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Lesson 3

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Hello teachers,


Q1 Why do the five planets have two signs, while the luminaries one?


This is because the Sun is the king and the Moon is the queen, and

they each need their own set of generals, princes, advisors and

servants ;-)


Actually, I am not sure exactly why, but I know that the Sun is the

Atma, and the Moon the Mind, and they are the two planets most

involved in causing the incarnation of the man. The charts are looked

at from these two planets...


The Sun is also the masculine principle, and the Moon the feminine.

Each of the other planets have both of these traits, so they have

male and female signs... I am trying to think here, but cannot get

it. I apologize.


Perhaps it has to do with the tattwas. There are 5 ruled by the other

planets. Perhaps they are derived jointly from both the Sun and Moon,

both controlling opposite parts of their nature, maybe due to the

Nara-Narayana, Shiva-Shakti duality of things.


Q2 Determine the ayana of the planets in the horoscope:


Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Venus and Sun are in Uttar Ayana


Mercury, Mars, Ketu, Saturn are in Dakshin Ayana


Q3 The Ayana of the moon in my horoscope is Dakshin, as it is posited

in Sagittarius. 3.5 days after my birth the ayana changed.


Q4 Attempt to explain the mantra in the Bha Chakra.


Om hom jum suh? is this correct. I apologize, my understanding of

Sanskrit is very basic. If I am correct this is a mantra oh Shiva's

from the Rigveda and Mahamrityunjaya. It is used to protect against

death, illness and harm, and achieve moksha.


As to how it relates to the bhachakra I am not sure, as I do not know

the individual meanings of the words. The division of the chakra into

four is a divison into the three trine groupings of Dharma, Artha,

Kama, and Moksha, so perhaps these letters each have special relation

to one of these four aims in life. Perhaps this mantra protects

these, and causes progress in them?


Q5 Derive the order of the weekdays from the order of the seven Dwipa.


This is difficult, as the order is there, but some sort of hopscotch

math needs to be done to switch the order around. I am not sure how

to do this, other than by manually alternating the order of the



Is there any correlation between the speed of the planets and the

seven horas.


Yes the fastest moving planets are the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun,

Mars, Jupiter, then Saturn. The horas are in reverse order.


Q6 The Drisya and Adrisya signs are the day and night signs. They

form a moveable divison of the chart into areas dominated by the Sun

and Moon. It is the same concept as the ayana division, except one is

fixed and the other not. The day signs are therfore ruled by the Sun,

and night by Moon.


This is similar to the fixed houses of the zodiacal signs, versus the

changing bhavas due to the ascendant.


I am not sure what they imply, and I am not sure what the ayanas

imply. Perhaps again representing the dual nature of things. How this

can be applied practically to a chart, I wish I could find out. The

only thing that I read about the visible/invisible halves is that the

lives of people with planets in the visible half are more public.

However I think this is a simplification of things, because I don't

see it in charts.


The only thing is that the self, family, mother, children are on one

side, and the wife, on other, with father, teacher, friends, work

people. The first half appears to be more intimate and closer to



I would be grateful for being led in the correct direction.


My Regards,



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Namaste Solai,

thank you for reply.


You read the messages very attentively. Sharing your experience help me very much.


Thank you,




Solai Kannan


18 ôåâðàëÿ 2001 ã. 10:33

[sri Guru] Lesson 3





Namaste Youri,


I am not a Guru to comment on the lesson. But, I want to share something with you and other new comers.


If you do not get an answer or reply to your mails or answers, please do not get disappointed. As we know our Gurus are having very very limited time to share with us and we are grateful for that.


Regarding lessons. Your answers for the lesson 1 and the answers of Mr. Steve Hubball and Mr.Chaitanya S Das are all impressive.


1. continue attempting all the lessons, irrespective of whether you know the answer or not.

2.Post it to the list.

3.If you do not get a reply within 2 or 3 days, go to the archives and check the mails related to the lesson.


