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Sv: [Jaya Jagannath] Second Marriage and Nature of Spouse

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Dear Dan, Namaste.

As promised, when you emailed me privately, I will try to answer your question.


When you first asked me, I drew a prasna(attached).


+ Prasna +

Moon is in Lagna during a full moon, so there will be fortune with the querry, hence I will answer it quickly. Also Lagna lord is exalted, however in Marana Karaka Sthana, indicating that the querist is desperate, towards getting into a relationship.


4th house is unoccupied, whilst 4th lord is in the 8th house, indicating that this has been a disturbing period, however interaction with Guru's and learned will alleviate this pain.


7th house shows the result of ones desire, and 11th lord Sun is exalted there, indicating that the 2nd marriage will surely happen.


The time in which it takes for the desire to fructify could be seen from the Sun or Mars(paka of 7th).


Sun indicates Ayanas(6 months), and it has to transit 4 signs to reach the 10th house. Hence 4 ayanas, of 2 years could manifest.


Mars indicates Rtu's(2 months), and it has to transit 8 signs to reach the 10th house, hence 16 months could avail.


+ Natal Chart +


- Rasi -

Upapada, is unoccupied, and aspected by Mars, Mercury and Sun.

Mars and Mercury could produce marriage at an early age, as Sun can kill the spouse at an early age.


7th house is Sag, unoccupied, whilst Jupiter is retrogade in the 9th house, creating some unorthodoxy in the wife. Rahu's aspect may give her physical ailments or impediments.

8th house are occupied by retro-Saturn and Ketu, which can't be solely beneficial.


2nd house indicates 2nd spouse, and is occupied by Rahu(foreigner) and aspected by 12th lord Jupiter confirming that she has foreign heritage.


7th lord from Venus indicates home of first spouse, so 8th lord therefrom indicates the home of teh 2nd spouse. 2nd from Venus is lorded by Ketu which is in a Movable sign in both Rasi and Navamsa, indicating that she's from overseas. Saturns conjunction indicates western direction.


- Navamsa -

A dictum states that Sun in lagna or 7th, can make one a widow in early life. Jupiter is also posited and debilitated here, whilst being retrogade, as 7th lord is in 2nd house. This may indicate that the death of the first wife may lead to a 2nd marriage, hence we can confirm that there will be a 2nd marriage.


The nature of the spouse can be seen by taking 2nd house in Navamsa as lagna.

2nd house is occupied by Moon, and aspected by Deb-Saturn and Ketu, indicating that she is born from a low caste family. 10th house therefrom is unoccupied and its lord Ketu is conjoined Saturn.

This could indicate work with dead earth or rocks, maybe geology. Saturns retro, tries to rebuild the earth to harvest crops, so agriculture could be indicated.


Sun and Jupiter aspecting 10th indicates government funding through institutions, and the rebuilding of the same as Jupiter is retrogade in Cap.


So the 2nd spouse is paid by the government, to teach poor villagers to grow crops.


+ Timing +


- Transit -

Jupiter should aspect the 2nd from Upapada in transit.

The 2nd from Upapada is Aries, and the 8th therefrom is Scorpio.


When Jupiter transits Gemini, it will join with the lord of Darapada, indicating that the meeting may happen during Jupiters transit here. When Jupiter enters Cancer it will aspect Scorpio, and can bring the marriage.


- Narayana Dasa -



Ketu and Saturn are stronger.


(strength of 1/7th from Ar/Li..Vi/Pi)

Li, Ta, Ge, Cp, Aq, Vi; are stronger.


Dasa's start from Ge. No variables.

# Rasi Year Age Length

1 Ge 1962 0 3

2 Aq 1965 3 1

3 Li 1966 4 12

4 Vi 1978 16 12

5 Ta 1990 28 5

6 Cp 1995 33 12

7 Sg 2007 45 2

8 Le 2009 47 11

---- Snip ----


The 1st Marriage could have happened during Virgo Dasa.


Virgo Dasa shows that the marriage was early and premature. This is seen from the 7th lord from Virgo being retrogade in 6th from Virgo. Yet it was accepted, and Jupiter blessed the native with marriage(retrogade in dusthana).


The end of the 1st marriage, could have happened during Taurus Dasa.

7th from Taurus is aspected purely by malefics, and only the desire of Parvathi seems to have influence. The Ketu in 9th with retro-Saturn shows that the wife could have been involved in an earthquake.. please comment.


Current Dasa of Capricorn:

Capricorn has retro-Saturn and Ketu, showing that the native may swing in between spiritual and material efforts, which may frustrate him. There will be women involved with him through his work, due to Venus in 10th aspected by Moon, so a female boss may bless him. Parvathi & Lakshmi will now give a love relationship through his work.


The Antar Dasa's of Capricorn depend on the strength of Saturn and Ketu. In both cases Cancer Antar Dasa starts; 9/2001 - 9/2002, and can bring a new love in the persons life.


Su-Dasa of Cancer is also running between 8/2001-8/2004.


Please give feedback upon the above.

Best wishes, Visti.

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Visti - Thanks for the analysis.


Some feedback:

1st marriage took place on Sept 25, 1993

Separation started in Feb, 2000

Divorce in March, 2001


1st spouse interestingly, is funded by the government

and works on earthquake related disaster relief issues

and child nutritional research areas.


1st spouse also comes from the same town/country of

the native.


-- Dan



--- Visti Larsen <vlarsen wrote:

> Dear Dan, Namaste.

> As promised, when you emailed me privately, I will

> try to answer your

> question.


> When you first asked me, I drew a prasna(attached).


