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Om Namo Narayanaya


Heres an old article regarding Dasa's by Sanjay Rath; http://www.sjvc.net/Articles/dasa.htm


As per the Rasi Dasa's;


Dasa Purpose

Drig; Spiritual Activities.


Chara; General activities.


Sthira, Shoola, Navamsa, Brahma; Death/longevity.


Mandooka; Specifically for Rudramsa(D-11).

Paryayaa/Ubhayayaa; D-6


SuDasa; Fame/power.

Narayana; All purposes.


There are many more Dasa's but i generally only use; Narayana & Vimshottari Dasa's as they are general Phalita Dasa's, and if needed for special purposes, will use; Drig, Shoola and/or SuDasa.


As an exception i'd also use Kaala Chakra Dasa for rectifying.


Sanjay Rath shows how to use all the Dasa's given by Jaimini, in his translation of the Jaimini Sutras.


You should be able to decipher the use of the dasa from the way its calculated.

Example; Su-Dasa starts from the Sree Lagna, which shows ones prosperity in life, and the gifts of Lakshmi, So Su-Dasa would be related to those activities.. Marriage can also be timed from Su-Dasa.


Drig Dasa starts from the 9th house, and shows Spiritual Activities.


In this mannor the Dasa's can be understood.


As far as Nakshatra Dasa's go, I'm sticking to Vimshottari for now, as it alone has much mastering needed and clearly has many variations.


Its no lie, that most of our Guru's on this list wish to promote the Rasi Dasa's. I support this fully, and can think of a number of reasons why it should be so;


1. Ayanamsa. The age-old discussion of whether Lahiri's Ayanamsa is acurate enough, is almost elimintated, when it comes to Rasi Dasa's.


2. Margin of error regarding longitudal degrees of Grahas and Dasa's becomes small.


3. Rasi Dasa's rely on the Sun-signs, and the Suns light will surely shine on us and purify the mistakes we've made in the past, whereas the Moon is prone to the mistakes of the mind, and gives room for distorted perceptions.


I would also have given reasons stating stronger predictive acuracy of Rasi-Dasa's, but i would be a fool to state that one Phalita Dasa is more acurate than the other, as it becomes the Astrologers job alone to decipher and understand the Dasa's.


I hope this helps..

Best wishes, Visti.

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