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[Jaya Jagannath] Lesson 4 Dream Assignment - 2nd Attempt

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Om Gurave NamahDear Alex,

- Alexandra Solomon

Vedic e group

Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:09 AM

[Jaya Jagannath] Lesson 4 Dream Assignment - 2nd Attempt



LESSON 4 Dream Assignment - 2nd Attempt


Namaste Gurudeva Sanjayji


As per your request, I am submitting the following attempt for comment and correction.















9 & 10


8 & 11


Conjx (within 12 ")











Strengths (Degrees)


Loses Yuda < deg


Wins Yuda > deg






Debilitated in Aries






Dik Bala




Dik Bala in First Hse




House Karakas


Kar of 12th, in 12th


Kar of 9th in the 1st




Relationship to Signs


In enemy sign Aries


In friendly sign Tau




Relationspto House


Nat Mal, + + in 12th


Nat Ben + + in 1st

Kendra & Trine






Aspects 9th


Aspects 9th




Yoga Karaka


YK for Tau Lagna






Funx Benefic/Malefic


Funx Benefic


Funx Malefic






Raja – Jup Conjunx

Lords of 8th & 9th

This is not a Raj yoga as a malefic and benefic Lord conjoin.


Raja – Mutual aspects of Lords of 8th & 9th ?

How? Where are Jupiter and saturn?


9th Lord in the 12th

Saturn a natural malefic is a functional benefic and yogakaraka for this chart and does well in the 12th house. Could this mean that dream will come true and fortunes gained but some delays? Or will the 12th house bring loss.

Rath: (Correct; Will a Yogakaraka bring loss?? If not this can indicate yoga due to foreign association).

Jupiter lord of the 11th house of gains, fulfillment and friends is in the first. However Jupiter a natural benefic is a funx malefic for this chart. How does this effect fortune and dreams coming true.

Please direct me on how to assess the strength of planets and which variables take precedence.

Rath: 11th house is related to fulfilment of objective or gains. If the 11th lord Jupiter (Divinity-Ista or Kula devata indicated) is in 1st house then the objective is gained.

When it is determined whether Saturn or Jupiter is stronger, does this bring a good or bad result for the dreamer regarding his fortune?

Rath Try answering this: Should natural malefics be strong or weak? Also study the lesson related to Yogakaraka's and then attempt this lesson again.

I am not sure if I have understood and responded to your questions correctly and I look forward to your comments and redirection.



OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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