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LESSON 14: Bhava Arudhaswith with help needed.

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Srinathadi guru ganapatim



Vande gurur mandalam

Tasmi srigurave namah

Namaste: pls.see several notes below...pls.review exercise 2 & 3 for accuracy.


Just a note - this exercise was good because it met 3 key criteria:

a. it was practical and can be applied

b. it gave examples and led the way for successful use of the knowledge

c. it was insightlful and gave additional information

These 3 things are key to learning (for me) I hope the other sisya's agree that is the base formula for learning....

thank you Narasimha, for ytour focus and attention here.



Regarding this lesson

1. Exception Rule:

(5) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step (1), then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we don’t make any change.

Observation: Couldn't this rule say the following:

A. If the Graha is in the 10th from the sign being evaluated, then the Aruda of that sign ( being evaluated) is 4th from it.

B. IF the Graha is in the 7th from the house being evaluated, then the Aruda of that sign (being evaluated) is 4th from it.

2. Exercise 3 - Sanjay's Guideline the 9th from any house is its primary protector - I need add'l clarification here -

If the the 9th from a FIXED sign is Badhak Sthanas how does an obstruction also become a primary protector?

Can you comment on this.



2. Exercise 1

House Aruda Location

Lagna AL Aq

2 A2 Vi

3 A3 Vi

4 A4 Sc

5 A5 Sg

6 A6 Sg

7 A7 Pi

8 A8 Aq

9 A9 Ar

10 A10 Sg

11 A11 Sc

12 UL Sg



Exercise 2

1. Learning - 4th house (education, intelligence) yet 5th house for Wisdom ( learning and its maturity in an individual)

2. Academic Degrees - outword depiction of learning accomplishments : A4

3.Devotion - the 5th ( religious mindedness, spiritual practice- bkakti); the 9th (faith); 12th ( loss of self -small "s" for larger "S" found. in devotion to Guru, Lord, etc)

4. Reciting Mantra - A5 ( outword expression)

5. Feeling sick - 12th (loss of health) ; 6th ( dis-ease, worry and illness)

6. Being sick and getting treated - A6;d A11 ( recovery from illness);A1 ( vitality and vigor, general well being)

7. Boldness - A3 ( outword expression of courage,perseverance): If it was just being BOLD - then 3rd house. Boldness is the display of being BOLD. Also A4 if boldness is an expression of honesty.

8. Weapons - A3 ( 3rd house Karaka = Mangala; warrior, owners of weapons - Ksatriya); A6 ( used against enemies, opposition)

9. Luck - 9th ( Bhagya Bhava)

10. Trappings of Fortune - trappings = ornamental, outward appearance then A9.

11. Judgement and discression - 5th - hopuse of discrimination

12.Reputation - AL ( outword appearence of stature and character)

13. Followers - A4 ( followers= the masses; friends;)

14. Bank Balance - A2 - Expression of Weath



3. Exercise 3 ( taking a stab at this , pls.provide guidence)

1. A10 ( outward expression of career , lands in 6th house or Vi)

2. If 8th house = loss then 8th from the 8th ( or 3rd house) = wins and lands in AL.

3. 8th house - loss. A8 = Le occupied Rahu.

4. ?5. ?


Narasimha Rao [pvr]Monday, February 12, 2001 11:00 PMvarahamihira Cc: vedic astrology Subject: [sri Guru] LESSON 14: Bhava Arudhas

