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RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] Rahu and Ketu - Dristi

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Namaste Sanjay..

re: Unless Ketu has this peculiar ability of NO-GRAHA DRISHTI, how can it qualify as the Moksha Karaka? Unless the desires are fully removed, there can be no Moksha


Yes, this makes most sense for Ketu... How can moksha take place if there are desires ( that are unfulfilled).

Also , the effort to stop desires is also not moksha , and it has been a practice of those seeking Enlightenment to suppress desires in the hopes that this "effort" will advance their spiritual stages. Sri Kesava teaches us this

in several areas in the Gita. Effort is action, and one cannot "ever rest for an instant without performing action"

says Sri Bhagwan.

So then , how is this Moksha realized? By pursuing the Self. The Self realizes the Self by its Self. What is the technique ( Skill) for accomplishing this? Much is written on this. For those that have interest I would read the writings of Samkhya Yoga, the Yoga Sutra's by Maharishi Patanjali would be one.


It also makes sense that Ketu should own the 8th house Sc (of the naisargika zodiac) occult knowledge, be associated with Dharma ( the 9th) and tend to his official duty of Mokshakaraka and the works of the 12th. Hence Ketu = Naisargika Moksha Karaka.

Therefore Ganesha and Ketu must be closely related and Brihaspati ruler of Pisces ( the natural 12th house ) must also

be connected to Ganesha and Ketu. [ from Sanjay's writings on lesson 9]


re: Now after having determined that the Graha have Drishti on the seventh house (except Ketu), we then go on to define special aspects... I have done this. In case the class needs this again, I can oblige.


Sanjay - Gauranga Das wrote a paper on this " Reviewing the Rules for Dristi" and covered Rasi,Sputa, and discusses Grahadristi. Are there other articles you are thinking about that have been posted?

No need to re-type the knowledge that has been captured already.

Your help and instruction is greatly appreciated by me and all sisya's.



Frank In Austin/ fschmidt



Sanjay Rath [srath] Sunday, July 22, 2001 11:29 AMvarahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] Rahu and Ketu - Dristi


OM GURAVE NAMAHDear Visti & Frank,


Also: Sat Siri Kindly note the contents of this letter:


The drishti or sight is based on the 'desires' of the conscious mind. This is the basis of Graha drishti. Sometimes the aspect of Saturn or another evil planet can cause Paapa Drishti and for this we have various remedial measures for removing the evils. This can also indicate the anger of someone or a silent hate like Mars or Saturn respectively. Desire is seen from Graha drishti. As explained in a recent lesson, the seventh house is the seat of the desires of the heart. That is why all the planets have an aspect on the seventh house i.e. they have conscious desires in the mind that they wish to achieve. Ketu being the Moksha Karaka does not have a head and hence, cannot see. In other words, Ketu does not have Graha Drishti or cannot have desires. Unless Ketu has this peculiar ability of NO-GRAHA DRISHTI, how can it qualify as the Moksha Karaka? Unless the desires are fully removed, there can be no Moksha. That is why all the eight planets from Sun to Rahu have drishti and hence also qualify as the Chara Karaka. Ketu who does not have Graha drishti, fails to qualify as a Chara Karaka. We know that the Chara Karakas represent animate souls in this planet. So, if a soul has got Moksha, what is it doing out here?? That is also the reson for removing Ketu from the list of Chara Karaka.


Now after having determined that the Graha have Drishti on the seventh house (except Ketu), we then go on to define special aspects... I have done this. In case the class needs this again, I can oblige.


Rasi Drishti is the aspect of the signs. It indicates a permanent relationship or Yoga of planets/signs by "being in these houses/ signs". This is sure to happen.


With Best Regards,Sanjay Rath



Visti Larsen


Saturday, July 21, 2001 5:47 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Rahu and Ketu - Dristi


Dear Frank.

Yes those are the 'dristi's', we seem to have accepted.

Best wishes, Visti.





Saturday, July 21, 2001 1:58 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Rahu and Ketu - Dristi

Namaste,this was a previous post... can someone confirm my understanding below. Please adjust my thinking accordingly.prananms,> > I want to confirm and understand the various dristi's of Rahu and> Ketu:> 1. Rahu -> a. Graha Dristi on the 5th, 7th 9th therefrom and also on the 12th in> reverse or anti-zodiac...this then equals the 2nd house> from Rahu.> b. Rasi Dristi - based upon the ruled for movable, fixed and dual signs.> > 2. Ketu -> a. Graha Dristi: since it does not have an upper half, it cannot cast> its glare on other houses, hense will give dristi to only> give dristi to grahas in conjunction ( same house)> b. Rasi Drisi - based upon the rules for movable, fixed and dual signs.> > Have I missed anything... is there other combinations I have not> considered?> > Frank In Austin> * fschmidt@a...OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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