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[Jaya Jagannath] LESSON 15: Sudasa Calculation and Interpretation

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hare rama krishna


Dear Guru,


> Exercise 1: List the 8 forms of Lakshmi (prosperity). Try to find the

> planets corresponding to each form! [Note: Those who know nothing

> about " Ashta Lakshmis " may ignore this exercise for now and wait for

> the answers.]


In the lesson, it gives 7 of the 8 forms.


Rajya Lakshmi Power

Dhana Lakshmi Wealth

Arogya Lakshmi Health

Vidya Lakshmi Learning Jupiter

Santhana Lakshmi Projeny Venus

Moksha Lakshmi Spiritual Ketu

Dhairya Lakshmi Courage Mars


Is the last form Bhaagya Lakshmi (Luck)?


> Exercise 2: Consider the native of the following birthdata:


> February 24, 1948

> Time: 14:36:40

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Longitude: 80 E 18' 00 "

> Latitude: 13 N 05' 00 "


> Evaluate her Sudasa. Find when the dasas containing GL and HL come.

> Can power and money come to her then?


Lagna: 21 Ge 10

Moon : 6 Le 41. 50.125% of Makha. 0.50125 * 360 = 180 deg 27'

SL : 81 deg 10' + 180 deg 27' = 261 deg 37' = 21 sag 37'


First dasa:

8 deg 23 / 30 deg = 27.94% x 12 years = 3.35 years = 3 years, 4 months


Sg: Feb 1948 - Jun 1951

Pi: 4 -1 1951 - 1954

Ge: 9 -1 1954 - 1962

Vi: 8 -1 1962 - 1969

Cp: 7 -1 1969 - 1975

Ar: 5 -1 1975 - 1979

Cn: 12-1 1979 - 1990

Li: 6 -1+1 1990 - 1996


Dasa for GL and HL is from 1990-1996.


Li is the 5th house, and 5th lord is exalted in 10th, so power can come

to her. It is aspected by 2nd lord Moon, so wealth can also come to her.


> Exercise 3: Consider the native of the following birthdata:


> November 19, 1917

> Time: 23:03:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Longitude: 81 E 52' 00 "

> Latitude: 25 N 28' 00 "


> Find her Sudasa. If she was a politician out of power and contesting

> elections in 1980, what prediction would you give her? Would she lose

> or win in 1980 elections?


Lagna: 25 Cn 38

Moon : 5 Cp 30. 66.25% of U.Shada. 0.6625 * 360 = 238 deg 30'

SL : 116 deg 38' + 238 deg 30' = 355 deg 08' = 25 pis 08'


First dasa:

4 deg 22 / 30 deg = 14.5% x 10 years = 1.45 years = 1 year, 5 months


Pi: 11-1 Nov 1917 - Apr 1919

Sg: 6 -1 1919 - 1924

Vi: 11-1 1924 - 1934

Ge: 6 -1 1934 - 1939

Aq: 3 -1 (ra) 1939 - 1941

Sc: 8 -1 (ke) 1941 - 1948

Le: 10-1 1948 - 1957

Ta: 8-1 1957 - 1964

Cp: 7-1 1964 - 1970

Li: 3-1 1970 - 1972

Cn: 7-1 1972 - 1978

Ar: 5-1 1978 - 1982


Aries sudasa runs during 1980.


GL is in Aries, and is aspected by Mars (5th, 10th lord), Sun (in 5th),

and Mars (in 5th). This shows a rise to power. She will win the 1980



> Exercise 4: Consider the native of the following birthdata:


> July 26, 1973

> Time: 21:41:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Longitude: 80 E 28' 00 "

> Latitude: 16 N 13' 00 "


> The parents of this lady were worried as they could not find a

> suitable match for her. But she got married in 1999 and came to US

> with her husband. Does this event make some sense with the dasa and

> antardasa of Sudasa? See if Sree Lagna or upapada or 7th were

> activated by Lakshmi's contact in 1999!


> Now find the dasa and antardasa running in Sept 2000 and guess what

> kind of new event may have happened then.


Lagna: 3 Pi 18

Moon : 26 Ta 29. 23.625% of Mrigasira. 0.2725 * 360 = 85 deg 3'

SL : 333 deg 18' + 85 deg 3' = 58 deg 21' = 28 tau 21'


First dasa:

1 deg 39' / 30 deg = 5.5% x 3 years = 0.165 years = 2 months.


