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Lesson-16: Part 1

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Om Jaya Jagannatha.


Pranaams Guruudeva,


Here's my attempt of Q1 to Q7. The rest will follow in Part 2.


Your Sisya







What is the primary combinations for heart disease? Which diety should

be worshipped to have a strong heart and hence, long life?


A :

Zodiacally, Cancer represents the Heart. The 7H from Moon also

determines the qualities of the heart. Hence any kind of affliction to Cancer

or the Moon are indicative of heart disease. These combinations could be in the

form of Agni and/or Vayu Tatwas, as Cn & Mo are Jala Tatwa, and they need

Prithvi Tatwa to sustain them.


The Diety to be worshipped could be Varuna. As Varuna is the diety for Mo.

Other forms could be Parvati/Gauri and the DasaAvtar of Sri Krishna.






Which diety is the natural protector of Dharma and is the human being a

replica/created in the mould of this diety? What is the significance of

the three syllable mantra given in Bhagavat Gita?


A :

The Trikonas are the the trines of the Zodiac. Among them is the Dharma

trikona, i,e Houses 1, 5 & 9. The strongest among them is the 9H, and hence

it stands for Dharma. These 3 houses also have dieties alloted to them.

1H Brahma being Movable sign represenst Rajas Guna, 5H Shiva being fixed

sign represents Tamas Guna and Vishnu being Dwiswabhava represents the

Sattwa Guna. Hence Vishnu is the natural protector of Dharma.


The 1, 5 & 9 houses also stand for Present, Future & Past. Which is the

basis of Human Beings as they have a Past, Present & Future, in some rare

cases they may escape this cycle and get Moksha.


RAMA is " A " ,KRISHNA is " U " and HARE is " M " .

Together they are AUM or what is easily called OM.

Hare is the Lagna.

Rama is the Sun.

Krishna is the Moon.

Hence Hare Rama Krishna also stands for the tripod.





Why is the eastern horizon taken as the first house or Lagna? Why not the

mid-heaven or western horizon or any other sign?


A :

In order to calculate the Lagna we need to know the Surya Spashta or the

position of the Sun at the time of birth. Since Sun rises in the Eastern

horizon, the Lagna is taken from the eastern horizon.






As per D1 Narayana Dasa of Pt. Sanjay Rath Vi ran from 99-2000. It was during

this time that he started the VarahaMihira online.


SJVC could have started in the year 2000-01, when Gurudeva's Cp Dasa began.



Q4: Describe the physical attributes and looks of this actress.


A :


Lagna is Sg. Sg is a fiery sign. This gives enthusiasm to the native.

Lagna lord in Li, the artistic sign aspected by the artistic and planet

of beauty Ve gives a curvacious body with Adequate mass(Ju).




List the type of foods liked by Navagraha and determine the foods that

contribute to good health. Is it better to become a Vegetarian?


A :

The Navagrahas are divided into 3 main categories of Sattvik, Rajasic &

Tamasic. Sun, Moon & Ju are Sattva Guna, Mercury & Venus are Raja Guna,

the rest are Tamo Guna.


Sattvik food are fresh, clean, vegetarian like fruits, vegetables, ginger

no spices as such, and eating in moderation.

Rajasic food are Spicy, like Chillies, Garlic, Meat and mostly Non-Veg.

Tamasic food are decayed , Rancid & Putrid.


According to researches done by Scientists, our digestive tract is best

suitable for Vegetarian foods, unlike those of wild animals whose

digestive tract is significantly different and hence fit for meat


Vegetarian food is low in Fat, Cholesterol and provides the body with the

neccessary Vitamins, Protiens & Carbohydrates.

Once again too much of anything is bad, hence Sattwik diet is the best.






A peculiar remedy for Bronchitis and Asthma in South India is the

swallowing of a single small fish stuffed with medicinal

herbs during a particular week of the year. Once consumed, this has been

found to give miraculous cure to the chronic patients of respiratory

disorders. Why does this happen?


A :

According to Dr. Vasant Lad in his book " Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing " ,

When there is congestion in the lungs causing repeated attacks of bronchitis,

cough, cold or Asthama, the Ayurvedic treatment is therapeutic vomiting (Vaman),

to eliminate the mucus-causing KAPHA.

It could be that the swallowing of stuffed fish, could let the fish release

the herbs at the same time consume the excess fluid in the stomach. This also

causes a feeling of nausea and the person vomits the excess mucus.

The patient will feel instantly relieved. Congestion, Wheezing & breathlessness

will disappear and sinuses will become clear.




Study BPHS Sloka's 9-5 to 9-8, Sloka 9-11 and Sloka's 9-15 to 9-24 and

explain the principle behind them.


A :


Sloka 9-5(Santhanam)/11-5(GCS):


Should the 5H from the Ascendant be occupied by Saturn, Mars, the Sun and

Moon, soon his mother & brother would die.




