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Dear Visti & Frank,


Also: Sat Siri Kindly note the contents of this letter:


The drishti or sight is based on the 'desires' of the conscious mind.

This =


is the basis of Graha drishti. Sometimes the aspect of Saturn or

another ev=


il planet can cause Paapa Drishti and for this we have various

remedial mea=


sures for removing the evils. This can also indicate the anger of

someone o=


r a silent hate like Mars or Saturn respectively. Desire is seen from



drishti. As explained in a recent lesson, the seventh house is the

seat of=


the desires of the heart. That is why all the planets have an aspect

on th=


e seventh house i.e. they have conscious desires in the mind that

they wish=


to achieve. Ketu being the Moksha Karaka does not have a head and

hence, c=


annot see. In other words, Ketu does not have Graha Drishti or cannot

have =


desires. Unless Ketu has this peculiar ability of NO-GRAHA DRISHTI,

how can=


it qualify as the Moksha Karaka? Unless the desires are fully

removed, the=


re can be no Moksha. That is why all the eight planets from Sun to

Rahu hav=


e drishti and hence also qualify as the Chara Karaka. Ketu who does

not hav=


e Graha drishti, fails to qualify as a Chara Karaka. We know that the



Karakas represent animate souls in this planet. So, if a soul has

got Moks=


ha, what is it doing out here?? That is also the reson for removing

Ketu fr=


om the list of Chara Karaka.


Now after having determined that the Graha have Drishti on the

seventh hous=


e (except Ketu), we then go on to define special aspects... I have

done thi=


s. In case the class needs this again, I can oblige.


Rasi Drishti is the aspect of the signs. It indicates a permanent



hip or Yoga of planets/signs by " being in these houses/ signs " . This

is sur=


e to happen.=3D20


With Best Regards,

Sanjay Rath



Visti Larsen=3D20

varahamihira =3D20

Saturday, July 21, 2001 5:47 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Rahu and Ketu - Dristi



Dear Frank.

Yes those are the 'dristi's', we seem to have accepted.

Best wishes, Visti.



varahamihira =3D20

Saturday, July 21, 2001 1:58 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Rahu and Ketu - Dristi




this was a previous post... can someone confirm my


below. Please adjust my thinking accordingly.





> I want to confirm and understand the various dristi's of Rahu


> Ketu:

> 1. Rahu -

> a. Graha Dristi on the 5th, 7th 9th therefrom and also on the




> reverse or anti-zodiac...this then equals the 2nd house

> from Rahu.

> b. Rasi Dristi - based upon the ruled for movable, fixed and





> 2. Ketu -

> a. Graha Dristi: since it does not have an upper half, it



> its glare on other houses, hense will give dristi to only

> give dristi to grahas in conjunction ( same house)

> b. Rasi Drisi - based upon the rules for movable, fixed and




> Have I missed anything... is there other combinations I have not

> considered?


> Frank In Austin

> * fschmidt@a...




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