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Lesson 16 Q 13, 14

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Namaste Gurudev,


Here is the 3rd part of my assignment. I have one last question to

do. Sorry about the several posts.


Q13 What is the Dharma of Sri Krishna and what are his desires? Is

there a strong desire to establish Dharma.


A13 The desires are seen from the 7th house from the Lagna and Moon.

In the 7th from both of these sits Saturn, which is the 9th lord of

Dharma. Rahu takes precedence as the 10th lord, so we see that Saturn

becomes mostly the 9th lord, making Dharma the pure desire.


The 7th lord of Scorpio is Mars. He sits in Vargottama debilitation

and is weak to give his own results. He is influenced by the 1st lord

of the Dharma trikona and is under mutual aspect with the 9th lord of

Dharma. He also sits in the 9th house from the 9th lord.


The co-lord of the 7th Ketu sits directly in the 9th house. We see an

exchange of lordship between the 7th house of desires and the 9th

house of Dharma. Showing the strength of the desire.


The Dharma is seen through the Dharma trikona. We have Moon, Mercury,

Jupiter, Ketu situated there. Venus and Saturn also become important

as, not only are they the lords of Dharma trikona, but they also

exchange with Moon and Ketu respectively, making their influence on

the houses of Dharma very strong. We can see that there is the

influence of every benefic, and mokshakaraka Ketu on the Dharma

Trikona, rendering it the strongest for Dharma. As well Saturn is

there which shows that his desire is to spread Dharma to the masses.

This is confirmed by his aspect on the exalted Moon, which forms a

Moon-Saturn yoga giving his devoted service to the people.


As Mercury is the Strongest planet of the Dharma trikona, in the 5th

house of Bhakti, conjunct Jupiter the planet of devotion, his Dharma

is to teach the people the devoted worship of Vishnu. The conjunction

of Jupiter shows the protection that will be afforded to the devoted

followers. He himself is to become worshipped as Vishnu is indicated

by Arudha Lagna falling in this sign.


Even from Arudha Lagna the Dharma trikona is the same. Also the 7th

lord from here goes into the ascendant Dharma house with exalted

Mercury, so the perception of people was that his desire was to for



Q14a Which part(s) of his body were weak and why?


A14a The weakest parts of his body are denoted through the 3rd and

7th, due to the confluence of natural malefics. Venus as the 6th lord

shows the disease. Mars as the 7th lord is the killer. The 3rd house

indicates the arms and ears, whereas the 4th sign indicates the chest

or heart. The Sun receives the dual aspect of Rahu and Saturn, which

would normally indicate heart complications, but since he is strong,

these do not manifest.


So the problem is the 3rd house itself. As the combination is of

Venus and Mars, the disease is of the ears. This is made worse by

Saturn's aspect, and Rahu's conjunction.


The 7th house has Saturn, in Mars' sign, which therefore becomes

strong for disease. The planetary and sign aspect of Rahu on Saturn

is indicative of a more longterm virulent disease. Mars aspect

assists. The 8th sign is also indicative of chronic disease. The body

parts weak are represented by the 7th and the 8th (Scorpio). The 8th

house itself receives the aspect of exalted trine lord Mercury, and

Jupiter, so it is guarded.


So the area of the disease is the area above the genitals on the

torso. It is internal, as the sign Scorpio, and aspect of Rahu make

the disease a hidden one and difficult to discern.


Q14b What was his longevity?


A14b 1) The pair of the ascendant lord and 8th lord indicate short


The Moon and Saturn short life

Lagna and Hora lagna longlife.


There is no Vipareeta yoga, as Atmakaraka Sun is in the 4th. So short

life is indicated by the primary method.


2) The ascendant lord is afflicted in trika house, but the 8th lord

and 10th are strong giving medium life span.


3) The ascendant and Moon combination indicate middle lifespan.


4) The 8th lord is placed in the 5th indicating a middle life span.


So the lifespan indicated is middle compartment. However how long do

people live in his yuga? Also we cannot accurately judge the lifespan

of God, not even saints.


Q14c Will Vimshottari function, or just Narayana?


Can the years of Vimshottari be elongated for his yuga? As Narayana

takes a sign per year, then this seems more logical, but the maximum

span of life would only by 144. So I do not know of the applicability



Warm regards,


Alex J

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