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Lesson 16 - end

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Dear Gurudev Sanjay,




here are the my other answers on lesson 16.



Explain the presence of powerful Yoga for protection and destruction of Balarishta in the chart of Sri Krishna.



Yogas for destruction in chart of Sri Krishna are;

decreasing Moon (in the Lagna) under aspects of malefics (Rahu, Mars and very close graha dristi of Saturn on Moon and Lagna),

malefic (Saturn) in the 7th house,

Lagna lord (Venus) in association with malefics (Rahu & Mars) and under aspect of malefic (Saturn).



Moon in Taurus (exaltation sign) in Lagna (very close conjuction);

Parivartana yoga between Venus (Lagna lord) and Moon;

Strong Venus aspects Moon in Lagna;

Jupiter also aspects Moon in Lagna.


Yogas for destruction and for protection are simultaneously present. This yoga's will bring many dangers in the childhood but all this dangers will be overcomed.



Why was He attacked by so many evils like Putana, the demoness who came to feed Him milk or by the Crane beak demon? Which planets indicate the evil and how will you time this evil? Was his maternal uncle really involved behind all this?



Putana came to poison Krishna with his breast which were besmeared by poison. Rahu/Ketu signifies poison. Rahu is in conjunction with Venus (lagna lord) and aspecting Lagna and Moon. Putana was killed by Krishna by sucking his life from his breast.

Crane demon attacked Krishna with his beak trying to bite Him, stick or swallow Him. He was also killed by Krishna. Mars can signifies this attack, because Mars is in conjunction with Venus, lagna lord.

All this incidents happened in Moon Vimshotari dasa, Libra Kalachakra dasa, Taurus and Sagittarius Narayana dasa. Moon is in lagna and can signifies some happening with body (dangers for body, because Moon is under aspect of malefics), Libra is in 6th house (enemies and accidents), and Taurus is lagna (again; body) and Sagittarius is 8th house (dusthana). So we can see so many bad indications in childhood.

Kamsa, Krishna's maternal uncle is represented by the lord of 6th (3rd /brothers/ from 4th /mother/) or 2nd (11th /elder brother/ from 4th). This is Venus who is associated with above mentioned malefics or Mercury. Kamsa is certainly connected with all this affairs.



How do the Rajyoga begin after the killing of His maternal uncle Kamsa? What are the combination that show Krishna as a great wrestler?



Saturn creates one Raja Yoga (lord of 9th in 7th). There is also Vipareta Raja Yoga; conjunction of Venus and Mars (lords of dusthanas) in 3rd (Cancer). Mars is debilitated here. Cancer Narayana dasa starts when Krishna was 11 years old and lasted next 3 years. In this time there was a chance for Raja Yoga to give results. Venus is also here as significator for maternal uncle.

Wrestling? I'm not sure, Mars indicate fighting abilities and Venus is 6th lord...



Is the episode of Govardhana hill being uprooted to protect His followers from the ire of Indra (Jupiter) a myth or is there some indication in the chart? Who won and why? What is significance of this? What was the promise given by Sri Krishna? Does Jupiter becomes a benefic and follower of Krishna? In what form do we see this in Mahabharata?



Lifting of Govardhana hill happened in Sagittarius Narayana dasa. This is 8th house (can indicate some problems and changes through hard experiences) and lord Jupiter can indicate Indra. Virgo where Jupiter is posited is earthly sign (can indicate earth or hill). Jupiter is in the 5th house which can indicate that Indra became a follower of Krishna. Krishna on this occasion protected His followers which are surrendered to Him and not to Indra. Indra was jealous due to illusions about his position but later when he realize the supreme position of Krishna he surrendered to Him.



What is the Dharma of Sri Krishna and what are His desires? Is there a strong desire to establish Dharma?



Dharma of Sri Krishna is liberation of bondage of material existence, or moksha. Ketu is present in 9th house, house of Dharma. 9th house is under aspect of exalted Moon in lagna, Sun in his own house (4th house) and Saturn (lord of this house) from Scorpio. There is graha aspects also from Venus, Rahu & Mars from Cancer and Jupiter from Virgo. So much influences. All this will make many things happen in this field (dharma and religiosity). Assistance of exalted Moon ( compassion and love) and Sun from his own sign( "king of knowledge", as Krishna described knowledge that He give to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita) and Saturn (renunciation) is very significant. So, this is Bhakti yoga.

Strong desire to establish dharma is also very much present. Jupiter is in 5th house with exalted Mercury.



Which part(s) of His body were weak and why? What was His longevity? Will Vimshotari dasa work in such a case or is Narayana the only dasa that can function?



Third house is afflicted (debilitated Mars with Rahu). Mars is also lord of 12th and 7th houses. There can be some problems. Venus is lord of 6th and is in association with above mentioned Mars and Rahu. Hearth problems (Cancer) can be present.

Krishna lived for over 120 years, so Vimshotari dasa will not be applicable in His case because Vimshotari dasa covers 120 years. Narayana dasa can function in this case.



Dear Sanjay,

thank you one more time for the nice lesson.


Darpaha Dasa.

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