Guest guest Posted March 14, 2007 Report Share Posted March 14, 2007 Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal, Namaskar, I understand what you are saying. Thus MKS may also be seen from the Karaka of the varga like in Dasamsa this will be from 10H; Mercury , Mars in 4H or Sun in 9H will be in MKS. Do you think this is also remedied in the same way by using the the relevant Surya form? Thanks and regards Sharat - Rafal Gendarz sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:20 AM Re: Re: remedy for guru in MKS II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar In one mail of Sanjay Ji He says that He will wait with teaching MKS in Varga's altough in some of His books He use this in the same way as in the D1. So word dying must be placed in specific area dominated by Varga, because in Navamsa Lagna doesnt say (there are other schools) about health/prana/place of stay, but about attitude in marriage, and what one wants/expect from sambandha's. >From the other side You can see MKS from 7H in D9 to see obstacles in getting married. Sanjay Ji described Surya in 6H and Venus in 12H in His lecture. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, www.rohinaa.comSharat napisał(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal, If this happens in Navamsa Dhanu lagna( Ju in MKS in 3 H), how do the significations change? This means that the attitude towards relationship(Lagna) is like' dying' and there is destruction of 4H, which signifies the work place of the spouse? Is the remedy similar to the one applicable in rasi chart? Can you please clarify this, thanks Regards Sharatsohamsa , Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:>> II hraum namah adityaya II> Dear Jyotisha's , Namaskar> ------> Please allow me to share what /*Sanjay Rath*/ wrote in the past about it:> > The fact that Jupiter is in the third house as the lord of Lagna does > cause Marana Karaka to operate on the lagna and the fourth houses for > Dhanus lagna and that this will happen in the lagna and tenth house for > Meena Lagna. I will discuss the positions independantly and cite two cases.> > *Dhanus Lagna*> > Guru is the lord of Lagna and the fourth house and its placement in the > Marana Karaka sthana causes the houses owned by it to get annihilated. > These houses rule various matters. For example, the fourth house rules > properties, houses, mother etc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2007 Report Share Posted March 15, 2007 !Om Gurave Namah! Dear Rafal ji, Namaskar! How can one get the 3 planets out of MKS, where all karakas are also in MKS? Libra Asc with Mars, Venus and Jupiter in MKS Tradition says propiate the respective Karakas. However, both Karakas (Mars and Venus)are in MKS themselves. DOB: February 14, 1972Time: 23:45Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00" New Delhi, India Any help or pointers are appreciated. Warm regards, Pranav Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote: II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar Yes, but there are more rules, like avastha and bhavakaraka in kona to Surya or Karyabhava. Gem of fifth lord in D10 improve career situation, but see how this graha is working in D1. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, Sharat napisa³(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal, Namaskar, I understand what you are saying. Thus MKS may also be seen from the Karaka of the varga like in Dasamsa this will be from 10H; Mercury , Mars in 4H or Sun in 9H will be in MKS. Do you think this is also remedied in the same way by using the the relevant Surya form? Thanks and regards Sharat - Rafal Gendarz sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 7:20 AM Re: Re: remedy for guru in MKS II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar In one mail of Sanjay Ji He says that He will wait with teaching MKS in Varga's altough in some of His books He use this in the same way as in the D1. So word dying must be placed in specific area dominated by Varga, because in Navamsa Lagna doesnt say (there are other schools) about health/prana/place of stay, but about attitude in marriage, and what one wants/expect from sambandha's. >From the other side You can see MKS from 7H in D9 to see obstacles in getting married. Sanjay Ji described Surya in 6H and Venus in 12H in His lecture. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, www.rohinaa.comSharat napisa³(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal, If this happens in Navamsa Dhanu lagna( Ju in MKS in 3 H), how do the significations change? This means that the attitude towards relationship(Lagna) is like' dying' and there is destruction of 4H, which signifies the work place of the spouse? Is the remedy similar to the one applicable in rasi chart? Can you please clarify this, thanks Regards Sharatsohamsa , Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:>> II hraum namah adityaya II> Dear Jyotisha's , Namaskar> ------> Please allow me to share what /*Sanjay Rath*/ wrote in the past about it:> > The fact that Jupiter is in the third house as the lord of Lagna does > cause Marana Karaka to operate on the lagna and the fourth houses for > Dhanus lagna and that this will happen in the lagna and tenth house for > Meena Lagna. I will discuss the positions independantly and cite two cases.> > *Dhanus Lagna*> > Guru is the lord of Lagna and the fourth house and its placement in the > Marana Karaka sthana causes the houses owned by it to get annihilated. > These houses rule various matters. For example, the fourth house rules > properties, houses, mother etc. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2007 Report Share Posted March 15, 2007 Hare Ram Krishna Dear Karu, Appreciate your thoughts. My query was regarding which form to worship for MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri Krishna's updesh. Regards Sharat - Karu sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Rama Krshna Dear Sarat, May I jump here ? There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take lord of the Sun sign for own protection and prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for the spouse. Best Wishes Karu - Sharat sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal and Swee, The Surya Aditya list has now become confusing. Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies Kumbha/11H and so on. In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya will bring health and prosperity. This list is the same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this is the one we can use for MKS planets. Which form is to be used when, that is the crux ? Please advise. Regards Sharat - Swee Chan Sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Om Gurave NamahDear Rafal,NamasteIn which context do you apply this list? The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the indicator and that goes for lagna as the first assessment.According to Padma Purana, “om hrAm hrIm (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is preferable) namaH” - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using this ;-))What happens if the condition of the person is too pitta and you suggest “hraum” as the bija? love,Swee II hraum namah adityaya IIDear Swee , Namaskar I was taught to advise Surya Vesa of bhava karaka of that Bhava (in MKS case).The list was taught in Serbia 2006, still its old list which You know. Adityas Su Surya Ve Ravi Ma Vivasvan Ra Bhaga Sa Varuna Ch Mitra Me Aditya Gu Visnu Regards,Rafal Gendarz, <> Swee Chan napisa³(a): Om Gurave Namah Dear Rafal,Namaste Odd sign lagna – BhagaEven sign lagna - ansuman for the direction where dasamsa is concerned. What do you think? love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Neuro , Namaskar Pray to Lord Vivasvan. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, www.rohinaa <http://www.rohinaa> .com <> neurostro napisa³(a): Respected Gurujans, I would like to request you to please suggest me a remedy for Guru inMarana Karaka Sthana. It is in 3rd house and lord of 1st and 4th house. RegardsNeurostro Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2007 Report Share Posted March 15, 2007 Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sharat, I am not easily come to a final conclution due to so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me share some arguments which I am also pondering over day and night. 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as the given job is completely against his primery duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse the light of the Sun and keep the native in the dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort of desires by pouring water to Agni. 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, means he is dying his self. We know when a planet is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can you see the differance ? 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for protect others . But melefic, trying to protect themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones helpful. 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works to find out about other planets. Hope this would help. Best Wishes Karu - Sharat sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Ram Krishna Dear Karu, Appreciate your thoughts. My query was regarding which form to worship for MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri Krishna's updesh. Regards Sharat - Karu sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Rama Krshna Dear Sarat, May I jump here ? There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take lord of the Sun sign for own protection and prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for the spouse. Best Wishes Karu - Sharat sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal and Swee, The Surya Aditya list has now become confusing. Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies Kumbha/11H and so on. In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya will bring health and prosperity. This list is the same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this is the one we can use for MKS planets. Which form is to be used when, that is the crux ? Please advise. Regards Sharat - Swee Chan Sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Om Gurave NamahDear Rafal,NamasteIn which context do you apply this list? The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the indicator and that goes for lagna as the first assessment.According to Padma Purana, “om hrAm hrIm (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is preferable) namaH” - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using this ;-))What happens if the condition of the person is too pitta and you suggest “hraum” as the bija? love,Swee II hraum namah adityaya IIDear Swee , Namaskar I was taught to advise Surya Vesa of bhava karaka of that Bhava (in MKS case).The list was taught in Serbia 2006, still its old list which You know. Adityas Su Surya Ve Ravi Ma Vivasvan Ra Bhaga Sa Varuna Ch Mitra Me Aditya Gu Visnu Regards,Rafal Gendarz, <> Swee Chan napisa³(a): Om Gurave Namah Dear Rafal,Namaste Odd sign lagna – BhagaEven sign lagna - ansuman for the direction where dasamsa is concerned. What do you think? love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Neuro , Namaskar Pray to Lord Vivasvan. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, www.rohinaa <http://www.rohinaa> .com <> neurostro napisa³(a): Respected Gurujans, I would like to request you to please suggest me a remedy for Guru inMarana Karaka Sthana. It is in 3rd house and lord of 1st and 4th house. RegardsNeurostro Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2007 Report Share Posted March 15, 2007 Hare Rama Krishna, Dear Sharat, Arjuna used weapons, true. But weapons cannot fight it self. Arjuna was the fighter. Surya is the rescorce. Who is fighting ? Best Wishes Karu - Sharat sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Ram Krishna Dear Karu, Appreciate your thoughts. My query was regarding which form to worship for MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri Krishna's updesh. Regards Sharat - Karu sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Rama Krshna Dear Sarat, May I jump here ? There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take lord of the Sun sign for own protection and prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for the spouse. Best Wishes Karu - Sharat sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal and Swee, The Surya Aditya list has now become confusing. Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies Kumbha/11H and so on. In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya will bring health and prosperity. This list is the same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this is the one we can use for MKS planets. Which form is to be used when, that is the crux ? Please advise. Regards Sharat - Swee Chan Sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Om Gurave NamahDear Rafal,NamasteIn which context do you apply this list? The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the indicator and that goes for lagna as the first assessment.According to Padma Purana, “om hrAm hrIm (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is preferable) namaH” - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using this ;-))What happens if the condition of the person is too pitta and you suggest “hraum” as the bija? love,Swee II hraum namah adityaya IIDear Swee , Namaskar I was taught to advise Surya Vesa of bhava karaka of that Bhava (in MKS case).The list was taught in Serbia 2006, still its old list which You know. Adityas Su Surya Ve Ravi Ma Vivasvan Ra Bhaga Sa Varuna Ch Mitra Me Aditya Gu Visnu Regards,Rafal Gendarz, <> Swee Chan napisa³(a): Om Gurave Namah Dear Rafal,Namaste Odd sign lagna – BhagaEven sign lagna - ansuman for the direction where dasamsa is concerned. What do you think? love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Neuro , Namaskar Pray to Lord Vivasvan. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, www.rohinaa <http://www.rohinaa> .com <> neurostro napisa³(a): Respected Gurujans, I would like to request you to please suggest me a remedy for Guru inMarana Karaka Sthana. It is in 3rd house and lord of 1st and 4th house. RegardsNeurostro Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Hare Ram Krishna Dear Karu, Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial to the lagna as well. But youre in the right direction here. For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and see what happens. What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to approach this? Best wishes, Sharat - Karu sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sharat, I am not easily come to a final conclution due to so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me share some arguments which I am also pondering over day and night. 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as the given job is completely against his primery duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse the light of the Sun and keep the native in the dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort of desires by pouring water to Agni. 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, means he is dying his self. We know when a planet is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can you see the differance ? 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for protect others . But melefic, trying to protect themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones helpful. 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works to find out about other planets. Hope this would help. Best Wishes Karu - Sharat sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Ram Krishna Dear Karu, Appreciate your thoughts. My query was regarding which form to worship for MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri Krishna's updesh. Regards Sharat - Karu sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Rama Krshna Dear Sarat, May I jump here ? There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take lord of the Sun sign for own protection and prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for the spouse. Best Wishes Karu - Sharat sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Hare Ram Krishna Dear Rafal and Swee, The Surya Aditya list has now become confusing. Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies Kumbha/11H and so on. In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya will bring health and prosperity. This list is the same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this is the one we can use for MKS planets. Which form is to be used when, that is the crux ? Please advise. Regards Sharat - Swee Chan Sohamsa Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Om Gurave NamahDear Rafal,NamasteIn which context do you apply this list? The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the indicator and that goes for lagna as the first assessment.According to Padma Purana, “om hrAm hrIm (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is preferable) namaH” - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using this ;-))What happens if the condition of the person is too pitta and you suggest “hraum” as the bija? love,Swee II hraum namah adityaya IIDear Swee , Namaskar I was taught to advise Surya Vesa of bhava karaka of that Bhava (in MKS case).The list was taught in Serbia 2006, still its old list which You know. Adityas Su Surya Ve Ravi Ma Vivasvan Ra Bhaga Sa Varuna Ch Mitra Me Aditya Gu Visnu Regards,Rafal Gendarz, <> Swee Chan napisa³(a): Om Gurave Namah Dear Rafal,Namaste Odd sign lagna – BhagaEven sign lagna - ansuman for the direction where dasamsa is concerned. What do you think? love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Neuro , Namaskar Pray to Lord Vivasvan. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, www.rohinaa <http://www.rohinaa> .com <> neurostro napisa³(a): Respected Gurujans, I would like to request you to please suggest me a remedy for Guru inMarana Karaka Sthana. It is in 3rd house and lord of 1st and 4th house. RegardsNeurostro Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Dear Sharat, <For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay ji advising diamond> Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be some substance in it. I just want to share my experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A large section of the astrologers felt that it is never a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas another section felt that since Venus is the lagna lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and believe me, within two to three days of wearing the ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I went to see a neurologist, and he just could not figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost a year and during that time, my health too such a drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in 12th house becomes very weak, I could never win against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or rivalry with anything. The point that I am trying to make here, is that my experience has been diametrically opposite to what respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. If it was somebody else saying this (what you have attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... Best Regards Manoj Sharma --- Sharat <gidoc wrote: > Hare Ram Krishna > Dear Karu, > > Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time > > I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics > mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has > to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial > to the lagna as well. But youre in the right > direction here. > For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay > ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and > see what happens. > > What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like > in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to > approach this? > > Best wishes, > Sharat > > > - > Karu > sohamsa > Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM > Re: remedy for guru in MKS > > > > Hare Rama Krishna > > Dear Sharat, > > I am not easily come to a final conclution due to > so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me > share some arguments which I am also pondering over > day and night. > > 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed > to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as > the given job is completely against his primery > duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse > the light of the Sun and keep the native in the > dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his > primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do > the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort > of desires by pouring water to Agni. > > 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a > " opposite " job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, > means he is dying his self. We know when a planet > is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless > some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) > His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. > > 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying > planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No > mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself > geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of > dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So > Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. > > 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, > karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations > by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) > Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in > MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but > Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can > you see the differance ? > > 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for > protect others . But melefic, trying to protect > themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of > understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural > melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the > house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the > house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we > must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus > on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones > helpful. > > 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age > of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works > to find out about other planets. > > Hope this would help. > Best Wishes > Karu > > - > Sharat > sohamsa > Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM > Re: remedy for guru in MKS > > > > Hare Ram Krishna > Dear Karu, > Appreciate your thoughts. > My query was regarding which form to worship for > MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri > Krishna's updesh. > Regards > Sharat > > > > - > Karu > sohamsa > Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM > Re: remedy for guru in MKS > > > > Hare Rama Krshna > > Dear Sarat, > May I jump here ? > There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa > Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the > other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- > Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated > bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take > lord of the Sun sign for own protection and > prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, > so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for > the spouse. > > Best Wishes > Karu > > > > > - > Sharat > sohamsa > Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM > Re: remedy for guru in > MKS > > > > Hare Ram Krishna > > Dear Rafal and Swee, > > The Surya Aditya list has now become > confusing. > > Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is > based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I > had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this > Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies > Kumbha/11H and so on. > In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes > the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says > that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya > will bring health and prosperity. This list is the > same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, > Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this > is the one we can use for MKS planets. > > Which form is to be used when, that is the > crux ? > > Please advise. > > Regards > Sharat > > > - > Swee Chan > Sohamsa > Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM > Re: remedy for guru in > MKS > > > > > Om Gurave Namah > > Dear Rafal, > Namaste > > In which context do you apply this list? > The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and > expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind > where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the > indicator and that goes for lagna as the first > assessment. > According to Padma Purana, " om hrAm hrIm > (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is > preferable) namaH " - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT > hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using > this ;-)) > === message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, " Manoj Sharma " <manojsharma662000 wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> " opposite " job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, " om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH " - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat - Swee Chan sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya JagannathaDear Manoj and Karu,NamasteSanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics.Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love,SweeOn Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 > wrote:>Dear Sharat,><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>ji advising diamond>>>Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if>respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be>some substance in it. I just want to share my>experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the>ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A>large section of the astrologers felt that it is never>a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas>another section felt that since Venus is the lagna>lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a>diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and>believe me, within two to three days of wearing the>ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting>convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I>went to see a neurologist, and he just could not>figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost>a year and during that time, my health too such a>drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The>filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had>to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that>they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I>developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to>worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year>of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving.>However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in>12th house becomes very weak, I could never win>against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I>have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or>rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my>experience has been diametrically opposite to what>respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have>attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it.>But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking>and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From>materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my>desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the>diamond ring. (This doesn't include career).>Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus...>Best Regards>Manoj Sharma >>>>>>--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org> wrote:>>> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics>> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has>> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial>> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right>> direction here.>> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and>> see what happens.>> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like>> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to>> approach this?>> >> Best wishes,>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna>> >> Dear Sharat,>> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to>> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me>> share some arguments which I am also pondering over>> day and night.>> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed>> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as>> the given job is completely against his primery>> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse>> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the>> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his>> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do>> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort>> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a>> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka,>> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet>> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless>> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b)>> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava.>> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying>> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No>> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself>> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of>> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So>> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case,>> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations>> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2)>> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in>> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but>> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can>> you see the differance ?>> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for>> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect>> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of>> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural>> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the>> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the>> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we>> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus>> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones>> helpful.>> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age>> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works>> to find out about other planets.>> >> Hope this would help.>> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> Appreciate your thoughts.>> My query was regarding which form to worship for>> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri>> Krishna's updesh.>> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna>> >> Dear Sarat,>> May I jump here ?>> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa>> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the>> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra->> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated>> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take>> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and>> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally,>> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for>> the spouse.>> >> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> >> Dear Rafal and Swee,>> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become>> confusing.>> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is>> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I>> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this>> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies>> Kumbha/11H and so on.>> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes>> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says>> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya>> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the>> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya,>> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this>> is the one we can use for MKS planets.>> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the>> crux ?>> >> Please advise.>> >> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah>> >> Dear Rafal,>> Namaste>> >> In which context do you apply this list?>> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and>> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind>> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the>> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first>> assessment.>> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm>> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is>> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT>> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using>> this ;-))>> >=== message truncated ===>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar Depending on which of Two planets representing Pokhraj or Neelam is better placed from AL. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, Sharat napisał(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat ----- Original Message ----- Swee Chan To: sohamsa Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Subject: Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 > wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org> wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Jaya Jagannatha Dear Sharat, Namaste Even if in own house, it is in a death like position and if Sun is afflicted as well, so second option is the better choice. I’m not sure why you still insist on a diamond when Mercury’s gemstone is a better option. love, Swee Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat - Swee Chan <sweechan sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, " Manoj Sharma " <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc <> > wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> " opposite " job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, " om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH " - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Jaya Jagannatha Dear Rafal, Namaste According to my findings, Bala asura was the son of an Aditya who married a raksa’s daughter. Due to association, their son became an asura. So analyse for gemstone from lagna (karaka is Sun). In my opinion, using AL is stretching things a bit too far. love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar Depending on which of Two planets representing Pokhraj or Neelam is better placed from AL. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, <> Sharat napisa³(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat - Swee Chan <sweechan sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, " Manoj Sharma " <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc <> > wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> " opposite " job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, " om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH " - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Swee , Namaskar I appreciate Your depth in Jyotish but I have faith in my Guru. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, Swee Chan napisa³(a): Jaya Jagannatha Dear Rafal, Namaste According to my findings, Bala asura was the son of an Aditya who married a raksa’s daughter. Due to association, their son became an asura. So analyse for gemstone from lagna (karaka is Sun). In my opinion, using AL is stretching things a bit too far. love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar Depending on which of Two planets representing Pokhraj or Neelam is better placed from AL. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, <> Sharat napisa³(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat - Swee Chan <sweechan (AT) mac (DOT) com> sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org <> > wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 हरे राम कृष्ण॥ Dear Rafal, Namaskar Who is to say that I'm right? I've seen guruji use this on many occasions and i base the knowledge on this... but i can always learn more. Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC Guru Jaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: Rafal Gendarz wrote: II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Swee , Namaskar I appreciate Your depth in Jyotish but I have faith in my Guru. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, Swee Chan napisa³(a): Jaya Jagannatha Dear Rafal, Namaste According to my findings, Bala asura was the son of an Aditya who married a raksa’s daughter. Due to association, their son became an asura. So analyse for gemstone from lagna (karaka is Sun). In my opinion, using AL is stretching things a bit too far. love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar Depending on which of Two planets representing Pokhraj or Neelam is better placed from AL. