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[Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

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Namaste Sarajit,


> However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position would

> indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under control. I

> think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.


There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of venus

using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think logically.

It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by

Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall prey to

shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator of

7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the heart), is

naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires will

be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus. Venus rules clothes as well. It may

be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken the

senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence of

saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires

intensified, and too worn out of use.Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would

severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th house

from its sign.

Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.

Best wishes,


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Dear Zoran!

I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please clarify this.


- <ahimsa

<varahamihira >

Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


> Namaste Sarajit,> > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position would> > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under control. I> > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.> > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of venus> using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think logically.> It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by> Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall prey to> shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator of> 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the heart), is> naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires will> be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus.


The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.


I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.


Am I not thinking logically?



>Venus rules clothes as well. It may> be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken the> senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence of> saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires> intensified, and too worn out of use.



>Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would> severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th house> from its sign.> Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.> Best wishes,> Zoran

I agree


> > > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database> > >

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I dont agree on venus in 7th creating strange sexual desires. I know of a chart with venus in the 7th in taurus. No such thing, the person was as normal as can be re sexuality.


Now I know another chart where the sexuality was definitely abnormal: uncontrolled and indiscriminate sexuality, including underage females. Here the rasi positions were:


Aries - Asc, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, Rahu

Gemini - Mars

Cancer - Moon (Aslesha)

Libra - Ketu

Sagittarius - Saturn


These two people were married to each other. The marriage ended in divorce (6th 8th relationship of lagna. But love marriage as moons were in trine, and scorpio had moon in 5th) and ended very badly.


Aries had beautiful curly hair when young (Venus) but lost it in twenties to be quite bald quite young (sun). Career was in the postal service - asc ruler in Gemini aspecting 10th ruler in 9th - and did generally well in career.












Monday, July 23, 2001 3:11 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


Dear Zoran!

I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please clarify this.


- <ahimsa

<varahamihira >

Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


> Namaste Sarajit,> > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position would> > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under control. I> > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.> > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of venus> using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think logically.> It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by> Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall prey to> shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator of> 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the heart), is> naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires will> be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus.


The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.


I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.


Am I not thinking logically?



>Venus rules clothes as well. It may> be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken the> senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence of> saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires> intensified, and too worn out of use.



>Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would> severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th house> from its sign.> Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.> Best wishes,> Zoran

I agree


> > > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database> > >

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Venus in seventh making a person too sexy depends on the sign in which it is






<varahamihira >

Monday, July 23, 2001 2:45 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus



> Namaste Sarajit,


> > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position


> > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under

control. I

> > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.


> There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of


> using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think


> It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by

> Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall

prey to

> shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and

significator of

> 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the

heart), is

> naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires


> be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus. Venus rules clothes as well.

It may

> be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken


> senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence


> saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires

> intensified, and too worn out of use.Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house


> severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th


> from its sign.

> Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.

> Best wishes,

> Zoran




> Archive: varahamihira

> Files: varahamihira

> varahamihira/database




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Dear Sarajit,

The 6th house in Zodiac

is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps

hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very

uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality.

With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might

have a difficult married life.

ZORAN: Planet is weak according to its baal. If debilitated it will

manifest the lower aspects of its karakatwa. Both uchcha and neecha venus

tend to give passion. However the dignity of passion in neecha venus is

low, not absent. Exalted venus gives passionate mind, but not necessarily

low morals and overindulgence, unless afflicted.

I also agree with you that the planet born

in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA

to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in

terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise

strong.ZORAN: Exaltation is the most favourite place of graha.

Venus is exalted in guru sign, and promotes chasity and purity, even though

it is Asura teacher.IT is also a Brahmin by caste. Exaltation means both

quality and strength. For instance, planet may be debilitated but strong

in shadbala. It would strongly manifest all it represents in the chart,

even bad traits of debilitation. Exalted planet is found in deept avasta

which is favourable, while debilitated planet forms bad avasta, somewhere

termed khal, somewhere heen, depending on the classics source. In Satya

Jatakam, combined effects of avastas and shadbala are given. This is very

important in my opinion. Satyacharya mentions that neecha planet equipped

with strength would manifest its bad effects fully. So there are different

sources of strength. To my mind, exaltation, multrikon, own sign, great

friend and friend sign, give both quality and strength. For example, venus

rules senses, enjoyment, purity, refinement, artistic taste, spouse etc..

