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lesson 2 first Part

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Dear list member and Gurus:


Aham smrtir jnanam apohanam ca " - Krishna is the source of all

knowledge. Offering my humble respects to my Gurus, Lord Caitanya

Mahaprabhu and Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, To my Siskshas

guru Prabhu Sri Sanjay and Prataka ( Robert) and all the other

Jyotishas Gauranga, Jashomatinanda, Narasimha Rao, Vrendam and all

the others Sakty Bhaktas , I will try to answer some of the

questions, on lesson Two formulated by Sri Sanjay Rath.





Which graha should be given the Lordhip over the twelve-fold

division of the twelve signs of the zodiac and why ?



-It is the the Surya-Narayan Sun , who's is been worship by

chanting the Gayatri. Because is the Atman with his two aspects

Paramatma and Jeevatma residing in the heart of every living being.


In the Purusha Shukta it has been explain the origing of Gayatri


in Sri Brahma Samhita


text 52


Yac caksur esa savita sakala grahanam

raja samasta-sura-murtir asesa -tejah

yasyajnaya bhramani sambhrta kala cakro

govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami




The sun who is the king of all the planets, full of infinite

effulgence, the image of the good soul, is as the eye of this world.

I adore the primeval Lord Govinda in pursuance of whose order the sun

performs his journey mounting the wheel of time.






In case more explanation is needed, Please read if not skip it.





Without going to the origin of the Universe and stick arround the

solar system and its creation I found The relevance of the Sun King

and his parapernalia (grahas) and their location .


Maharishi Parasara divided the whole universe or Narayana

into four parts. This four-fold division of the Universe is also


further into Jyotish as its second fundamental division of the Bha-


(Zodiac symbolizing the body of Narayana) into four parts called



In the Sri Srimad Bhagavatam it is been explain that :


1) Lord Vasudeva is the adhidevata of the , consciousness, (chetana)

Sankarasana is the adhidevata of ego, (Ahamkar)

Anidruddha is the adhidevata of the mind ( Manas)

and Pradyumna is the adhidevata of the intelligence . ( Buddhi)



I question myself:


Why Sri Srimad Bhagavatam is so important and what is the

relationship with

Navagraha ? and Surya Narayana


It simply because it narrates the lila of Bhagawan in his multiple



and What is the meaning of Bhagawan then ?


According with the definition of Bhagawan ,we find that is the one

who possesses


the following qualities:


Riches, Strengh, fame, beauty, jnana, Renuntiation


So the planets are representatives of those Gunas

then we have. :


Jupiter is the reflection of Sri Bhagawan riches,( aisvarya),

Mars reflects His strengh, or virya, the Sun and the Moon are

the reflecting His fame (yasah), Venus represents His beauty (SRI),

Mercury is the reflection of His knowledge (jnana or Vidya ) and

Saturn is the

reflection of His renounciation (vairajna , Sannyass).


Note: I do agree with the theory , What is above is within and what

is not within me is not

anywhere , ( in quality not in quantity ) ,so the Universe is

contained within each atom ( Microcosms ) if not why

Parashara divided the human body in different regions,and organs and

assign grahas and Rasis ?


to be continue 2nd question


Chaitanya S. das

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