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[Jaya Jagannath] FOREIGN

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Namaste Sanjay,


Thanks for the very detailed answer. As always it was greatly

informative. In answer to your homework I have prepared the following.

As I am born with Sun in Taurus, then I should recite RAVI Mantra: Om

Ghrini Ravaye Namah.


Om Ghrini Ravaye Namah

Om Hum Ravaye Namah

Om Hrim Ravaye Namah

Om Kleem Ravaye Namah

Om Shreem Ravaye Namah


There is more to this mantra, but this is all you have given. Is it

from the Gita? I will look.


I understand that I should do this every morning. But how many times,

just once? 21? 108?


On the part about BHAVA you said that the placement of the 7th lord

in the 12th for Nimmi's chart brought about marriage in another land.

How does the navamsha work into this? For example, what if the

position of the 7th lord in the navamsa indicates a spouse from the

home town? Would this give a spouse from close to home, or far away?


I realize that the D-1 chart is for the physical self, but what is

the navamsa for the spouse? I wouldn't trouble you with this, but I

am trying to understand the D charts from the archives and still have



Best Regards,


Alex J


varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah

> Dear Alex,


> What you say is right, but the nature of the planet is also

important to determine the travel. For example:


> A) If the seventh Lord from Venus (Venus is Natural Karaka for 7th

house) is in a fixed sign, then the spouse comes from nearby/ same

town; if in a movable sign, then spouse comes from a far off land

while if in a dual sign then spouse comes from another town in the

same state/ country.


> Now note the following:

> 1) KARAKA: the Karaka is the one that brings the spouse. Thus the

ninth lord from Sun brings father, fourth lord from Moon brings

mother and so on. Thus, the Karaka relates to real people or

inaninate objects and not events when considering Lordship of the

house for its Karakatwa.


> Which planet brings the self to this world? The Sun is the natural

Atmakaraka. hence the Lord of the Sun sign is the first planet that

brings the soul to this planet. It is responsible for our stay in

this world/ physical body. That is why the 12 mantras of the Sun God

have been prescribed for the 12 Sun signs called Dwadas Aditya.

Bhagawan Sri krishna, taught this to Arjuna before the battle where

He advised the recitation of Aditya hridaya. Most persons recite the

entire stotra, but Bhagawan taught differently. There can be either

of nine planets from Sun to Ketu who will become the dispositor of

the Sun or Lord of Sun sign to give this body. these are placed in

the astadala Padma. The nine names of Aditya on the basis of the nine

planets (not 12 signs) are as follows:


> East - Sun - Lord of Leo - SURYA: Mantra : Om Ghrini Suryaya Namah

> SE - Venus - Lord of Libra & Taurus- RAVI Mantra: Om Ghrini Ravaye


> South - Mars - Lord of Aries - Viwaswan - Om Ghrini Viwaswate


> and so on (Home work: Complete this table for ready reference; What

is your natural mantra for body protection? Mine (Sanjay Rath) is -

> Om Ghrini Vishnave Namah (Upon waking up and cleansing).

> OM Hum Vishnave Namah (If I have headaches).

> Om Hrim Vishnave Namah (Before a Pooja)

> Om Kleem Vishnave Namah (Removal of troubles).

> Om Shreem Vishnave Namah (Good works etc)...

> List out your mantra in your diary and understand the Beejakshara's.


> 2) BHAVA: Bhava brings about events. For example if the eighth lord

is in a movable sign then death occus in a distant land; if in a

fixed sign, then in the same town/near home while in a dual sign the

indications can be while travelling or not very far from home. Nimmi

has the 7th Lord in 12th house. So, the event was of marriage.


> 3) USING THIS KNOWLEDGE: My dad wanted to know as to " when and

where the Hamsa Yoga in my chart will yeild fruits? " . Sun is in 5th

house in Cancer in my chart and ninth Lord from the Sun is Jupiter in

Pisces (as its Lord in a dual sign). So, I asked my father as where

he was at the time of my birth and he answered Delhi (he was being

considered for a Gold Medal from the President of India for his

work). My next question was did he get the medal..Of course he was

the one who received it. Then my answer was easy.The Hamsa Yoga will

surely fructify and this will happen in Delhi.


> In this manner, one knowledge about KARAKA can be used to predict

another event related to Lagna/tenth house.


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> -

> lostinmotion@h...

> varahamihira

> Sunday, March 25, 2001 12:05 PM

> [Jaya Jagannath] Re: FOREIGN



> Namaste Sanjay,


> I got the part about moveable signs indicating foreign countries,

> fixed home countries, and dual in between, from Parasara. I believe

> this is mentioned in a few chapters. One is in regards to the place

> of death being in a foreign country or at home due to the mobility


> the sign in the 3rd house. I also got this from Satya Jatakam, when

> the 7th house of travel is dealt with he gives moveable signs to

> foreign countries, and dual, whereas fixed is at home.