When exalted, these karakatwas will abund in quality. It doesn't mean that

enjoyment would be low, vulgur and immoral (unless it is afflicted). On

the contrary, when venus is neecha or in enemical signs, these karakatwas

would be low in quality. In case shadbal is strong, these karakatwas would

manifest more. Do note that Parashara mentions that for a good longevity

it is not sufficient to have 8th lord placed in 8th house, but it has to

be strong in shadbala to manifest its house placement and give good longevity.

Besides, that exaltation is a quality matter we can see from most classical

texts, where exaltation navamsa has highly being praised, even when graha

is debilitated in rashi chart. If we treat exaltation as a mere strength,

then exalted planets in navamsa chart would intensify bad effects in case

of natural papas for example. Instead, most classics state that exalted

grahas in navamsa chart prove to be good, notwithstanding their possible

debilitation in rashi chart. There has been little mention on shadbala

and other strenghts on this list.. Hopefully we would discuss this more

in near future..

Best wishes,


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Dear Zoran!


I would like Gurudeva and other Jyotisha to comment on this.


Best Regards






Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:21 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Dear Sarajit, The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life. ZORAN: Planet is weak according to its baal. If debilitated it will manifest the lower aspects of its karakatwa. Both uchcha and neecha venus tend to give passion. However the dignity of passion in neecha venus is low, not absent. Exalted venus gives passionate mind, but not necessarily low morals and overindulgence, unless afflicted. I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.ZORAN: Exaltation is the most favourite place of graha. Venus is exalted in guru sign, and promotes chasity and purity, even though it is Asura teacher.IT is also a Brahmin by caste. Exaltation means both quality and strength. For instance, planet may be debilitated but strong in shadbala. It would strongly manifest all it represents in the chart, even bad traits of debilitation. Exalted planet is found in deept avasta which is favourable, while debilitated planet forms bad avasta, somewhere termed khal, somewhere heen, depending on the classics source. In Satya Jatakam, combined effects of avastas and shadbala are given. This is very important in my opinion. Satyacharya mentions that neecha planet equipped with strength would manifest its bad effects fully. So there are different sources of strength. To my mind, exaltation, multrikon, own sign, great friend and friend sign, give both quality and strength. For example, venus rules senses, enjoyment, purity, refinement, artistic taste, spouse etc.. When exalted, these karakatwas will abund in quality. It doesn't mean that enjoyment would be low, vulgur and immoral (unless it is afflicted). On the contrary, when venus is neecha or in enemical signs, these karakatwas would be low in quality. In case shadbal is strong, these karakatwas would manifest more. Do note that Parashara mentions that for a good longevity it is not sufficient to have 8th lord placed in 8th house, but it has to be strong in shadbala to manifest its house placement and give good longevity. Besides, that exaltation is a quality matter we can see from most classical texts, where exaltation navamsa has highly being praised, even when graha is debilitated in rashi chart. If we treat exaltation as a mere strength, then exalted planets in navamsa chart would intensify bad effects in case of natural papas for example. Instead, most classics state that exalted grahas in navamsa chart prove to be good, notwithstanding their possible debilitation in rashi chart. There has been little mention on shadbala and other strenghts on this list.. Hopefully we would discuss this more in near future.. Best wishes, ZoranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Just a comment on Neecha Venus. It can coexist with extreme self indulgence and also a strong artistic perfectionism due to the placement in Virgo. I know of one quite well known commercial photographer, voted one of the top 10 in the world (5th I think!) who fits in here very well. Virgo brings in the technical element as well, and he was a master photographic deception. But a favourite thing was also to photograph gay transvestites in Paris. There was a strong interest in this culture, with its self indulgent style, though he himself was not gay.









