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D16 Correction by Car Accidents

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Jyotishas,

I was trying to explain the three accidents I had with cars.

I had particularly been unlucky with the cars so I tried to

explain the events with my chart. I need some help in explaining

the events and some help in correcting my D16.

I am not able to judge whether Pisces or Aquarius as D16 Lagna

explains the events better.

My Utpanna Nakshatra is stronger than Janma so I have given

both the dasas.

I feel that Aquarius Lagna would explain, the reasons being

1. First car had accident in Jupter Utpanna Prtayantar.

Aq lagna would make lesser functional benific

beign 2nd and 11th lord in 8th.

2. Second car had Accident in Mercury Utpanna Pratyantar.

Pi lagna would make Mercury 4th lord in 4th house

causing loss of car difficult.

3. Ge D16 Narayana dasa is running. Pisces accendent

would make dasa of 4th house which could possibly

not cause accidents. Aq lagna would make 5th house

dasa which would be maraka for 4th explaining the

accidents. It would also have Argala on 4th with mars

in it.


I also notice that the 4th cycle in Utpanna for the

First Accident and third is Saturn. Which could signify accident

and second car had mars in 4th cycle signifying Fire.

I have question,

Does the 4th cycle in Vimshottari show the causeor type of incident?


I request guru's and members to give me their inputs.


Your's Sicerely




First Car

1998Jan end feb begining

Accident within 3 days of purchase.

Car Number:WM 644:




type: 4wheel drive pickup

Accident: Single car turnover due to tire fault.



Dasa Antardasa Pratyantar SubCyc4

26-Mar-1996 26-Mar-1996 5-Dec-1997 27-Dec-1997

26-Mar-2016 27-Jul-1999 16-May-1998 21-Jan-1998

Venus Venus Jupiter Saturn


Dasa Antardasa Pratyantar SubCyc4

27-Nov-1996 27-Nov-1996 15-Dec-1997 13-Jan-1998

27-Nov-2012 16-Jan-1999 24-Apr-1998 23-Jan-1998

Jupiter Jupiter Venus Moon



2nd accident


Accident: Car Burnt due to battery problem.

Car Number:WM 644:




type: 4 wheel drive pickup



Dasa Antardasa Pratyantar SubCyc4

26-Mar-1996 26-Mar-1996 25-Nov-1998 19-Feb-1999

26-Mar-2016 27-Jul-1999 17-May-1999 2-Mar-1999

Venus Venus Mercury Mars



Dasa Antardasa Pratyantar SubCyc4

27-Nov-1996 16-Jan-1999 16-Jan-1999 8-Feb-1999

27-Nov-2012 29-Jul-2001 11-Jun-1999 28-Feb-1999

Jupiter Saturn Saturn Mercury



Apr15 2001

had accident with friends cars.

Borrowed Car number:YXD5827



type: Car

Accident: Collision with another Black Car in rainy condition.



Dasa Antardasa Pratyantar SubCyc4

26-Mar-1996 26-Jul-2000 11-Apr-2001 11-Apr-2001

26-Mar-2016 27-Mar-2002 16-Jul-2001 26-Apr-2001

Venus Moon Saturn Saturn



Dasa Antardasa Pratyantar SubCyc4

27-Nov-1996 16-Jan-1999 27-Mar-2001 13-Apr-2001

27-Nov-2012 29-Jul-2001 29-Jul-2001 2-May-2001

Jupiter Saturn Jupiter Saturn



Narayana Dasa


Dasa Start Sign =Pisces

Ketu Reverses the direction


Sign Duration Start End

Pi 6 1971-Jul 1977-Jul

Sc 7 1977-Jul 1984-Jul

Cn 11 1984-Jul 1995-Jul

Ge 12 1995-Jul 2007-Jul



Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc

07/19/95 07/18/96 07/18/97 07/18/98 07/19/99 07/18/00 upto 07/18/01


3 Parts 1995Jul 1999Jul 2003Jul


Aq 11 2007-Jul 2018-Jul

Li 1 2018-Jul 2019-Jul

Vi 3 2019-Jul 2022-Jul

Ta 6 2022-Jul 2028-Jul

Cp 12 2028-Jul 2040-Jul

Sg 9 2040-Jul 2049-Jul

Le 9 2049-Jul 2058-Jul

Ar 2 2058-Jul 2060-Jul



All Accidents resulted in total loss of

the car.


Date of Birth: July 19, 1971

Time of Birth: 8:59:10 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 78 E 05

Latitude of Birth: 10 N 57



| | | | |

| | | Sat | |

| | | | Ven |

| | | Moo | |

| | | | |


| | | Sun |

| | | |

| GL | | Ket |

| | | |

| | | Mer |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| Rah | | Asc |

| | | |

| MarR | | BL |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | JupR | HL | |

| | | | |

| | Mnd | Glk | |

| | | | |






| Ket | | | Mer |

| | BL | | |

| Asc | | Sun | Glk |

| | HL | | |

| Rah | | | MarR |


| | | |

| | | |

| GL | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 1 6 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Sat | | Moo |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| Mnd | Ven | | JupR |

| | | | |

| | | | |


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