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RE: [Jaya Jagannath] Lesson 16 Q9,10,11

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Namaste Alex...

If you see Sani dristi in Sri Krishna's chart, yet Sani owns 9th and 10th.

How do we reconcile Sani's natural malefic nature with the factthat it's the Yogakaraka and aspects Chandra?



Alex J [lostinmotion]Saturday, May 26, 2001 6:08 PMvarahamihira Subject: [Jaya Jagannath] Lesson 16 Q9,10,11Namaste,That is an excellent lesson. I am a little slow with the lessons, so I will post part by part. Q9. Explain the presence of a powerful Yoga for protection and destruction of the Balarishta in the chart of Sri Krishna.There appear to be yogas for balarishta in the chart. Moon is decreasing in the ascendant, and there are only malefics in the quadrants with Moon. Moon and ascendant are also under the aspect of Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu. The ascendant lord is heavily afflicted by Rahu, Mars and Saturn.However Moon is exalted in the ascendant, which protects from harm, as it is the life sustainer placed in the most powerful sign. Moon is also under the aspect of Jupiter, Venus and the 9th lord. The Moon is in A4 showing the protection coming through the mothers. Moon in friend's navamsa aspected by Venus for a night birth, removes evils. The strength of the Moon is the necessity, as it is the sustainer in the material world. The Mind is a projection from the soul, and the body represented by the lagna, is a projection of the Mind/Moon. If the Moon suffers severe affliction, then the body will likewise manifest weakly on the physical plane. Likewise the Sun is the soul, and if weak will also cause death. The Sun, while a malefic in a quadrant, is also similarly strongly placed in own house in kendra, with Ubhayachari yoga, protecting the physical body. The disposition of the luminaries in strength in the Kendras form the yoga of balarishta protection, as they represent the body and lifeforce, while also giving the great Sattvic disposition. As the malefic Sun in the Kendra is surrounded by benefics, he becomes a great protector of health.The ascendant lord is in exchange with the exalted Moon in the 3rd giving the strength to overcome adversities. The ascendant lord escapes the malefic influences of the Rahu/Mars conjunction, as he exchanges with the Moon. However in this way the 3rd lord Moon suffers from the exchange, causing affliction to the siblings. The disposition of Mercury and Jupiter in 5th trine from lagna is a protector from balarishta. In this case the sign housing them is the Arudha Lagna, making Krishna himself the protector. A9 also is in this house, and as it is the 5th house with Mercury and Jupiter protection through mantras of Brahmins and protection from father/king are shown. Q10 Why was he attacked by so many evils? Which planets indicate the evil and how will you time this evil? Was his maternal uncle really involved behind all this? The 3rd house of longevity is afflicted heavily by malefics indicating danger to life. Further from AL, the 3rd and 8th lord vargottama debilitated Mars, which joins Rahu and Venus under the aspect of Saturn, indicating the grave danger to life. The predominance of planets affecting this house gives the many dangers. The results of the 3rd house appear in childhood, as the ascendant lord has an exchange with the 3rd lord. The ascendant indicates the life at birth and the few years following. Childhood is shown by the first 4 houses. Timing can be done through Vimshottari or Narayana dasa. Vimshottari shows the evils as the cycles at birth are the Moon, followed by maraka Mars and Rahu, all involved in the killing combination. Narayana dasa begins from the 1st house containing the afflicted Moon, followed by Saggittarius dasa which has Mars, Rahu and Venus in the 8th. Cancer dasa follows containing Mars, Rahu, aspected by Saturn. However as the life spans are longer in the previous yugas, the periods should be elongated. The uncle as enemy is shown by several things. The 6th house represents the maternal uncle, as it is the 3rd from the 4th. In this horoscope the 6th house has double importance, as the 4th from the Moon must also be looked at for indications of the mother, the 3rd from this, representing the uncle is again the 6th house. The 6th lord of maternal uncle is Venus conjoined Rahu and Mars in the 3rd under the aspect of Saturn showing the maximum evil of the uncle. The lagna lord is also Venus, so the question is why Krishna himself did not become as evil as his uncle. It is because Venus as the 1st lord exchanges with Moon the 3rd lord. As a result of this exchange, then 1st lord escapes the malefic influence. The Arudha of the 4th house is in the ascendant, so the 3rd house from there represents the older brother, ie maternal uncle. This house is also the 3rd from the Moon, which makes it doubly representative of the maternal uncle. That the 3rd and 6th houses jointly represent the uncle is very significant here, as the paka lagna of the 6th house goes into the 3rd, making the 3rd house the most prominent indicator of the maternal uncle. The mental imbalance of the uncle that would drive him to kill his own nephew is shown by the 6th lord going into his enemy's (Moon) sign showing the emotional mental problems, with the delusion of Rahu and the violence of Mars.Further the Arudha of the 12th house falls in the 3rd showing that the uncle will also act as his secret enemy, as well as all of his demon minions. The followers of his uncle are shown from the 5th house from the 6th. The lord of this house is Rahu in the 3rd. Rahu represents the demons. Their evil nature is shown by Rahu combining with Mars showing treachery and by going into debilitation in navamsa. The affliction to the sign Cancer indicates that the child was reared by a woman other than the real mother.The fake mother who came to give the milk is shown by Cancer the sign of the mother with Rahu, who acts as the deceiver, Saturn's aspect adds to the cunning, and Mars the malevolence. Rahu/Mars combination is indicative of the assassination attempt. The poison is shown by Rahu and the milk by Cancer placement. The crane beaked demon is shown by Rahu, which gives the unusual and ugly appearance. Q11. How do the Rajayoga begin after killing his uncle? What are the combinations showing Krishna to be a great wrestler. The primary rajayoga in his chart is due to the combination of the ascendant lord Venus with 10th lord Rahu, the yogakaraka Saturn, and Mars the 7th lord. Venus also makes a yoga with Ketu in the 9th. Yogakaraka Saturn is placed in the 5th from Venus showing the mass followers. Venus becomes the central planet responsible for the yoga. Venus exchanges with exalted Moon also showing the mass appeal. The 8th lord of death from the 6th house of maternal uncle is Venus, which is a primary constituent in this yoga. It is the 6th lord of uncle himself. Venus is combined with violent Mars/Rahu combination showing the demise of the uncle initiating the yoga. Venus is the 6th lord, and Mars, the 12th lord. They are placed weak in a trik house showing Vipareeta raja yoga due to the loss (12th) of maternal uncle (6th).Venus-Mars combination is a specific one for wrestling, placed in the 3rd house of battle skill with malefic Rahu, it can only give great ability in wrestling. The exchange of the 1st and 3rd lords show his physical prowess. The 3rd from AL has yogakaraka Saturn in Martian sign giving the skill as a fighter. However Saturn alone in the 3rd house from AL, under the aspect of Venus, Rahu, Ketu and Mars, is the cause of death of the elder siblings of Krishna.Warm regards,Alex JOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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