Guest guest Posted April 26, 2001 Report Share Posted April 26, 2001 Dear Dhira Krsna dasa, Namaste A6 comes in the 6th from AL and is aspected by Mars and Mercury. Mars is AL lord in sambandha with A7 and in aspect to Mercury, A6 and A9 would showthat his enemies would react violently to his religion (A9), and at the sametime his intimate followers (A7) would be afflicted. Ahh.. now your stretching it. I was looking for the answer to what type of people his enemies were. What type of people do Mars, and Mercury represent in this case, as they both aspect Shastru Pada. If A9 shows a persons religion, and ones enemies should be enimically disposed to it, then shouldn't there be an ill relationship between the two? How can A6 and A9 in kendra-relationship constitute enemity between the enemies and ones religion? A5 is in the 11th from AL, showing that He would gain many followers (Rahuincreasing the number) Yes, and one of these followers would decieve him.. or were there more? and that He would be able to lead them on the path ofliberation (in the 12th from AL lord) who is in the natural 12th house, themoksha house. This should be reckoned from Satya Peetha(lagna) and not the Arudha Padas. His AL shows how he's percieved and the lord of AL shows the fortune he derives from this perception, which is in 12th from AL, hence he may give alot of this fortune away, to the A7. How does he liberate? He doesn't have any Gyana, Strong Dhimantah nor Dharmakarmaphipati Yogas, to help others attain such high knowledge, or teach it to his followers. He has a Grahamalika yoga starting in Lagna and ending in 4th, which can't have given him such divine perception, but rather he was a good builder. A7 is also there with AL lord, showing that He would instructHis intimate allies or partners as such also (Mars is 5th lord). Partners are seen from 7th house and lord, along with A7. Mars in the 12th from AL shows the danger of imprisonment and causing His death(Mercury, a maraka is aspecting). The 2nd house shows the sustenance of the house, and the 7th shows those who oppose, but the fortune(paka) of either doesn't result in danger or death, but can tell you when it will happen. Yes, the 8th house being a watery one with the lord Moon in it makes it verywatery, what does a watery 8th house mean? Death by drowning, Yes. or suffocation or a disease from the lungs or so. Now your pushing it. That was the purpose also from crucifixion, the condamned were hanging till they slowly suffocated. See theaspect of Saturn & Rahu here also, Saturn would make it a cruel death andRahu indicates alcohol - drugs, He was also fed some kind of sour wine whileHe was hanging on the cross. Of course, that's in regard to the body. Let'ssee the aspect of Jupiter - Ketu to the 3rd house also, indicating thecircumstances of death. Ketu is His 12th lord indicating liberation,resurrection and Jupiter's aspect indicates He predicted His end in Hisearthly pastimes to come nearby. The above seems quite right, but i can't say for sure. I wanto stress 3rd from AL, because thats how we percieve the circumstances of death. He may have died from an aneurysm, but we only saw him on the cross. 3rd from AL has the same aspects as the 6th from AL with A6, it has A9 in itshowing He would be killed for His religion. No rather that his death was percieved as a very religous event. Remarkable is also that in the crucifixion chart, Saturn and Mars+Venus are transiting His 3rd from AL, atthe same time creating a sade sati (cruelty from enemies) because His Moonis in Cancer. The 6th lord from AL and maraka, Mercury, was transiting HisAL along with all the other planets, including Moon, the 8th lord. And A8 isthere. Did the Sun transit the trines to Mrityu Pada? As for the other transits i can't say, but do you think he suffered in the Shoola Dasa of Pisces(27-36)? Jupiter & Ketu in the 9th is generally not seen as very good, however whenthere is a sambandha with the owner of the 9th it is a very spiritualcombination. Here Sun is aspecting in rasi dristi. Same thing was there inSrila's chart, a sambandha of Sun-Jupiter-Ketu in the 9th. This shows a person with perfect meditation skills, but in Srilla's chart Sun was also conjoined with the two hence Srilla built temples and established faith. So now tell me about his relationship with his kinsmen(AL & A7). Why does AL & A7 in ill-relationship to each other ruin Raja Yogas? Best wishes, Visti. > +----------------------+> | | | | |> | | | | |> | Mar | | SatR | |> | | | | |> | A7 | A8 AL | A3 | A9 |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | Glk |> | | | |> | Rah | | Moo |> | | | |> | A5 | | Mnd |> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|> | | | |> | Sun | | Jup |> | | | |> | Ven | | Ket |> | | | |> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|> | | | | |> | Mer HL | | | |> | | GL | | |> | BL Asc | | | |> | | | | A6 |> +----------------------+Best wishes also,Your sishya,Dhira Krsna dasa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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