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[Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope

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Dear Shashank,


I am tamil, so if you want to send in a scanned attachment of the chart, I

will try to decipher it for you.


Somewhere in the chart there will be either a diagonal slash across a

square, or else a squigle that looks like an 'S' lying down (and also

reversed). This indicates the ascendant.


Rashi means the moon sign and is Cancer, as is shown in your diagram.


There will also be some verbiage indicating the month, year and time since

sunrise in ghati/vighathi. And probably the remainder of the major dasa. It

may also have a navamsa diagram, or else the navamsa may be stated in

something like a little table without lines around it.


She was born on the 4th/5th/6th of May 1968.


The rasi positions are, according to the chart you have:


Sun - Aries

Moon - Cancer

Mars - Taurus

Mercury - Taurus

Jupiter - Leo

Venus - Aries

Saturn -Pisces

Rahu - Pisces

Ketu - Virgo



The navamsa positions are:


Sun - Libra

Moon - Unknown, depends on time

Mars - Aquarius

Merc - Capricorn or Aquarius, depending on date and time

Jupiter - Aries

Venus - Gemini or Cancer, depending on date and time

Saturn - Aquarius

Rahu - Aquarius

Ketu - Leo




Nimmi Ragavan






<varahamihira >

Monday, July 23, 2001 1:36 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope




> Dear list members,


> I have an old horoscope of my wife, which was made in Tamil. Since I

> do not know Tamil, I got it translated into something more meaningful

> to me. I am giving the details in this message. I will appreciate

> if somebody could fill out the missing blanks, and construct a chart

> that is easy to comprehend. The translation I have is not

> authentic. There might be some errors. But I am giving what I

> have. I will appreciate any help.


> Also, please note that before this horoscope surfaced, none of the

> birth details were known.


> Year: Keelakam

> Month: Chaitra

> 22

> Day of week: Saturday

> Nakshatra: Puspyami (??)

> Rashi: Katak (???)


> In south indian style the horoscope is as follows:


> _________

> | Sa | Su | Ma | |

> | | | | |

> | Ra | Ve | Me | |

> |________

> | | | | |

> | | | | Mo |

> | | | | |

> |________

> | | | | |

> | | | | Ju |

> | | | | |

> |________

> | | | | |

> | | | | Ke |

> | | | | |

> _________




> That's all I have. Any help in constructing the whole horoscope

> based on it will be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks

> Shashank




> Archive: varahamihira

> Files: varahamihira

> varahamihira/database




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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Nimmi & Shashank,

Based on the information chart provided, we know that the date will be around 4/5/6 May 1968. There is some infor that you have missed Nimmi. Look at the following:


1. On the basis of Date given as 22, it is the Krishna Paksha Saptami. This can be between 12 Noon of 4th May 1968 to 11 AM of 5th May 1968. This is a vital information.

2. The days here are Saturday (4th May 1968) and Sunday (5th May 1968). The day is given as Saturday and this is yet another vital information. Thus the birth is narrowed down from Noon time of 4th May 1968 to before Sunrise on the next day.

We also need the following information if available for a final confirmation of chart.

(a) Place of Birth and

(b) horoscope of Shashank..attach jhd data file.

© Any other personal info about her like children etc..parents..With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- Nimmi Ragavan


Monday, July 23, 2001 10:47 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope

