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Link of Tatwas with the 5 fingers

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Dear Ayurveda experts


I have read in Vidya Vasant Lads book " Ayurveda-The Science of Self Healing

about this representation for the fingers. This representation I have also

found in Japanese Shingon Buddhism



Little finger - Prithivi

Ring finger - Apas

Middle finger - Agni/tejas

Index - finger - VAyu

Thumb - Akasha


Shri Keshav DEv Ji Maharaj has 60 years of experience with hasta-maudras -

mudras made by the hand. This is descriebed in his book " Mudra Vigyan " a way

of life " He uses the following representation



Little finger - Apas

Ring finger - Prithivi

Middle finger - Akasha

Index - finger - VAyu

Thumb - Agni/tejas


Shi Keshav Dev even proved the above representation as he used to deminish

the sense of Hearing (Akasha) temporary when he wanted to do prolonged

meditation and not wanted to be desturbed by noise. Dr Upadhyay has research

the same representation for 35 years. I have myself very good results with

the same mudra system when reducing the doshas. I feel the hasta mudras very

strong -maybe because I have Jupiter and Lagna in Gemini.



My question is the following:


Does Ayurveda generally use the link A) as Dr Vasant Lad recomment or are

there other systems ?


Best Regards



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