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Lesson #14 Bhava arudhas

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Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Class .

Pranamas. Here are my answers for lesson #13


Exercise 2: Im very tired but I wanted to at least do this exercise,

before I have to take off in morning.I hope I did it right. I'm still

assimilating the arudha conception.

**In all cases, first check the Lagna lord, and AL of each chart , along

with placement of Ghati,Hora,etc.lagnas.


1)Learning -(To learn, 1st must check intelligence-Rasi-5th house,and

lord, A5.Sun,Moon,etc).Our first learning comes from mother,father and

environment.Look for beneficial influences or oppositions.Look to 4th

house and also 9th house for higher learning.Check in D-24 for position

of house lords,AL,A-4,A10.Look to planets for further clues. A-4 can show

the illusion of the source ,content and place of learning in D-24

2)Academic degrees-Check strength of 4,5th lords and check 9th house for

clues regarding teachers.Check D-24, Look to AL Lagna lord,A5,A9,A10 for

awards, recognition.

3)Devotion-In Rasi look to the 5th house.Check placement of the Moon, and

lagna lord.We can look in the various vargas and check position of these

things in each chart for attachment ,devotion,for God,parents,


4)Reciting mantras-Look to 5th in Rasi,check 5th lord,also check A-5 in

varga charts relating to religious things.Also look to the 9th as it is

5th from 5th and tells us something about the guru or teacher who may

have given mantra.

5).Feeling sick-Check Lagna lords placement and Moon and Sun.Look to

afflictions to Moon/Lagna from Mars and Sat.Look to 6th house for

indications of weakness.In vargas check D-6,check lagna,planets

influencing AC. and lagna lord.See if A8 is connected in some way.Is

Moon/AL in 6th,8th.

6).Being sick-Check lagna lord,6th house,strength of Moon, Sun.In Vargas

check D-6 and see if benefics intervene.Look at A-6,A-8 for

connections.Is Jup.aspecting or only malefics.?etc. AL in 6th or

8th.associated with malefics.In D-6 which planets influence lagna.

7).Boldness-In rasi look to strength and positron of lagna lord, 3rd

house,and Mars the Sun should be strong for confidence..Planets

influencing lagna.In vargas check within each division for placement of

3rd lord and ,A-3,A-6 also its no good to be bold if 9th house is weak.!

Dont be bold unless you're lucky.

8)Weapons-Check 3rd lord,A-3, 6th house and lord,A-6. Check for malefics

or benefics.Rahu and Mars is different than Venus and Moon who may

not have enemies or can win over people by sweet words, etc.Check D-6 for

kind of enemies,where weapons may be found.Check A7 in D-6 also for

further indications of company kept-those who live by the sword,

die by the sword.

9)Luck-real fortune is seen from lagna lord and 9th lord and house.

Jupiter in chart.A9 will indicate the type of fortune.Look in Navamsa for

further confirmation of fortification of Good fortune. " Luck "

can be perceived by others in various ways.Check what lords are in

9th house, where 9th lord goes.Same with A9.Lagna should always be

strong.So check AL in all cases.

10)Trappings of fortune.-Check to see where lagna lord goes,AL,Sun.Look

to A2, A4 mother house,vehicle,education,etc A10,A9.See placement of

Ghati,Hora and Bhava lagna. Usually trappings show up as nice

car,house,position,fame,money,possessions,nice spouse.So look to the

Arudhas of all these.

11)Judgement and discretion is a subtle thing, when good it indicates

blessings from a higher source -The ultimate discretion is understanding

the illusion of material life and making proper judgements.Check Merc,

Moon and Jupiter.Look to 5th house and lord.9th lord should be strong.In

addition,usually to be successful you need a certain amount of good

judgement, so look for overall success.Check which planets are

influencing Merc.,Moon, and Jup.

