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Answer to exercises (LESSON 14: Bhava Arudhas)

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Namaste friends,

Here are my answers to the exercises in lesson 14. Like the lesson,

answers are shared with vedic astrology list too.

May Jupiter's light shine on us,



Before answering the exercises, I will make one comment on (1) the 5th

house from lagna, (2) the 5th house from arudha lagna, and, (3) arudha

of the 5th house. The three things stand for three different things.

Basically, the 5th house stands for abilities. The 5th house from lagna

shows one's true abilities, as lagna stands for true self. When we are

talking about one's true ability, it is something that resides inside one.

Arudha lagna (AL) shows how one's self rises in the world, i.e. how

people perceive one. Every person has an image in the world. This image

and the way people perceive one are seen from AL. The houses from AL show

properties of this image. The 5th house from AL show the abilities of the

perceived self. In other words, it shows how able the person is in the

view of the world.

Arudha of the 5th house (A5) shows what rises in the material world

from one's abilities. One's abilities and intelligence may manifest in

the world as awards, a position of power, good scores in examinations,

championships, trophies etc etc. What we listed just now are things that

really and physically EXIST in the material world. On the other hand, "ability

of true self" is just a concept that resides within oneself and "ability

of one's image/perceived self" is again just a concept that resides in

the minds of people. On the other hand, A5 shows what "rises" in the material

world and exists *materially*.

Arudhas (literal meaning: "risen ones") do not show concepts relating

to things inside one or inside people's minds, but they show things that

physically manifest (rise) in the material world. These are extremely important

in predictive astrology. Many traditional astrologers of Andhra and Orissa

do not make any comments on a chart before drawing Arudha Chakra (showing

arudhas of all houses).



© 2001 by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, SJVC

I prostrate before Lord Ganesa, Lord Jagannatha, Sri Achyuta Dasa and

Pt. Sanjay Rath and share my little knowledge of bhava arudhas with

the fellow students of SJVC.

EXERCISE 1: Find arudha padas of all the 12

houses in Chart 2.

[Hint: Mars is with 2 other planets and Ketu is with only one planet.

So Mars is stronger than Ketu and works as the lord of Sc. Saturn is

alone and Rahu is with another planet. So Rahu is stronger and works

as the lord of Aq.]









| Asc |



| Sat |

| Glk |



| Ven |












| AL Mar |

| Rah |





| Moo Sun |

| Ket |






D - 1 6 |-------------|









| Jup |

C H A R T 2 |

HL |















| GL |

Mnd |








| Mer |

BL |









(1) First house is in Ta. Lord is Venus and he is in Ta. Counting from

Ta to Ta, we get a count of 1. Counting 1 signs from Ta, we get Ta. However,

this is in the 1st from the original sign Ta and we take the 10th from

Ta (Aq). AL is in Aq.

(2) Second house is in Ge. Lord is Mercury and he is in Sg. Counting

from Ge to Sg, we get a count of 7. Counting 7 signs from Sg, we get Ge.

However, this is in the 1st from the original sign Ge and we take the 10th

from Ge (Pi). A2 is in Pi.

(3) Third house is in Cn. Lord is Moon and he is in Aq. Counting from

Cn to Aq, we get a count of 8. Counting 8 signs from Aq, we get Vi. A3

is in Vi.

(4) Fourth house is in Le. Lord is Sun and he is in Aq. Counting from

Le to Aq, we get a count of 7. Counting 7 signs from Aq, we get Le. However,

this is in the 1st from the original sign Le and we take the 10th from

Le (Ta). A4 is in Ta.

(5) Fifth house is in Vi. Lord is Mercury and he is in Sg. Counting

from Vi to Sg, we get a count of 4. Counting 4 signs from Sg, we get Pi.

However, this is in the 7th from the original sign Vi and we take the 10th

from Pi (Sg). A5 is in Sg.

(6) Sixth house is in Li. Lord is Venus and he is in Ta. Counting from

Li to Ta, we get a count of 8. Counting 8 signs from Ta, we get Sg. A6

is in Sg.

(7) Seventh house is in Sc. Lord is Mars and he is in Aq. Counting

from Sc to Aq, we get a count of 4. Counting 4 signs from Aq, we get Ta.

