Guest guest Posted July 23, 2001 Report Share Posted July 23, 2001 Om Gurave Namah ---- Dear Sanjay, Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer understanding of = =3D these rules that makes the subject " an art as well as a science " . The situ= =3D ation where " Jupiter is aspecting the nodes " is very different from " Jupite= =3D r conjoining the nodes " . Take a situation where a Purohit of a temple is si= =3D tting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu) for so= =3D me task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work place) = =3D and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes Jupiter = =3D weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally coerced = =3D to help the criminal. Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces) and then= =3D he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his temple (Ketu= =3D in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is simple. He = =3D takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others to prevent= =3D the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to steal the id= =3D ols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken. Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by the Lo= =3D rd of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined Ketu, th= =3D en invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism etc. The = =3D Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the Guru-Sthana. With Best Wishes, Sanjay Rath -=3D20 SanjayPrabhakaran=3D20 varahamihira =3D20 Saturday, July 21, 2001 4:23 AM [Hare Rama Krishna] Guru aspect on Rahu Om Gurave Namah, Dear Gurudeva and members, For evaluating the lordship of Aq and Sc. Guru's rasi aspect or conjunction with the nodes are supposed to make them weaker and hence Saturn or Mars wins and becomes the respective owners of the houes.But in COVA on Page 63 in Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's chart even though Ketu is conjunct Jupiter and Jupiter aspects Rahu, Rahu and Ketu are taken as lords of=3D20 Aq and Sc repectively. Such a consideration is even made in N.T Ramarao's chart in Page 97 of COVA. Have I misunderstood something?. Can you please clear this confusion. Your's Sincerely S.Prabhakaran OM TAT SAT Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 26, 2001 Report Share Posted July 26, 2001 Pranam Sanjay, Zoran, I have a basic quesion. Grahas in a state of Exaltation tend to manifest their significance fully and it manifests the best qualities of the graha. Is my understanding correct ? If it is then In case of exaltation of Ketu, or Rahu it would tend to bring out the goodness of these nodes. Then why would the aspect or conjunction of Guru being the most benefic try to curtail the exaltation of nodes. If Rahu were to become Atmakaraka and exalted then how would the aspect on jupiter affect it ? Would jupiter still try and curtail Rahus exaltation. If that happened then Jupiter is trying to weaken the Atmakaraka which is the guiding force of the chart rather than strengthening it? Is there something wrong with my thought process here.. if so please correct me. On the same token, Rahu and Ketu are malifics so how would jupiters aspects on other malifics in exlation (Mars and Saturn) prevail. Would jupiters exaltation would also curtail Mars and Saturn exaltation? Thanking you for your patience. Your Sisya, Ash varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@h...> wrote: > > Om Gurave Namah > ---- > > Dear Zoran, > > Excellent reply. Then tell me " In which cases will the conjunction of Ketu with the Lagnesh cause mental aberration and in which cases can we say that the Lagnesh has prevailed? " . Take your own case and see the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter carefully and then reply. > > There was another vital point in the example I had stated. Although the conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter, but Jupiter will also not allow the nodes to be exalted. Thus, in Narayana Dasa where Jupiter aspects or conjoins exalted nodes, they cannot get a year in addition for Aquarius or Scorpio dasa as Jupiter shall annul them. This is important in explaining your chart as well. Thus, come what may you will not compromise with some Adharma situations and will, sooner or later, react. > > With Best Wishes, > Sanjay Rath > > > - > ahimsa@p... > varahamihira > Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:57 AM > Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu > > > Dear Sanjay, > > > Dear Sanjay, > > Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer > > understanding of these rules that makes the subject " an art as well as a > > science " . > > The situation where " Jupiter is aspecting the nodes " is very different > > from " Jupiter conjoining the nodes " . Take a situation where a Purohit of a> temple > > is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu) > > for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work > > place)and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes > > Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally > > concernd to help the criminal. > > Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces) > > and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his > > temple > > (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is > > simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others > > to > > prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to > > steal > > the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken. > > Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by > > the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined > > Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism > > etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the > > Guru-Sthana. > > > > With Best Wishes, > > Sanjay Rath > > As you said, the jyotish cannot be the bunch of rules. In my own chart, > Guru > is lord of lagna (dhanu) and is with ketu in 10th in paka lagna. Guru as > natural significator of paka lagna makes dhi shakti protected being in > paka > lagna itself. Doesn't he? > Its yuti with ketu needn't necessarily bring mental abberations in paka > lagna, since I opine that ketu apart from thief is moskha karak graha, > where > dhi shakti is indluenced to the point of applying intelligence in ketu's > realm, such as jyotisha and spiritual fields.This is further confirmed > of > course by ketu placement in karakamsa in pisces with saturn ruling 12th > from > it. However, as the case is, I have seen charts, where lagnesh is placed > with > ketu giving mental abberations. In most cases, the power of Guru*dhi > shakti , > was weakened, or even when the guru was placed with ketu in paka lagna, > it > was severly afflicted, therby failling to protect paka lagna. > Guru and rahu conjunction was inverably found to be bad in most charts. > Best wishes, > Zoran > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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