Om Namo Narayanaya Namaste friends, Here is another lesson. I am posting this lesson to vedic astrology list also, as this is a very basic and important lesson and most of the contents have already been discussed in public before. This lesson is like a consolidation of several of my old posts and articles. The exercises in the lesson are obviously for varahamihira members only. Members of vedic astrology may ignore them. Most of this is extracted from my book and all rights are reserved. You cannot redistribute parts of this lesson without my permission. But you are welcome to share with others the link to this article in the archives of vedic astrology list. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha ----------------------- LESSON 14: BHAVA ARUDHAS © 2001 by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, SJVC I prostrate before Lord Ganesa, Lord Jagannatha, Sri Achyuta Dasa and Pt. Sanjay Rath and share my little knowledge of bhava arudhas with the fellow students of SJVC. * * * PART 1: COMPUTATION Arudha padas of all the 12 houses (bhavas) in all the divisional charts are defined as follows: (1) Take the sign containing the house of interest in the divisional chart of interest. (2) Find the sign occupied by the lord of the house of interest. [NOTE: Aquarius is owned by Saturn and Rahu. Scorpio is owned by Mars and Ketu. Take the stronger lord in the case of houses falling in these two signs. We will cover the strengths of planets in a different lesson.] (3) Count signs from the house of interest to the sign containing its lord. Counting is in the zodiacal direction always. For example, if the house we are interested in is in Gemini and its lord Mercury is in Aquarius, we count signs from Gemini to Aquarius and get 9. (4) Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign. In the above example, we count 9 signs from Aquarius and we end up in Libra. (5) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step (1), then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we don’t make any change. (6) The resulting sign contains the arudha pada of the house of interest. Arudha pada of a house is simply called arudha or pada also. We usuallydenote the arudha pada on nth house with An. For example, arudha pada of 4th house is A4 and arudha pada of 9th house is A9. There are two special cases: Arudha pada of lagna is denoted as AL (arudha lagna) and arudha pada of 12th house is denoted as UL (upapada lagna). EXAMPLE 1: Consider Chart 1 and find the arudha padas of all the 12 houses. +----------------------+ | | Jup | | | | Mer Ven | | | AL | | | Mar | | | | HL Sun | | | Moo | | | Sat | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Rah | | | | | | | | | |-------------| R A S I |-------------| | | | | | | | Glk | | Ket | C H A R T 1 | | | | | Mnd | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | GL | | | | | | | | | | Asc | | | | | | | | | | HL | +----------------------+ (1) First house is in Vi. Lord is Mercury and he is in Pi. Counting from Vi to Pi, we get a count of 7. Counting 7 signs from Pi, we get Vi. However, this is in the 1st from the original sign (Vi). So we take the 10th therefrom and get Ge. AL is in Ge. (2) Second house is in Li. Lord is Venus and he is in Pi. Counting from Li to Pi, we get a count of 6. Counting 6 signs from Pi, we get Le. A2 is in Le. (3) Third house is in Sc. Lord is Mars – he is stronger than Ketu, being with 2 other planets – and he is in Ar. Counting from Sc to Ar, we get a count of 6. Counting 6 signs from Ar, we get Vi. A3 is in Vi. (4) Fourth house is in Sg. Lord is Jupiter and he is in Ar. Counting from Sg to Ar, we get a count of 5. Counting 5 signs from Ar, we get Le. A4 is in Le. (5) Fifth house is in Cp. Lord is Saturn and he is in Ar. Counting from Cp to Ar, we get a count of 4. Counting 4 signs from Ar, we get Cn. However, this is in the 7th from the original sign (Cp). So we take the 10th therefrom (from Cn) and get Ar. A5 is in Ar. (6) Sixth house is in Aq. Lord is Saturn – he is stronger than Rahu, being with 2 other planets – and he is in Ar. Counting from Aq to Ar, we get a count of 3. Counting 3 signs from Ar, we get Ge. A6 is in Ge. (7) Seventh house is in Pi. Lord is Jupiter and he is in Ar. Counting from Pi to Ar, we get a count of 2. Counting 2 signs from Ar, we get Ta. A7 is in Ta. (8) Eighth house is in Ar. Lord is Mars and he is in Ar. Counting from Ar to Ar, we get a count of 1. Counting 1 sign from Ar, we get Ar itself. However, this is in the 1st from the original sign (Ar). So we take the 10th therefrom and get Cp. A8 is in Cp. (9) Ninth house is in Ta. Lord is Venus and he is in Pi. Counting from Ta to Pi, we get a count of 11. Counting 11 signs from Pi, we get Cp. A9 is in Cp. (10) Tenth house is in Ge. Lord is Mercury and he is in Pi. Counting from Ge to Pi, we get a count of 10. Counting 10 signs from Pi, we get Sg. However, this is in the 7th from the original sign (Ge). So we take the 10th therefrom (from Sg) and get Vi. A10 is in Vi. (11) Eleventh house is in Cn. Lord is Moon and he is in Ge. Counting from Cn to Ge, we get a count of 12. Counting 12 signs from Ge, we get Ta. A11 is in Ta. (12) Twelfth house is in Le. Lord is Sun and he is in Pi. Counting from Le to Pi, we get a count of 8. Counting 8 signs from Pi, we get Li. UL is in