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[Jaya Jagannath] Marriage & Progression

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Dear Karu,

your point that both navamsha and dashamsa progression can show marriage

is interesting. While going through your example, I noticed the following:

For the year 1996, the natives progressed Sun (dashamsa rate) moves

from 29 Ar to 2 Taurus. You commented: "The sun is in Jalapatana saham

and aspects paradesha saham and vidya saham". According to my version of


Jalapatana is 1 Ta 02

Vidya 20 Cp 47

Paradesha 24 Cn 40

So Japapatana is clearly touched in 1996, but what about Paradesha and


And another thought crossed my mind: Is Jalapatana the saham for sea

travel or for "falling into the sea"? Anyone knows? I have not really studied

sanskrit, but from whatever little I know, Jalapatana means falling into

water. So is this the saham of drowning or travelling across the sea? Hope

someone can clarify.

regards and Hare Krishna


Jaya Jaya

Jagannath Namasthe

Narayana, Please

find my promised mail about marriage and Navamsa/ Dasamsa Progression. 1.

Female born on 23rd of March 1979 at 5.51AM -Colombo-Sri Lanka Year

1996. Sun progress at dasamsa rate,

from 29 Aries to 2 Taurus. Sun would be in rising degree of 7th (residense,marriage

or partnerships), 3rd( Away from home),11th (Fulfillment of disires), 9th

( UL). Sun is in Jalapatna Saham and aspect pradesha

Saham and Vidya Saham. Sun progress at Navamsa

rate, about from 4 Taurus to 8 Taurus.Sun is in

close to punya saham, Yasa Saham. Results-She

came to Australia in 1996, for higher studies. Year

1998 Sun progress at Dasamsa rate,

from 5- 8 Taurus. Every thing normal according to dasamsa rate and she

continued studies. Sun

progress at Navamsa rate from 11 Taurus to 15 Taurus. Sun

is in mid digrees in Kama trikona and 7th from UL. It is Aspecting Vivaha

Saham. She start an affair with co studend, and look forward to marry.

No leagal marriage taken, but Physical relationship started. Year

2001 Sun progress at Dasamsa rate

from 14 to 17 Taurus. Trines to Bandu saham, and Vivaha saham. Trine to

Venus, 11th, 7th and UL. Acording to her,

She will go back after studies with her partner on July this year and marriage

will be registered Just after that, on July or August. Sun

Progress at navamsa rate, from 21 to 24 Taurus. This is much clear from

Dasamsa progresstion. My

understanding so far;Love

affairs, mental realtionship or even actual marriage can be seen from navamsa

even they not marry leagally. But we can't forget Dasamsa progression for

marriage or any matter, as Karma cause all. Looking

for your comments. Hare




Archive: varahamihira

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Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Anantarupa,


My understandings are below.


Dear Karu, your point that both navamsha and dashamsa progression can show marriage is interesting. While going through your example, I noticed the following: For the year 1996, the natives progressed Sun (dashamsa rate) moves from 29 Ar to 2 Taurus. You commented: " The sun is in Jalapatana saham and aspects paradesha saham and vidya saham " . According to my version of JHL, Jalapatana is 1 Ta 02 Vidya 20 Cp 47 Paradesha 24 Cn 40 So Japapatana is clearly touched in 1996, but what about Paradesha and Vidya? Paradesha is for foreign residence (not travel= PARA+ Desha) and Vidya is knowledge; Higher studies.

And another thought crossed my mind: Is Jalapatana the saham for sea travel or for " falling into the sea " ? Anyone knows?

It is for Sea travel. But I do not know the answer, if you ask for AIR travel. It is very common to see Jala (watery) signs/planets to see overseas travel, but not airy signs. Also, It is called OVERSEAS, not OVER-AIR.

I have not really studied sanskrit, but from whatever little I know, Jalapatana means falling into water. So is this the saham of drowning or travelling across the sea? Hope someone can clarify.

I think this is indicating traveling across the sea. I agree, if any body know Sanskrit, he is one of the fortunate.

regards and Hare Krishna Anantarupa Thanks for your questions.

