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Calculating Param Ayus

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Hare Rama Krsna


Studying Chapter II, Quarter I of Upadesa Sutras ( by Sanjayji) on Longevity yields some great insights to Param Ayuscalculations. This email covers the knowledge from Sukta 2.1.1 to 2.1.21


1. In Sutka 2.1.6 - Sanjay, you mention signs occupied by Lagna and Hora Lagna - are you instructingto find the lords of the Lagna and Hora Lagna and their location...whether they reside in a movable, fixed or dual sign?

I believe this to be the case.... OR is the instruction to determine if the Lagna is a M,F,D rasa, and Hora Lagna is M,F,D rasi?

2. Sukta 2.1.18 ( or 2.1.19 ) this may be a typographical error) - does this rule apply ( or is another rider) to the calculations of Ayur Yogakarakas? I assume this is NOT, and is a second method. This then can be used a a check point for the first technique of the 3 pair method?

3. Sukta 2.1.20 - ( Atmakaraka in 7th or 9th from Lagna)

a. does this apply to 2.1.19 ONLY ? Or does this apply to the rules found in 2.1.2 through 2.1.9?

b. AND, the rule instructs you to look to see if Atmakaraka is in the 7th or 9th from Lagna...should we look to see the stronger between the Lagna and 7th , then determine if Atmakaraka is in the 7th or 9th from the stronger of the 2? If not, why?



Always making it a practice to test the the rules on my own chart I find some interesting observations and

a few questions ( I have attached my chart for those that wish to add their comments or correct my approach)

1. Applying the rules in 2.1.2 through 2.1.7 to determine length of life: Short, Medium and Long

Determine Location of 1st and 8th lords [rules 2.1.2 to 2.1.4]

a. Lords of 1st and 8th ( my Lagna is Scorpio and Ketu is stronger than Mars, so I choose Ketu as Lagna Lord)

b. Ketu resides in Cn a movable sign; 8th lord Mercury ( and Atmakaraka) also resides in Cn the 9th house.

Conclusion for 1st and 8th lord: Both reside on Movable Rasi , therefore Long life


Determine location and apply rules used in 2.1.4 to 2.1.4 for signs occupied by Moon and Saturn [ Sukta 2.1.5]

a. Moon resides in Ta; Lord of Ta is Venus; Venus resides in Cn an movable sign

b. Saturn resided in Vi; Virgo's lord is Mercury (again Atmakaraka) and Mercury resides in Cn; movable sign

Conclusion: Long life


Determine signs occupied by Lagna and Hora Lagna

a. Lagna is Sc; Ketu Lord is in Cn; Cn is movable rasa OR if evaluating the Lagna itself, Sc is Fixed sign b.Hora Lagna = Ta. Ta is ruled by Venus; Venus is in Cn a movable sign

OR if evaluating the HL itself, HL is Ta and is fixed

Conclusion: Ketu and Venus in Cn, a movable Rasi = Long life

Conclusion for the 3 pairs - Long life ( per table 2.2)


2. Using 2.1.18 to 2.1.20 a. 7th house is stronger due to Moon in Ta ( Moolatrikona)

b. Lord of 8th from Ta rasi is Jupiter , placed in Ar , Apoklima, 12th from Moon.

c. Short life indicated - yet when applying rule 2.1.20: Atmakaraka is in 9th from Lagna and apply Vipareeta Ayur Yoga - Short life is reversed and becomes long...is this accurate?

Courier font for the charts below:

+----------------------+| | | | || | | Moo | || | Jup | | || | | HL | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | Glk Sun || | | || | | Ven Mnd || | | || | | Mer Ket ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || Rah | | || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | GL | || BL | Asc | | Sat || | | Mar | || | | | |+----------------------+


+----------------------+| | | | || Mer | | Moo | || | | | || Ket | | Sat | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | Glk || Mar | | || | | Sun || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || | | || | | BL || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | Jup | | HL Ven || | | Mnd | || | GL | | Asc Rah || | | | |+----------------------+



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