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Lesson#16- Answers - Part 3

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Pranam Gurudeva,


Here is my attempt on Qestion 7 for some slokas.

Sloka BPHS: 9-6 (GCS 11-6) : Mars placed in 1st, or in 8th Bhava and be yuti with Saturn or Sun or receiving a drishti from a malefic, being bereft of a drishti from a benefic will prove a source of (immediate) death.

Answer: In many of these balarishta and antidote slokas, next to moon, Mars is given more importance. Here also, why it must be Mars conjoining with Sun or Saturn why not conjunction of any two malefics? I think it is because, Mars is the signifactor of blood and the portion of our body comes from the mother. So, strength and weakness of this is important for the longevity.

The principle behind this sloka is: Mars signifactor of blood, which is very vital for the living, is aspected by Sun (agni tatwa - so high blood pressur?) or by Saturn ( Passive - so low blood pressure?) and/or receiving malefic drishti devoid of benefic aspect, it weakens the blood system as well as the Lagna, the body or the ayur bhava. On top of it, Mars itself a malefic placed in lagna or ayur bhava damages the the native. In total the malefic influence on blood system, Lagna or ayur bhava will damage the native.


7. If Saturn and Mars give a drishti to Lagna as the luminaries are yuti with Rahu (elsewhere), the child will live a fortnight.

Answer: The first rate malefics are Saturn, Mars and Sun. For the birth and sustain, Lagna, Sun and Moon must be strong and unafflicted. In this case, due to the eclipse, both Sun and Moon are weak and the remaining malefics Saturn and Mars are aspecting the lagna. Since, all there lagna, Sun and Moon are weak and afflicted the native will not survive. After a fortnight then it might be close to lunar eclipse, where the moon becomes further weak, so the native will die on the 15th day.


8.Immediate death of the child along with its mother will occur if Saturn is in Karm Bhava, Moon in 6th Bhava, and Mars in 7th Bhava.

Aanswer: In this combination: 1)Saturn and Mars have mutual aspect and it increases their malefic nature. 2) Saturn aspects 7th from moon. 3)Mars aspects Lagna, Second from lagna and 8th from Moon. 4) Mars is placed 7th from lagna and second from moon.

Being 8th from 3rd house, 10th house also plays role in longevity. So, here the Maraka sthanas from lagna and Moon are afflicted by Saturn and Mars.

BPHS 9-19. Moon in 1st, 8th, 12th, or 7th Bhava, andhemmed between malefics, will confer premature death.

Answer: I think this just an extension of sloka 9-3, here instead of malefic aspect Moon is under papakartari.


Your sisya

Solai Kannan


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