> As well in dealing with the Nabhasa yogas Parasar says that if

> planets are in moveable signs the person will be a traveller, while

> in fixed stays in own place.


> Also in Jatak Tattva if the ascendant is in fixed sign with the


> lord going into fixed sign, then the fortune is made in own


> whereas if the lagna and lagna lord are in moveable signs, then the

> fortune is made in a foreign country.


> The part about a moveable sign in the 12th with a planet owning

> moveable signs and Saturn is from Jataka Parijata.


> I figured these statements were made because moveable signs


> change, movement and inconsistencies, whereas fixed signs indicate

> lack of change and immobility.


> Best Regards,


> Alex J


> varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > Dear Alex,

> > Where did this come from and have you wondered why this statement

> was made?

> > Have you all checked the SUBHAPATI i.e. the Lord of the Moon sign?

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath

> > -

> > lostinmotion@h...

> > varahamihira

> > Friday, March 23, 2001 11:53 PM

> > [Jaya Jagannath] Re: FOREIGN

> >

> >

> > Hello Solai Kannnan,

> >

> > I have read that fixed sign in the 9th, 12th indicate travelling

> > closer to home or within country, whereas moveable signs far


> > and dual inbetween.

> >

> > Moveable signs give the most distant travel, as do planets placed

> in

> > these houses when they own moveable signs. Association of Saturn


> > these houses also increases travel distance.

> >

> > If the ascendant is in a moveable sign and the ascendant lord in


> > moveable sign, then this also indicates travel.

> >

> > Satyacharya gives the 7th for foreign travel. The 9th and 12th


> > standard travel houses, 3rd for short distance movements. Parsara

> > gives the 10th house for living in foreign places, and Jataka

> > Parijata gives the first house for residence abroad.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Alex J

> >

> > varahamihira, " Solai Kannan " <solai@t...> wrote:



> > >

> > > Pranam Gurudeva and friends

> > >

> > > We know that certain factors indicate moving to foreign places,

> > like the 9th

> > > & 12th signs and lords etc.

> > > In this regard I have some doubts, please clarify.

> > >

> > > 1.Does that foreign or far away places include the far away

> places

> > within

> > > the country. Say, in India, should we consider moving from


> to

> > > Kolkatta as a foreign travel indication?

> > >

> > > 2. Should we consider the 'foreign activities' from the place


> > birth or

> > > from the native place. Say for example, a person moves from


> > to USA and

> > > stays there for a year and during that period his wife delivers


> > baby in

> > > USA and then the whole family is returned to India. Now, for


> > baby, any

> > > thing related to 'foreign' should be considered from India or


> > >

> > > 3. A person moves to a foreign country as indicated by a dasa


> > say 12th

> > > lord. Then, after wards, whether, any indication of foreign

> travel

> > has to be

> > > considered from the native place or from the place of residence.

> > >

> > > Kindly, clarify these doubts.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Your sisya

> > > Solai Kannan

> >

> >

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Info: varahamihira/info.html

> >

> >

> >

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With respect to my chart - when I was still unmarried, a Sri Lankan

astrologer in Peradeniya told me that a) I would either marry oversease or

b) leave overseas soon after marriage. The same astrologer also told me that

I would have one marriage break up and have a second one. This was during a

very quick reading he did for 3 of us who went to see him as a group. He

used only rasi and navamsa plus dasa period. He also said this would happen

in Jup/Jup.


b) did happen and then since I am divorced and remarried, a) also happened.


In my rasi chart I have sun with 7th ruler, and rahu aspecting it. Further

7th ruler is in in the 12th house.


In navamsha, rahu is with 7th ruler (again jupiter, as lagna is vargottama)

and sun, and rahu aspects the 7th house.


Sun and rahu are separative planets and 12th house too - for most of my

first marriage, my husband and I were living in different places due to work

committments etc, and then we actually separated as well. So the effects can

be seen very clearly.


Rahu and the 12th are foreign indications, so the marriage to a foreigner

and leaving home soon after marriage.


Aspect of mars as 6th ruler on the 7th in rasi and influence of separative

planets - break up and separations.


Mars and mercury aspect the 7th house in rasi and jupiter, rahu and sun in

navamsa. My first husband was a civil engineer at that time and my second is

a programmer. So the indications of marrying someone in a mental/technical

field, prominent in their field and associated with foreign areas - I would

say most of this is there.


If the navamsa had pointed at quite a different scenario from the rasi, are

we not instructed to discount the probability of the rasi indications? I

thought I had read that somewhere - If we do not have confluence, we do not

have prediction.