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, <> Sharat napisa³(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat - Swee Chan <sweechan (AT) mac (DOT) com> sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org <> > wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar, I am open minded So.. We are trying to strengthen Venus in 6H...for Taurus lagna Emerald for Mercury as natural 6 th house? I recognise that Emerald by itself will be good for 5H! But doesnt Mercury exaltation debilitate Venus? Regards Sharat - Swee Chan Sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 8:05 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya JagannathaDear Sharat,NamasteEven if in own house, it is in a death like position and if Sun is afflicted as well, so second option is the better choice.I’m not sure why you still insist on a diamond when Mercury’s gemstone is a better,SweeHare Ram KrishnaDear Swee,NamaskarIn Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here?2 options are:1.Diamond2.Varuna Aditya mantraBest wishesSharat - Swee Chan <sweechan (AT) mac (DOT) com> sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya JagannathaDear Manoj and Karu,NamasteSanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics.Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love,SweeOn Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote:>Dear Sharat,><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>ji advising diamond>>>Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if>respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be>some substance in it. I just want to share my>experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the>ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A>large section of the astrologers felt that it is never>a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas>another section felt that since Venus is the lagna>lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a>diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and>believe me, within two to three days of wearing the>ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting>convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I>went to see a neurologist, and he just could not>figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost>a year and during that time, my health too such a>drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The>filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had>to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that>they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I>developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to>worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year>of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving.>However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in>12th house becomes very weak, I could never win>against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I>have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or>rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my>experience has been diametrically opposite to what>respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have>attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it.>But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking>and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From>materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my>desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the>diamond ring. (This doesn't include career).>Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus...>Best Regards>Manoj Sharma >>>>>>--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org <> > wrote:>>> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics>> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has>> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial>> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right>> direction here.>> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and>> see what happens.>> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like>> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to>> approach this?>> >> Best wishes,>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna>> >> Dear Sharat,>> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to>> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me>> share some arguments which I am also pondering over>> day and night.>> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed>> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as>> the given job is completely against his primery>> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse>> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the>> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his>> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do>> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort>> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a>> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka,>> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet>> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless>> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b)>> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava.>> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying>> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No>> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself>> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of>> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So>> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case,>> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations>> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2)>> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in>> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but>> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can>> you see the differance ?>> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for>> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect>> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of>> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural>> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the>> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the>> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we>> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus>> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones>> helpful.>> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age>> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works>> to find out about other planets.>> >> Hope this would help.>> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> Appreciate your thoughts.>> My query was regarding which form to worship for>> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri>> Krishna's updesh.>> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna>> >> Dear Sarat,>> May I jump here ?>> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa>> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the>> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra->> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated>> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take>> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and>> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally,>> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for>> the spouse.>> >> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> >> Dear Rafal and Swee,>> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become>> confusing.>> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is>> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I>> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this>> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies>> Kumbha/11H and so on.>> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes>> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says>> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya>> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the>> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya,>> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this>> is the one we can use for MKS planets.>> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the>> crux ?>> >> Please advise.>> >> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah>> >> Dear Rafal,>> Namaste>> >> In which context do you apply this list?>> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and>> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind>> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the>> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first>> assessment.>> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm>> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is>> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT>> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using>> this ;-))>> >=== message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Guruji , Namaskar Yes, and I also base my knowledge on this. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, Visti Larsen napisa³(a): हरे राम कृष्ण॥ Dear Rafal, Namaskar Who is to say that I'm right? I've seen guruji use this on many occasions and i base the knowledge on this... but i can always learn more. Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC Guru Jaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: Rafal Gendarz wrote: II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Swee , Namaskar I appreciate Your depth in Jyotish but I have faith in my Guru. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, Swee Chan napisa³(a): Jaya Jagannatha Dear Rafal, Namaste According to my findings, Bala asura was the son of an Aditya who married a raksa’s daughter. Due to association, their son became an asura. So analyse for gemstone from lagna (karaka is Sun). In my opinion, using AL is stretching things a bit too far. love, Swee II hraum namah adityaya II Dear Sharat , Namaskar Depending on which of Two planets representing Pokhraj or Neelam is better placed from AL. Regards, Rafal Gendarz, <> Sharat napisa³(a): Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat - Swee Chan <sweechan (AT) mac (DOT) com> sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org <> > wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Hare Rama Krishna Dear Swee, Why Varuna ? It must be Ravi is itn't ? Best Wishes Karu - Swee Chan Sohamsa Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:05 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya JagannathaDear Sharat,NamasteEven if in own house, it is in a death like position and if Sun is afflicted as well, so second option is the better choice.I’m not sure why you still insist on a diamond when Mercury’s gemstone is a better,SweeHare Ram KrishnaDear Swee,NamaskarIn Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here?2 options are:1.Diamond2.Varuna Aditya mantraBest wishesSharat - Swee Chan <sweechan (AT) mac (DOT) com> sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya JagannathaDear Manoj and Karu,NamasteSanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics.Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love,SweeOn Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote:>Dear Sharat,><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>ji advising diamond>>>Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if>respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be>some substance in it. I just want to share my>experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the>ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A>large section of the astrologers felt that it is never>a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas>another section felt that since Venus is the lagna>lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a>diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and>believe me, within two to three days of wearing the>ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting>convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I>went to see a neurologist, and he just could not>figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost>a year and during that time, my health too such a>drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The>filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had>to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that>they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I>developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to>worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year>of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving.>However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in>12th house becomes very weak, I could never win>against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I>have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or>rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my>experience has been diametrically opposite to what>respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have>attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it.