However, this is in the 7th from the original sign Sc and we take the 10th

from Ta (Aq). A7 is in Aq.

(8) Eighth house is in Sg. Lord is Jupiter and he is in Cp. Counting

from Sg to Cp, we get a count of 2. Counting 2 signs from Cp, we get Aq.

A8 is in Aq.

(9) Ninth house is in Cp. Lord is Saturn and he is in Ar. Counting

from Cp to Ar, we get a count of 4. Counting 4 signs from Ar, we get Cn.

However, this is in the 1st from the original sign Cp and we take the 10th

from Cn (Ar). A9 is in Ar.

(10) Tenth house is in Aq. Lord is Rahu and he is in Cn. Counting from

Aq to Cn, we get a count of 6. Counting 6 signs from Cn, we get Sg. A10

is in Sg.

(11) Eleventh house is in Pi. Lord is Jupiter and he is in Cp. Counting

from Pi to Cp, we get a count of 11. Counting 11 signs from Cp, we get

Sc. A11 is in Sc.

(12) Twelfth house is in Ar. Lord is Mars and he is in Aq. Counting

from Ar to Aq, we get a count of 11. Counting 11 signs from Aq, we get

Sg. UL (A12) is in Sg.

EXERCISE 2: Consider the following matters. Using

standard references,

you can figure out the relevant house for each of the matters. Go one

step ahead: Identify which of the matters live inside a native (true

houses) and which of them rise in the material world (arudhas).

(1) Learning

This lives inside one.

[Note: At this stage, let us not worry about which house and which divisional

chart are relevant. We still have to learn all those details systematically.

It will happen in future lessons (on varahamihira). For now, let us just

develop the fundamental ability to think, differentiate and discern.]

(2) Academic degrees

These rise/manifest in the material world.

(3) Devotion

This lives inside one.

(4) Reciting mantras

This rises/manifests in the material world.

(5) Feeling sick

This lives inside one.

(6) Being sick and getting treated

This rises/manifests in the material world.

(7) Boldness

This lives inside one. (However, 3rd from lagna shows boldness that lives

inside one. The 3rd from AL shows the boldness of one's image. It shows

how bold one is perceived. Saints are typically perceived as mild-natured

people. So most saints have benefics here.)

(8) Weapons

This rises/manifests in the material world.

(9) Luck

This lives inside one. (If we are talking about one's luck in the view

of the world, it should be the 9th from AL instead of lagna).

(10) Trappings of fortune

These rise/manifest in the material world.

(11) Judgment and discretion

This lives inside one.

(12) Reputation

This lives inside the minds of other people. A position of power (e.g.

governor of a state) or an award (e.g. man of the match award on a day

in a sport) exist materially, but reputation of a person is only a concept

that exists inside the minds of people. It is a property of one's image

and perceived self.

So this is seen from the 5th house from arudha lagna. This is neither

internal nor something that rises materially.

(13) Followers

Followers of a person are a material manifestation of one's abilities and

influence. Followers exist in the material world. So they rise in the material

world (i.e. seen from arudha of the relevant house).

(14) Bank balance

One's bank balance exists materially. So it rises in the material world.

EXERCISE 3: Consider a native with the dasamsa given

in Chart 3. He

had a quarrel with an international organization, over which he was

stripped of world championshiop in a game.

(a) Identify which house or arudha shows a public spat with a powerful

body. Find it in the chart.

We are taught that the 6th house shows dissatisfaction, obstacles, enemies,

quarrels etc.

Houses from lagna show qualities of true self which live inside a person.

So the 6th house from lagna basically shows the sense of dissatisfaction,

unhappiness and enmity felt by the native. Its arudha (A6) shows how this

feeling manifests (rises) materially. It can manifest as a spat or quarrel.

It also manifests as an enemy. So enemies, rivals, quarrels and public

spats are to be seen in A6.

In the given D-10, 6th house is in Vi. Lord Mercury is in Pi, 7th from

Vi. The 7th from him is Vi again. As arudha of a house cannot be in the

1st/7th from a house, we take the 10th therefrom and get Ge. So A6 is in


So Ge shows public spats and enemies.

