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Lesson 16- more answers.

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Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Gurudeva


My answers for some of the missed questions as follows.




Q2-2.What is the significance of the three syllable mantra given in the Bhagavat Gita?


'Oum' -Tat Sad-


Krishna Says, " I am the 'AUM' among all the sacred words "


A signifies lord Vishnu, U signifies Sri Laksmi and M signigy all Jiva, as servants of God. All Jiva or living being are servants of god or their goal is understanding God, or libaration.


The ultimate goal of the human kind is realization the absolute truth, living in their heart. Come to this point one must be break his desire and attachment to the material world. Materially contaminated mind would not in prosses of self realization and need to be purified. The word

'AUM' purified the heart by awaking the God in the heart & breaking attachments to the material world, and guide in to spiritual path toward Absolute truth...which is Tad Sad..that eternal.


Bagavad Gita Says, 'If one thinks of Suprem Personality of Godhead and quits his body he will certainly reach the spiritual planets'..The 'Aum' is the God through detachments and we know that desire and attachment cause rebirth.


In the lesson we speack about physical body and Ayush. When one engaged in the service of God, physical body is important as without help of the body we cannot reach the goal. We are using this temporary body to reach God, then we have to care about the body. To do this, it is very important to maintain the body with correct foods etc.. and blessing of Chandra is must.


Q 7- Study BPHS Sloka



When the malefic are situated in the 12th and 6th houses or in the 8th and 2nd houses and the lagna also falls between malefics the death of the native will certainly occur.


12th house from Moon and 6th house from Sun is usually act as enemies. This evil must be seen from Sudarshana Chakra and malefic affects on Lagna, Surya and Chandra (acording to above principle,) bring evil, death of the native.

But, how ever cannot understand why 2nd and 8th, unless something like reverse counting.


Sloka 17

If malefics are placed in the Lagna and in 7th, and Moon is also in conjunction with malefic, without beneficial aspect then the death of the native occur.


This yoga too may be seen from the Sudarshan chakra. Stronger from Sun or Lagna indicate Deha and affliction to deha is evil.

7th from the Moon or Lagna indicate (desire or attachment but heart in this case) heart and affliction to 7th is obstruction to sustain. How ever YOGA further says Moon must be afflicted without beneficial aspects to either 1,7 or Moon.


Sloka 18

Decreesing moon falling in the lagna and the malefics in kendra and the 8th house the native will have immediate death.


This yoga consist of few weak points together.

1. Moon must be decreesed. Weakness of Moon is evil and usually does not help.

2. 8th must be afflicted. It bring weak Ayush place.

3 According to the lesson, planets in mutual Kendra tend to help each other towards fullfilments of their objectives. according to this yoga decreesing Moon is malefic and all other kendra occupied by malefics, Moon become more weaker and since it is in the Lagna, Both Lagna and Chandra lagna become weak.



Hare Krishna,




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