Do not go to the archives before attempting, some of the questions are not answered yet. So, your attempt should not be prejudiced by the answers of others. You might give a fine answer if you do not look at them first, as you have done in the 1st lesson.


Kindly, check the answers for this lesson in the archive and compare your attempt.



Solai Kannan

OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Youri,




I'm very busy at the moment, and thus didn't have time to comment in detail on your assignment, However I hope other Gurus and fellow students will also lend a helping hand to you. Please keep doing the lessons and take part actively. I also request this from my other shihsyas, most of whom are very silent. Please make efforts and if there's a necessity, I will add my comments when time permits.



Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer <gauranga Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839


-----Eredeti üzenet-----

Feladó: Youri Busse

Címzett: Varahamihira

Elküldve: 2001. február 19. 17:37

Tárgy: Re: [sri Guru] Lesson 3


Namaste Solai,

thank you for reply.


You read the messages very attentively. Sharing your experience help me very much.


Thank you,




Solai Kannan


18 ôåâðàëÿ 2001 ã. 10:33

[sri Guru] Lesson 3





Namaste Youri,


I am not a Guru to comment on the lesson. But, I want to share something with you and other new comers.


If you do not get an answer or reply to your mails or answers, please do not get disappointed. As we know our Gurus are having very very limited time to share with us and we are grateful for that.


Regarding lessons. Your answers for the lesson 1 and the answers of Mr. Steve Hubball and Mr.Chaitanya S Das are all impressive.


1. continue attempting all the lessons, irrespective of whether you know the answer or not.

2.Post it to the list.

3.If you do not get a reply within 2 or 3 days, go to the archives and check the mails related to the lesson.


Do not go to the archives before attempting, some of the questions are not answered yet. So, your attempt should not be prejudiced by the answers of others. You might give a fine answer if you do not look at them first, as you have done in the 1st lesson.


Kindly, check the answers for this lesson in the archive and compare your attempt.



Solai Kannan

OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.htmlOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Om Gurave Namah,

Pranam Gurudev Sanjayji and Manpreetji and members

I will try the Ayana Question. My understanding of ayana is that

it indicates whether a planet is northern or southern transit.

So the Declination change of the planet would show whether

it's in a northern path or southern path.

Like sun would be on it's maximum Declination on 21 June (depends

on Ayanamsha of Earth Axis)

i.e on Summer Solctice. So after 21 June it would go on a southern

path which is Dakshinaya until 21 Dec.

With this view i'll answer the questions.



I)Ayana's of Planets for native Born on 1963/Aug/7//9:15PM



1963 August 7 Declination. 16d 30' 37.60 "

1963 August 8 Dec. 16d 13' 48.26 "

Decreasing Declination so Dakshinayana



1963 August 7 Dec. 9d 29' 43.12 "

1963 August 8 Dec. 8d 48' 40.59 "

Decreasing hence Dakshinayana



1963 August 7 Dec. 19d 08' 29.67 "

1963 August 8 Dec. 18d 50' 35.91 "

Decreasing hence Dakshinaya



1963 August 7 Declination - 10d 25' 35.40 " ( Negative numbers )

1963 August 8 Declination - 5d 27' 37.02 "

Increasing so Uttaraayana



1963 August 7 Dec. - 2d 30' 47.71 " (-ve)

1963 August 8 Dec. - 2d 46' 13.52 "

Decreasing so Dakshinaayana



1963 August 7 Dec. 6d 16' 25.37 "

1963 August 8 Dec. 6d 16' 16.75 "

Decreasing do Dakshinaayana



1963 August 7 Dec. - 15d 55' 22.13 " (-ve)

1963 August 8 Dec. - 15d 56' 52.49 "

Decreasing do Dakshinaya




II) For my birth date 19/Jul/1971 8:57AM

The Moon is in Dakshinayana

and changes Ayana after about 21 Days

on 1971 August 9 Monday


Please correct my mistakes.


Your Shishya



Calculations were done using Steve Moshier's Ephemeris utility at


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