Guest guest Posted March 31, 2001 Report Share Posted March 31, 2001 > Kama-Desire-Mercury > Krodha-Anger-Mars> Lobha-Greed-Rahu> Moha-Passion-Ketu> Mada-Alcohol-Saturn> Matsarya-Sex-Venus Could Kama be sensuality, and indulgence of that? Krodha I thought was more than anger, a feeling of illwill almost. For example murder would involve krodha but manslaughter may be mada. Lobha is excessive attachment and wanting for the sake of owning. More than would be required just for security. Moha I thought was infatuation. I feel that Mada has overtones of being out of control, of a failure of self control in some way. Matsarya is something I haven't come across before. I wonder whether envy is another side of a lack of empathy with another. - Sanjay Rath varahamihira Friday, March 30, 2001 8:01 PM Re: [Jaya Jagannath] Re: Shadripu Om Gurave NamahDear sanjay Prabhakar, Your are so correct in your translation of Matsarya as envy. In fact what i have written in the Jaimini Sutra was based on A.L.Basham and felt that such a translation would suffice for the english speaking reader; that was my first book. i have realised that it needs a lot of proof reading, too many mistakes and also an exhaustive commentary. This has already started and perhaps will finist sooner or later. Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Moha is attraction without logical thinlking. Like a man 'falling for' a beautiful woman. This is what I call really 'headless attitude' and it can happen to all of us. Thus, Ketu the headless can cause this and also bring about marriage. For example, during the Narayana Dasa of Dhanuvad Ketu I got married. Many were shocked that one like me got married (So was I !!!). perhaps Moha as I found everything so perfect if i had found a soul mate..that's Moha. there is no place for logic or thinking out here - no brain work at all. In this manner try to reason out and you will find the Jyotish links, but remember that I am not the last word in spirituality and try to improve on the spiritual definitions .. try to surpass me and I shall be delighted as that is what is the aim of the Jaimini sutra..Spirituality links in Jyotish. Best Wishes Sanjay Rath - SanjayPrabhakaran varahamihira Friday, March 30, 2001 3:47 AM [Jaya Jagannath] Re: Shadripu Dear Sanjayji,Dharminder and members, Pranaam, From an online dictionary for sanskrit I get the meaning of maatsarya as Envy. And also in one of the articles on Shadripu and D30 by Narasimhaji, If i remember correctly, he also says maatsarya as envy. And by way the Narasimhaji, I have tried to find Kama,krodha,lobha,moha,madha and maatsarya from malifics in 7,8,9,10,11,12 houses respectively in D30. I find it pretty reliable. Does this a priciple have the sanction of the parampara?.SincerelyS.Prabhakaransearch `maatsarya' in `Apte Dic' of "maatsarya"n.{a-stem}1.envy;2.displeasurevarahamihira, bsgill70@h... wrote:> Dear Sanjay/Gurus> Namaste, I was reading Sanjay's book on Jaimini > Updesa Sutras and on page 285 Chapter III Quarter III under 3.3.71 > Note he describes the 6 Shadripu's (Weaknesses) and the planets > associated with each one> > Kama-Desire-Mercury > Krodha-Anger-Mars> Lobha-Greed-Rahu> Moha-Passion-Ketu> Mada-Alcohol-Saturn> Matsarya-Sex-Venus> > According to Jaimini Sutras mars/venus association with the 2 house > in navamse makes one very passionate about sex however association of > Ketu with 2nd destroys such an evil.Why then is passion ruled by > Ketu? Also is alcohol/wine not represented by Venus? Lastly what is > the logic behind Mercury being associated with desire,I would think > that this again is better represented by Rahu/Venus.> > I would be grateful if somebody could explain these contradictions> > regards> Bharminder Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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