Ta: 4 -1 Jul 1973 - Sep 1973

Aq: 9 -1 (sa) 1973 - 1981

Sc: 8 -1 (ke) 1981 - 1988

Le: 2 -1 1988 - 1989

Ar: 12-1 1989 - 2000




Sg: Jul 1998 - Aug 1999

Pi: Aug 1999 - Sep 2000


So, Sree Lagna is activated during later part of 1999 Ar-Pi (but Pisces

is aspected by Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Gulika and Mandi). I think I must have

gone wrong somewhere. Please correct me.





Ajit Krishnan



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... quoting a message of Pingali Vijaya Kumara Lakshmi Narayana Rao ...


>> Exercise 2: Consider the native of the following birthdata:

>> February 24, 1948

>> Time: 14:36:40

>> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

>> Longitude: 80 E 18' 00 "

>> Latitude: 13 N 05' 00 "

>> Evaluate her Sudasa. Find when the dasas containing GL and HL come.


> Sg: 1948-02-24 (14:36:40) - 1951-03-15 (12:27:42)

> Pi: 1951-03-15 (12:27:42) - 1954-03-15 (06:58:31)

> Ge: 1954-03-15 (06:58:31) - 1962-03-15 (08:06:43)

> Vi: 1962-03-15 (08:06:43) - 1969-03-15 (03:16:44)

> Cp: 1969-03-15 (03:16:44) - 1975-03-15 (16:12:50)

> Ar: 1975-03-15 (16:12:50) - 1979-03-15 (16:47:27)

> Cn: 1979-03-15 (16:47:27) - 1990-03-15 (12:35:12)

> Li: 1990-03-15 (12:35:12) - 1996-03-15 (01:20:55)

> Aq: 1996-03-15 (01:20:55) - 2006-03-15 (14:58:15)


[ ... ]


Can you say - which programm do you use to calculate Sudasa, please?


Anton Kuznetsov

Donetsk, Ukraine


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Hare Rama Krishna



I'm very sorry for such delayed answer (I hope, later is better than




... quoting a message of Narasimha Rao ji ...


NR> Here is another lesson.


Thank you very much for excellent lesson.


NR> Please go through the lesson carefully and attempt the exercises.

NR> --------------------


NR> Sudasa Calculation and Interpretation


Here is my attempt:






Exercise 1:

List the 8 forms of Lakshmi (prosperity).

Try to find the planets corresponding to each form!


Rajya Lakshmi - power and authority - Surya (Ghati Lagna)

Dhana Lakshmi - money and other wealth - Guru? (Hora Lagna)

Arogya Lakshmi - health - Sa (Sy)?

Vidya Lakshmi - learning - Guru?

Santhana Lakshmi - progeny - Guru

Moksha Lakshmi - spiritual prosperity - Ketu

Vikrama (Dhairya) Lakshmi - courage and initiative - Mangala?





Exercise 2:

Consider the native of the following birthdata:

February 24, 1948

Time: 14:36:40

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 80 E 18' 00 "

Latitude: 13 N 05' 00 "


Evaluate her Sudasa.

Find when the dasas containing GL and HL come.

Can power and money come to her then?


Lagna = Mithuna 21:19'46 " = 81:19'46 "

Chandra = Simha 6:42'16 "

Ghati Lagna = Toola

Hora Lagna = Toola


Magha is from 0 to 13œ20 of Simha

Chandra fraction in Magha = 6:42'16 " / 13:20'00 " = 0.5028333

Zodiac fraction = 0.5028333 x 360œ = 181œ01'12 "

Shree Lagna = 81:19'46 " + 181:01'12 " = 262:20'58 " = Vrishchika 22:20'58 "


SL fraction in rashi = (30œ-22œ20'58 " )/30œ = 7œ34'02 " /30œ = 0.2522407407


Shree Lagna Vrishchika is even, we count the houses backward.

