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[Jaya Jagannath] Bhava Chart

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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Venkatesh and others,


This small note is to put the point in the right perspective.

In Vedic Astrology, there is no MC. The Lagna is the only Satya [Real truth]

and so also the seventh by virtue of being the descendant like the opposite

of ascendant. In phylosohical language, we can say that the only two most

vital truths are " Birth " and " death " , everything else is relative,

illusionary and unreal.


Thus, it follows that the house divisions can either consider the Lagna

sphuta as the starting point (Bhava Arambha), Midpoint with the Bhava or

house extending 15 degrees on either side (Bhava Madhya) or the ending point

(Bhava shesha). The Bhava Madhya is the one that is used in standard texts

to define the bhava or the spirit body.


Hence, there is no question of unequal houses at all and things like MC etc

are borrowed concepts that were used by Krishnamurti to start his

experimental NEW school of Astrology called KP System. this is NOT VEDIC

ASTROLOGY under any circumstances.


I hope things are clear..

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath




Thursday, May 31, 2001 7:39 PM

[Jaya Jagannath] Re: Bhava Chart



The bhava chart is also known as the Chalit Chart. It comes from the

system where all houses are not considered equal. Basically the

Ascendant degree and the MC are used to arrive at the span of various

houses. Each house is not exactly 30 degrees. The size depends upon

the the factors I mentioned above.


GJ allows one to select the preferences for equal and unequal houses.




varahamihira, jaan911@h... wrote:

> Dear Venkatesh


> what exactly do you mean by the bhava chart?

> which program are you using to generate a bhava chart?


> are you are talking about bhava lagna and houses in reference to



> otherwise i think that we simply take the sign that lagna is in and

> use that as the first house, and the next signs will be the 2nd 3rd

> 4th and so on. the whole sign from 0 to 30 degrees will be the

> relevent house. so if lagna is 5 degrees in taurus, the whole of

> taurus becomes first house, the whole of gemini becomes second etc


> Dr Raman chose a slightly different system where we take 15 degree

> either side of the lagna, which mean you can have a house which has

> parts of it in two different signs. that system is not advocated


> i dont think.


> if you are refering to bhava lagna, which is a special lagna like

> hora lagna, ghatika langa , varnada lagna then i wouldnt worry


> it just yet, you would have to grasp all the basic principles first

> before attempting to learn about bhava lagna.


> anyone else please feel free to correct me


> love

> jaan






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