Tuesday, July 24, 2001 8:51 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Dear Sarajit, The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life. ZORAN: Planet is weak according to its baal. If debilitated it will manifest the lower aspects of its karakatwa. Both uchcha and neecha venus tend to give passion. However the dignity of passion in neecha venus is low, not absent. Exalted venus gives passionate mind, but not necessarily low morals and overindulgence, unless afflicted. I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.ZORAN: Exaltation is the most favourite place of graha. Venus is exalted in guru sign, and promotes chasity and purity, even though it is Asura teacher.IT is also a Brahmin by caste. Exaltation means both quality and strength. For instance, planet may be debilitated but strong in shadbala. It would strongly manifest all it represents in the chart, even bad traits of debilitation. Exalted planet is found in deept avasta which is favourable, while debilitated planet forms bad avasta, somewhere termed khal, somewhere heen, depending on the classics source. In Satya Jatakam, combined effects of avastas and shadbala are given. This is very important in my opinion. Satyacharya mentions that neecha planet equipped with strength would manifest its bad effects fully. So there are different sources of strength. To my mind, exaltation, multrikon, own sign, great friend and friend sign, give both quality and strength. For example, venus rules senses, enjoyment, purity, refinement, artistic taste, spouse etc.. When exalted, these karakatwas will abund in quality. It doesn't mean that enjoyment would be low, vulgur and immoral (unless it is afflicted). On the contrary, when venus is neecha or in enemical signs, these karakatwas would be low in quality. In case shadbal is strong, these karakatwas would manifest more. Do note that Parashara mentions that for a good longevity it is not sufficient to have 8th lord placed in 8th house, but it has to be strong in shadbala to manifest its house placement and give good longevity. Besides, that exaltation is a quality matter we can see from most classical texts, where exaltation navamsa has highly being praised, even when graha is debilitated in rashi chart. If we treat exaltation as a mere strength, then exalted planets in navamsa chart would intensify bad effects in case of natural papas for example. Instead, most classics state that exalted grahas in navamsa chart prove to be good, notwithstanding their possible debilitation in rashi chart. There has been little mention on shadbala and other strenghts on this list.. Hopefully we would discuss this more in near future.. Best wishes, ZoranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Dear Gary,

Venus in 7th makes person too passionate. Whether this passion would come out in

the form of

loose morals or otherwise, depends on the other factors. However, Venus

indicates desires,

while 7th house rules desires, so we have double influence..

Sign placement would determine venus degnity and functional nature for certain

lagna. If

venus is in higher dignity, the desires would be " dignified " but not absent..

Best wishes,


Crystal Expectations wrote:


> Venus in seventh making a person too sexy depends on the sign in which it is

> located...


> Gary

> -

> <ahimsa

> <varahamihira >

> Monday, July 23, 2001 2:45 AM

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


> > Namaste Sarajit,

> >

> > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position

> would

> > > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under

> control. I

> > > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.

> >

> > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of

> venus

> > using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think

> logically.

> > It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by

> > Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall

> prey to

> > shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and

> significator of

> > 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the

> heart), is

> > naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires

> will

> > be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus. Venus rules clothes as well.

> It may

> > be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken

> the

> > senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence

> of

> > saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires

> > intensified, and too worn out of use.Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house

> would

> > severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th

> house

> > from its sign.

> > Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.

> > Best wishes,

> > Zoran

> >

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Files: varahamihira

> > varahamihira/database

> >

> >

> >

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I have a neecha venus in Ascendant. Any comments?




Delhi, India

3.10 AM


Nimmi Ragavan [106350.3660]Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:08 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Just a comment on Neecha Venus. It can coexist with extreme self indulgence and also a strong artistic perfectionism due to the placement in Virgo. I know of one quite well known commercial photographer, voted one of the top 10 in the world (5th I think!) who fits in here very well. Virgo brings in the technical element as well, and he was a master photographic deception. But a favourite thing was also to photograph gay transvestites in Paris. There was a strong interest in this culture, with its self indulgent style, though he himself was not gay.