> + Prasna +

> Moon is in Lagna during a full moon, so there will

> be fortune with the

> querry, hence I will answer it quickly. Also Lagna

> lord is exalted, however

> in Marana Karaka Sthana, indicating that the querist

> is desperate, towards

> getting into a relationship.


> 4th house is unoccupied, whilst 4th lord is in the

> 8th house, indicating

> that this has been a disturbing period, however

> interaction with Guru's and

> learned will alleviate this pain.


> 7th house shows the result of ones desire, and 11th

> lord Sun is exalted

> there, indicating that the 2nd marriage will surely

> happen.


> The time in which it takes for the desire to

> fructify could be seen from the

> Sun or Mars(paka of 7th).


> Sun indicates Ayanas(6 months), and it has to

> transit 4 signs to reach the

> 10th house. Hence 4 ayanas, of 2 years could

> manifest.


> Mars indicates Rtu's(2 months), and it has to

> transit 8 signs to reach the

> 10th house, hence 16 months could avail.


> + Natal Chart +


> - Rasi -

> Upapada, is unoccupied, and aspected by Mars,

> Mercury and Sun.

> Mars and Mercury could produce marriage at an early

> age, as Sun can kill the

> spouse at an early age.


> 7th house is Sag, unoccupied, whilst Jupiter is

> retrogade in the 9th house,

> creating some unorthodoxy in the wife. Rahu's aspect

> may give her physical

> ailments or impediments.

> 8th house are occupied by retro-Saturn and Ketu,

> which can't be solely

> beneficial.


> 2nd house indicates 2nd spouse, and is occupied by

> Rahu(foreigner) and

> aspected by 12th lord Jupiter confirming that she

> has foreign heritage.


> 7th lord from Venus indicates home of first spouse,

> so 8th lord therefrom

> indicates the home of teh 2nd spouse. 2nd from Venus

> is lorded by Ketu which

> is in a Movable sign in both Rasi and Navamsa,

> indicating that she's from

> overseas. Saturns conjunction indicates western

> direction.


> - Navamsa -

> A dictum states that Sun in lagna or 7th, can make

> one a widow in early

> life. Jupiter is also posited and debilitated here,

> whilst being retrogade,

> as 7th lord is in 2nd house. This may indicate that

> the death of the first

> wife may lead to a 2nd marriage, hence we can

> confirm that there will be a

> 2nd marriage.


> The nature of the spouse can be seen by taking 2nd

> house in Navamsa as

> lagna.

> 2nd house is occupied by Moon, and aspected by

> Deb-Saturn and Ketu,

> indicating that she is born from a low caste family.

> 10th house therefrom is

> unoccupied and its lord Ketu is conjoined Saturn.

> This could indicate work with dead earth or rocks,

> maybe geology. Saturns

> retro, tries to rebuild the earth to harvest crops,

> so agriculture could be

> indicated.


> Sun and Jupiter aspecting 10th indicates government

> funding through

> institutions, and the rebuilding of the same as

> Jupiter is retrogade in Cap.


> So the 2nd spouse is paid by the government, to

> teach poor villagers to grow

> crops.


> + Timing +


> - Transit -

> Jupiter should aspect the 2nd from Upapada in

> transit.

> The 2nd from Upapada is Aries, and the 8th therefrom

> is Scorpio.


> When Jupiter transits Gemini, it will join with the

> lord of Darapada,

> indicating that the meeting may happen during

> Jupiters transit here. When

> Jupiter enters Cancer it will aspect Scorpio, and

> can bring the marriage.


> - Narayana Dasa -


> Calculations:

> Ketu and Saturn are stronger.


> (strength of 1/7th from Ar/Li..Vi/Pi)

> Li, Ta, Ge, Cp, Aq, Vi; are stronger.


> Dasa's start from Ge. No variables.

> # Rasi Year Age Length

> 1 Ge 1962 0 3

> 2 Aq 1965 3 1

> 3 Li 1966 4 12

> 4 Vi 1978 16 12

> 5 Ta 1990 28 5

> 6 Cp 1995 33 12

> 7 Sg 2007 45 2

> 8 Le 2009 47 11

> ---- Snip ----


> The 1st Marriage could have happened during Virgo

> Dasa.


> Virgo Dasa shows that the marriage was early and

> premature. This is seen

> from the 7th lord from Virgo being retrogade in 6th

> from Virgo. Yet it was

> accepted, and Jupiter blessed the native with

> marriage(retrogade in

> dusthana).


> The end of the 1st marriage, could have happened

> during Taurus Dasa.

> 7th from Taurus is aspected purely by malefics, and

> only the desire of

> Parvathi seems to have influence. The Ketu in 9th

> with retro-Saturn shows

> that the wife could have been involved in an

> earthquake.. please comment.


> Current Dasa of Capricorn:

> Capricorn has retro-Saturn and Ketu, showing that

> the native may swing in

> between spiritual and material efforts, which may

> frustrate him. There will

> be women involved with him through his work, due to

> Venus in 10th aspected

> by Moon, so a female boss may bless him. Parvathi &

> Lakshmi will now give a

> love relationship through his work.


> The Antar Dasa's of Capricorn depend on the strength

> of Saturn and Ketu. In

> both cases Cancer Antar Dasa starts; 9/2001 -

> 9/2002, and can bring a new

> love in the persons life.


> Su-Dasa of Cancer is also running between

> 8/2001-8/2004.


> Please give feedback upon the above.

> Best wishes, Visti.



> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/octet-stream name=Dans




> ATTACHMENT part 3 application/octet-stream name=Dans

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