Dear Shashank,I am tamil, so if you want to send in a scanned attachment of the chart, Iwill try to decipher it for you.Somewhere in the chart there will be either a diagonal slash across asquare, or else a squigle that looks like an 'S' lying down (and alsoreversed). This indicates the ascendant.Rashi means the moon sign and is Cancer, as is shown in your diagram.There will also be some verbiage indicating the month, year and time sincesunrise in ghati/vighathi. And probably the remainder of the major dasa. Itmay also have a navamsa diagram, or else the navamsa may be stated insomething like a little table without lines around it.She was born on the 4th/5th/6th of May 1968.The rasi positions are, according to the chart you have:Sun - AriesMoon - CancerMars - TaurusMercury - TaurusJupiter - LeoVenus - AriesSaturn -PiscesRahu - PiscesKetu - VirgoThe navamsa positions are:Sun - LibraMoon - Unknown, depends on timeMars - AquariusMerc - Capricorn or Aquarius, depending on date and timeJupiter - AriesVenus - Gemini or Cancer, depending on date and timeSaturn - AquariusRahu - AquariusKetu - LeoRegards,Nimmi Ragavan-<sgupta2269<varahamihira >Monday, July 23, 2001 1:36 AM[Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope>> Dear list members,>> I have an old horoscope of my wife, which was made in Tamil. Since I> do not know Tamil, I got it translated into something more meaningful> to me. I am giving the details in this message. I will appreciate> if somebody could fill out the missing blanks, and construct a chart> that is easy to comprehend. The translation I have is not> authentic. There might be some errors. But I am giving what I> have. I will appreciate any help.>> Also, please note that before this horoscope surfaced, none of the> birth details were known.>> Year: Keelakam> Month: Chaitra> 22> Day of week: Saturday> Nakshatra: Puspyami (??)> Rashi: Katak (???)>> In south indian style the horoscope is as follows:>> _________> | Sa | Su | Ma | |> | | | | |> | Ra | Ve | Me | |> |________> | | | | |> | | | | Mo |> | | | | |> |________> | | | | |> | | | | Ju |> | | | | |> |________> | | | | |> | | | | Ke |> | | | | |> _________>>>> That's all I have. Any help in constructing the whole horoscope> based on it will be greatly appreciated.>> Thanks> Shashank>>> OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database>>>

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Dear Sanjay,


Thanks for that, yes I missed it completely.


I have received the file from Shashank, but as it is a 3.5 MB jpg file am having some problems actually viewing it. As I received it only today (broken email for 3 days) I will continue to try some other softwares.









Sanjay Rath


Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:41 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope


Om Gurave Namah----Dear Nimmi & Shashank,

Based on the information chart provided, we know that the date will be around 4/5/6 May 1968. There is some infor that you have missed Nimmi. Look at the following:


1. On the basis of Date given as 22, it is the Krishna Paksha Saptami. This can be between 12 Noon of 4th May 1968 to 11 AM of 5th May 1968. This is a vital information.

2. The days here are Saturday (4th May 1968) and Sunday (5th May 1968). The day is given as Saturday and this is yet another vital information. Thus the birth is narrowed down from Noon time of 4th May 1968 to before Sunrise on the next day.

We also need the following information if available for a final confirmation of chart.

(a) Place of Birth and

(b) horoscope of Shashank..attach jhd data file.

© Any other personal info about her like children etc..parents..With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- Nimmi Ragavan


Monday, July 23, 2001 10:47 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope

Dear Shashank,I am tamil, so if you want to send in a scanned attachment of the chart, Iwill try to decipher it for you.Somewhere in the chart there will be either a diagonal slash across asquare, or else a squigle that looks like an 'S' lying down (and alsoreversed). This indicates the ascendant.Rashi means the moon sign and is Cancer, as is shown in your diagram.There will also be some verbiage indicating the month, year and time sincesunrise in ghati/vighathi. And probably the remainder of the major dasa. Itmay also have a navamsa diagram, or else the navamsa may be stated insomething like a little table without lines around it.She was born on the 4th/5th/6th of May 1968.The rasi positions are, according to the chart you have:Sun - AriesMoon - CancerMars - TaurusMercury - TaurusJupiter - LeoVenus - AriesSaturn -PiscesRahu - PiscesKetu - VirgoThe navamsa positions are:Sun - LibraMoon - Unknown, depends on timeMars - AquariusMerc - Capricorn or Aquarius, depending on date and timeJupiter - AriesVenus - Gemini or Cancer, depending on date and timeSaturn - AquariusRahu - AquariusKetu - LeoRegards,Nimmi Ragavan-<sgupta2269<varahamihira >Monday, July 23, 2001 1:36 AM[Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope>> Dear list members,>> I have an old horoscope of my wife, which was made in Tamil. Since I> do not know Tamil, I got it translated into something more meaningful> to me. I am giving the details in this message. I will appreciate> if somebody could fill out the missing blanks, and construct a chart> that is easy to comprehend. The translation I have is not> authentic. There might be some errors. But I am giving what I> have. I will appreciate any help.>> Also, please note that before this horoscope surfaced, none of the> birth details were known.>> Year: Keelakam> Month: Chaitra> 22> Day of week: Saturday> Nakshatra: Puspyami (??)> Rashi: Katak (???)>> In south indian style the horoscope is as follows:>> _________> | Sa | Su | Ma | |> | | | | |> | Ra | Ve | Me | |> |________> | | | | |> | | | | Mo |> | | | | |> |________> | | | | |> | | | | Ju |> | | | | |> |________> | | | | |> | | | | Ke |> | | | | |> _________>>>> That's all I have. Any help in constructing the whole horoscope> based on it will be greatly appreciated.>> Thanks> Shashank>>> OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database>>>

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Dear Nimmi,


Please open the file using Microsoft Imaging.





varahamihira, " Nimmi Ragavan " <106350.3660@c...> wrote:

> Dear Sanjay,


> Thanks for that, yes I missed it completely.


