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Lesson 5 questions 1 &2

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Hello All,


I am slowly working through the lessons, and would appreciate any

guidance. If anyone has the time please feel free to comment on my







Lesson 5 question 1


What is the meaning of the word Rajayoga. Raja according to the Apte

Sanskrit dictionary means `king' or `anything best of its kind' and

yoga means union. Yoga has many meanings somehow related to the

concept joining. In this sense it refers to a combination of the

constituents of a chart.


There are hundreds of good rajayogas. They invariably appear in the

charts of all people. Because they are so common they must be looked

at very carefully.


I find the rajayogas in a chart, and balance them against the bad

rekha and kemadruma yogas. If the rajayogas predominate then the

person can achieve much.


There may be many rajayogas in the chart, but when do they give their

results? For example a very strong yoga is the Bheri yoga, which

posits all planets in the 2nd, 7th, 1st and 12th. However yoga cannot

be expected in every period, despite the fact that all planets join

in this combination. Instead I look at the rules of Parasara for

determing the yogakaraka planets. Then when these cycles run the yoga

is felt dependant on the strength of the chart's yogas. Bhrigu reads

the entire chart as single yoga.


It is dangerous to judge the effects of a yoga, purely due to its

constituents. For example an exchange of the 9th and 10th lords is

one of the most powerful rajayogas. However if the chart is filled

with bad yogas, with the ascendant lord, Sun and Moon weak, and it

lacks any other good combinations, this rajayoga will may give the

best results in the person's life, but will hardly make the person a



Alternatively if the chart is very strong, with many yogas, then even

the cycle of a yogakaraka in the 8th house, or debilitated can cause

a strong rajayoga.


The first thing to look at is the strength of the ascendant, and then

the strength of the ninth house for determing the kingly status of

the person, as well as the strength of the Moon.


The bad effects of a chart, can be studied through the destruction of

the ascendant, its lord and the Moon. The destruction of the trines

also brings about weakness in the chart.


Extending the definition of Raja meaning `anything the best of its

kind' perhaps a secondary meaning for a rajayoga is to give

excellence in the subject related to the house it is formed in or

owns, without necessarily making the person a king. For example a

rajayoga in the 5th may make the person a genius during its cycle,

but not necessarily rich and famous.


In this regard it is again best to look at the promise of the entire

chart to know if it is one for material wealth, or scholarship, etc.


Below I give some charts to support my points.


Please look at the movie producer George Lucas' chart. May 14, 1944,

5:40 am, Modesto, CA, USA, Zone +8, DST 1, 121w0 37n39


We see that the Hora, Bhava, Ghatika and Janma lagna are all in Aries

containing Venus and Mercury, making the chart very strong. Both the

ascendant and 9th house are very strong due to the exaltation of the

9th lord, neechabhanga and vargottama of the ascendant lord, and

their combination with Moon and the nodes, forming many combinations

of kendra and trikona lords. The Moon, although kemadruma, gets this

cancelled, and is involved in so many rajayogas.


The best combination is the conjunction of the 1st and exalted 9th

lords, being also the atmakaraka and putrakaraka. This gives a

Maharajayoga. Rahu joins them as the AmK. This is also the AL, and

containing an exalted planet alone is a rajayoga, but as the exalted

planet is the 9th lord with lagnesh this is magnified.


So we see that in the cycle of Jupiter he became one of the most

important and rich of people in the USA. In Saturn as well the yoga

continues, due to the strength of the chart.



| | GL MerR | | |

| | | | |

| | Ven HL | Sun | Sat |

| | | | |

| | Asc BL | | |


| | | Mar |

| | | |

| | | Rah |

| | | |

| | | Jup |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| Ket | | |

| | | |

| Moo | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| Glk | | | |

| | | | |

| Mnd | | | |

| | | | |



Madonna Aug 16, 1958, 7:05am Bay City, MI, USA, Zone +5:00, 83w54,

43n36 She is the most famous and rich female singer in US history.


Please look at Madonna's 9th house. The 9th lord Mars is in own

house, making yoga with Ketu 9th lord, and Jupiter 5th lord. This

gives a most powerful 9th house. The ascendant lord does go into the

12th in this chart, but there is an exchange of the 1st and 12th

lords which according to Bhrigu gives the Sun the strength of own

house. The Moon becomes powerful due to the exchange.



| | | | |

| | Ket | | |

| | | | |

| | Mar | | |

| | | | |


| | | Ven |

| | | |

| | | Glk |

| | | |

| | | Sun |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | Mnd MerR |

| | | |

| | | Asc |

| | | |

| | | Moo BL |


| | | | |

| | GL | Rah | |

| | | | HL |

| | SatR | Jup | |

| | | | |



Question 2


Pravrajya yoga: Apte's Sanskrit dictionary says that it means: " the

life of a religious mendicant or recluse " This combination can be

formed in several ways. In this lesson I have learned a new way.

Otherwise there are several ways of reckoning this that Parasara has


The primary one of Parasara's is the combination of four planets in a

house, avoiding combustion. However this is available in many charts,

so I believe that more combinations must be found, especially if the

person lives in a non-spiritual country gripped by the Kaliyuga.


Saturn's effect on the Moon, and Moon ascendant lord is the most

important thing to look at. The Moon is the mind of the person, and

the planet ruling ascetics is Saturn. Saturn's effect on the Moon

will lead the person to renunciation.


However if other planets join, then mind will be drawn to other

things. For example Venus will draw people to material enjoyments


In the chart of Vivekanda Moon sits with Saturn and not under the

aspect or conjunction of any other planets.


In Ramakrishna's Navamsa Moon sits in Aries, aspected by Saturn.


In Sri Auribindo's chart Moon again sits with Saturn without the

aspect or conjunction of any planet.

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