>But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking>and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From>materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my>desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the>diamond ring. (This doesn't include career).>Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus...>Best Regards>Manoj Sharma >>>>>>--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org <> > wrote:>>> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics>> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has>> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial>> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right>> direction here.>> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and>> see what happens.>> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like>> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to>> approach this?>> >> Best wishes,>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna>> >> Dear Sharat,>> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to>> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me>> share some arguments which I am also pondering over>> day and night.>> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed>> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as>> the given job is completely against his primery>> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse>> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the>> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his>> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do>> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort>> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a>> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka,>> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet>> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless>> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b)>> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava.>> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying>> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No>> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself>> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of>> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So>> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case,>> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations>> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2)>> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in>> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but>> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can>> you see the differance ?>> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for>> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect>> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of>> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural>> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the>> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the>> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we>> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus>> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones>> helpful.>> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age>> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works>> to find out about other planets.>> >> Hope this would help.>> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> Appreciate your thoughts.>> My query was regarding which form to worship for>> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri>> Krishna's updesh.>> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna>> >> Dear Sarat,>> May I jump here ?>> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa>> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the>> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra->> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated>> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take>> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and>> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally,>> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for>> the spouse.>> >> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> >> Dear Rafal and Swee,>> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become>> confusing.>> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is>> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I>> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this>> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies>> Kumbha/11H and so on.>> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes>> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says>> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya>> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the>> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya,>> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this>> is the one we can use for MKS planets.>> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the>> crux ?>> >> Please advise.>> >> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah>> >> Dear Rafal,>> Namaste>> >> In which context do you apply this list?>> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and>> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind>> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the>> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first>> assessment.>> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm>> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is>> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT>> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using>> this ;-))>> >=== message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2007 Report Share Posted March 16, 2007 Hare Rama Krishna Dear Swee, Yes, agreed. But, I have some thing to say about Taurus lagna. Don't you think Mercury also playing a role here as the 6th lord ? We better have the chart of Manoj to study this. BTW, swee I have question. Have you ever consider the effects of "Upgrading " gemstones ? I am using a small yellow sappier for few years now, and thinking to have new one with better color etc. What shastra say about changing stone ? Thanks and Best wishes Karu - Swee Chan sohamsa Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:06 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya JagannathaDear Manoj and Karu,NamasteSanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics.Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love,SweeOn Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj Sharma" <manojsharma662000 > wrote:>Dear Sharat,><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>ji advising diamond>>>Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if>respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be>some substance in it. I just want to share my>experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the>ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A>large section of the astrologers felt that it is never>a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas>another section felt that since Venus is the lagna>lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a>diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and>believe me, within two to three days of wearing the>ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting>convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I>went to see a neurologist, and he just could not>figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost>a year and during that time, my health too such a>drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The>filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had>to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that>they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I>developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to>worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year>of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving.>However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in>12th house becomes very weak, I could never win>against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I>have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or>rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my>experience has been diametrically opposite to what>respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have>attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it.>But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking>and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From>materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my>desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the>diamond ring. (This doesn't include career).>Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus...>Best Regards>Manoj Sharma >>>>>>--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org> wrote:>>> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics>> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has>> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial>> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right>> direction here.>> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay>> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and>> see what happens.>> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like>> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to>> approach this?>> >> Best wishes,>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna>> >> Dear Sharat,>> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to>> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me>> share some arguments which I am also pondering over>> day and night.>> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed>> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as>> the given job is completely against his primery>> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse>> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the>> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his>> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do>> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort>> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a>> "opposite" job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka,>> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet>> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless>> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b)>> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava.>> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying>> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No>> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself>> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of>> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So>> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case,>> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations>> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2)>> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in>> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but>> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can>> you see the differance ?>> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for>> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect>> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of>> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural>> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the>> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the>> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we>> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus>> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones>> helpful.>> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age>> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works>> to find out about other planets.>> >> Hope this would help.>> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> Dear Karu,>> Appreciate your thoughts.>> My query was regarding which form to worship for>> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri>> Krishna's updesh.>> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna>> >> Dear Sarat,>> May I jump here ?>> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa>> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the>> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra->> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated>> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take>> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and>> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally,>> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for>> the spouse.