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Lesson 5 questions 3&4

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Question 3


Applying the rules learnt in this lesson, I see that there are three

planets in the 6th from Arudha lagna. They are Ketu, Jupiter and

Venus. Two of these are natural benefics, while one a natural

malefic. This mixture causes both interest in spiritual and

materialistic pursuits. The benefics are not debilitated in rasi or

navamsa, so no Vipareeta rajayoga is obtained. However in the navamsa

chart Ketu is placed in Virgo which, if not its sign of debility, is

a weak position for him. So there is possibly a Vipareeta pravrajya

yoga, when combined with the benefics in the 6th.


Do I take Ketu as a malefic according to Parasara, or benefic since

AL is Jaiminis? Or is this only applicable to Upapada? Also Ketu is

Moksha karaka, so perhaps his conjunction with Venus and Jupiter is

good for spiritual life. In this case, there may be a Vipareeta raja

yoga due to Ketu being weak in navamsa. Is it Virgo or Gemini where

Ketu is debilitated? In this case would there by Pravrajya yoga



Objectively, I find that the mixture of benefics and malefics do

cause a fluctuation between the material and spiritual. I have had

the benefit of running the entire gamut of my Venus cycle, which sits

in the 6th from AL. I can say that during the Venus-Jupiter antar is

when I began to take a serious interest in spiritual things, and came

to several spiritual realizations. In this period there was no

interest in material attainments, except for learning.


However during my Venus-Ketu antar, while there was again much

interest in the spiritual and unwitting practice of spiritual

techniques, I at the same time I took a serious interest in material



There are other yogas in my chart. I do have confusion as to whether

they are ultimately beneficial for material or spiritual growth. This

is because they are a combination of kendra and trikona lords, which

cause wealth, yet they take place in the 9th house and 12th house.


While these are two spiritual houses, they are also houses of foreign

travel. They are in moveable signs, which leads me to believe that if

I am to experience the materially beneficial effects of my chart, it

would be best for me to leave my country of birth.


However I have seen both charts of people with combinations in the

9th house causing material success, while with others causing

spiritual successes.


Question 4


What happened in the 5th year?


During the 5th year, the boy was running Mars-Jupiter and Saturn.

Taking a look at Mars, we see that Mars is the lord of the 6th, and

strongly gives the results of the 6th, as he sits there. He is the

absolute worst planet for Gemini's and is the dire enemy of the

ascendant lord.


He is in mutual aspect with Moon who is a strongly disposed maraka,

being exalted, and exchanging with Venus. Mars posited solely in the

6th, while Moon is by himself in the 12th, bandhana yoga is caused.

Along this axis, with the 6th lord of disease, and the Moon being a

maraka in the house of hospitals, then I would say that during the

Mars cycle the boy suffered an injury that caused him to be



While Jupiter is a maraka, the planet that is much worse disposed in

relation to Mars is Saturn, so I would say the injury was sustained

in this period. Saturn is placed 6/8 Mars, and is retrograded, which

strengthens him. Mars as the 6th lord and Saturn as the 8th lord

causes a maraka period as well. Saturn is in a fire sign, which is

also owned by Mars signifying accidents. As the sign is moveable, and

the rulership is of the 9th the accident took place while travelling.


The person however survived the serious harm, as the ascendant lord,

Moon the life giver, and the quadrants are under Jupiter's



Is there Vipareeta in the chart?


There is no conjoining in duhstanas of 3/6/8/12 lords, nor do any of

these appear in strength in a kendra or trikona. AL is Virgo. From

this Rahu is in the 6th. In the rasi he is in own house, while in

navamsa he is exalted or in own house in Gemini, thereby strong.

Therefore he gives very good material results.


How was Rahu dasa?


Due to the Vipareeta raja yoga of Rahu in the 6th from AL, material

gains are to be expected. Also Rahu dasa would have given material

gains as it is giving the result of the 9th house. However as Rahu

also gives the result of Saturn, who sits debilitated and Retro in

the 11th house, as the 8th lord, any gains would have been lost. Also

wealth would have been gotten from bad sources, due to a malefic in

the 6th from AL and also due to the heavily malefic 8th lord Saturn

debilitated and retro in the 11th.


In the 11th sign it would have given bad associations and in the 9th

would have affected dharma in a bad way, as it is aspected by Mars. I

would say that due to association with bad friends, some unfortunate

acts were commited by the person, this is also repeated due to

Saturn's bad position in the 11th.


There is also a negative effect on the mind, as Rahu afflicts the

9th, and Saturn the other two trines. The Moon signifying mind is

also in two bandhana yogas. So during this period mental problems

were also possible, as well as use of drugs. However these problems

do not get too serious as Rahu is in his own house in Navamsa.


Due to having Sun in his clutches, and sitting in the 9th house,

under the aspect of enemy Sun, and worst planet for Gemini ascendant

Mars, who is a very strong 6th lord, father died. Rahu's aspect on

the 5th and 10th houses of father, and 5th sign is also a bad

affliction. The 9th lord is also weakly placed without the aspect of

a benefic. Similarily the 9th is also not saved by a benefic's help,

so father should have passed away. The killing period would have been

in Rahu-Mercury. However death could have also occurred during Mars

dasa, due to Mars' aspect to the 9th. The death could have occurred

during Mars-Rahu, Ketu or Sun. Forgive my vagueness.


In Dwadamsa we see that the 10th house is placed Rahu, while the 9th

is aspected by Mars and Saturn confirming these indications.

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