Dasha Order Dasa Length Dasha periods

1. 1st (SL) - Vrishchika 10-1= 9 ~ 2y 3m 7.26d 1948-02-24 - 1950-05-31

2. 4th - Kumbha 8-1= 7 7 1950-06-01 - 1957-05-31

3. 7th - Vrishabha 11-1=10 +1 11 1957-06-01 - 1968-05-31

4. 10th - Simha 7-1= 6 6 1968-06-01 - 1974-05-31

5. 2nd - Dhanu 12 12 1974-06-01 - 1986-05-31

6. 5th - Meena 4-1= 3 3 1986-06-01 - 1989-05-31

7. 8th - Mithuna 9-1= 8 8 1989-06-01 - 1997-05-31

8. 11th - Kanya 8-1= 7 7 1997-06-01 - 2004-05-31

9. 3rd - Makara 7-1= 6 6 2004-06-01 - 2010-05-31

10. 6th - Mesha 5-1= 4 4 2010-06-01 - 2014-05-31

11. 9th - Karka 12-1=11 11 2014-06-01 - 2025-05-31

12. 12th - Toola 6-1= 5 +1 6 2025-06-01 - 2031-05-31


(Vrishchika Mahadasha = 9 years x 0.2522407407 = 2.2701666y = 2y 3m 7.26d)


Find when the dasas containing GL and HL come.

Can power and money come to her then?


