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[Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu

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Jaya Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Sanjay,


Let me jump in to this.

No, you did not misunderstand any thing. Jupiter's aspect on nodes not supposed to weak nodes. But it will cancel the exaltation of nodes.

You got a very impotant chart to study Narayana dasa. There are few more secrets in it. Please follow and you will clear this your self.


Hare Krshna



SanjayPrabhakaran <SanjayPrabhakaranvarahamihira <varahamihira >Saturday, July 21, 2001 8:53 AM[Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on RahuOm Gurave Namah,Dear Gurudeva and members,For evaluating the lordship of Aq and Sc. Guru's rasi aspect orconjunction with the nodes are supposed to make them weakerand hence Saturn or Mars wins and becomes the respectiveowners of the houes.But in COVA on Page 63 in Pt. JawaharlalNehru's chart even though Ketu is conjunct Jupiter andJupiter aspects Rahu, Rahu and Ketu are taken as lords of Aq and Sc repectively. Such a consideration is even made inN.T Ramarao's chart in Page 97 of COVA. Have I misunderstoodsomething?.Can you please clear this confusion.Your's SincerelyS.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Om Gurave Namah----


Dear Sanjay,

Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer understanding of these rules that makes the subject "an art as well as a science". The situation where "Jupiter is aspecting the nodes" is very different from "Jupiter conjoining the nodes". Take a situation where a Purohit of a temple is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu) for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work place) and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced to help the criminal.


Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces) and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his temple (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others to prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to steal the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.


Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the Guru-Sthana.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath







Saturday, July 21, 2001 4:23 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu

Om Gurave Namah,Dear Gurudeva and members,For evaluating the lordship of Aq and Sc. Guru's rasi aspect orconjunction with the nodes are supposed to make them weakerand hence Saturn or Mars wins and becomes the respectiveowners of the houes.But in COVA on Page 63 in Pt. JawaharlalNehru's chart even though Ketu is conjunct Jupiter andJupiter aspects Rahu, Rahu and Ketu are taken as lords of Aq and Sc repectively. Such a consideration is even made inN.T Ramarao's chart in Page 97 of COVA. Have I misunderstoodsomething?.Can you please clear this confusion.Your's SincerelyS.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Dear Sanjay,


If the Paka lagna is occupied by ketu, then it must be conjunct lagna lord. If this is the case, those born in capricorn rasi in 1950 would largely have had this to be the case. Is it valid to take one occurrance of this nature to decide on mental aberration etc? I ask this because I know a very high profile consultang engineer who has saturn ketu and moon in te 9th and ascendant in capricorn. This is definitely not a case of mental aberration or autism. Or does it indicate a particular kind of mentality rather than mental aberration? Perhaps a non-conformity or eccentricity that makes the mental process very different from the norm? I could agree with that for this person.


With respect,


Nimmi Ragavan



Sanjay Rath


Sunday, July 22, 2001 8:01 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu



Om Gurave Namah----


Dear Sanjay,

Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer understanding of these rules that makes the subject "an art as well as a science". The situation where "Jupiter is aspecting the nodes" is very different from "Jupiter conjoining the nodes". Take a situation where a Purohit of a temple is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu) for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work place) and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced to help the criminal.


Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces) and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his temple (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others to prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to steal the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.


Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the Guru-Sthana.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath







Saturday, July 21, 2001 4:23 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu

Om Gurave Namah,Dear Gurudeva and members,For evaluating the lordship of Aq and Sc. Guru's rasi aspect orconjunction with the nodes are supposed to make them weakerand hence Saturn or Mars wins and becomes the respectiveowners of the houes.But in COVA on Page 63 in Pt. JawaharlalNehru's chart even though Ketu is conjunct Jupiter andJupiter aspects Rahu, Rahu and Ketu are taken as lords of Aq and Sc repectively. Such a consideration is even made inN.T Ramarao's chart in Page 97 of COVA. Have I misunderstoodsomething?.Can you please clear this confusion.Your's SincerelyS.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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On Gurave Namah


Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,


Thank you for your clarification on this regard. how ever I have few quetions if you can kindly help.


You have calculated narayana dasa for Sri Neru's chart (p63-COVA) and exaltation of Rahu and Ketu ignored. Here Jupiter conjoined Ketu and aspect Rahu. Node are exalted but, Dasa years are normal due to aspects of Jupiter. According to you explanation, there can be two things to understand here.


1. Jupiter conjoined Ketu. According to your example(The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced to help the criminal.)

does Jupiter become weak here ?