Perhaps this way we have areas of free will - i.e. areas that are not

predictable - and areas of karmic destiny. And I think in those areas where

destiny works, we are also destined to encounter correct predictions, since

this focuses our minds on it. Of all the predictions made for myself, family

or friends in Sri Lanka by local astrologers, the only one that did not come

true was that I would be a writer or journalist. Everything else by this

same astrologer actually came true exactly. However, it is possible that

writing software would come under this heading as at that time and place

(Jaffna in 1968/69) this was an unknown concept.








<varahamihira >

Thursday, March 29, 2001 5:53 PM

[Jaya Jagannath] Re: FOREIGN




> Namaste Sanjay,


> Thanks for the very detailed answer. As always it was greatly

> informative. In answer to your homework I have prepared the following.

> As I am born with Sun in Taurus, then I should recite RAVI Mantra: Om

> Ghrini Ravaye Namah.


> Om Ghrini Ravaye Namah

> Om Hum Ravaye Namah

> Om Hrim Ravaye Namah

> Om Kleem Ravaye Namah

> Om Shreem Ravaye Namah


> There is more to this mantra, but this is all you have given. Is it

> from the Gita? I will look.


> I understand that I should do this every morning. But how many times,

> just once? 21? 108?


> On the part about BHAVA you said that the placement of the 7th lord

> in the 12th for Nimmi's chart brought about marriage in another land.

> How does the navamsha work into this? For example, what if the

> position of the 7th lord in the navamsa indicates a spouse from the

> home town? Would this give a spouse from close to home, or far away?


> I realize that the D-1 chart is for the physical self, but what is

> the navamsa for the spouse? I wouldn't trouble you with this, but I

> am trying to understand the D charts from the archives and still have

> questions.


> Best Regards,


> Alex J


> varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > Dear Alex,

> >

> > What you say is right, but the nature of the planet is also

> important to determine the travel. For example:

> >

> > A) If the seventh Lord from Venus (Venus is Natural Karaka for 7th

> house) is in a fixed sign, then the spouse comes from nearby/ same

> town; if in a movable sign, then spouse comes from a far off land

> while if in a dual sign then spouse comes from another town in the

> same state/ country.

> >

> > Now note the following:

> > 1) KARAKA: the Karaka is the one that brings the spouse. Thus the

> ninth lord from Sun brings father, fourth lord from Moon brings

> mother and so on. Thus, the Karaka relates to real people or

> inaninate objects and not events when considering Lordship of the

> house for its Karakatwa.

> >

> > Which planet brings the self to this world? The Sun is the natural

> Atmakaraka. hence the Lord of the Sun sign is the first planet that

> brings the soul to this planet. It is responsible for our stay in

> this world/ physical body. That is why the 12 mantras of the Sun God

> have been prescribed for the 12 Sun signs called Dwadas Aditya.

> Bhagawan Sri krishna, taught this to Arjuna before the battle where

> He advised the recitation of Aditya hridaya. Most persons recite the

> entire stotra, but Bhagawan taught differently. There can be either

> of nine planets from Sun to Ketu who will become the dispositor of

> the Sun or Lord of Sun sign to give this body. these are placed in

> the astadala Padma. The nine names of Aditya on the basis of the nine

> planets (not 12 signs) are as follows:

> >

> > East - Sun - Lord of Leo - SURYA: Mantra : Om Ghrini Suryaya Namah

> > SE - Venus - Lord of Libra & Taurus- RAVI Mantra: Om Ghrini Ravaye

> Namah

> > South - Mars - Lord of Aries - Viwaswan - Om Ghrini Viwaswate

> Namah...

> > and so on (Home work: Complete this table for ready reference; What

> is your natural mantra for body protection? Mine (Sanjay Rath) is -

> > Om Ghrini Vishnave Namah (Upon waking up and cleansing).

> > OM Hum Vishnave Namah (If I have headaches).

> > Om Hrim Vishnave Namah (Before a Pooja)

> > Om Kleem Vishnave Namah (Removal of troubles).

> > Om Shreem Vishnave Namah (Good works etc)...

> > List out your mantra in your diary and understand the Beejakshara's.

> >

> > 2) BHAVA: Bhava brings about events. For example if the eighth lord

> is in a movable sign then death occus in a distant land; if in a

> fixed sign, then in the same town/near home while in a dual sign the

> indications can be while travelling or not very far from home. Nimmi

> has the 7th Lord in 12th house. So, the event was of marriage.