The presence of Malefics in the 5H is bad for the Mother & Elder brother

of the Native as the 5H is 2H & 7H(Marakasthanas) from 4H(Mother) & 11H

(Elder Brother). The 11H is also the 8H from 4H, hence it also stands for

the longevity of Mother.


Sloka 9-6/11-6:


If Mars is placed in Ascendant and is in conjunction with Sun or Saturn and

is not aspected by benefics, it will cause death of the native immediately.

The same thing will happen when this combination happens in 8H.




The conjunction of first rate malefics is bad for native as the 1H & 8H

are the key houses for longevity.


Sloka 9-7/11-7:


In the house of the Moon or Sun, the presence of Rahu in conjunction with Sun

and the Moon, and aspect of Mars and Saturn on the Lagna in such a combination

the child does not live even for a week.




The Sun is responsible for initiation & Moon responsible for sustenance, when

both these luminaries are eclipsed by Rahu, does not bode well for the life of

the native, futhermore, if first-rate malefics aspect the Lagna(Deha/body) then

obviously the longevity of native is reduced considerably and is just for a few



Sloka 9-8/11-8:


The child dies along with the mother if Saturn is placed in the house of Karma,

the Moon in 6H and Mars in 7H.




Here the sustainer is afflicted by being in dusthana, Lagna is afflicted by Mars

being in 7H. Now this was the combination suggested in 9-3/11-3. Furthermore, Sa

being in Marakasthana(7H to 4H) bodes evil for the Mother too.


SLOKAS 9-15 - 9-24



Sloka 9-15/11-15:


If all the malefics are in oriental half while all benefics are in

occidental half and the Lagna is Scorpio, it will cause death of the native.




From the 10H to 4H thru the Lagna form the oriental or the eastern half.

The rest form the occidental or the western half.

i.e. all the malefics will be surrounding the Lagna, this is always a bad

for the longevity of native.


Sloka 9-16/11-16:


When malefics are situated in 12H & 6H or 8H & 2H and Lagna also falls

between malefics the death of the native will certainly occur.




Lagna subjected to Papakartari yoga definitely does not bode well for the

native, but I donot understand malefic in dusthanas having ill-effects, it

should be the contrary.


Sloka 9-17/11-17:


If malefics are placed in Lagna and in 7H and Moon is also in conjunction with

a malefic and these do not receive the aspect of benefics, then the death of

native will occur soon.




Here Moon the sustainer is afflicted by malefics, and Lagna the significator

of body/deha is also afflicted gives rise to early death.


Sloka 9-18/11-18:


In case of the decreasing Moon falling in the Ascendant and the malefics

occupying kendra and 8H the native will have immediate death,

O Brahmin there is no doubt about that.




Once again the sustainer is afflicted here in the Lagna. Malefics occupying

kendra will sap the strength out of the native as they have direct and powerful

influence on the native. Furthermore 8H is the house of longevity, and the

presence of malefics shortens it.


Sloka 9-19/11-19:


The child whose Moon falls between two malefics in the Lagna, 8H, 12H or 7H is

subjected to early death.




Here the Moon the sustainer is subjected to papakartari yoga in all cases.

Furthermore the houses given above are affecting longevity or are death-giving.


Sloka 9-20/11-20:


If the Moon is hemmed between malefics and is placed in the Lagna, and 7H & 8H

are also afflicted by malefics child faces immediate death along with mother.




Here the sustainer once again is subjected to papakartari yoga slong with the

Lagna, this definitely will kill the child. 7H is a quandrant from the 4H which

denotes mother, the 8H is a trine from the 4H, they suuport the 4H, and as they

are afflicted, it does not bode well for the childs mother and she could die too

at the same time.


Sloka 9-21/11-21:


Saturn, the Sun and Mars being in the 12H, the 9H and 8H and having no aspect

from the benifics will subject the native to immediate death.




Mars being in the 8H will aspect the 3H too, these 2 houses stand for longevity.

Sun being in 9H will be aspected by Saturn from 12H and hence it will be

afflicted. Sun is the life force and hence all these combinations together will

subject the native to immediate death.


Sloka 9-22/11-22:


In whose birth chart there is malefic in rising Drekkana and in 7H and

decreasing Moon is there in the Lagna, the life of such will be taken away soon.




Malefics afflicting Lagna & waning Moon and the 7H from it will shorten

the childs life. Especially if the Malefic is Mars which gets powerful in the

first drekkana.


Sloka 9-23/11-23:


If all the planets are devoid of strength are situated in Apoklimas houses,

the life span of child has been said to be of 2 or 6 months duration.




Planets devoid of strength in Apoklimas houses destroy vigor & vitality,

resistance against disease and longevity is not possible in the absence

of these.


Sloka 9-24/11-24:


EVILS TO MOTHER: If the Moon is aspected by 3 malefics at birth, there

will be destruction to the natives mother.


Moon is the Sthirakaraka of Mother and hence affliction to it could bode]

evil to the natives mother and effectively shorten her life.



Q8 - Q14 will follow in Part 2.




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