If yes, why Ketu loose additional year for dasa ? Why Ketu did not make sub dasa sequense reverse and zodiacle. You have mention that Sri Neru's Sagittarius Maha Dasa, Sagittarius-Scorpio 1936 and Sag- cancer 1937. This sequence can get if we calculate dasa sequence only as Sag, Leo,Aries,Pisces ...! In fact there is little error or secret applyed here by delaying 1 year or one sub dasa. Let me calculate Sub dasa as follow for Sagittarius.(1931-1943, Sag. stronger and Jupiter in Sag)


Sub Dasa starts My Calculation Your Calculation

1931.11 Sag ??

1932.11 Lero Sag

1933.11 Aries Leo

1934.11 Pisces Aries

1935.11 Scorpio Pisces

1936.11 Cancer Scorpio

1937.11 Gemini Cancer


Let's say there is one year mistake for now, but why did you take sub dasa's in this order for Sagittarius ?


2. Take the chart of Amitabh Bachan, page 75 Cova.

Lagna is stronger and Dasa sequnse must be Reverse and regular due to occupation of Ketu in Lagna. But you have calculated dasa as normal as 11,4,9,2 ..and so on. Is there any other reason other than Jupiter's aspect on Ketu for this ?


3. Coming back to Sri Neru's chart, Jupiter aspects Rahu and loose the exaltation, but still winer for the ownership for Aquarius.


4. Saturn too, weaken by sitting in Leo and did not make sub dasa sequens as reguler and zodiacle.


My understand could be wrong, but could you kindly clarify these observation for us ? I can't beleve that you have done a mistake with Sri Neru's chart.


Thank you


your Sishya








Sanjay Rath <srathvarahamihira <varahamihira >Monday, July 23, 2001 5:02 AMRe: [Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu


Om Gurave Namah----


Dear Sanjay,

Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer understanding of these rules that makes the subject " an art as well as a science " . The situation where " Jupiter is aspecting the nodes " is very different from " Jupiter conjoining the nodes " . Take a situation where a Purohit of a temple is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu) for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work place) and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced to help the criminal.


Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces) and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his temple (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others to prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to steal the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.


Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the Guru-Sthana.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath







Saturday, July 21, 2001 4:23 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu

Om Gurave Namah,Dear Gurudeva and members,For evaluating the lordship of Aq and Sc. Guru's rasi aspect orconjunction with the nodes are supposed to make them weakerand hence Saturn or Mars wins and becomes the respectiveowners of the houes.But in COVA on Page 63 in Pt. JawaharlalNehru's chart even though Ketu is conjunct Jupiter andJupiter aspects Rahu, Rahu and Ketu are taken as lords of Aq and Sc repectively. Such a consideration is even made inN.T Ramarao's chart in Page 97 of COVA. Have I misunderstoodsomething?.Can you please clear this confusion.Your's SincerelyS.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Karu,

Brilliant indeed. In fact sometime back Narasimha and Robert Koch also raised this point. Narasimha had the point about Jupiter and exalted nodes whereas Robert Koch had the same questions about the chart of Amitabh Bachchan. But they had not worked hard like you have done. My observations are given below.-




Monday, July 23, 2001 4:06 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu


On Gurave Namah


Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,


Thank you for your clarification on this regard. how ever I have few quetions if you can kindly help.


You have calculated narayana dasa for Sri Neru's chart (p63-COVA) and exaltation of Rahu and Ketu ignored. Here Jupiter conjoined Ketu and aspect Rahu. Node are exalted but, Dasa years are normal due to aspects of Jupiter. According to you explanation, there can be two things to understand here.


1. Jupiter conjoined Ketu. According to your example(The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced to help the criminal.)

does Jupiter become weak here ?

Rath: Just because Jupiter has become weak or polluted does not mean that he is defeated. The nodes cannot sit on the throne when Jupiter comes into their contact. There are many instances in the Hindu literature where the devata have approached Mahavishnu (Jupiter) to defeat the asura (nodes) and when the Lord comes, He is always victorious. So, even if Jupiter is weak, the nodes cannot be exalted. Jupiter maybe temporarily coerced into obeying the theif (example) but will ultimately lead to his arrest.

If yes, why Ketu loose additional year for dasa ? Why Ketu did not make sub dasa sequense reverse and zodiacle. You have mention that Sri Neru's Sagittarius Maha Dasa, Sagittarius-Scorpio 1936 and Sag- cancer 1937. This sequence can get if we calculate dasa sequence only as Sag, Leo,Aries,Pisces ...! In fact there is little error or secret applyed here by delaying 1 year or one sub dasa. Let me calculate Sub dasa as follow for Sagittarius.(1931-1943, Sag. stronger and Jupiter in Sag)

Rath: There is no error. There is yet another small correction of months and days that i do to the first dasa/anatrdasa. since this does not have the sanction of available scriptures/ books on Jyotish I cannot teach it. The only strength to my statement is the Dhyana for Narayana...Dhyayet sada Savitri Mandala Madhyavarti Narayana...which proves that the small correction of a few months that I apply at times in political charts (where the movement is vital) maybe correct. Perhaps I should not have given this calculation in COVA.

