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Om Gurave Namah



Dear Frank,


such Dasa=


, the Bhava Bala or strength of signs is reckoned from the second

source of=


strength onwards. That is, Jupiter, Mercury and Lord of Sign

aspecting/ Co=


njoining add strength to the sign and so on. The first strength of

the sign=


i.e. the position of the Atmakaraka is to be ignored.


With Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath




Frank in Austin=3D20

varahamihira =3D20

Sunday, July 22, 2001 10:52 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Narayan Dasa and Sources of strength




When evaluating rasis to determine which rasi is stronger to begin

a Dasa=


calculation the following rules are used.

(See numbers 1 -6 below)

After reading Upadesa Sutra Chapter II Quarter III, 2.3.5 on

Sources of S=


trength, I need clarification.

The general rule is to evaluate the 1st Rasi and the 7th from it.

The on=


e with the larger number of Graha's is the stronger.

YET, Mararishi Jamini suggests the first source of strength is

the pres=


ence of the Atmakaraka.

Hence if in evaluating the 1st and 7th from it, the 1st has 2 or 3



s and the 7th has the Atmakaraka, then the 7th should

be the stronger...accoring to 2.3.5 to 2.3.13

Can one of the Guru's review this and add insight to this.








Rules for determining the initiation of Dasas ( for Narayan Dasa


[ note this is laid out in this manner below because I have been

writing =


down the rules in a WORD document to send out to the group, with

Sanjay's =


permission and final approval when competed]


=3DFC In Narayana dasa, as well as many other Phalita dasas

[1], the =


rength of the 1st and 7th house from it, are considered for the

initiation =


of dasas. The rules for these strengths are as follows:



1. If one of the above houses has a larger number of planets, then

he is=




2. If both houses have an equal number of planets, or if

neither h=


as any planets,=3D20=3D20=3D20=3D20

then the stronger one, is the one, which is occupied or



ted by more out of:


(a.) Jupiter, (b.) Mercury and (c.) its lord


=3DFC Note that if one of the signs/houses being compared is

either =


uarius or Scorpio, who have dual lords, then either lord can be

considered =


in this case.=3D20


3. If both competing signs have an equal number of planets, then

the str=


onger one is the one occupied by an exalted planet. Similarly, if

one is o=


ccupied by a debilitated planet, then the other is stronger.=3D20=3D20



4. Signs are stronger in order according to the following

sequence: =3D





5. A sign whose lord is in a sign of different oddity[2], is

stronger t=


han a sign whose lord is in a sign with the same oddity. For

example, an o=


dd sign whose lord is in an even sign, is stronger than an even sign

whose =


lord is in an even sign.=3D20=3D20



6. A sign whose lord is more advanced in longitude from the

beginning of=


its sign is stronger. Rahu and Ketu's advancement should be measured

from =


the end of sign not the beginning[3].











[1] See Crux of Vedic Astrology Timing of Events, by Sanjay Rath -



er 1


[2] Note in this case we are talking about odd or even footed

signs whic=


h are the following: Ar,Ta,Ge,Li,Sc,Ag are odd-footed signs , the



signs Cn,Le, Vi,Cp,Aq,Pi are even footed.


[3] Example: Rahu 29=3DB0 Cancer would be evaluated as 30=3DB0 -


B0 or =3D

1=3DB0 in Longitude




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