspected by debilitated retrograde

Saturn in the 10th) - it manifested in exactly the way you would

expect using standard astrological principles - lots of 4th house

Venusian potential, which repeatedly tried to manifest, but always

interrupted by Saturn like problems.


Net result is - I am still continuing the thread, hoping more

information would help me resolve these problems.. I have all your

responses filed away in my memory, it just hasnt all clicked yet..


Thanks again,








sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

> Didn't you get my answer to this reply? I wrote about the


> of Mahapurusha yoga and the intricacies of having mars in seventh?


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti <visti

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:


> <http://srigaruda.com>



> vedicastrostudent wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bharatji and Vistiji,

> > Yes I know that it is improper to give results by just one graha.

> > However, I dont if you read the original post by Vistiji - which


> > me really surprised and confounded. It said " Planets in the


> > house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are " .

> >

> > First, do you agree with Vistiji's statement?

> > Second, my statement is to be taken with exactly the same amount


> > salt. I obviously dont mean to see one graha in isolation.

However, in

> > order to test out the validity of Vistiji's statement of the

effect of

> > Mars in the 7th - you cannot simply choose any chart with Mars

in the

> > 7th, because for exactly the reason you state i.e. each chart is


> > result of a whole range of effects, you cannot draw any simple

> > conclusions. So, I searched for charts in which Mars is in

strength in

> > the 7th, so that its effect is dominant and not diluted or

veiled by

> > other planets. In such a chart, the Mars in 7th effect


> > show up rather clearly. That is exactly why I chose Bobby


> > and Hitler's charts.

> >

> > I have 2 other charts of people I know with powerful virtually

> > undiluted effects of Mars in 7ths clearly visible (IMO).


> > I still find it hard to believe that planets in the 7th show the


> > opposite nature of who we are.

> >

> > So I have a question for you:

> > 1) In the charts that you have examined, do you have any charts


> > which Mars is in the 7th in strength and dominance over other


> > If yes, does this person show the " exact opposite nature " of

Mars? If

> > they do, please share it and I will stand corrected.

> >

> > It just so happens that for some reason, I meet a lot of strong


> > people (I'm sure there's a deeper reason for it, but for now, I


> > know). My opinion, based purely on experience, is that planets

in the

> > 7th, dont show you the *opposite* of who you are, but rather the

> > *other half* of the people picture. Planets in the 7th are the


> > through which you view relationships. Mars in the 7ths

(undiluted and

> > dominant of course) tend to view relationships like Mars - high

> > energy, love deeply and hate deeply. They divide the world into

> > friends and enemies, not much in between. Of course, now if you

have a

> > powerful Jupiter in the 1st diluting, intellectualizing and


> > out the rough edges, the Mars effects will only come out

> > occasionally.. Similarly Sun in the 7ths (undiluted and

dominant) will

> > have an egocentric (not egotistical, but egocentric) view of the

> > world, which may manifest in many different ways depending on the

> > chart..

> >

> > So in any case, although I am no match in astrological knowledge


> > Vistiji, but I continue to have difficulty in accepting the

> > dictum " planets in 7th show opposite nature... " , simply because


> > experience contradicts it..

> >

> > But as always, I am open to new information, new data.. Would be


> > interesting to hear what you have to say..

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%


> > " Bharat Hindu Astrology "

> > <hinduastrology@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Sri Sundeep

> > >

> > > It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am sure

you know

> > this.

> >

> >


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Dear Tarun,

Dont know if Sanjay Rathji would consent to him being analyzed. But

nevertheless, it is clear from what he has done so far that his

Hamsa-Yoga Jupiter in Pisces in 1st is manifesting heavily. That

would completely color and even cover any Mars in 7th results










sohamsa , " Tarun " <tarun.virgo wrote:


> Dear Members,


> sorry to jump in , abt mars in 7th house


> but our respected guru ji, Shri Sanjay Rath have mars in 7th

> house..if i am not wrong.

> :)


> we can ask him abt this thing.


> Regards

> Tarun


> sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > ??? ??? ??????

> >

> > Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

> > Didn't you get my answer to this reply? I wrote about the

> significance

> > of Mahapurusha yoga and the intricacies of having mars in


> >

> > Yours sincerely,

> >

> > --

> > Visti Larsen

> > email: visti@ <visti@>

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com

> > <http://srigaruda.com>

> >

> >

> > vedicastrostudent wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Bharatji and Vistiji,

> > > Yes I know that it is improper to give results by just one


> > > However, I dont if you read the original post by Vistiji -


> had

> > > me really surprised and confounded. It said " Planets in the

> seventh

> > > house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are " .

> > >

> > > First, do you agree with Vistiji's statement?

> > > Second, my statement is to be taken with exactly the same


> of

> > > salt. I obviously dont mean to see one graha in isolation.