>> >> Best Wishes>> Karu>> >> >> >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna>> >> Dear Rafal and Swee,>> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become>> confusing.>> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is>> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I>> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this>> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies>> Kumbha/11H and so on.>> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes>> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says>> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya>> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the>> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya,>> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this>> is the one we can use for MKS planets.>> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the>> crux ?>> >> Please advise.>> >> Regards>> Sharat>> >> >> - >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM>> Re: remedy for guru in>> MKS>> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah>> >> Dear Rafal,>> Namaste>> >> In which context do you apply this list?>> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and>> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind>> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the>> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first>> assessment.>> According to Padma Purana, "om hrAm hrIm>> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is>> preferable) namaH" - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT>> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using>> this ;-))>> >=== message truncated ===>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2007 Report Share Posted March 17, 2007 Om Krishna Guru Dear Sharat, Namaste Yes Mercury does and it also has the power to overcome evils caused by Rahu. - refer to Jataka Parijata. love, Swee Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar, I am open minded So.. We are trying to strengthen Venus in 6H...for Taurus lagna Emerald for Mercury as natural 6 th house? I recognise that Emerald by itself will be good for 5H! But doesnt Mercury exaltation debilitate Venus? Regards Sharat - Swee Chan <sweechan Sohamsa <sohamsa > Friday, March 16, 2007 8:05 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Sharat, Namaste Even if in own house, it is in a death like position and if Sun is afflicted as well, so second option is the better choice. I’m not sure why you still insist on a diamond when Mercury’s gemstone is a better option. love, Swee Hare Ram Krishna Dear Swee, Namaskar In Taurus lagna, if Ve is in 6H (Its Office), is it not then less likely to give disease, being in own house? It will be also in MKS, what should be advised here? 2 options are: 1.Diamond 2.Varuna Aditya mantra Best wishes Sharat ----- Original Message ----- Swee Chan <sweechan sohamsa Friday, March 16, 2007 3:06 PM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj and Karu, Namaste Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more malefics. Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than normal. love, Swee On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, " Manoj Sharma " <manojsharma662000 <manojsharma662000%40> > wrote: >Dear Sharat, ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >ji advising diamond> > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught to be >some substance in it. I just want to share my >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with Venus--the >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. A >large section of the astrologers felt that it is never >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, whereas >another section felt that since Venus is the lagna >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, and >believe me, within two to three days of wearing the >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting >convulsions, and got an intense bout of insomania. I >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for almost >a year and during that time, my health too such a >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. The >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries had >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if that >they were completely anihiliated. After insomania, I >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad to >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a year >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started improving. >However, since because Venus being sixth lord being in >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, I >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle or >rivalry with anything. >The point that I am trying to make here, is that my >experience has been diametrically opposite to what >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. >If it was somebody else saying this (what you have >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just ignored it. >But now I have started rethinking about my rethinking >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). >Just want to know what is the take of senior gurus... >Best Regards >Manoj Sharma > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc <> > wrote: > >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time >> >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one has >> to work out if it owns good houses and is beneficial >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right >> direction here. >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard Sanjay >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try and >> see what happens. >> >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord like >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how to >> approach this? >> >> Best wishes, >> Sharat >> >> >> - >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krishna >> >> Dear Sharat, >> >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due to >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me >> share some arguments which I am also pondering over >> day and night. >> >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and employed >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at all as >> the given job is completely against his primery >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is eclipse >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as his >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus cannot do >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all sort >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. >> >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a >> " opposite " job, we called it is in Marana-Karaka, >> means he is dying his self. We know when a planet >> is week, he cannot protect a) His own House(unless >> some one else helping him by occupyng his house) b) >> His Karakatwa. c) His Karaka Bhava. >> >> 3. Here, remedies must be focused on the dying >> planet, it self. For example say Guru is in 3rd. No >> mater the strength of dispositor, Guru himself >> geting week. So I do not think any Mantra or Gems of >> dispositor is good enough to protect Guru. So >> Dwadasa Aditya shall not work here. >> >> 4. Strengthening Karaka of the house (above case, >> karaka is Mars) - I have seen, few recommendations >> by Guruji 1) Pokaraj -When Rahu is in 9th and 2) >> Diamond- When Venus is in 6th. Here, for Rahu in >> MK, we strengthen Guru, the karaka of Bhava, but >> Venus in 6th house we strengthen Venus it self. Can >> you see the differance ? >> >> 5. Natural Benefics, take all pain and sorrow for >> protect others . But melefic, trying to protect >> themselves by some one else's cost. To my level of >> understandings, I feel when MK planet is natural >> melefic like Rahu, Saturn, Mars, we must protect the >> house they placed by strengthning the KARAKA of the >> house, while the MK planet is natural benefic we >> must strethen the planet itself. Here we are focus >> on the physical body of the planet. So Gemstones >> helpful. >> >> 6. We have learnt, Kuja Dosha shall nullify in age >> of Mars, in 28th Year. If so, need some extra works >> to find out about other planets. >> >> Hope this would help. >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> - >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Friday, March 16, 2007 7:59 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> Dear Karu, >> Appreciate your thoughts. >> My query was regarding which form to worship for >> MKS planets, I think it is the Surya form as per Sri >> Krishna's updesh. >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Karu >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:07 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Rama Krshna >> >> Dear Sarat, >> May I jump here ? >> There is nothing to confuse. One is Dwadasa >> Aditya, the 12 forms of Sun in the Zodiac, while the >> other one (comes from Aditya Hridayam Strotra- >> Krishna to Arjuna) is 9 Graha as GIVERS of animated >> bodies. Sun is the karaka for self, hence we take >> lord of the Sun sign for own protection and >> prosperity. Spouse too come from Bhagavan finally, >> so I think we can pray for 7th lord from Venus for >> the spouse. >> >> Best Wishes >> Karu >> >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Sharat >> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 10:03 PM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna >> >> Dear Rafal and Swee, >> >> The Surya Aditya list has now become >> confusing. >> >> Sanjay ji has used two descriptions. One is >> based on Rasi signs and Houses, the chart of which I >> had sent earlier, from his Aditya lecture. In this >> Dhata signifies Meena rasi/12H and Vishnu signifies >> Kumbha/11H and so on. >> In one of his lectures Sanjay ji describes >> the 9 names of Surya as per the Digchakra and says >> that as per Geeta and Sri Krishna, this form Surya >> will bring health and prosperity. This list is the >> same as which Rafal has circulated:Su-Surya, >> Ve-Ravi, Ma-Vivasvan and so on. I presume that this >> is the one we can use for MKS planets. >> >> Which form is to be used when, that is the >> crux ? >> >> Please advise. >> >> Regards >> Sharat >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----- >> Swee Chan >> Sohamsa >> Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:28 AM >> Re: remedy for guru in >> MKS >> >> >> >> >> Om Gurave Namah >> >> Dear Rafal, >> Namaste >> >> In which context do you apply this list? >> The full list as provided by Kishore promotes and >> expands goodness of the mind (give peace of mind >> where religious rites are concerned) - Sun is the >> indicator and that goes for lagna as the first >> assessment. >> According to Padma Purana, " om hrAm hrIm >> (name of Aditya presiding for that Vedic month is >> preferable) namaH " - note the hrAm (saumya) and NOT >> hrauM (not sure of this and I note you are using >> this ;-)) >> >=== message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2007 Report Share Posted March 17, 2007 Dear Karuji, If you look at my chart from Krishnamurthy Padhati standpoint, then Mercury does play the role of sixth. But if you go strictly by vedic method, then it doesn't. BTW, in my case, Mercury is the fifth and second lord in Mercury. Sweeji, just one thing i wanted to ask: Can it be a case, that a certain planet is giving benefic results in its Mahadasha, but gives malefic results in its Antardasha???? Thanks for your time and space. Manoj --- Karu <heen wrote: > Hare Rama Krishna > > Dear Swee, > Yes, agreed. > But, I have some thing to say about Taurus lagna. > Don't you think Mercury also playing a role here as > the 6th lord ? > We better have the chart of Manoj to study this. > > BTW, swee I have question. Have you ever consider > the effects of " Upgrading " gemstones ? I am using a > small yellow sappier for few years now, and thinking > to have new one with better color etc. What shastra > say about changing stone ? > > Thanks and Best wishes > Karu > > > > > - > Swee Chan > sohamsa > Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:06 AM > Re: remedy for guru in MKS > > > > Jaya Jagannatha > > Dear Manoj and Karu, > Namaste > > Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe > gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty > here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral > planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the > 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it > is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is > fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more > malefics. > > Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in > in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be > subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than > normal. > > love, > > Swee > > On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, " Manoj > Sharma " <manojsharma662000 wrote: > >Dear Sharat, > ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard > Sanjay > >ji advising diamond> > > > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if > >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught > to be > >some substance in it. I just want to share my > >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with > Venus--the > >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house. > A > >large section of the astrologers felt that it is > never > >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, > whereas > >another section felt that since Venus is the > lagna > >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a > >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, > and > >believe me, within two to three days of wearing > the > >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting > >convulsions, and got an intense bout of > insomania. I > >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not > >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for > almost > >a year and during that time, my health too such a > >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. > The > >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries > had > >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if > that > >they were completely anihiliated. After > insomania, I > >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad > to > >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a > year > >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started > improving. > >However, since because Venus being sixth lord > being in > >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win > >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now, > I > >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle > or > >rivalry with anything. > >The point that I am trying to make here, is that > my > >experience has been diametrically opposite to > what > >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. > >If it was somebody else saying this (what you > have > >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just > ignored it. > >But now I have started rethinking about my > rethinking > >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From > >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my > >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the > >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). > >Just want to know what is the take of senior > gurus... > >Best Regards > >Manoj Sharma > > > > > > > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc wrote: > > > >> Hare Ram Krishna > >> Dear Karu, > >> > >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time > > >> > >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics > >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one > has > >> to work out if it owns good houses and is > beneficial > >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right > >> direction here. > >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard > Sanjay > >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try > and > >> see what happens. > >> > >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord > like > >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how > to > >> approach this? > >> > >> Best wishes, > >> Sharat > >> > >> > >> - > >> Karu > >> sohamsa > >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM > >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS > >> > >> > >> > >> Hare Rama Krishna > >> > >> Dear Sharat, > >> > >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due > to > >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me > >> share some arguments which I am also pondering > over > >> day and night. > >> > >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and > employed > >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at > all as > >> the given job is completely against his primery > >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is > eclipse > >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the > >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as > his > >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus > cannot do > >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all > sort > >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. > >> > >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a > >> " opposite " job, we called it is in > Marana-Karaka, > >> means he is dying his self. We know when a > planet > === message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2007 Report Share Posted March 17, 2007 Jaya Jagannatha Dear Manoj, Namaste Sweeji, just one thing i wanted to ask: Can it be a case, that a certain planet is giving benefic results in its Mahadasha, but gives malefic results in its Antardasha???? Thanks for your time and space. Manoj I would say especially so in your case with the conjunction of so many – it takes on the energy of the two malefics in your case. I would somewhat discount Mars because it is parivatana with your ascendant lord. The short “windows” will give negative events: Me/Me/Sun; Me/Me/Ve; Me/Me/Ra Love, Swee Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2007 Report Share Posted March 17, 2007 Hare Rama Krishna Namaste Swee ji, Apologies for indulging in the thread, but I also wanted to ask you, as Karu did, that what is your opinion about "upgrading" gemstones? A lot of time, due to life constraints, we are not able to wear a fine gemstone, or sometimes even by choice just to try the effects go for one that is smaller/affordable. In cases where the gemstone has given us positive effects, should we still upgrade to a "better" gem while we can? is the "luck booster" factor, if I may use the words, relative to the gem, or inherent within The Gem? Please educate my rather confused mind; Gaurav Jain In a message dated 3/17/2007 8:18:33 P.M. India Standard Time, manojsharma662000 writes: Dear Karuji,If you look at my chart from Krishnamurthy Padhatistandpoint, then Mercury does play the role of sixth.But if you go strictly by vedic method, then itdoesn't. BTW, in my case, Mercury is the fifth and second lordin Mercury.Sweeji, just one thing i wanted to ask: Can it be acase, that a certain planet is giving benefic resultsin its Mahadasha, but gives malefic results in itsAntardasha????Thanks for your time and space.Manoj--- Karu <heen wrote:> Hare Rama Krishna> > Dear Swee,> Yes, agreed.> But, I have some thing to say about Taurus lagna.> Don't you think Mercury also playing a role here as> the 6th lord ?> We better have the chart of Manoj to study this.> > BTW, swee I have question. Have you ever consider> the effects of "Upgrading " gemstones ? I am using a> small yellow sappier for few years now, and thinking> to have new one with better color etc. What shastra> say about changing stone ?> > Thanks and Best wishes> Karu> > > > > - > Swee Chan > sohamsa > Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:06 AM> Re: remedy for guru in MKS> > > > Jaya Jagannatha> > Dear Manoj and Karu,> Namaste> > Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe> gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty> here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral> planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the> 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it> is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is> fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more> malefics.> > Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in> in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be> subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than> normal. > > love,> > Swee> > On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj> Sharma" <manojsharma662000 wrote:> >Dear Sharat,> ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard> Sanjay> >ji advising diamond>> >> >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if> >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught> to be> >some substance in it. I just want to share my> >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with> Venus--the> >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house.> A> >large section of the astrologers felt that it is> never> >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house,> whereas> >another section felt that since Venus is the> lagna> >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a> >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988,> and> >believe me, within two to three days of wearing> the> >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting> >convulsions, and got an intense bout of> insomania. I> >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not> >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for> almost> >a year and during that time, my health too such a> >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression.> The> >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries> had> >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if> that> >they were completely anihiliated. After> insomania, I> >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad> to> >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a> year> >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started> improving.> >However, since because Venus being sixth lord> being in> >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win> >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now,> I> >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle> or> >rivalry with anything. > >The point that I am trying to make here, is that> my> >experience has been diametrically opposite to> what> >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. > >If it was somebody else saying this (what you> have> >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just> ignored it.> >But now I have started rethinking about my> rethinking> >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From> >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my> >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the> >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career).> >Just want to know what is the take of senior> gurus...> >Best Regards> >Manoj Sharma > >> >> >> >> >> >--- Sharat <gidoc wrote:> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna> >> Dear Karu,> >> > >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time> > >> > >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics> >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one> has> >> to work out if it owns good houses and is> beneficial> >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right> >> direction here.> >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard> Sanjay> >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try> and> >> see what happens.> >> > >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord> like> >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how> to> >> approach this?> >> > >> Best wishes,> >> Sharat> >> > >> > >> - > >> Karu > >> sohamsa > >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM> >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS> >> > >> > >> > >> Hare Rama Krishna> >> > >> Dear Sharat,> >> > >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due> to> >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me> >> share some arguments which I am also pondering> over> >> day and night.> >> > >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and> employed> >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at> all as> >> the given job is completely against his primery> >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is> eclipse> >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the> >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as> his> >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus> cannot do> >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all> sort> >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. > >> > >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a> >> "opposite" job, we called it is in> Marana-Karaka,> >> means he is dying his self. We know when a> planet> === message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2007 Report Share Posted March 17, 2007 Hare Rama Krishna Dear Manoj, How Venus can do bad for Vrishabha Lagna ? When ever lord of the lagna owned a dustana, take such dustana from the lagna lord to find the Dustana. . In your case, 6th house from Venus act as the 6th house. Who lord it ? What can you expect, if you wear a Diamond ? I am only trying to stick to simple rules which we often forget and see the effects. Still there are few more options for this. Best Wishes Karu - Manoj Sharma sohamsa Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:48 AM Re: remedy for guru in MKS Dear Karuji,If you look at my chart from Krishnamurthy Padhatistandpoint, then Mercury does play the role of sixth.But if you go strictly by vedic method, then itdoesn't. BTW, in my case, Mercury is the fifth and second lordin Mercury.Sweeji, just one thing i wanted to ask: Can it be acase, that a certain planet is giving benefic resultsin its Mahadasha, but gives malefic results in itsAntardasha????Thanks for your time and space.Manoj--- Karu <heen (AT) netspace (DOT)> wrote:> Hare Rama Krishna> > Dear Swee,> Yes, agreed.