Hare Krshna



Jaya Jaya Jagannath Namasthe Narayana, Please find my promised mail about marriage and Navamsa/ Dasamsa Progression. 1. Female born on 23rd of March 1979 at 5.51AM -Colombo-Sri Lanka Year 1996. Sun progress at dasamsa rate, from 29 Aries to 2 Taurus. Sun would be in rising degree of 7th (residense,marriage or partnerships), 3rd( Away from home),11th (Fulfillment of disires), 9th ( UL). Sun is in Jalapatna Saham and aspect pradesha Saham and Vidya Saham. Sun progress at Navamsa rate, about from 4 Taurus to 8 Taurus.Sun is in close to punya saham, Yasa Saham. Results-She came to Australia in 1996, for higher studies. Year 1998 Sun progress at Dasamsa rate, from 5- 8 Taurus. Every thing normal according to dasamsa rate and she continued studies. Sun progress at Navamsa rate from 11 Taurus to 15 Taurus. Sun is in mid digrees in Kama trikona and 7th from UL. It is Aspecting Vivaha Saham. She start an affair with co studend, and look forward to marry. No leagal marriage taken, but Physical relationship started. Year 2001 Sun progress at Dasamsa rate from 14 to 17 Taurus. Trines to Bandu saham, and Vivaha saham. Trine to Venus, 11th, 7th and UL. Acording to her, She will go back after studies with her partner on July this year and marriage will be registered Just after that, on July or August. Sun Progress at navamsa rate, from 21 to 24 Taurus. This is much clear from Dasamsa progresstion. My understanding so far;Love affairs, mental realtionship or even actual marriage can be seen from navamsa even they not marry leagally. But we can't forget Dasamsa progression for marriage or any matter, as Karma cause all. Looking for your comments. Hare Krshna,Karu OM TAT SAT Archive: varahamihira Info: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Karu, namaste!


When I wrote " what about Paradesha and Vidya " , I meant to say that I am

not sure how

you came to the conclusion that the progressed Sun (29 Aries to 2

Taurus) aspects Vidya saham (20 Cp 47) and Paradesha saham (24 Cn 40).


From Aries it does not aspect Cancer and from Taurus, it is also not in

trine to Cancer. So according to my understanding, Pardesha saham is not

aspected at all. And I doubt that

the trine aspect from the progressed Sun in 2 degrees Taurus to 20

degrees Capricorn is close enough to indicate higher studies.


In other words, I suspect that the aspect of the progressed Sun to a

particular saham needs to be close by degree to activate a particular

event. Otherwise, vidya saham would be activated for a full ten years

(thats how long the progressed Sun remains in a sign by dashamsa



What do you think?


Regards and Hare Krishna Rama







> Namasthe Anantarupa, My understandings are below.


> Dear Karu,


> your point that both navamsha and dashamsa progression can

> show marriage is interesting. While going through your

> example, I noticed the following:


> For the year 1996, the natives progressed Sun (dashamsa

> rate) moves from 29 Ar to 2 Taurus. You commented: " The sun

> is in Jalapatana saham and aspects paradesha saham and vidya

> saham " . According to my version of JHL,


> Jalapatana is 1 Ta 02

> Vidya 20 Cp 47

> Paradesha 24 Cn 40


> So Japapatana is clearly touched in 1996, but what about

> Paradesha and Vidya?


> Paradesha is for foreign residence (not travel= PARA+ Desha)

> and Vidya is knowledge; Higher studies.


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Jaya Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Anantarupa,


Thanks for your comments and my comments below.

Dear Karu, namaste!When I wrote " what about Paradesha and Vidya " , I meant to say that I amnot sure howyou came to the conclusion that the progressed Sun (29 Aries to 2Taurus) aspects Vidya saham (20 Cp 47) and Paradesha saham (24 Cn 40).From Aries it does not aspect Cancer and from Taurus, it is also not intrine to Cancer. So according to my understanding, Pardesha saham is notaspected at all.


Honestly, I cannot remember what I meant to say. I could have done a mistake by saying " Paradesha Saham " instead " lord of the Paradesa Shaham. " See Moon is is in 28.18 Sag.

