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Pranaam Gurudev,


Here are my answers.


Q1: Sun is the karaka for heart. Affliction to Sun by the lord of 8th may indicate heart desease.

Sri Vishnu is the sustainer of life. I think the deity to be worshippped is Sri Vishnu to have a long life and a strong heart.


Q2: Natural protector of dharma is Sri Vishnu.


Q3: First house signify the beginning. First point we see is the eastern horizon. Sun indicates the soul. Sun's apparent path symbolizes the soul's journey. Starting point is the east . Culminates at mid heaven and sets in west. So lagna at the starting point of east is the first house.


Q4: Rising sign in the rasi and navamsa depicts the physical appearance. In the rasi it is the stronger of lagna or Chandra Lagna.In Sophia loren's chart Moon sign is stronger with two planets. It is earthy Capricorn giving her the bony muscular physical body. Saturn conjunct moon gives her the emaciated look. Rasi aspect of benific Venus gives her goodlooks.

Her Rising navamsa is cancer and according to Nashtajatakam native has honey color eyes, fair complexion, abundant hair on head and beautiful and stout body. This fits her except the stoutness of the body.


Q5. Food liked by Navagraha must be satwic food. It is better to become a vegetarian so that you do not harm living creatures.


Q6; Ashma and Bronchitis are associated with afflicted moon in a jala rasi. May be in a certain tithi, day and hour you can use a remedy to rectify that. But why fish?


Q9: In Sri Krishna's chart, The exalted moon in the lagna counteract the balarishta.Moon is the sustainer of the body and exalted Moon in lagna protect the body.


Q13; 9th house shows the dharma. Ketu the moksha karaka is in the 9th. showing that the realization of moksha is his dharma. The desire of the soul is shown by the 7th house.






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