> >

> > 3) USING THIS KNOWLEDGE: My dad wanted to know as to " when and

> where the Hamsa Yoga in my chart will yeild fruits? " . Sun is in 5th

> house in Cancer in my chart and ninth Lord from the Sun is Jupiter in

> Pisces (as its Lord in a dual sign). So, I asked my father as where

> he was at the time of my birth and he answered Delhi (he was being

> considered for a Gold Medal from the President of India for his

> work). My next question was did he get the medal..Of course he was

> the one who received it. Then my answer was easy.The Hamsa Yoga will

> surely fructify and this will happen in Delhi.

> >

> > In this manner, one knowledge about KARAKA can be used to predict

> another event related to Lagna/tenth house.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath

> > -

> > lostinmotion@h...

> > varahamihira

> > Sunday, March 25, 2001 12:05 PM

> > [Jaya Jagannath] Re: FOREIGN

> >

> >

> > Namaste Sanjay,

> >

> > I got the part about moveable signs indicating foreign countries,

> > fixed home countries, and dual in between, from Parasara. I believe

> > this is mentioned in a few chapters. One is in regards to the place

> > of death being in a foreign country or at home due to the mobility

> of

> > the sign in the 3rd house. I also got this from Satya Jatakam, when

> > the 7th house of travel is dealt with he gives moveable signs to

> > foreign countries, and dual, whereas fixed is at home.

> >

> > As well in dealing with the Nabhasa yogas Parasar says that if

> > planets are in moveable signs the person will be a traveller, while

> > in fixed stays in own place.

> >

> > Also in Jatak Tattva if the ascendant is in fixed sign with the

> lagna

> > lord going into fixed sign, then the fortune is made in own

> country,

> > whereas if the lagna and lagna lord are in moveable signs, then the

> > fortune is made in a foreign country.

> >

> > The part about a moveable sign in the 12th with a planet owning

> > moveable signs and Saturn is from Jataka Parijata.

> >

> > I figured these statements were made because moveable signs

> indicate

> > change, movement and inconsistencies, whereas fixed signs indicate

> > lack of change and immobility.

> >

> > Best Regards,

> >

> > Alex J

> >

> > varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Om Gurave Namah

> > > Dear Alex,

> > > Where did this come from and have you wondered why this statement

> > was made?

> > > Have you all checked the SUBHAPATI i.e. the Lord of the Moon sign?

> > > Best Wishes

> > > Sanjay Rath

> > > -

> > > lostinmotion@h...

> > > varahamihira

> > > Friday, March 23, 2001 11:53 PM

> > > [Jaya Jagannath] Re: FOREIGN

> > >

> > >

> > > Hello Solai Kannnan,

> > >

> > > I have read that fixed sign in the 9th, 12th indicate travelling

> > > closer to home or within country, whereas moveable signs far

> away,

> > > and dual inbetween.

> > >

> > > Moveable signs give the most distant travel, as do planets placed

> > in

> > > these houses when they own moveable signs. Association of Saturn

> in

> > > these houses also increases travel distance.

> > >

> > > If the ascendant is in a moveable sign and the ascendant lord in

> a

> > > moveable sign, then this also indicates travel.

> > >

> > > Satyacharya gives the 7th for foreign travel. The 9th and 12th

> are

> > > standard travel houses, 3rd for short distance movements. Parsara

> > > gives the 10th house for living in foreign places, and Jataka

> > > Parijata gives the first house for residence abroad.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > >

> > > Alex J

> > >

> > > varahamihira, " Solai Kannan " <solai@t...> wrote:



> > > >

> > > > Pranam Gurudeva and friends

> > > >

> > > > We know that certain factors indicate moving to foreign places,

> > > like the 9th

> > > > & 12th signs and lords etc.

> > > > In this regard I have some doubts, please clarify.

> > > >

> > > > 1.Does that foreign or far away places include the far away

> > places

> > > within

> > > > the country. Say, in India, should we consider moving from

> Kerala

> > to

> > > > Kolkatta as a foreign travel indication?

> > > >

> > > > 2. Should we consider the 'foreign activities' from the place

> of

> > > birth or

> > > > from the native place. Say for example, a person moves from

> India

> > > to USA and

> > > > stays there for a year and during that period his wife delivers

> a

> > > baby in

> > > > USA and then the whole family is returned to India. Now, for

> the

> > > baby, any

> > > > thing related to 'foreign' should be considered from India or

> USA?

> > > >

> > > > 3. A person moves to a foreign country as indicated by a dasa

> of

> > > say 12th

> > > > lord. Then, after wards, whether, any indication of foreign

> > travel

> > > has to be

> > > > considered from the native place or from the place of residence.

> > > >

> > > > Kindly, clarify these doubts.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Your sisya

> > > > Solai Kannan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > OM TAT SAT

> > > Archive: varahamihira

> > > Info: varahamihira/info.html

> > >

> > >

> > >

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