12)Reputation-Ones reputation is tied to many things, our actions, our

family and friends.Check situation of lagna and lord,and planets

aspecting.Are luminaries placed well?Look to 10th house and A-10.Are they

associated with malefics or benefics?Reputation can be good or bad, look

to 9th house.Look to 6thand 8th house and lords for indications .Look

also to the arudhas for the maya..Look which lords and arudhas, planets

are associated with HL,GL,BL etc.If Moon is in 6th or 8th indicates


13)Followers-Followers are something who create like children and

students-Look to the 5th house and lord.Look at A-5 and see what type of

students,followers one may have.The saptamsa is for children and

creations I believe.look there for indications.Look for the AL,A-5 and

planets influencing for further indications.

14)Bank balance.-This would be had to know to some extent.Look to artha

houses, Jupiter,look to condition of 2nd lord, A-2,A-5,A-11 etc.The

arudha of the 2nd house would show something.If 9th lord,A-9 and

A-2,11,are in bad placements and involved in arishta yogas(associated

with 6th ,8th house and lords.,etc we can assume the persons bank balance

isn't so good, or is in debt.



Consider the chart of a fellow who had a dispute with an international

organization, over which he was stripped of world championship in a


First I note that the arudha lagna is in the

Rashi of Gemini, an intellectual sign. Moon placed there shows further

intellectual interest and development. Moon represents the masses and as

it is in AL we can assume this person can be in the public eye or perform

for people.Venus makes him charismatic and attract peoples

attention..Mercury is in the 10th from AL, again showing a strong

intellectual influence.The arudha of the 10th house falls in the

sign of Virgo-repeating the mercurial connection.


Just looking at this D-10 chart by itself,aside from arudhas we see that

the Lagna lord goes to the 8th house.Mars is a planet which represents

competition and confrontation. Looking next to the 10th house we see Jup.

Jupiter can give some strength as 9th lord, but he is debilitated. Shows

Bad judgement?Adverse ruling/fine/loss.

Next the Sun -which is aspecting the ascendent, and gives some fame and

position, but he too is debilitated. Next Mercury 6th lord is debilitated

in the 12th house.These arent good positions for making to the top of

your field and staying there.


a)Identify which house or arudha shows a public spat with a

powerful body.Find it in the chart.

A6 is in AL. This shows confrontation.Moon

represents the public. The 6th from AL is Mars in Scorpio. In

addition,Mars aspects AL and Moon.Mars-powerful 8th lord. is in

opposition/aspect to Sat.10th and 11th lords.

b) Identify which house or arudha shows winning a


The 3rd house can be associated with

competition. The 3rd house in D-10 chart has AL conjoined with

influential Venus who owns the 5th(speculation)10th (position) from AL

and, and deposits HL,GL, and Sun. Venus is Yogada. Sun is in trine

to AL ,shows success.

c) Find the Rashi that shows loss of championship.

The A10 is in the 6th house.However,

Loss to AL is Saturn 8th lord, who is placed in 12 th from AL. Saturn

shows sorrow.Saturn is 8th from the Sun(position).In addition the arudhas

of the 6th and 9th houses have exchanged houses showing reversal. Also,

Sun is debilitated in sign of Libra. also indicating,prestige or position

is not strong, or loss of reputation.

d)Find the common link and identify the Rasi whose Narayan dasa

may have resulted in a public spat and loss of world

championship. Im still learning Narayan dasa,

but I would say Cap. because it houses deb.jup., its lord is 12th from

arudha. Cap is 8th from AL. From Cap as lagna Dasa lord, 5and10th lord

Venus goes to the 6th .10th from cap is deb.Sun.showing loss also.So, the

common link is Venus put him up and Venus brought him done.

Incidentally, from the perspective of D-10 lagna- AL is conj. with Venus.

Venus is a serious maraka owning both the 2nd and 7th house. and in

addition Venus, moon,and AL, are aspected by strong 8th lord,Mars.

Thank-you for the class, Laksmi devi

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