Li. Some terms used specifically to describe various arudha padas are given below: Some specific names of arudha padas: AL Arudha lagna, Pada lagna, Arudha, Pada A2 Dhanarudha, Vittarudha, Dhana pada, Vitta pada A3 Bhatrarudha, Bhratri pada, Vikramarudha, Vikrama pada A4 Matri pada, Vahana pada, Sukha pada, Matrarudha, Vahanarudha, Sukharudha A5 Mantra pada, Mantrarudha, Putrarudha, Putra pada, Buddhi pada A6 Roga pada, Satru pada, Rogarudha, Satrarudha A7 Dara pada, Dararudha A8 Mrityu pada, Kashta pada, Kashtarudha, Randhrarudha A9 Bhagya pada, Bhagyarudha, Pitri pada, Pitrarudha, Dharma pada, Guru pada A10 Karma pada, Karmarudha, Swarga pada, Swargarudha, Rajya pada A11 Labha pada, Labharudha UL Upapada lagna, Upapada, Gaunapada, Vyayarudha, Moksha pada EXERCISE 1: Find arudha padas of all the 12 houses in Chart 2. [Hint: Mars is with 2 other planets and Ketu is with only one planet. So Mars is stronger than Ketu and works as the lord of Sc. Saturn is alone and Rahu is with another planet. So Rahu is stronger and works as the lord of Aq.] +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | Asc | | | | Sat | | Glk | | | | Ven | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | AL Mar | | Rah | | | | | | Moo Sun | | Ket | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | Jup | C H A R T 2 | HL | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | GL | Mnd | | | | | | | | | Mer | BL | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ * * * PART 2: MEANING OF ARUDHAS Arudha literally means "the risen one". It shows what "rises" in the material world out of something that lives inside a person. An example will make this clearer. One's intelligence is something that relates to one's "true" self. It is a property of one's true self and it is an *internal* matter. It lives inside one. There is no way for the rest of the world to actually see it. However, it rises (or manifests) in the material world as one's scores in examinations, awards in competitions etc. Though one's intelligence lives inside one, one's scores in examinations, one's awards etc rise out of it in the material world and the world can 'see' them. The world uses them to form an impression of one's intelligence, because it cannot directly see the latter. Thus, houses from lagna qualify the true self. They show internal matters. They show matters that live inside one. And, arudhas of houses show the corresponding things that rise/manifest in the material world, using which the world forms impressions. However, we should realize that the impressions formed by the world based on what rises in the material world need NOT reflect accurately on what lives inside a person. For example, one's scores need not reflect upon one's intelligence. For this reason, we say thatarudhas maya (illusion). Arudha shows illusions and perceptions of the material world. EXAMPLE 2: Consider one's happiness from vehicle. It lives inside one and cannot be directly seen in the material world. It rises in the material world as the vehicle owned by the native. The vehicle owned by a native (e.g. a bicycle, a scooter, a Hyundai car, a BMW car etc) can be seen by the material world. The world uses it to judge one's happiness from vehicle. So the true 4th house shows one's happiness from vehicle and it is an internal matter. A4 shows one's vehicle and it rises in the material world. EXERCISE 2: Consider the following matters. Using standard references, you can figure out the relevant house for each of the matters. Go one step ahead: Identify which of the matters live inside a native (true houses) and which of them rise in the material world (arudhas). (1) Learning (2) Academic degrees (3) Devotion (4) Reciting mantras (5) Feeling sick (6) Being sick and getting treated (7) Boldness (8) Weapons (9) Luck (10) Trappings of fortune (11) Judgment and discretion (12) Reputation (13) Followers (14) Bank balance * * * PART 3: USE OF ARUDHAS Arudha padas show the maya (illusion) of material world. Arudha pada of nth house shows the maya associated with the matters signified by of nth house. For example, 1st house stands for self. While the first house from lagna stands for true self, its arudha pada (AL) stands for the maya associated with self. It shows the how the native is perceived in the material world. It shows the status of the native. The 4th house in D-16 shows happiness from vehicle. It shows true happiness from a vehicle. One may be very happy with a Bajaj Chetak (an inexpensive two-wheel vehicle popular in India) or even a bicycle and one owning three Mercedes Benz cars may be unhappy with them and always dreaming of owning a better vehicle. One’s true happiness from vehicle has nothing to do with the type of vehicle owned. However, people perceive one with 3 Mercedes Benz cars as a happier person in the matter of vehicle, compared to a Chetak owner. This is the maya associated with “happiness from vehicle” in this material world. So this is shown by A4. Benefics influencing the 4th house in D-16 show someone who is happy with his vehicle(s). Benefics influencing A4 in D-16 show someone who is perceived to be happy with his vehicle(s). So planets influencing A4 in D-16 shed light on the physical vehicle owned by a person. Someone with Venus in own sign in A4 and Saturn in 4th (in D-16) may own