And I doubt thatthe trine aspect from the progressed Sun in 2 degrees Taurus to 20degrees Capricorn is close enough to indicate higher studies.


Well, the main indication was overseas travel, or seperating from home. Sun may not in exact degrees of Vidya saham but it is trine to Vidya saham. See when she finish this higher studies in mid of this year Sun will be in 17 deg in Taurus.

How ever, overseas travel is indicated and if I wanted to find the reason for travel, I touch all planets, saham, Rasi etc in trine to Sun, even not in exact degrees.In other words, I suspect that the aspect of the progressed Sun to aparticular saham needs to be close by degree to activate a particularevent. Otherwise, vidya saham would be activated for a full ten years(thats how long the progressed Sun remains in a sign by dashamsaprogression).


I agree, But this was actually hapened in the life of this native. She travel for higher studies. Since we are all learning, we better not come to notions yet, (unless tought by Guru or read from Maha Rishi's text) as we have to realise this knowledge by lot of work.


Another thing, I knew that she came for study. That was why I care about Vidya Saham. If I did not know the native I may say that " she is gone overseas for marry. " or She is gone away from home and fall sick

(Sun is in exat in Jadya Saham) or some thing.


Please do not hesitate to write back if you disagree.





What do you think?Regards and Hare Krishna RamaAnantarupa> Namasthe Anantarupa, My understandings are below.>> Dear Karu,>> your point that both navamsha and dashamsa progression can> show marriage is interesting. While going through your> example, I noticed the following:>> For the year 1996, the natives progressed Sun (dashamsa> rate) moves from 29 Ar to 2 Taurus. You commented: " The sun> is in Jalapatana saham and aspects paradesha saham and vidya> saham " . According to my version of JHL,>> Jalapatana is 1 Ta 02> Vidya 20 Cp 47> Paradesha 24 Cn 40>> So Japapatana is clearly touched in 1996, but what about> Paradesha and Vidya?>> Paradesha is for foreign residence (not travel= PARA+ Desha)> and Vidya is knowledge; Higher studies.>OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Karu,

thanks for explaining your understanding.

Regards and Hare Krishna



Jaya Jaya

Jagannath,Namasthe Anantarupa, Thanks

for your comments and my comments below.Dear Karu, namaste!

When I wrote "what about Paradesha and Vidya", I meant to say that

I am not sure how you came to the conclusion that the progressed Sun (29

Aries to 2 Taurus) aspects Vidya saham (20 Cp 47) and Paradesha saham (24

Cn 40).

From Aries it does not aspect Cancer and from Taurus, it is also

not in trine to Cancer. So according to my understanding, Pardesha saham

is not aspected at all. Honestly,

I cannot remember what I meant to say. I could have done a mistake by saying

"Paradesha Saham" instead "lord of the Paradesa Shaham." See Moon is is

in 28.18 Sag.And I doubt that the trine aspect

from the progressed Sun in 2 degrees Taurus to 20

degrees Capricorn is close enough to indicate higher studies. Well,

the main indication was overseas travel, or seperating from home. Sun may

not in exact degrees of Vidya saham but it is trine to Vidya saham. See

when she finish this higher studies in mid of this year Sun will be in

17 deg in Taurus.How ever, overseas

travel is indicated and if I wanted to find the reason for travel, I touch

all planets, saham, Rasi etc in trine to Sun, even not in exact degrees.

In other words, I suspect that the aspect of the progressed Sun

to a particular saham needs to be close by degree to activate a particular

event. Otherwise, vidya saham would be activated for a full ten years

(thats how long the progressed Sun remains in a sign by dashamsa

progression). I agree, But

this was actually hapened in the life of this native. She travel for higher

studies. Since we are all learning, we better not come to notions yet,

(unless tought by Guru or read from Maha Rishi's text) as we have to realise

this knowledge by lot of work. Another

thing, I knew that she came for study. That was why I care about Vidya

Saham. If I did not know the native I may say that "she is gone overseas

for marry." or She is gone away from home and fall sick(Sun

is in exat in Jadya Saham) or some thing. Please

do not hesitate to write back if you disagree. Thanks,Karu What

do you think?

Regards and Hare Krishna Rama



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