> I have received the file from Shashank, but as it is a 3.5 MB jpg

file am having some problems actually viewing it. As I received it

only today (broken email for 3 days) I will continue to try some

other softwares.


> Regards,


> Nimmi



> -

> Sanjay Rath

> varahamihira

> Wednesday, July 25, 2001 1:41 PM

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope



> Om Gurave Namah

> ----

> Dear Nimmi & Shashank,

> Based on the information chart provided, we know that the date

will be around 4/5/6 May 1968. There is some infor that you have

missed Nimmi. Look at the following:


> 1. On the basis of Date given as 22, it is the Krishna Paksha

Saptami. This can be between 12 Noon of 4th May 1968 to 11 AM of 5th

May 1968. This is a vital information.

> 2. The days here are Saturday (4th May 1968) and Sunday (5th

May 1968). The day is given as Saturday and this is yet another vital

information. Thus the birth is narrowed down from Noon time of 4th

May 1968 to before Sunrise on the next day.

> We also need the following information if available for a final

confirmation of chart.

> (a) Place of Birth and

> (b) horoscope of Shashank..attach jhd data file.

> © Any other personal info about her like children etc..parents..

> With Best Wishes,

> Sanjay Rath



> -

> Nimmi Ragavan

> varahamihira

> Monday, July 23, 2001 10:47 AM

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope



> Dear Shashank,


> I am tamil, so if you want to send in a scanned attachment of the

chart, I

> will try to decipher it for you.


> Somewhere in the chart there will be either a diagonal slash

across a

> square, or else a squigle that looks like an 'S' lying down (and


> reversed). This indicates the ascendant.


> Rashi means the moon sign and is Cancer, as is shown in your



> There will also be some verbiage indicating the month, year and

time since

> sunrise in ghati/vighathi. And probably the remainder of the

major dasa. It

> may also have a navamsa diagram, or else the navamsa may be

stated in

> something like a little table without lines around it.


> She was born on the 4th/5th/6th of May 1968.


> The rasi positions are, according to the chart you have:


> Sun - Aries

> Moon - Cancer

> Mars - Taurus

> Mercury - Taurus

> Jupiter - Leo

> Venus - Aries

> Saturn -Pisces

> Rahu - Pisces

> Ketu - Virgo



> The navamsa positions are:


> Sun - Libra

> Moon - Unknown, depends on time

> Mars - Aquarius

> Merc - Capricorn or Aquarius, depending on date and time

> Jupiter - Aries

> Venus - Gemini or Cancer, depending on date and time

> Saturn - Aquarius

> Rahu - Aquarius

> Ketu - Leo


> Regards,


> Nimmi Ragavan




> -

> <sgupta2269>

> <varahamihira>

> Monday, July 23, 2001 1:36 AM

> [Hare Rama Krishna] Old horoscope



> >

> > Dear list members,

> >

> > I have an old horoscope of my wife, which was made in Tamil.

Since I

> > do not know Tamil, I got it translated into something more


> > to me. I am giving the details in this message. I will


> > if somebody could fill out the missing blanks, and construct a


> > that is easy to comprehend. The translation I have is not

> > authentic. There might be some errors. But I am giving what I

> > have. I will appreciate any help.

> >

> > Also, please note that before this horoscope surfaced, none of


> > birth details were known.

> >

> > Year: Keelakam

> > Month: Chaitra

> > 22

> > Day of week: Saturday

> > Nakshatra: Puspyami (??)

> > Rashi: Katak (???)

> >

> > In south indian style the horoscope is as follows:

> >

> > _________

> > | Sa | Su | Ma | |

> > | | | | |

> > | Ra | Ve | Me | |

> > |________

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | Mo |

> > | | | | |

> > |________

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | Ju |

> > | | | | |

> > |________

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | Ke |

> > | | | | |

> > _________

> >

> >

> >

> > That's all I have. Any help in constructing the whole horoscope

> > based on it will be greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Shashank

> >

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Files: varahamihira

> > varahamihira/database

> >

> >

> >

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