luxurious vehicles (i.e. perceived to be happy with respect to vehicle) but not be happy. Someone with Saturn in A4 and Venus and Jupiter in 4th (in D-16) may own a small vehicle (i.e. perceived to be unhappy with respect to vehicles), but be happy with it. As shown above, 4th house in D-16 deals with happiness from vehicles. In D-24, 4th house deals with learning and education. A4 in D-24 deals with the maya (illusion) associated with learning. What is it? If someone studied at IIT (a top engineering institute of India), people may think that he is very knowledgable. If someone studied at an obscure university, people may not get the same impression. But it is possible that people’s perceptions are wrong and the person who studied at IIT is less knowledgable. So A4 in D-24 shows the school or university and the environment in which one’s learning takes place. Usually that decides what impression people form about one’s learning. Similarly, A10 in D-10 shows the maya associated with one’s karma (action – career). We form an impression about one’s career based on the place and environment where one’s work takes place. So A10 in D-10 shows one’s workplace. One with Mars in A10 in D-10 may work at dynamic places or engineering companies. One with Jupiter in A10 in D-10 may work at a university or college or a court of law or a temple. One important arudha pada used in Jyotish is upapada lagna (UL) – the arudha pada of the 12th house. The 12th house shows the blessings of ancients and maharshis for the continuation of lineage. Its arudha shows how these blessings are perceived by the world. If one has a noble spouse, world will think that (s)he has the blessings for the continuation of lineage. If one has a mean spouse, one is considered unlucky in this matter. So upapada lagna shows one’s marriage and spouse. Planets in UL show the kind of marriage one has and the kind of spouse one gets. For example, Mercury in UL can show intelligent (when good) or indecisive (when bad) spouse. Ketu in UL can show spiritual (when good) or short-tempered (when bad) spouse. Sun in UL can show a charming spouse from a respectable family. It can also show an authoritative spouse. Mars in UL may show a bold spouse (when good) and a quarrelsome spouse (when bad). The 8th house from UL shows the longevity of marriage and the 2nd and 7th houses from UL show the end of marriage. Malefics like Mars, Saturn and nodes in these houses from UL can result in troubles for the marriage and even a divorce. Nature of spouse and the length of the marriage are two different issues. If Mars and Saturn are in UL and Jupiter is in the 8th from UL, it may show a long marriage to an argumentative and mean spouse. If Jupiter is in UL and Mars and Saturn in the 8th from it, one may have a noble spouse but the marital life will be very rough and there can even be a divorce. In such a case, propitiating Saturn and Mars can help (for more, see the chapter on “Remedial Measures”). The 7th house shows relations and A7 (darapada) shows the illusion associated with them, i.e. the kind of people one usually interacts with. Based on the kind of people one deals with, we perceive the nature of one’s relations. If one has a friend who is a prostitute, people may get a negative impression about one’s dealings. If one has a friend who is a famous film star, there is some glamour associated with one’s relations. Thus darapada shows the kind of people one associates with and that plays an important role in forming people’s impressions about one’s relations. In D-10, darapada may show professional associates. In D-24, it may show friends at college or colleagues in the pursuit of knowledge. In D-20, it may show colleagues or friends in religious activities. The 3rd house shows one’s boldness. The 3rd house from lagna and the 3rd house from Mars show one’s true boldness and the 3rd house from AL shows how bold one is perceived. In addition, A3 shows the maya surrounding one’s boldness. It shows what drives the perceptions of people about one’s boldness. The weapons one possesses may drive those perceptions and A3 may show one’s weapons. The 3rd house also shows one’s communication skills. The 3rd house in D-24 (chart of learning and knowledge) and D-10 (achievements in society) may show one’s writing skills. A3 shows the maya associated with one’s writing skills. One may have excellent writing skills, but not write any book. In such a case, people may not really appreciate one’s writing skills. One may be an average writer, but end up writing 20 books. In such a case, people may perceive him as a great writer. Thus the exact books written by one decide the perceptions of the world about one’s writing skills. So A3 in D-24 and D-10 may show the books or articles written by him. Let us take the 5th house as another example. It shows intelligence, following, devotion etc. The 5th house in D-20, the chart of religious activities, shows one’s devotion (bhakti) in religious activities. A5 in D-20 shows the things based on which the world forms an impression about one’s devotion. The mantras one recites, the poojas and the religious rituals one performs control the impression of the world about one’s devotion in religious matters. So A5 shows them. The 5th house in D-10, the chart of career, shows the following