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Devalokamsa positions

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hope these are of some use.


i used the dashavargas for the devalokamsa consideration, D1 D2 D3 D7

D9 D10 D12 D16 D30 and D60

please correct me if i have used the wrong vargas. the results are

for 7 amsas or more.


all measurements are in degrees, minutes and seconds where necessary



Sun 0 to 3 aries, 0 to 3 leo


Moon 0 to 0'30 cancer, 1'52'30 to 2'30 cancer


Mars 0 to 2'30 aries


Jupiter 0 to 0'30 pisces, 12 to 12'30 pisces, 13'07'30 to 15 pisces,

0 to 0'30 saggitarius, 1'30 to 1'52'30 saggitarius, 0 to 0'30 cancer,

28'07'30 to 28'30 cancer


Venus 14'30 to 15 taurus , 0 to 0'30 libra , 1'52'30 to 3 libra


Saturn 0 to 0'30 libra, 1'30 to 2'30 libra, 12 to 12'30 libra, 0 to

0'30 aquarius



i didnt calculate positions for rahu or ketu, as im not sure which of

their positions should be considered for amsas.


mercury doesnt obtain devalokamsa anywhere in the zodiac. probably

due to it having only 2 positions, as well as not being considered in

the hora chart.



can anyone use this to calculate the chart of Sri Krishna ?




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