Ghati Lagna = Toola

Hora Lagna = Toola

Mahadasha: Toola 6 years 2025-06-01 - 2031-05-31 <


Kumbha 7y 1950-06-01 - 1957-05-31

Kumbha-Kumbha 7m 1950-06-01 - 1950-12-31

Kumbha-Vrishbha 7m 1951-01-01 - 1951-07-31

Kumbha-Simha 7m 1951-08-01 - 1952-02-28

Kumbha-Vrishchika 7m 1952-03-01 - 1952-09-30

Kumbha-Meena 7m 1952-10-01 - 1953-04-30

Kumbha-Mithuna 7m 1953-05-01 - 1953-11-30

Kumbha-Kanya 7m 1953-12-01 - 1954-06-30

Kumbha-Dhanu 7m 1954-07-01 - 1955-01-31

Kumbha-Mesha 7m 1955-02-01 - 1955-08-31

Kumbha-Karka 7m 1955-09-01 - 1956-03-31

Kumbha-Toola 7m 1956-04-01 - 1956-10-31 <

Kumbha-Makara 7m 1956-11-01 - 1957-05-31

Vrishabha 11y 1957-06-01 - 1968-05-31

Vrishabha-Vrishabha 11m 1957-06-01 - 1958-04-30

Vrishabha-Kumbha 11m 1958-05-01 - 1959-03-31

Vrishabha-Vrishchika 11m 1959-04-01 - 1960-02-28

Vrishabha-Simha 11m 1960-03-01 - 1961-01-31

Vrishabha-Mesha 11m 1961-02-01 - 1962-12-31

Vrishabha-Makara 11m 1962-01-01 - 1962-11-30

Vrishabha-Toola 11m 1962-12-01 - 1963-10-31 <

Vrishabha-Karka 11m 1963-11-01 - 1964-09-30

Vrishabha-Meena 11m 1964-10-01 - 1965-08-31

Vrishabha-Dhanu 11m 1965-09-01 - 1966-07-31

Vrishabha-Kanya 11m 1966-08-01 - 1967-06-30

Vrishabha-Mithuna 11m 1967-07-01 - 1968-05-31

Simha 6y 1968-06-01 - 1974-05-31

Simha-Simha 6m 1968-06-01 - 1968-11-30

Simha-Vrishchika 6m 1968-12-01 - 1969-05-31

Simha-Kumbha 6m 1969-06-01 - 1969-11-30

Simha-Vrishabha 6m 1969-12-01 - 1970-05-31

Simha-Kanya 6m 1970-06-01 - 1970-11-30

Simha-Dhanu 6m 1970-12-01 - 1971-05-31

Simha-Meena 6m 1971-06-01 - 1971-11-30

Simha-Mithuna 6m 1971-12-01 - 1972-05-31

Simha-Toola 6m 1972-06-01 - 1972-11-30 <

Simha-Makara 6m 1972-12-01 - 1973-05-31

Simha-Mesha 6m 1973-06-01 - 1973-11-30

Simha-Karka 6m 1973-12-01 - 1974-05-31

Dhanu 12y 1974-06-01 - 1986-05-31

Dhanu-Dhanu 12m 1974-06-01 - 1975-05-31

Dhanu-Meena 12m 1975-06-01 - 1976-05-31

Dhanu-Mithina 12m 1976-06-01 - 1977-05-31

Dhanu-Kanya 12m 1977-06-01 - 1978-05-31

Dhanu-Makara 12m 1978-06-01 - 1979-05-31

Dhanu-Mesha 12m 1979-06-01 - 1980-05-31

Dhanu-Karka 12m 1980-06-01 - 1981-05-31

Dhanu-Toola 12m 1981-06-01 - 1982-05-31 <

Dhanu-Kumbha 12m 1982-06-01 - 1983-05-31

Dhanu-Vrishabha 12m 1983-06-01 - 1984-05-31

Dhanu-Simha 12m 1984-06-01 - 1985-05-31

Dhanu-Vrishchika 12m 1985-06-01 - 1986-05-31

Meena 3y 1986-06-01 - 1989-05-31

Meena-Meena 3m 1986-06-01 - 1986-08-31

Meena-Dhanu 3m 1986-09-01 - 1986-11-30

Meena-Kanya 3m 1986-12-01 - 1987-02-28

Meena-Mithuna 3m 1987-03-01 - 1987-05-31

Meena-Kumbha 3m 1987-06-01 - 1987-08-31

Meena-Vrishchika 3m 1987-09-01 - 1987-11-30

Meena-Simha 3m 1987-12-01 - 1988-02-28

Meena-Vrishabha 3m 1988-03-01 - 1988-05-31

Meena-Makara 3m 1988-06-01 - 1988-08-31

Meena-Toola 3m 1988-09-01 - 1988-11-30 <

Meena-Karka 3m 1988-12-01 - 1989-02-28

Meena-Mesha 3m 1989-03-01 - 1989-05-31

Mithuna 8y 1989-06-01 - 1997-05-31

Mithuna-Mithuna 8m 1989-06-01 - 1989-01-31

Mithuna-Kanya 8m 1990-02-01 - 1990-09-30

Mithuna-Dhanu 8m 1990-10-01 - 1991-05-31

Mithuna-Meena 8m 1991-06-01 - 1992-01-31

Mithuna-Karka 8m 1992-02-01 - 1992-09-30

Mithuna-Toola 8m 1992-10-01 - 1993-05-31 <

Mithuna-Makara 8m 1993-06-01 - 1993-01-31

Mithuna-Mesha 8m 1994-02-01 - 1994-09-30

Mithuna-Simha 8m 1994-10-01 - 1995-05-31

Mithuna-Vrishchika 8m 1995-06-01 - 1996-01-31

Mithuna-Kumbha 8m 1996-02-01 - 1996-09-30

Mithuna-Vrishabha 8m 1996-10-01 - 1997-05-31

Kanya 7y 1997-06-01 - 2004-05-31

Kanya-Kanya 7m 1997-06-01 - 1997-12-31

Kanya-Mithuna 7m 1998-01-01 - 1998-07-31

Kanya-Meena 7m 1998-08-01 - 1999-02-28

Kanya-Dhanu 7m 1999-03-01 - 1999-09-30

Kanya-Simha 7m 1999-10-01 - 2000-04-30

