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Pranam Gurudeva,


I agree with Narayan. I think we should use the word 'Dhakshana' rather than donation.


At this point I want to raise one question. Last week one astrologer visited our place and I was having a general discussion on astrology with him.


Then, I told him about my ambition to do astro reading for suffering people freely. He rebuked at me politely ," this science should not be given freely, you need not fix a charge, but, you should accept something as Dhakshan. If you do not accept the Dhakshana, the astrologer and the native will not be benefited."


I am still bewildered about his statement. I am not convinced about his remark. I am so determined about my conviction. I don't know whether it is a MUST, as per Shastra to accept dhakshana for Astrological reading or not. I seek your advice on this point.


But, about the teaching, I think we should give you or SJVC, some dhakshana. When the great Ekalaiva was able to give his invaluable thumb as dhakshana, we small people must give something as dhakshana for the great knowledge we gain from you.



Solai Kannan




narayaniyer [narayaniyer]Tuesday, March 27, 2001 7:12 PMvarahamihira Subject: [Jaya Jagannath] Books & DonationOm Gurave Namaha,Om Jaya Jagannatha,Namaste Gurudeva,Its about time the book is released( both yours and Narasimha's ). I think the best way is to put it on web to be downloaded by us members. Those who download will donate generously based on the price of the book and what one further wants to donate. Its about time for donation as we have all recieved immense knowledge which ofcourse is immeasurable & priceless.ThanksYour Sisya,-Narayan Iyervarahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> > Om Gurave Namah> Dear Narasimha,> from where I come from, Oranges and Apples arte considered luxury! Normally Coconut and Bananas are readily available and these are consumed. The water of the tender coconut is supposed to be very good, but i do not prefer it and only stick to Banana.> Good input..> Best wishes> Sanjay> PS about that book..it is very frustrating to deal with these publishers. Perhaps SJVC shpuld start its own publications division. I am thinking of putting my book in the web for free download and if anyone wants then they can send a donation.> - > pvr@m... > varahamihira > Sunday, March 25, 2001 11:02 AM> [Jaya Jagannath] Re: Please help: Fasting> > > Pranaam Sanjay,> > Brendan can add, but please permit me to jump in and make one comment.> > In India, it is very common to consume fruits while fasting. Brendan > is very correct in saying that fresh vegetables and fruits can > disturb vaata, but fruits are better than vegetables.> > Moreover, we can choose the right fruits. Fruits like apples > aggravate vaata more than some other fruits. Fruits like grapes are > safer, but they also aggravate vaata when taken in excess. The best > fruit for vaata types is perhaps banana. Perfectly ripe bananas > soothe vaata and they are a good food for vaata types during a fast.> > Oranges are also excellent fruits for strong vaata types.> > We can thus choose the right fruits based on the constitution.> > Raw vegetables are particularly bad for vaata types, but they are not > too good for others either. Not only do they provoke vaata, but > modern research shows that nutrient absorption is much less with raw > vegetables than with fully cooked ones. I do not advise eating fresh > vegetables. If one is conscious of minerals and vitamins, cooking in > a covered container and eating without throwing away the water is > advised (of course, not when fasting).> > I usually have a lot of accumulated vaata and some pitta and I take > some dates and raisins (kismis) when fasting. They reduce vaata. If > raisins are taken during a fast, they tend to clear the accumulated > vaata in the intestines and colon.> > Your comment on Chandra lagna is very apt. Luminaries show Tejas and > Ojas in ayurvedic terms.> > Your sishya,> Narasimha> > > Om Gurave Namah> > Dear Brendan,> > You can give us a recommendation of other uncooked foods for this > purpose.> > That was a very helpful post. I find that the Moon sign has a lot > to say about the Prakriti like the Lagna. Any inputs on this?> > Best regards> > Sanjay Rath> > - > > Bpfeeley@A... > > varahamihira > > Friday, March 23, 2001 7:56 PM> > Re: [Jaya Jagannath] Please help: Fasting> > > > > > In a message dated 3/22/2001 12:06:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, > > srath@v... writes:> > > > Hare Krishna> > Dear Sanjay,> > > > Thanks for your note on fasting. Just an add-on for the benefit of > the group. > > Vata types should be careful with fasting as fasting disturbs V and > should > > only be done for very short periods of time if at all. Even fasting > on raw > > fruits and veggies is dangerous for V. They are full of akasha and > yes, the > > person may experience wonderful sense of lightness and "spiritual" > well being > > but it is dangerous for V.> > > > P and K people can tolerate fasting and K people especially can > benefit > > greatly from it. V people should fast on small amounts of V > reducing Kitchari.> > > > I saw a person once who suffered severe depression during the > winter > > months... so called seasonal depression. She was eating raw fruits > and > > vegetables as 50% of her food intake. The cold winter months > aggravate V and > > hot cooked food with appropriate spices to stimulate Agni is needed > to offset > > that. Once she started eating balanced food for her prakruti she > became a > > happy person.> > Regards,> > Brendan> > > > > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Info: varahamihira/info.html> > >

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