Sub Dasa starts My Calculation Your Calculation

1931.11 Sag ??

1932.11 Lero Sag

1933.11 Aries Leo

1934.11 Pisces Aries

1935.11 Scorpio Pisces

1936.11 Cancer Scorpio

1937.11 Gemini Cancer


Let's say there is one year mistake for now, but why did you take sub dasa's in this order for Sagittarius ?

Rath: Look at the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter. Have I not taught this about Saturn and Ketu earlier? Saturn dominates when it has higher degrees. So does Jupiter.


2. Take the chart of Amitabh Bachan, page 75 Cova.

Lagna is stronger and Dasa sequnse must be Reverse and regular due to occupation of Ketu in Lagna. But you have calculated dasa as normal as 11,4,9,2 ..and so on. Is there any other reason other than Jupiter's aspect on Ketu for this ?

Rath: Why regular? Ketu gives reversal of Dasa not regularity like Brahma (Saturn). The other part you have answered in your question itself...Exalted Jupiter that too.


3. Coming back to Sri Neru's chart, Jupiter aspects Rahu and loose the exaltation, but still winer for the ownership for Aquarius.

Rath: Ownership for aquarius is a battle between Rahu and Saturn. Jupiter does not come into this picture unless it conjoins them.

4. Saturn too, weaken by sitting in Leo and did not make sub dasa sequens as reguler and zodiacle.

Rath: Sun is stronger than Saturn and shall dominate.

My understand could be wrong, but could you kindly clarify these observation for us ? I can't beleve that you have done a mistake with Sri Neru's chart.


Thank you


your Sishya



Faith can move mountains. Thank you for your faith and this is the first sign of a good student/Jyotish. You will learn well..just keep up the hard work.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath





Sanjay Rath <srathvarahamihira <varahamihira >Monday, July 23, 2001 5:02 AMRe: [Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu


Om Gurave Namah----


Dear Sanjay,

Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer understanding of these rules that makes the subject "an art as well as a science". The situation where "Jupiter is aspecting the nodes" is very different from "Jupiter conjoining the nodes". Take a situation where a Purohit of a temple is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu) for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work place) and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced to help the criminal.


Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces) and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his temple (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others to prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to steal the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.


Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the Guru-Sthana.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath







Saturday, July 21, 2001 4:23 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu

Om Gurave Namah,Dear Gurudeva and members,For evaluating the lordship of Aq and Sc. Guru's rasi aspect orconjunction with the nodes are supposed to make them weakerand hence Saturn or Mars wins and becomes the respectiveowners of the houes.But in COVA on Page 63 in Pt. JawaharlalNehru's chart even though Ketu is conjunct Jupiter andJupiter aspects Rahu, Rahu and Ketu are taken as lords of Aq and Sc repectively. Such a consideration is even made inN.T Ramarao's chart in Page 97 of COVA. Have I misunderstoodsomething?.Can you please clear this confusion.Your's SincerelyS.PrabhakaranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Om Gurave Namah


Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,



In fact sometime back Narasimha and Robert Koch also raised this point. Narasimha had the point about Jupiter and exalted nodes whereas Robert Koch had the same questions about the chart of Amitabh Bachchan. But they had not worked hard like you have done. My observations are given below.

Thank you very much for clearing this.In fact all credit must go to robert Guru and Narasimha Guru. I followed all their mail and your repplies while I am working on this.


How ever, I have few more unclear points if you kindly help me.


Rath: There is no error. There is yet another small correction of months and days that i do to the first dasa/anatrdasa. since this does not have the sanction of available scriptures/ books on Jyotish I cannot teach it. The only strength to my statement is the Dhyana for Narayana...Dhyayet sada Savitri Mandala Madhyavarti Narayana...which proves that the small correction of a few months that I apply at times in political charts (where the movement is vital) maybe correct. Perhaps I should not have given this calculation in COVA.


It is not in COVA.Are you going to teach this Calculation for us ?


1)Rath: Look at the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter. Have I not taught this about Saturn and Ketu earlier? Saturn dominates when it has higher degrees. So does Jupiter.


Now, we are speaking about why sub dasa are not in reverse due to Ketu. As per my understanding, when Jupiter aspect Ketu, sub dasa/ maha dasa would not in reverse as Ketu is under impression of Jupiter. In other words Ketu loosing his power to make dasa sequence in reverse.

But according to your mail, you want us to check degrees of Jupiter and Ketu before come to the conclusion about winner.( Same rule must be applied to Saturn and Sun as per following underlined comments.)