Kanya-Vrishabha 7m 2000-05-01 - 2000-11-30

Kanya-Kumbha 7m 2000-12-01 - 2001-06-30

Kanya-Vrishchika 7m 2001-07-01 - 2002-01-31

Kanya-Karka 7m 2002-02-01 - 2002-08-31

Kanya-Mesha 7m 2002-09-01 - 2003-03-31

Kanya-Makara 7m 2003-04-01 - 2003-10-31

Kanya-Toola 7m 2003-11-01 - 2004-05-31 <

Makara 6y 2004-06-01 - 2010-05-31

Makara-Makara 6m 2004-06-01 - 2004-11-30

Makara-Toola 6m 2004-12-01 - 2005-05-31 <

Makara-Karka 6m 2005-06-01 - 2005-11-30

Makara-Mesha 6m 2005-12-01 - 2006-05-31

Makara-Dhanu 6m 2006-06-01 - 2006-11-30

Makara-Kanya 6m 2006-12-01 - 2007-05-31

Makara-Mithuna 6m 2007-06-01 - 2007-11-30

Makara-Meena 6m 2007-12-01 - 2008-05-31

Makara-Vrishchika 6m 2008-06-01 - 2008-11-30

Makara-Simha 6m 2008-12-01 - 2009-05-31

Makara-Vrishabha 6m 2009-06-01 - 2009-11-30

Makara-Kumbha 6m 2009-12-01 - 2010-05-31

Mesha 4y 2010-06-01 - 2014-05-31

Mesha-Mesha 4m 2010-06-01 - 2010-09-30

Mesha-Karka 4m 2010-10-01 - 2011-01-31

Mesha-Toola 4m 2011-02-01 - 2011-05-31 <

Mesha-Makara 4m 2011-06-81 - 2011-09-30

Mesha-Vrishabha 4m 2011-10-01 - 2012-01-31

Mesha-Simha 4m 2012-02-01 - 2012-05-31

Mesha-Vrishchika 4m 2012-06-01 - 2012-09-30

Mesha-Kumbha 4m 2012-10-01 - 2013-01-31

Mesha-Mithuna 4m 2013-02-01 - 2013-05-31

Mesha-Kanya 4m 2013-06-01 - 2013-09-30

Mesha-Dhanu 4m 2013-10-01 - 2014-01-31

Mesha-Meena 4m 2014-02-01 - 2014-05-31

Karka 11y 2014-06-01 - 2025-05-31

Karka-Karka 11m 2014-06-01 - 2015-04-30

Karka-Toola 11m 2015-05-01 - 2016-03-31 <

Karka-Makara 11m 2016-04-01 - 2017-02-28

Karka-Mesha 11m 2017-03-01 - 2018-01-31

Karka-Simha 11m 2018-02-01 - 2018-12-31

Karka-Vrishchika 11m 2019-01-01 - 2019-11-30

Karka-Kumbha 11m 2019-12-01 - 2020-10-31

Karka-Vrishabha 11m 2020-11-01 - 2021-09-30

Karka-Kanya 11m 2021-10-01 - 2022-08-31

Karka-Dhanu 11m 2022-09-01 - 2023-07-31

Karka-Meena 11m 2023-08-01 - 2024-06-30

Karka-Mithuna 11m 2024-07-01 - 2025-05-31

Toola 6y 2025-06-01 - 2031-05-31

Toola-Toola 6m 2025-06-01 - 2025-11-30

Toola-Karka 6m 2025-12-01 - 2026-05-31

Toola-Mesha 6m 2026-06-01 - 2026-11-30

Toola-Makara 6m 2026-12-01 - 2027-05-31

Toola-Kanya 6m 2027-06-01 - 2027-11-30

Toola-Mithuna 6m 2027-12-01 - 2028-05-31

Toola-Meena 6m 2028-06-01 - 2028-11-30

Toola-Dhanu 6m 2028-12-01 - 2029-05-31

Toola-Simha 6m 2029-06-01 - 2029-11-30

Toola-Vrishabha 6m 2029-12-01 - 2030-05-31

Toola-Kumbha 6m 2030-06-01 - 2030-11-30

Toola-Vrishchika 6m 2030-12-01 - 2031-05-31


Summary Toola dashas:

Kumbha-Toola 7m 1956-04-01 - 1956-10-31 < 8y 1m - 8y 8m

Vrishabha-Toola 11m 1962-12-01 - 1963-10-31 < 14y 9m - 15y 8m

Simha-Toola 6m 1972-06-01 - 1972-11-30 < 24y 3m - 24y 9m

Dhanu-Toola 12m 1981-06-01 - 1982-05-31 < 33y 3m - 34y 3m

Meena-Toola 3m 1988-09-01 - 1988-11-30 < 40y 6m - 40y 9m

Mithuna-Toola 8m 1992-10-01 - 1993-05-31 < 44y 7m - 45y 3m

Kanya-Toola 7m 2003-11-01 - 2004-05-31 < 55y 8m - 56y 3m

Makara-Toola 6m 2004-12-01 - 2005-05-31 < 56y 9m - 57y 3m

Mesha-Toola 4m 2011-02-01 - 2011-05-31 < 62y 11m - 63y 3m

Karka-Toola 11m 2015-05-01 - 2016-03-31 < 67y 2m - 58y 1m

Toola mahadasa 6yrs 2025-06-01 - 2031-05-31 77y 3m - 83y 3m


Probably she gained power and money in 1981-1982, 1988, and 1992-1993.

Particularly in 1998 (09-11.1998) because Sudasha rashi Meena is 10th

bhava in Janma-Kundali.



Exercise 3:

Consider the native of the following birthdata:


November 19, 1917

Time: 23:03:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 81 E 52' 00 "

Latitude: 25 N 28' 00 "


Find her Sudasa. If she was a politician out of power and contesting

elections in 1980, what prediction would you give her? Would she lose

or win in 1980 elections?


