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[Jaya Jagannath] Another fundemental question

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My personal experience is that one swallow does not make a summer - you need

confluence - ideally 3 things pointing in the same direction with no

offsets - to make a prediction.


So, even if a planet is placed in a dusthana (or debilitated, combust, in

1st degree, bhava sandhi etc), aspects from benefics, navamsa strength etc

should be considered.


I know of a chart (Aries asc) with 10th ruler in the 8th, with rahu.

However, this person did very well in her career late in life (10th ruler

was saturn). Here saturn received the aspect of 5th ruler sun who is also

karaka for career. This creates a raja yog. Also saturn is in exchange with

mars in the 11th, giving it parivarthana strength. And saturn aspects own

sign 10th from 8th. There was a further raja yog due to the aspect of 9th

ruler jupiter from the 5th on the ascendant ruler mars in the 11th. The

aspect between sun and saturn (and the presence of ketu) brought conflict at

work as well. But there was definite and clear career success with meteoric

rise. So just the 10th ruler in the 8th did not destroy the career. The 4th

ruler in the 12 spoilt relationship with the mother somewhat, but the mother

is alive and healthy and keeping very well. On the other hand the aspect of

mars and saturn on the 5th house and the aspect of saturn and rahu on 5th

ruler caused death of the first child and relationship problems with later

children. The position of saturn reduces the benefits of the raja yoga and

the raja yogas etc ameliorate the effect of 10th ruler in a dusthana. The

moon in the 12th also makes it hard for this person to nurture, and though

it is in the 12th and she is rather sensitive and easily hurt, this is kept

well hidden. She is very bright (mercury sun conjunct and sun is 5th ruler)

but bad at academic studies (4th lord in 12th). Has done better with higher

studies in later life, of a technical nature (9th ruler Jupiter in 5th

aspected by saturn and mars). There is a parivarthana between 2nd and 3rd

houses - she is a very confident person and very good at standing up and

speaking at any time. Very quick at thinking and speaking on her feet - this

was remarked on even when she was very young. Budha aditya in 2nd house, and

2nd ruler in exchange with 3rd. However, as this mercury is also 6th ruler,

she causes misunderstandings and tensions with her speech. 2nd house is

aspected by saturn and mars and rahu, so this adds to the inappropriateness

of some statements at times.


Rasi positions are:


Asc - Aries

Sun, Merc, Ketu - Taurus

Venus - Gemini

Jupiter - Leo

Saturn, Rahu - Scorpio

Mars- Aquarius

Moon - Pisces


There is plenty just in the rasi chart to draw conclusions, and most of them

seem to work out. Mars in the 11th of gain gave financial assistance from

elder sibling (aspect on the 2nd) as this mars was also in an exchange with

11th ruler. Relationship with elder sibling however was difficult due to

11th ruler being in the 8th, but improved later almost around the time of

the career changes, mirroring the career history. Elder sibling was present

at birth of 3rd child - 9th ruler in 5th aspected by 11th ruler and planet

in 11th house which is also dispositor of 11th ruler. Has had car accidents

due to driving while angry - 4th ruler moon in 12th. Has had an operation on

neck for thyroid growth - mars, rahu and saturn aspect 2nd house and 6th

ruler is in 2nd. However this happened in venus dasa, but the parivarthana

with mercury would enable venus to give the results.


My feeling is that the things shown in the rasi chart usually do turn up,

but exact timing is another matter. Dasas and transit tend to give that

info. I find this area quite difficult usually.


Nimmi R




<varahamihira >

Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:59 PM

[Jaya Jagannath] Another fundemental question




> Hello All,


> Here is another twister. We do read that when the lord of a house

> occupies a dushstana (6,8,12) from Lagna/Moon, the house owned by the

> planet is destroyed and the planet is unable to give results

> pertaining to its house(s).


> What about the scenario, where the planet is 6/8 from its own house

> (s)? Dr. B.V. Raman says that this too results in the destruction of

> the houses owned by the planet. if so, how can be decipher the result

> of Lord of 10 in 5? Both are great positions (10 and 5), and the

> dictum is that a planet in a thrikona becomes auspicious. But here,

> the lord of 10 is 8th from the 10th house. Does it mean that the 10th

> house is destroyed?


> Venkatesh


> Archive: varahamihira

> Info: varahamihira/info.html




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Sanjay mentioned this in COVA as well, go read it.

Best wishes, Visti.





Thursday, May 31, 2001 12:59 AM

[Jaya Jagannath] Another fundemental question

Hello All,Here is another twister. We do read that when the lord of a house occupies a dushstana (6,8,12) from Lagna/Moon, the house owned by the planet is destroyed and the planet is unable to give results pertaining to its house(s).What about the scenario, where the planet is 6/8 from its own house(s)? Dr. B.V. Raman says that this too results in the destruction of the houses owned by the planet. if so, how can be decipher the result of Lord of 10 in 5? Both are great positions (10 and 5), and the dictum is that a planet in a thrikona becomes auspicious. But here, the lord of 10 is 8th from the 10th house. Does it mean that the 10th house is destroyed?VenkateshOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Visti,


Can you kindly tell me what chapter is this in? I think it must be in

the beginning of the book...I will look again.





varahamihira, " Visti Larsen " <vlarsen@h...> wrote:

> Namaste.

> Sanjay mentioned this in COVA as well, go read it.

> Best wishes, Visti.


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