one has. The world forms an impression about one’s following based on the power wielded by one. A political leader in a position of power is assumed to have a lot of following. So A5 can show the trappings of power enjoyed by one. It can also show awards. In D-24, the chart of learning, the 5th house may show intelligence. A5 in D-24 shows the things based on which the world forms an impression about one’s intelligence in learning. These impressions are usually formed based on one’s performances in examinations, one’s scores in tests and one’s academic distinctions. So that is what A5 in D-24 shows. Similarly, the 9th house shows one’s fortune. In D-24, it may show fortune related to learning. It can show the guidance received by one (i.e. guru – teacher). But the world forms an impression about one’s fortune in learning, based on the degrees received by one. One with an advanced degree is assumed to be more fortunate with respect to learning than one with a simple degree. So A9 can show one’s higher degrees. In this manner, intelligent and blessed students can clearly understand the meanings of various arudha padas in various divisional charts. One cannot become a good Vedic astrologer by memorizing a lot of tables. One needs to understand the basics clearly and apply them intelligently. All the principles of Vedic astrology should be understood and applied in the context of “desa” (country – place), “kaala” (time – age) and “paatra” (nature and class of the persons involved). When we interpret arudha padas, we are talking about the things based on which the world forms an impression about an aspect of the native. The things that drive the world’s perceptions can be different based on which world we are living in. They vary significantly from one place to another, from one age to another and from one class to another. Intelligent use of arudhas requires an astrologer to understand the world that the native lives in. * * * PART 4: CONCLUSION Exercise 2 may have shown one how several important matters are better seen in arudhas than in true houses. Anything that rises in the material world and that can be directly seen by the material world is better seen in arudhas. So students must familiarize themselves with bhava arudhas and use them as appropriate. Suppose we are dealing with the karma (activities) of a politician. It is shows by his 10th house. But what the 10th house shows is one's true activities in society. How one's activities rise and manifest in the material world is seen in A10 (rajya pada). If a politician becomes popular and engages in a lot of activities in limelight, A10 is important in analyzing his activities. The 9th house shows the guidance one receives and the fortune one experiences. Fortune does not mean owning million or billion dollars or ten palaces. A strong house of fortune does not imply these. But a strong A9 does! A9 shows the trappings of fortune. It shows the things based on which the world forms an impression on how fortunate one is. EXAMPLE 3: Consider Indira Gandhi's chart. November 19, 1917 Time: 23:03:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Longitude: 81 E 52' 00" In dasamsa, A5 is in Cn, A9 is in Li and A10 is in Ta. Jupiter is in Ta, Venus is in Cn and Moon is in Li. Dasamsa is the chart of career. A10 shows one's public activities. Its lord Venus is in Cn. Cn has A5, which shows the following one enjoys and the trappings of power. Its lord Moon is in A9, which shows the trappings of fortune. Being the link of all these important arudhas, Cn is a key sign in this dasamsa. It shows public activities resulting in power and fortune. No wonder Indira Gandhi became India's Prime Minister during the dasamsa Narayana dasa of Cancer (during 1960-1969). EXERCISE 3: Consider a native with the dasamsa given in Chart 3. He had a quarrel with an international organization, over which he was stripped of world championshiop in a game. (a) Identify which house or arudha shows a public spat with a powerful body. Find it in the chart. (b) Identify which house or arudha shows winning a championship. Find it in the chart. © Find the rasis that shows loss of championship. [Hint: Remember that trines from a house show its prosperity. Remember Sanjay's recent guideline that the 9th house from any house is its primary protector. This is a fundamental principle. Use it!] (d) Find the common link and identify the rasi whose Narayana dasa may have resulted in a public spat and loss of world championship. (e) [Optional] If you are familiar with Narayana dasa computation, compute dasamsa Narayana dasa and find when this dasa runs. Date of Birth: March 9, 1943 Time of Birth: 2:29:00 pm Time Zone of Birth: 5:00 West of GMT Longitude of Birth: 87 W 39 Latitude of Birth: 41 N 52 +----------------------+ | | | | AL | | | Asc | | | | Mer | | Sat | Moo | | | GL | | | | | | | Ven | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | Mnd | | | | | | | | Ket | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 1 0 |-------------| | | | | | | | | | JupR | C H A R T 3 | Rah | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | BL | | | | Glk | | | | | | HL | | | | Mar | | | | | | Sun | | +----------------------+ OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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