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RE: [Jaya Jagannath] Battle of Kuruksetra/Ayanamsa

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Dear Dhira Krishna Prabhu,

In this mail you say Annual precession is 40 seconds, and in another I read from you you say it is 50 seconds. perhaps the refinement is gradually coming. One point I want to know. Do you think that this is linear i.e. every year the precession is exactly the same for all years in one cycle? If not linear i.e. not circular motion, then is it elliptical? If so, then which is the axis about which this will fluctuate with a maxima and a minima?

You mentioned Magha in another letter. Where is Brahma in the Bha-Chakra? Should not this be the Maxima or minima in case the motion is non-linear. Is Magha exactly perpendicular to Brahma's position?

I have liked your interesting mails as this seems to be another begining to the vexed question of ayanamsa..

Best Regards

Sanjay Rath


sentto-1303387-4312-994238102-srath=vsnl.com (AT) returns (DOT) [sentto-1303387-4312-994238102-srath=vsnl.com (AT) returns (DOT) ]On Behalf Of Dhira Krsna (das) BCS (Radhadesh - B)Wednesday, July 04, 2001 2:38 PMVarahamihira; vedic astrology Subject: [Jaya Jagannath] [vedic astrology] Re: Battle of Kuruksetra/AyanamsaDear Luis, Visti, Jaan and others,Namaste.Thank you very much for this valuable information.>"... the day following 1582 October 4 (Julian calendar) is 1582 October 15>(Gregorian calendar).">>So the difference is by 10 days (note that the next day from Octuber 4 must>be October 5. Then, the difference between October 15 and October 5 are 10>days).I knew about the change of Julian calender to Gregorian calender to be in1582, I didn't know however that they change the date as well. I really waswondering about this. On a Spanish vaisnava calender my friend brought, Ialso saw the date for Karkata sankranti mentioned on 5th of July as well as16th of July. Note that it would have been July 15th before the year 2000.So that gives us a difference of 10 days as well.Now, what is the essential difference between Julian calender and Gregoriancalender? Why they changed it that much? Well, the difference is that Juliancalender includes an extra day (Feb 29th) every 4 years (because actuallength of the year is 365,25 days), except for the century changes, thatmeans not on 100, 200, 300 etc... Now the Gregorian calender has adjustedthis, because it was observed that 365,25 days is not exactly correct (herethey found out about the factual existence of ayanamsa). Therefore on everycentury change which can be divided by 400 they included an extra day also.Therefore in 2000 we had a Feb 29th also. The fact that they changed thecalender for 10 days is actually the proof that I'm right in stating thatthe yearly ayanamsa is 40 seconds.They calculated the number of centuries back which can be divided by 400until what they thought to be the start of civilization, i.o.w. the oldEgyptian culture which constructed the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, on whichWestern astrologers base their calculations. This pyramid was constructedabout 4.700 years ago with the planetary information of the start ofKali-yuga! Thuban in the sign of Dragon was at that time considered to bethe pole star. Take the time of 4.700 - 419 (years ago) = 4.281/400 = 10days adjustment. In the year 1600 another extra day was added, as well as in2000. Note that after 1600 the difference was 11 days, to match with theincreasing age of 4.400 years after the start of kali-yuga.Now calculating backwards with the ayanamsa of 40 sec/year from the birth ofChrist at about 0 degree of Aries gives you the start of kali-yuga at about4.700 years ago, in fact exactly 4.702. Calculating the amount of change in400 years of ayanamsa with 40 sec/year, we get about 4 hours 25 minutes. Assuch, it seems proper that every 2000 years there is an extra day on themillenium change. In 2000 years there are 5 x 400 years and thus 5 x 4 hours25 min. = 22 hours 5 min. Therefore the extra day is not added unless theyear can be divided by 400.Any second thoughts?Your sishya,Dhira Krsna dasaOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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