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Lahiri/ayanamsa puzzle - BV Raman IS right

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Dear Visti,


Jaya Jagannatha!


I will now give my report why I accept BV Raman is right. First read the

following verses from Srimad Bhagavatam (with my personal comments**).

We have to know that in this chapter Sukadeva Goswami is speaking to

Maharaja Pariksit.


SB. 12.2.26: From your birth up to the coronation of King Nanda (the son of

Mahanandi), 1.150 years will pass.


**Maharaja Pariksit was born just after the Battle of Kuruksetra, since he

was in the womb when his father, Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna, was killed in

the Battle.**


SB. 12.2.27-28: Of the seven stars forming the constellation of the seven

sages, Pulaha and Kratu are the first to rise in the night sky. If a line

running north and south were drawn through their midpoint, whichever of the

lunar mansions this line passes through is said to be the ruling asterism of

the constellation for that time. The Seven Sages will remain connected with

that particular lunar mansion for one hundred human years. Currently, during

your lifetime, they are situated in the naksatra called Magha.


**Here we have a very nice explanation how the stars are moving in regard to

the earth. During the lifetime of Maharaja Pariksit this line points to the

naksatra Magha.**


SB 12.2.31: When the constellation of the seven sages is passing through the

lunar mansion Magha, the age of Kali begins. This comprises twelve hundred



**The line passes through the naksatra of Magha over a period of 1.200

years, that means the kali-yuga began 50 years prior to Maharaja Pariksit's

birth. Accepting this fact, that means the 'ayanamsa' changes over one

naksatra in a period of 1.200 years.**


SB 12.2.32: When the great sages of the Saptarsi constellation pass from

Magha to Purvashadha, Kali will have his full strength, beginning from King

Nanda and his dynasty.


**Considering the previous verse, stating the 1.150 years between Maharaja

Pariksits birth and King Nanda, the transit of 1.200 years is confirmed.**


SB 12.2.34: After the one thousand celestial years of Kali-yuga, the

Satya-yuga will manifest again. At that time the minds of all men will

become self-effulgent.


**Kali-yuga lasts for 1.000 celestial years. This cannot be confused with

the transit of ayanamsa over one naksatra in 1.200 years, which are human

years, not celestial years. 1.000 celestial years is the total duration of

the kali-yuga. Jesus Christ also spoke about the kingdom of Satan ruling for

1.000 years**


and SB 12.2.24: When the Moon, the Sun and Brhaspati are together in the

constellation Karkata, and all three enter simultaneously into the lunar

mansion Pusya -at that exact moment the age of Satya, or Krta, will begin.


**That will be the time when Lord Kalki will appear. Note the difference

between the start of kali-yuga and the end, it should be a full circle, but

is not, because Kalki will appear to destroy all the demonic beings on

earth, and this for a time of 2 naksatras traversed (Pusya and Aslesha),

i.o.w. for 2.400 years.**


So from these verses it is clear how fast ayanamsa is changing. Let's do

some more calculation now.


total duration kali-yuga = 1.000 celestial years = 432.000 human years

432 human years = 1 celestial year = 12 months of 36 days

360 degrees of the zodiac/27 naksatras = 13.3333333 degrees for one naksatra

1.200 years/13.333333 = 90 years per degree change of ayanamsa

or 40 sec per year


usually we take the amount of 72 years for 1 degree change of ayanamsa, this

is the mistake in Lahiri, since that would mean a change of 50 sec per year,

while in actuality it is only 40 sec. Ever wondered why astrologers who use

another ayanamsa always *distract* from Lahiri, never *add up*?


While calculating, I made the same mistake yesterday, and I understand how

he could have come to the number of 72 years, unless of course, he relied

upon modern-day calculation of the western scientists who use only man-made

and thus unreliable machines to calculate changes in the movement of the

stars. When mistaking the amount of years for one rasi traversed in

ayanamsa, one could make the mistake of taking the time of 2.400 years for 3

naksatras instead of 2. Then 9 times 3 naksatras = 27 divided by 30 degrees

= 0.9 x 2.400 = 2.160 years and divided by 30 = 72 years. Anyway, don't

follow this step, it's a BIG mistake. The time for traversing 1 rasi is

definitely 27 naksatras / 12 rasis = 2.25 x 1.200 years = 2.700 years.


Now let's go and calculate the start of kali-yuga. Where to start? Do we

have any reference? How to figure out when was the Battle of Kuruksetra? And

can our jyotish software calculate precisely the planetary positions at that

time, if they are given somewhere?


I took the reference of my information passed through by the channelings of

Sananda/Jesus Christ about His actual time of birth, as I have written

before: March 19th, 1 BC just before dawn according to Julian calender

(you can check http://www.geocities.com/dvdd1008/Jyotisha.html).

Sananda said He appeared on the spring equinox at the start of the Age of

Pisces (0 degrees Aries). According to Hebrew calender that was exactly 2002

years ago. OK, calculate from the description of the start of kali-yuga,

with the line of Pulaha and Kratu pointing at the Magha naksatra, that means

the spring equinox was at that time 0 degrees Taurus. 1 rasi is 2.700 years,

2.700 + 2.002 = 4.702 years ago. Well, don't we accept that it started 5.102

years ago? Where the difference? It's exactly 400 years difference, probably

because we calculate with Lahiri, and one naksatra covering in 1.000 years

instead of 1.200! Anyway, that makes it complicated, how do we know that

kali-yuga would have started 5.102 years ago instead of 4.702?


Finally, I became convinced about the correctness of this calculation of the

age of kali when I found the ayanamsa of Lord Chaitanya (born 1486) to be

exactly 16 degrees 32 min. BTW, He was born on the same lunar day as Jesus

Christ. Look at the perfect divine numerology! Lord Chaitanya is the

yuga-avatara, He is Krsna Himself who came to teach the religion of the age

of kali, which is the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, comprising of

16 (!) names of God and 32 (!) syllables. Isn't that convincing enough?


Then, coming back to our time, why BV Raman distracts 1 degree 27 from

Lahiri? Calculate further, the Age of Pisces started 2.002 years ago (19th

of March 1 BC). It lasts for 1 rasi = 2.700 years. Let's try for my chart:

counting the number of years from 1 BC to 1968 = 1970 and the number of days

from 19th March to 23rd May = 65 added to that altogether divided by 2.700

years would give me my ayanamsa. It's about 0.73333333 x 30 degrees = more

or less 22 degrees. That's compared to Lahiri exactly 1 degree 25'24 " less,

which results out of the fact that Lahiri ayanamsa changes every year 50 sec

instead of the actual 40 sec. That's why I thought BV Raman will have

introduced his own ayanamsa around the year 1978 (taking into account the

difference of 10 sec a year), probably after checking the actual position of

the planets at that time.


So, please reflect on all this. If accepted by the sjvc, I propose we could

call it the Sri Jagannath ayanamsa, as I don't know for sure if BV Raman

knew about the actual velocity of change of ayanamsa. I also would gladly

write an article for the varahamihira files.


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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