(b) Identify which house or arudha shows winning

a championship. Find

it in the chart.

The 5th house shows intelligence and abilities. Its arudha (A5) show how

intelligence and abilities manifest materially.

Winning a championship is something that exists materially. It is the

maya relating to intelligence and ability. So A5 shows it.

The 5th house is Le. Its lord Sun is in Li, the 3rd from Le. The 3rd

from Li is Sg. So A5 is in Sg.

It shows the native's championships.

© Find the rasis that shows loss of championship.

[Hint: Remember

that trines from a house show its prosperity. Remember Sanjay's recent

guideline that the 9th house from any house is its primary protector.

This is a fundamental principle. Use it!]

Sanjay taught us recently, when discussing eyesight problems and hearing

problems, that the 9th house from anything rules its protection.

The 9th from A5 rules the protection of championship. It is Le. It is

afflicted by Rahu. Its lord Sun is the primary protector and he is debilitated

in Li. So the protective forces are quite weak and there is a chance for

loss of championship.

(d) Find the common link and identify the rasi whose

Narayana dasa may

have resulted in a public spat and loss of world championship.

The 8th house from A5 is the primary indicator of troubles related to championship.

Its lord Moon is in A6 with Venus, showing a spat and trouble to championship.

Protector of championship, Sun (9th lord from A5), is debilitated in Li.

Lord of Li, Venus, is in A6, showing a public spat. So Li is a strong candidate.

From AL, 3rd lord shows how people perceive one's boldness (i.e. boldness

of one's image). It is Sun and he is debilitated. This may show that people

perceive some silly and meaningless stubbornness in the native's behavior

in Li dasa. With the 9th lord from A5 debilitated in Li, Li can bring weak

protection (i.e. loss) of championship. With lord in A6, this dasa can

bring a quarrel.

So Li dasa is a strong candidate for the results mentioned.

(e) [Optional] If you are familiar with Narayana

dasa computation,

compute dasamsa Narayana dasa and find when this dasa runs.

Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a general purpose phalita dasa):

Maha Dasas:

Sc: 1943-03-09 (14:29:00) - 1946-03-09 (08:53:24)

Ge: 1946-03-09 (08:53:24) - 1954-03-09 (10:10:46)

Cp: 1954-03-09 (10:10:46) - 1962-03-09 (11:20:28)

Le: 1962-03-09 (11:20:28) - 1971-03-09 (18:38:28)

Pi: 1971-03-09 (18:38:28) - 1972-03-09 (00:52:19)

Li: 1972-03-09 (00:52:19) - 1980-03-09 (02:12:46)

Ta: 1980-03-09 (02:12:46) - 1981-03-09 (08:17:12)

Sg: 1981-03-09 (08:17:12) - 1981-03-09 (08:17:12)

Cn: 1981-03-09 (08:17:12) - 1982-03-09 (14:29:19)

Aq: 1982-03-09 (14:29:19) - 1988-03-09 (03:28:12)

Vi: 1988-03-09 (03:28:12) - 1993-03-09 (10:11:49)

Ar: 1993-03-09 (10:11:49) - 2000-03-09 (05:15:12)

Sc: 2000-03-09 (05:15:12) - 2009-03-09 (12:35:24)

Narayana dasa of Li runs during 1972-1980. The loss may have happened

in this period. It happened in 1975 in Libra antardasa.

This chart belongs to eccentric genius, Bobby Fischer, who was world

chess champion during 1972-1975! He had a record victory string in world

championship matches in 1971 and prevailed over Boris Spassky in 1972.

There were some differences between him and FIDE (world chess body) regarding

how the next championship match should be held and he was stripped of the

championship in 1975.

Date of Birth:

March 9, 1943

Time of Birth: 2:29:00


Time Zone of Birth: 5:00 West of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 87 W 39

Latitude of Birth: 41 N 52





| AL |


| Asc |



| Mer |

| Sat |

Moo |


| GL |






| Ven |






| Mnd |







| Ket |








D - 1 0 |-------------|









| JupR |

C H A R T 3 |

Rah |












| BL |



| Glk |





| HL |



| Mar |





| Sun |



May Jupiter's light shine on us,



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