Guest guest Posted June 8, 2001 Report Share Posted June 8, 2001 > His departure from earth plane may have been in age 31. Krishna departed from this planet after spending 125 years on it, although at that time He still looked like 16 years old boy and His look never went beyond that age (I cannot say external look because Krishna is absolute so there is no difference between external and internal in Him). So how do we see that from Vimsottari dasa whose duration is for 120 years? Dina-natha Das. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 9, 2001 Report Share Posted June 9, 2001 Namaste .. I respectfully disagree with the notion of Sri Kesava ("beautiful haired" from Ka = Brahma + a = Vishnu + isa = Siva) could have this affliction with heart... Chandra ( Soma) is strong ( Moola) and Surya resides in Le ( own house) ....his son ( of Surya) Sani is subordinate to Ravi , 4th from him and 7th from Chandra. Now Sani has Argula on Surya ( 4th from Sun) yet 4th indicates education, mother, etc. How can One that is beyond the 3 gunas, established and the owner of SELF have issue with SELF ( the sun)? Sat Siri Khalsa [satsiri]Friday, June 08, 2001 1:07 PMvarahamihira Subject: [Jaya Jagannath] Lesson 16 ResponseDear members, I am sorry this was delayed because the address was wrong, then I wasaway for a week.Dear esteemed teacher and fellow students, My responses are in reverse order.14. Sri Krishna's heart may have been weak, because of Sani afflictedin seventh from Moon/Lagna, and an inability to contain the passionateconnection to all living beings. Also legs may have been occasionallyunstable because of Ketu there in 9th although Sani's aspect/exchangeimproved them.His departure from earth plane may have been in age 31. Vimsottariworks if Utpanna tara dasha is used. Then he has Saturn dasa, Me dasaand Ketu dasa. Ketu in subdivision of Rahu shows abrupt passing intohigher world. Narayana dasa was Virgo, perhaps antara of Scorpio.Scorpio is third from AL. Mercury gives results of its sookshma jiva AKSun in 12th from AL and fourth from Lagna.13 Sri Krishna's longing is to establish dharma. Ninth lord Sani is in7th of desire. Even the 9th lord from AL is in star of 9th lord fromlagna, in house of desire. Saturn can be fame or the masses of commonfolk or souls---the desire to encompass the souls of all pranis. Saturnis deha of Ketu, the army of devotees. Saturn is nakshatra dispositorof Rahu & Ve, showing how intense and passionate is the craving to linkto all the masses of souls. They are all the females (Sat, Ven,Scorpio), to the male self of Narayan (Sun AK).12 The hill being uprooted to shield from Indra's wrath is suggested byMercury and Jupiter in graha yuddha. From AL Jupiter is the bhadakesh.4th from Jupiter is Sagittarius in the 8th, which can show the heightsor hills becoming of material effect in the conflict. Sri Krishna wonas exalted Mercury is lord of AL in AL. Indra becomes appeased andJupiter could not be ultimately angry as it was Indra himself who urgedhis disciple King Dasharatha to perform a yagya with the help of sageVasistha to beget the progeny who included Sri Krishna.11 The GK Mercury shows the wrestlings with the uncle. In UtpannaSaturn dasa Sri Krishna is held back from success because Sani in starof Mercury prevents him from overthrowing the machinating uncle. InUtpanna Mercury after about age 11 he can succeed because Mercury's jivais AK Sun, and Sun in kendra with exalted Moon shows these greatluminaries working in concert to initiate and sustain epic Raj Yoga.Mars debilitated in third shows enormous physical strength in the armsand would give the power to wrestle.10 Evils are shown attacking him through Mars, lord of 12th from Moon,and Saturn, lord of sixth from Sun. Mars is yoked with demoness Rahu inCancer, the sign of moon/milk, and Rahu casting evil glance back intothe second house takes what is near at hand and threatens Sri Krishnawith milk. This can come even in Taurus Narayan dasa, 0-2. And inCancer Narayan dasa, 11-14, this can happen and also the attacks fromSaturn. Both Rahu and Saturn in sarpa drekkanas show enemies. Theuncle could be behind all this because GK Mercury is lord of AL in AL,and Mercury is also sthira karaka for uncles.9 Mercury lord of AL exalted in AL with Jupiter could be a totallyeffective protector against balarishta. So could exalted Moon inlagna.8 Sloka 6: Sun is bhadaka lord for Libra Lagna. Gone to 12th itspower to destroy longevity is minimised. 7: Mars is sthira karaka for mother. With Jupiter itmaximizes effectiveness of ovarian and marrow strengthfor native and mother. 8: Malefics in 4 and 10 are in father'smaraka/longevity house, endangering them. 9: Sri Krishna has this: benefics in trines andkendras show protection of Vishnu and blessings of Lakshmi.7 These have to do with the weakness of infants and children whenMoon's benevolence is attacked. Also lagna itself must be supported byplanets in good position from it to allow life to gain momentum in earlyera.6 What is within the small becomes the all.5 Sun--pungent; Moon---salty (causing craving for liquids);Mars---bitter (aiding digestion, fortifying stomach acids);OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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