Lagna = Karka 25:38'24 " = 115:38'24 "

Chandra = Makara 5:30'41 "


Uttara-Ashadha is from 26œ40 of Dhanu to 10œ of Makara

Chandra fraction in Uttara-Ashadha = (3:20'+5:30'41 " ) / 13:20'00 " =

= 8:50'41 " / 13:20'00 " = 0.6633541666...

Zodiac fraction = 0.6633541666... x 360œ = 238.8075 = 238:48'27 "

Shree Lagna = 115:38'24 " + 238:48'27 " = 354:26'51 " = Meena 24:26'51 "


SL fraction in rashi = (30œ-24:26'51 " )/30œ = 5:33'09 " / 30œ = 0.18508333...


Shree Lagna Meena is even, we count the houses backward.

Dasha Order Dasa Length Dasha periods

1. 1st (SL) - Meena 11-1=10 ~ 1y 10m 6.3d 1917-11-19 - 1919-09-25

2. 4th - Dnahu 6-1= 5 1919-09-25 - 1925-09-25

3. 7th - Kanya 11-1=10 1925-09-25 - 1935-09-25

4. 10th - Mithuna 6-1= 5 1935-09-25 - 1940-09-25

5. 2nd - Kumbha 8-1= 7 1940-09-25 - 1947-09-25

6. 5th - Vrishchika 10-1= 9 1947-09-25 - 1956-09-25

7. 8th - Simha 10-1= 9 1956-09-25 - 1965-09-25

8. 11th - Vrishabha 8-1= 7 1965-09-25 - 1972-09-25

9. 3rd - Makara 7-1= 6 1972-09-25 - 1978-09-25

10. 6th - Toola 3-1= 2 1978-09-25 - 1980-09-25

11. 9th - Karka 7-1= 6 1980-09-25 - 1986-09-25

12. 12th - Mesha 5-1= 4 1986-09-25 - 1990-09-25


(Meena mahadasha = 10 years x 0.18508333... = 1.8508333 = 1y 10m 6.3d)


If she was a politician out of power and contesting

elections in 1980, what prediction would you give her?

Would she lose or win in 1980 elections?


Toola mahadasha 1978-09-25 - 1980-09-25

Toola is 7th from Ghati Lagna, therefore probably

she would win the election and acquire power and authority.



Exercise 4:

Consider the native of the following birthdata:


July 26, 1973

Time: 21:41:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 80 E 28' 00 "

Latitude: 16 N 13' 00 "


The parents of this lady were worried as they could not find

a suitable match for her. But she got married in 1999 and came

to US with her husband. Does this event make some sense with

the dasa and antardasa of Sudasa? See if Sree Lagna or upapada

or 7th were activated by Lakshmi's contact in 1999!


Now find the dasa and antardasa running in Sept 2000 and

guess what kind of new event may have happened then.


Lagna = Meena 3:18'01 " = 333:18'01 "

Chandra = Vrishabha 26:39'28 "


Mrigashira is from 23œ20' of Vrishabha to 6œ40' of Mithuna

Chandra fraction in Mrigashira = (26:39'28 " -23:20') / 13:20'00 " =

= 3:19'28 " / 13:20'00 " = 0.249333...

Zodiac fraction = 0.249333... x 360œ = 89.76 = 89:45'36 "

Shree Lagna = 333:18'01 " +89:45'36 " = 423:03'37 " = 63:03'37 " = Mithuna 3:03'37 "


SL fraction in rashi = (30œ-3:03'37 " )/30œ = 26:56'23 " / 30œ = 0.89799074074...


Shree Lagna Mithuna is even but with Shani, we count the houses forward.

Dasha Order Dasa Length Dasha periods

1. 1st (SL) - Mithuna 2-1= 1 ~ 10m 23d 1973-07-26 - 1974-06-19

2. 4th - Kanya 3-1= 2 2 1974-06-19 - 1976-06-19

3. 7th - Dhanu 2-1= 1 -1 0 1976-06-19 - 1976-06-19

4. 10th - Meena 3-1= 2 -1 1 1976-06-19 - 1977-06-19

5. 2nd - Karka 3-1= 2 +1 3 1977-06-19 - 1980-06-19

6. 5th - Toola 11-1=10 10 1980-06-19 - 1990-06-19

7. 8th - Makara 8-1= 7 7 1990-06-19 - 1997-06-19

8. 11th - Mesha 12-1=11 11 1997-06-19 - 2008-06-19

9. 3rd - Simha 2-1= 1 1 2008-06-19 - 2009-06-19

10. 6th - Vrishchika 5-1= 4 4 2009-06-19 - 2013-06-19

11. 9th - Kumbha 9-1= 8 8 2013-06-19 - 2021-06-19

12. 12th - Vrisabha 4-1= 3 3 2021-06-19 - 2024-06-19


(Mithuna dasha = 1 years x 0.89799074074... = 0.89799 y = 10m 23d )