> But, I have some thing to say about Taurus lagna.> Don't you think Mercury also playing a role here as> the 6th lord ?> We better have the chart of Manoj to study this.> > BTW, swee I have question. Have you ever consider> the effects of "Upgrading " gemstones ? I am using a> small yellow sappier for few years now, and thinking> to have new one with better color etc. What shastra> say about changing stone ?> > Thanks and Best wishes> Karu> > > > > - > Swee Chan > sohamsa > Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:06 AM> Re: remedy for guru in MKS> > > > Jaya Jagannatha> > Dear Manoj and Karu,> Namaste> > Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe> gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is faulty> here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is neutral> planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of the> 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If it> is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it is> fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more> malefics.> > Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in> in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be> subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than> normal. > > love,> > Swee> > On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, "Manoj> Sharma" <manojsharma662000 > wrote:> >Dear Sharat,> ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard> Sanjay> >ji advising diamond>> >> >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if> >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught> to be> >some substance in it. I just want to share my> >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with> Venus--the> >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th house.> A> >large section of the astrologers felt that it is> never> >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house,> whereas> >another section felt that since Venus is the> lagna> >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a> >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988,> and> >believe me, within two to three days of wearing> the> >ring, I took to severe illness. I started getting> >convulsions, and got an intense bout of> insomania. I> >went to see a neurologist, and he just could not> >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for> almost> >a year and during that time, my health too such a> >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression.> The> >filip side, however, was that all my adversaries> had> >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if> that> >they were completely anihiliated. After> insomania, I> >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad> to> >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a> year> >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started> improving.> >However, since because Venus being sixth lord> being in> >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win> >against my competitors (or my adversaries). Now,> I> >have learnt to not to get into any kind of tussle> or> >rivalry with anything. > >The point that I am trying to make here, is that> my> >experience has been diametrically opposite to> what> >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. > >If it was somebody else saying this (what you> have> >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just> ignored it.> >But now I have started rethinking about my> rethinking> >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From> >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all my> >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the> >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career).> >Just want to know what is the take of senior> gurus...> >Best Regards> >Manoj Sharma > >> >> >> >> >> >--- Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org> wrote:> >> >> Hare Ram Krishna> >> Dear Karu,> >> > >> Rahu in Lagna gives me the doubts all the time> > >> > >> I agree to your line of thinking. For benefics> >> mantras will also help. Regarding gemstone one> has> >> to work out if it owns good houses and is> beneficial> >> to the lagna as well. But youre in the right> >> direction here.> >> For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard> Sanjay> >> ji advising diamond, I guess one can always try> and> >> see what happens.> >> > >> What do you think happens with varga lagna lord> like> >> in D9/D10, in MKS, I havent quite figured how> to> >> approach this?> >> > >> Best wishes,> >> Sharat> >> > >> > >> - > >> Karu > >> sohamsa > >> Friday, March 16, 2007 1:23 AM> >> Re: remedy for guru in MKS> >> > >> > >> > >> Hare Rama Krishna> >> > >> Dear Sharat,> >> > >> I am not easily come to a final conclution due> to> >> so much doubt comes from Sarpa Deva. But let me> >> share some arguments which I am also pondering> over> >> day and night.> >> > >> 1. MK means, a planet is pulled out and> employed> >> to do a job he doesn't like, or cannot do at> all as> >> the given job is completely against his primery> >> duty. For example, Rahu's primery duty is> eclipse> >> the light of the Sun and keep the native in the> >> dark. Mars cannot do the job of the Venus as> his> >> primery duty is Brahmacharya, while Venus> cannot do> >> the job of the Mars, as she must fullfill all> sort> >> of desires by pouring water to Agni. > >> > >> 2. When any Graha compelled to do such a> >> "opposite" job, we called it is in> Marana-Karaka,> >> means he is dying his self. We know when a> planet> === message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2007 Report Share Posted March 18, 2007 <Still there are few more options for this.> Can you please elaborate upon this. Thnks --- Karu <heen wrote: > Hare Rama Krishna > > Dear Manoj, > > How Venus can do bad for Vrishabha Lagna ? When ever > lorStill there are few more options for this. d of the lagna owned a dustana, take such dustana > from the lagna lord to find the Dustana. . In your > case, 6th house from Venus act as the 6th house. Who > lord it ? What can you expect, if you wear a > Diamond ? > > I am only trying to stick to simple rules which we > often forget and see the effects. > > Still there are few more options for this. > > Best Wishes > Karu > > > - > Manoj Sharma > sohamsa > Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:48 AM > Re: remedy for guru in MKS > > > Dear Karuji, > If you look at my chart from Krishnamurthy Padhati > standpoint, then Mercury does play the role of > sixth. > But if you go strictly by vedic method, then it > doesn't. > BTW, in my case, Mercury is the fifth and second > lord > in Mercury. > Sweeji, just one thing i wanted to ask: Can it be > a > case, that a certain planet is giving benefic > results > in its Mahadasha, but gives malefic results in its > Antardasha???? > Thanks for your time and space. > Manoj > --- Karu <heen wrote: > > > Hare Rama Krishna > > > > Dear Swee, > > Yes, agreed. > > But, I have some thing to say about Taurus > lagna. > > Don't you think Mercury also playing a role here > as > > the 6th lord ? > > We better have the chart of Manoj to study this. > > > > BTW, swee I have question. Have you ever > consider > > the effects of " Upgrading " gemstones ? I am > using a > > small yellow sappier for few years now, and > thinking > > to have new one with better color etc. What > shastra > > say about changing stone ? > > > > Thanks and Best wishes > > Karu > > > > > > > > > > - > > Swee Chan > > sohamsa > > Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:06 AM > > Re: remedy for guru in MKS > > > > > > > > Jaya Jagannatha > > > > Dear Manoj and Karu, > > Namaste > > > > Sanjay ji has always said NOT to prescribe > > gemstones for the 6th. The understanding is > faulty > > here, Karu. For a Taurus lagna, Shukra is > neutral > > planet, but because it is the moolatrikona of > the > > 6th, its official job is to create sickness. If > it > > is placed in a kendra or with digbala, then it > is > > fine provided it is not afflicted by two or more > > malefics. > > > > Depending on your day of birth, if the Sun is in > > in mitra with the planet of the day, one may be > > subjected to frequent bouts of illnesses than > > normal. > > > > love, > > > > Swee > > > > On Friday, March 16, 2007, at 04:15PM, " Manoj > > Sharma " <manojsharma662000 wrote: > > >Dear Sharat, > > ><For Taurus lagna if Ve is in 6H, I have heard > > Sanjay > > >ji advising diamond> > > > > > >Well, it really boggles me no end. However, if > > >respected Sanjayji is saying this, there ouught > > to be > > >some substance in it. I just want to share my > > >experience here: My lagna is Taurus with > > Venus--the > > >ord of first and sixth house--in the 12th > house. > > A > > >large section of the astrologers felt that it > is > > never > > >a good idea to suggest a gem of sixth house, > > whereas > > >another section felt that since Venus is the > > lagna > > >lord, placed in 12 th, the native should wear a > > >diamond. So I wore a beautiful diamond in 1988, > > and > > >believe me, within two to three days of wearing > > the > > >ring, I took to severe illness. I started > getting > > >convulsions, and got an intense bout of > > insomania. I > > >went to see a neurologist, and he just could > not > > >figure out what the problem was. I suffered for > > almost > > >a year and during that time, my health too such > a > > >drubbing that I almost slipped into depression. > > The > > >filip side, however, was that all my > adversaries > > had > > >to bite the dust in front of me. It was as if > > that > > >they were completely anihiliated. After > > insomania, I > > >developed urinary problem. Things went from bad > > to > > >worse. I then took out the ring, almost after a > > year > > >of wearing it. Lo behold, my health started > > improving. > > >However, since because Venus being sixth lord > > being in > > >12th house becomes very weak, I could never win > > >against my competitors (or my adversaries). > Now, > > I > > >have learnt to not to get into any kind of > tussle > > or > > >rivalry with anything. > > >The point that I am trying to make here, is > that > > my > > >experience has been diametrically opposite to > > what > > >respected Sanjayji appears to be saying. > > >If it was somebody else saying this (what you > > have > > >attributed to Sanjayji), I would have just > > ignored it. > > >But now I have started rethinking about my > > rethinking > > >and I am tempted to wear the diamond. From > > >materialistic standpoint, it appeared that all > my > > >desires were getting fullfilled when I wore the > > >diamond ring. (This doesn't include career). > > >Just want to know what is the take of senior > > gurus... > > >Best Regards > > >Manoj Sharma > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >--- Sharat <gidoc wrote: > > > > > >> Hare Ram Krishna > === message truncated === Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2007 Report Share Posted March 18, 2007 Thanks a ton please Sweeji. MS --- Swee Chan <sweechan wrote: > > > > Jaya Jagannatha > > > > Dear Manoj, > > Namaste > > > > > > Sweeji, just one thing i wanted to ask: Can it be > a > > case, that a certain planet is giving benefic > results > > in its Mahadasha, but gives malefic results in its > > Antardasha???? > > Thanks for your time and space. > > Manoj > > I would say especially so in your case with the > conjunction of so many it > takes on the energy of the two malefics in your > case. I would somewhat > discount Mars because it is parivatana with your > ascendant lord. > The short ³windows² will give negative events: > Me/Me/Sun; Me/Me/Ve; Me/Me/Ra > > Love, > > Swee > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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