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Lesson 16 - Answers 4, 5, 6

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Dear Gurudeva,



there is second part of my answers on lesson 16.



Describe the physical attributes and looks of this actress (Sophia Loren)



Physical attributes can be seen from the first house or Moon sign. Lagna is Sagittarius, lord Jupiter is placed in 11th house (Libra) under aspect of Venus and Saturn. Lagna is also aspected by Sun and Mercury. Navamsha Lagna is Cancer with Mercury in it. Moon is associated with two malefics retrograde Saturn and Rahu and is under aspect of debilitated Mars. This is not so good.

So, Sagittarius is fiery sign and its lord Jupiter is predominantly kapha dosha planet (it looks to me pretty heavy and corpulent but also elegant and not overweight) . We can notice this attribute in appearance of Sophia. Aspect of Venus gives beautiful body. It is important also that Venus is in Leo which is Arudha Lagna. Sun (lord of Leo) is in 10th house thus forming Raja Yoga and is associated with Mercury. Sophia is known as beautiful woman and actress that builds career on its beautiful appearance (and talent as an actress, of course). Aspect of Sun gives strong bones (heavy body) and brown eyes. Mercury gives nice skin. In the lesson it is said that Jupiter gives divine looking Greek God types of physique and it can be noticed in this example. Hair is also brown. Jupiter gives fair complexion and Sun whitish/tawny and mercury dark. Sophia has white but a little bit shadowy complexion ( a Mediterranean type).



List the types of food liked by the Navagraha and determine the foods that contribute to good health. Is it better to become vegetarian?



In "Phala Deepika" I found this (2.28.);


"Sun represents wheat,

Moon rice,

Saturn sessamum,

Jupiter gram (or chick pea),

Ketu horse gram,

Mars lentil (masoor dal),

mercury kidney beans,

Venus cow gram,

and Rahu black gram."


I don't know if in any other scripture is described which food planets represent.

From this we can see that planets represent grains and legumes.


Yes, certainly is better to become vegetarian. I would recommend to anybody to become a vegetarian. Foods that contribute to good health are all sattvic foods ( food in mode of goodness); milk (yogurt, cheese and other milk products), grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Proper combination of this kinds of foods give balanced diet which can assure excellent health and give body and mind vitality and strength to accomplish any task.



A peculiar remedy for Bronchitis and Asthma in South India is the swallowing of a single small fish stuffed with medicinal herbs during a particular week of the year. Once consumed, this has been found miraculous cure to the chronic patients of respiratory disorders. Why does this happen?



I really don't know why this is happening. I can understand that herbs with its healing proprieties can help in curing a disease, and also it can be understood that in the time of particular week of the year this can be stronger that in other times. But I don't know why fresh fish helps in this regards.

Answer that Solai give looks to me as a good explanation.


I will post other answers soon,


Darpaha Dasa.

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