> However, in

> > > order to test out the validity of Vistiji's statement of the

> effect of

> > > Mars in the 7th - you cannot simply choose any chart with Mars

> in the

> > > 7th, because for exactly the reason you state i.e. each chart


> the

> > > result of a whole range of effects, you cannot draw any simple

> > > conclusions. So, I searched for charts in which Mars is in

> strength in

> > > the 7th, so that its effect is dominant and not diluted or

> veiled by

> > > other planets. In such a chart, the Mars in 7th effect

> would/should

> > > show up rather clearly. That is exactly why I chose Bobby

> Fischer's

> > > and Hitler's charts.

> > >

> > > I have 2 other charts of people I know with powerful virtually

> > > undiluted effects of Mars in 7ths clearly visible (IMO).

> Consequently,

> > > I still find it hard to believe that planets in the 7th show


> exact

> > > opposite nature of who we are.

> > >

> > > So I have a question for you:

> > > 1) In the charts that you have examined, do you have any


> in

> > > which Mars is in the 7th in strength and dominance over other

> planets?

> > > If yes, does this person show the " exact opposite nature " of

> Mars? If

> > > they do, please share it and I will stand corrected.

> > >

> > > It just so happens that for some reason, I meet a lot of


> Mars

> > > people (I'm sure there's a deeper reason for it, but for now,


> dont

> > > know). My opinion, based purely on experience, is that planets

> in the

> > > 7th, dont show you the *opposite* of who you are, but rather


> > > *other half* of the people picture. Planets in the 7th are the

> lens

> > > through which you view relationships. Mars in the 7ths

> (undiluted and

> > > dominant of course) tend to view relationships like Mars - high

> > > energy, love deeply and hate deeply. They divide the world into

> > > friends and enemies, not much in between. Of course, now if


> have a

> > > powerful Jupiter in the 1st diluting, intellectualizing and

> smoothing

> > > out the rough edges, the Mars effects will only come out

> > > occasionally.. Similarly Sun in the 7ths (undiluted and

> dominant) will

> > > have an egocentric (not egotistical, but egocentric) view of


> > > world, which may manifest in many different ways depending on


> > > chart..

> > >

> > > So in any case, although I am no match in astrological


> to

> > > Vistiji, but I continue to have difficulty in accepting the

> > > dictum " planets in 7th show opposite nature... " , simply


> my

> > > experience contradicts it..

> > >

> > > But as always, I am open to new information, new data.. Would


> very

> > > interesting to hear what you have to say..

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Sundeep

> > >

> > > sohamsa <sohamsa%

> 40>,

> > > " Bharat Hindu Astrology "

> > > <hinduastrology@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste Sri Sundeep

> > > >

> > > > It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am sure

> you know

> > > this.

> > >

> > >

> >


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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

Answers to your two points.


a. Yes, it does also cause 'defensive' nature when the natives

relationships are in question. It was my lapse that i didn't mention it.


b. A mahapurusha takes over the persons intelligence... Its like a

new lagnesh. Lagnesh colors your own nature does it not? Thats the



Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




vedicastrostudent wrote:



Dear Vistiji,

Yes, I did, but I am not able to comprehend it fully. You first


"Whenever a person is confronted then Mars gets activated in a

chart, whether or not it has an association with the lagna. Just see

the placement and aspects of Mars in your chart and you will know

which 'issues' you tend to be defensive about. A person with Mars in

the seventh house will start digging trenches once their

name/reputation (first house), job/career (tenth house) and money

matters (second house) come under scrutiny."


However, you do not discuss the effect of the planet being IN the

house, ONLY aspects. Why doesnt it effect the 7th house, and if it

does, how? When you take a Sun in the 10th, do you expect it to

affect the person's career or only 4th house? If a Sun in the 10th

affects career, why doesnt a Mars in the 7th affects relationships?


Next you said:

"As for Ruchaka Mahapurusha yoga, all mahapurusha yogas fall under a

separate category when it comes to interpretation. Mahapurusha yogas

carry the intelligence of Shiva and so also the dhi of the native

gets focused on the mahapurusha yoga. You will find that

curses/afflictions to a mahapurusha yoga in a chart tend to affect

the persons mentality and character. Just take the young Sri Achyuta

Dasa whose Malavya Mahapurusha yoga was afflicted by Saturn and

Rahu... he was very depressed and sad as a child... this is due to

this yoga.

Hence, in the examples you cite with Mahapurusha yogas, we cannot

say that the principle is not working as their intelligence has

become directed towards that particular aspect of Shiva."


I guess my understanding here is again a bit lacking. You say

Mahapurusha yogas carry the intelligence of Shiva. I dont understand

exactly how this colors the result. What does the intelligence of

Shiva do to otherwise standard astrological principles of judging

the effect of a planet in a house. Is it an (a) additive effect (b)

contradictory effect altogether and if so how exactly? I always that

yogas were an additive effect, a kind of a gestalt in which the yoga

had a greater (but not contradictory) result from the sum of its


Due to this lack of understanding, I am unable to comprehend your

example on Sri Achyuta Das's mahapurusha yoga. If I didnt know about

Mahapurusha yogas, seeing a strong Venus terribly afflicted by

Saturn and Rahu, I would anyway have predicted the same result.. In

fact I do know of one case (discussed only a few days ago - Malavya

Mahapurusha yoga in the 4th, aspected by debilitated retrograde

Saturn in the 10th) - it manifested in exactly the way you would

expect using standard astrological principles - lots of 4th house

Venusian potential, which repeatedly tried to manifest, but always

interrupted by Saturn like problems.