That means, In the case of Jupiter aspect Ketu, there is a battle between Jupiter and Ketu. If Ketu wins, dasa/sub will be in reverse, if Jupiter win dasa/sub will be regular as normal. Is this correct ?


If yes, I cannot understand how Jupiter won in Sri Neru's chart. Jupiter is in 15.14 deg while Ketu is in (30.00-12.44)=17.16 deg. Ketu is advanced. So how Jupiter won ?



4. Saturn too, weaken by sitting in Leo and did not make sub dasa sequens as reguler and zodiacle.

Rath: Sun is stronger than Saturn and shall dominate.


Again Sun won here regardless the degrees traveled, (Saturn 10.59, Sun 0.17) and Saturn could not modify subdasa sequence in regular & zodiacle. But how Sun won according to the degree ?


Would you kind enough to expliain this ?


Your sishya,





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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Karu,

In Nehru's case, Jupiter was out of the 'Mouth of Rahu/Ketu'. i.e. in these cases, the degrees are actual and not reversed. In Brighu transits also when we find Rahu and Sun or Ketu and Moon approaching, the day of their conjunction is the day of defeat of the nodes. After this conjunction, the nodes lose their degrees and the luminaries gain degrees. Thus after a Graha Yuddha between the Sura (led by Surya) and Asura (led by Rahu), the Sura 'ALWAYS' win...With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- karu


Thursday, July 26, 2001 4:28 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu



Om Gurave Namah


Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,



In fact sometime back Narasimha and Robert Koch also raised this point. Narasimha had the point about Jupiter and exalted nodes whereas Robert Koch had the same questions about the chart of Amitabh Bachchan. But they had not worked hard like you have done. My observations are given below.

Thank you very much for clearing this.In fact all credit must go to robert Guru and Narasimha Guru. I followed all their mail and your repplies while I am working on this.


How ever, I have few more unclear points if you kindly help me.


Rath: There is no error. There is yet another small correction of months and days that i do to the first dasa/anatrdasa. since this does not have the sanction of available scriptures/ books on Jyotish I cannot teach it. The only strength to my statement is the Dhyana for Narayana...Dhyayet sada Savitri Mandala Madhyavarti Narayana...which proves that the small correction of a few months that I apply at times in political charts (where the movement is vital) maybe correct. Perhaps I should not have given this calculation in COVA.


It is not in COVA.Are you going to teach this Calculation for us ?


1)Rath: Look at the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter. Have I not taught this about Saturn and Ketu earlier? Saturn dominates when it has higher degrees. So does Jupiter.


Now, we are speaking about why sub dasa are not in reverse due to Ketu. As per my understanding, when Jupiter aspect Ketu, sub dasa/ maha dasa would not in reverse as Ketu is under impression of Jupiter. In other words Ketu loosing his power to make dasa sequence in reverse.

But according to your mail, you want us to check degrees of Jupiter and Ketu before come to the conclusion about winner.( Same rule must be applied to Saturn and Sun as per following underlined comments.)

That means, In the case of Jupiter aspect Ketu, there is a battle between Jupiter and Ketu. If Ketu wins, dasa/sub will be in reverse, if Jupiter win dasa/sub will be regular as normal. Is this correct ?


If yes, I cannot understand how Jupiter won in Sri Neru's chart. Jupiter is in 15.14 deg while Ketu is in (30.00-12.44)=17.16 deg. Ketu is advanced. So how Jupiter won ?


Re. 4. Saturn too, weaken by sitting in Leo and did not make sub dasa sequens as reguler and zodiacle.

Rath: Sun is stronger than Saturn and shall dominate.


Again Sun won here regardless the degrees traveled, (Saturn 10.59, Sun 0.17) and Saturn could not modify subdasa sequence in regular & zodiacle. But how Sun won according to the degree ?


Would you kind enough to expliain this ?


Your sishya,




OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Om Gurave Namah,

Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,


You have give some food to think again.Let me keep this in my mind and keep work on. Since the knowledge is very limited, no further question in this regard for now.


Hare Krshna

your Sishya



BTY; Why Sarat Prabhu is out of the duty ? I contact him over the phone and sent mail. The mail back to me as he has changed details.




Om Gurave Namah----Dear Karu,

In Nehru's case, Jupiter was out of the 'Mouth of Rahu/Ketu'. i.e. in these cases, the degrees are actual and not reversed. In Brighu transits also when we find Rahu and Sun or Ketu and Moon approaching, the day of their conjunction is the day of defeat of the nodes. After this conjunction, the nodes lose their degrees and the luminaries gain degrees. Thus after a Graha Yuddha between the Sura (led by Surya) and Asura (led by Rahu), the Sura 'ALWAYS' win...With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath




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