For 1999 and 2000:


Mesha 11y 1997-06-19 - 2008-06-19

Mesha-Mesha 11m 1997-06-19 - 1998-05-19

Mesha-Karka 11m 1998-05-19 - 1999-04-19

Mesha-Toola 11m 1999-04-19 - 2000-03-19

Mesha-Makara 11m 2000-03-19 - 2001-02-19

Mesha-Vrishabha 11m 2001-02-19 - 2002-01-19

Mesha-Simha 11m 2002-01-19 - 2002-12-19

Mesha-Vrishchika 11m 2002-12-19 - 2003-11-19

Mesha-Kumbha 11m 2003-11-19 - 2004-10-19

Mesha-Mithuna 11m 2004-10-19 - 2005-09-19

Mesha-Kanya 11m 2005-09-19 - 2006-08-19

Mesha-Dhanu 11m 2006-08-19 - 2007-07-19

Mesha-Meena 11m 2007-07-19 - 2008-06-19


But she got married in 1999 and came to US with her husband.

Does this event make some sense with the dasa and antardasa

of Sudasa? See if Sree Lagna or upapada or 7th were activated

by Lakshmi's contact in 1999!


Sudasha Antardahsas in 1999 are:

Mesha-Karka (11m) 1998-05-19 - 1999-04-19

Mesha-Toola (11m) 1999-04-19 - 2000-03-19


Shree Lagna - in Mithuna

Upapada - in Toola

7th bhava - in Kanya

Shukra - in Simha (drishti from Mesha and from Toola)


So probable Antardahsas of marriage is Mesha-Toola:

>From Mesha there is drishti to Shukra - karaka of marriage;

and Toola is Upapada (and gives drishti to Shukra as well).

(Also Mesha is 2nd bhava - the family.)


Now find the dasa and antardasa running in Sept 2000 and

guess what kind of new event may have happened then.


Mesha-Makara (11m) 2000-03-19 - 2001-02-19


Makara contains Guru - karaka of children,

therefore there probably was birth a child in that period.

Also Guru is Dhana karaka and Makara is 11th bhava (gains),

so it could be time of gaining wealth

(by the way, Mesha is 2nd bhava - wealth).






Thank you



Anton Kuznetsov

Donetsk, Ukraine


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I used beta version of JHora (this is not publicly available. I guess only

Narasimha, other Jyotish Gurus and my self only have it.). Narasimha allowed

access to this to few of us for testing purpose. There is a Lite version

(JHL) which can be downloaded by any one from sjvc web site (or Narasimhas

web site).

My brother has already advised me not to use any program when the excercise

is to calculate the dasa.

Best regards,


Anton Kuznetsov wrote:


.... quoting a message of Pingali Vijaya Kumara Lakshmi Narayana

Rao ...

>> Exercise 2: Consider the native of the following birthdata:

>> February 24, 1948

>> Time: 14:36:40

>> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

>> Longitude: 80 E 18' 00"

>> Latitude: 13 N 05' 00"

>> Evaluate her Sudasa. Find when the dasas containing GL and HL


> Sg: 1948-02-24 (14:36:40) - 1951-03-15 (12:27:42)

> Pi: 1951-03-15 (12:27:42) - 1954-03-15 (06:58:31)

> Ge: 1954-03-15 (06:58:31) - 1962-03-15 (08:06:43)

> Vi: 1962-03-15 (08:06:43) - 1969-03-15 (03:16:44)

> Cp: 1969-03-15 (03:16:44) - 1975-03-15 (16:12:50)

> Ar: 1975-03-15 (16:12:50) - 1979-03-15 (16:47:27)

> Cn: 1979-03-15 (16:47:27) - 1990-03-15 (12:35:12)

> Li: 1990-03-15 (12:35:12) - 1996-03-15 (01:20:55)

> Aq: 1996-03-15 (01:20:55) - 2006-03-15 (14:58:15)

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