Net result is - I am still continuing the thread, hoping more

information would help me resolve these problems.. I have all your

responses filed away in my memory, it just hasnt all clicked yet..


Thanks again,




sohamsa ,

Visti Larsen <visti wrote:



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

> Didn't you get my answer to this reply? I wrote about the


> of Mahapurusha yoga and the intricacies of having mars in seventh?


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen

> email: visti <visti

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:


> <http://srigaruda.com>



> vedicastrostudent wrote:

> >

> > Dear Bharatji and Vistiji,

> > Yes I know that it is improper to give results by just one


> > However, I dont if you read the original post by Vistiji -



> > me really surprised and confounded. It said "Planets in the


> > house show the exact opposite nature of whom we are".

> >

> > First, do you agree with Vistiji's statement?

> > Second, my statement is to be taken with exactly the same



> > salt. I obviously dont mean to see one graha in isolation.

However, in

> > order to test out the validity of Vistiji's statement of the

effect of

> > Mars in the 7th - you cannot simply choose any chart with


in the

> > 7th, because for exactly the reason you state i.e. each chart



> > result of a whole range of effects, you cannot draw any simple

> > conclusions. So, I searched for charts in which Mars is in

strength in

> > the 7th, so that its effect is dominant and not diluted or

veiled by

> > other planets. In such a chart, the Mars in 7th effect


> > show up rather clearly. That is exactly why I chose Bobby


> > and Hitler's charts.

> >

> > I have 2 other charts of people I know with powerful virtually

> > undiluted effects of Mars in 7ths clearly visible (IMO).


> > I still find it hard to believe that planets in the 7th show



> > opposite nature of who we are.

> >

> > So I have a question for you:

> > 1) In the charts that you have examined, do you have any



> > which Mars is in the 7th in strength and dominance over other



> > If yes, does this person show the "exact opposite nature" of

Mars? If

> > they do, please share it and I will stand corrected.

> >

> > It just so happens that for some reason, I meet a lot of



> > people (I'm sure there's a deeper reason for it, but for now,



> > know). My opinion, based purely on experience, is that


in the

> > 7th, dont show you the *opposite* of who you are, but rather


> > *other half* of the people picture. Planets in the 7th are



> > through which you view relationships. Mars in the 7ths

(undiluted and

> > dominant of course) tend to view relationships like Mars -


> > energy, love deeply and hate deeply. They divide the world


> > friends and enemies, not much in between. Of course, now if


have a

> > powerful Jupiter in the 1st diluting, intellectualizing and


> > out the rough edges, the Mars effects will only come out

> > occasionally.. Similarly Sun in the 7ths (undiluted and

dominant) will

> > have an egocentric (not egotistical, but egocentric) view of


> > world, which may manifest in many different ways depending on


> > chart..

> >

> > So in any case, although I am no match in astrological



> > Vistiji, but I continue to have difficulty in accepting the

> > dictum "planets in 7th show opposite nature...", simply



> > experience contradicts it..

> >

> > But as always, I am open to new information, new data.. Would



> > interesting to hear what you have to say..

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> > sohamsa



> > "Bharat Hindu Astrology"

> > <hinduastrology@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Sri Sundeep

> > >

> > > It is improper to give results by just one graha. I am


you know

> > this.

> >

> >


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!Om Gurave Namah! Namaste Bharat! Can you share the DOB of the person with Borderline Personality with the group? If not then just the planetary positions in D-1 and D-9 will help. Regards, PranavBharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology wrote: Namaste Sri HariI respectfully decline to share this data as it would be amount to dishonesty with those who have placed their trust in me. However, I can

share the data of Borderline Personality person, as I have verbal permission from the concerned person, without giving the name. For the said husband-wife, there was a statement I read that Saturn in same position in spouse's chart can quell the results of Mars in the same position. I keep remembering statements from books but my memory fails to recall their names. Thanks and RegardsBharat On 1/22/07, Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi > wrote: |om| Dear Anuj, namaste Well then dont share the names! only the birth

data and nothing else, what say? And you can send it to my personal email ID. Your information is pretty interesting and does raise further lines of thinking. Thanks anyway. best regards Hari On 1/21/07, Bharat Hindu Astrology <hinduastrology > wrote: Namaste Sri HariI cannot share the birth details of any of the above mentioned charts since some of them are very well known people and their relatives in society in India and have bestowed faith in me to protect the same. I

can share this - Lady has Virgo Ascendant and Mars in 7th. The man has Libra Ascendant with Saturn in 7th.Thanks and RegardsBharat On 1/21/07, Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi > wrote: |om|Dear Anuj, namaste 4. Amazing Loving and caring wife with Husband having Saturn in 7th {Hari} That observation interests me! Specific questions: Is Saturn retrograde in that chart? When did the husband get

married and is the wife older or older-looking than the husband? Could you please share the birth details of this chart? best regards Hari .

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