Tuesday, July 24, 2001 8:51 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Dear Sarajit, The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life. ZORAN: Planet is weak according to its baal. If debilitated it will manifest the lower aspects of its karakatwa. Both uchcha and neecha venus tend to give passion. However the dignity of passion in neecha venus is low, not absent. Exalted venus gives passionate mind, but not necessarily low morals and overindulgence, unless afflicted. I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.ZORAN: Exaltation is the most favourite place of graha. Venus is exalted in guru sign, and promotes chasity and purity, even though it is Asura teacher.IT is also a Brahmin by caste. Exaltation means both quality and strength. For instance, planet may be debilitated but strong in shadbala. It would strongly manifest all it represents in the chart, even bad traits of debilitation. Exalted planet is found in deept avasta which is favourable, while debilitated planet forms bad avasta, somewhere termed khal, somewhere heen, depending on the classics source. In Satya Jatakam, combined effects of avastas and shadbala are given. This is very important in my opinion. Satyacharya mentions that neecha planet equipped with strength would manifest its bad effects fully. So there are different sources of strength. To my mind, exaltation, multrikon, own sign, great friend and friend sign, give both quality and strength. For example, venus rules senses, enjoyment, purity, refinement, artistic taste, spouse etc.. When exalted, these karakatwas will abund in quality. It doesn't mean that enjoyment would be low, vulgur and immoral (unless it is afflicted). On the contrary, when venus is neecha or in enemical signs, these karakatwas would be low in quality. In case shadbal is strong, these karakatwas would manifest more. Do note that Parashara mentions that for a good longevity it is not sufficient to have 8th lord placed in 8th house, but it has to be strong in shadbala to manifest its house placement and give good longevity. Besides, that exaltation is a quality matter we can see from most classical texts, where exaltation navamsa has highly being praised, even when graha is debilitated in rashi chart. If we treat exaltation as a mere strength, then exalted planets in navamsa chart would intensify bad effects in case of natural papas for example. Instead, most classics state that exalted grahas in navamsa chart prove to be good, notwithstanding their possible debilitation in rashi chart. There has been little mention on shadbala and other strenghts on this list.. Hopefully we would discuss this more in near future.. Best wishes, ZoranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Om Gurave Namah----


Dear Sarajit

When Venus becomes Marana Karaka and also the Lord of Lagna, then it shall protect the native from many death like situations just like the Mritunjaya Mantra ruled by it. The native shall have many very impossible experiences and then will also come out strong. Such a native shall have great faith in Shiva. How can exalted Lagna Lord be bad? Lagna Lord is never bad..

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath







Monday, July 23, 2001 7:41 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


Dear Zoran!

I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please clarify this.


- <ahimsa

<varahamihira >

Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


> Namaste Sarajit,> > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position would> > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under control. I> > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.> > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of venus> using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think logically.> It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by> Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall prey to> shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator of> 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the heart), is> naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires will> be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus.


The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.


I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.


Am I not thinking logically?



>Venus rules clothes as well. It may> be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken the> senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence of> saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires> intensified, and too worn out of use.



>Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would> severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th house> from its sign.> Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.> Best wishes,> Zoran

I agree


> > > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database> > >

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This native born on 8-Aug-1968 at 8:00 PM, Delhi has Venus in seventh house.

Still I could not see any of these traits in him. So, I do not agree with



~ Drifter





Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:45:47 +0200


Namaste Sarajit,


> However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position


> indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under

control. I

> think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.


There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of


using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think


It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by

Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall prey


shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator


7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the heart),


naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires


be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus. Venus rules clothes as well. It


be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken


senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence of

saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires

intensified, and too worn out of use.Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house


severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th


from its sign.

Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.

Best wishes,






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Dear Sanjay and Other List members,


How about for a Leo ascendent, SUN positioned in sixth house, with Ketu and

Saturn ans aspected by debilated Mars situated in 12th house. What do you

infer from this combination. Is it a good position for sun.


~ Drifter



" Sanjay Rath " <srath


<varahamihira >

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:24:14 +0530



Om Gurave Namah



Dear Sarajit

When Venus becomes Marana Karaka and also the Lord of Lagna, then it shall

protect the native from many death like situations just like the Mritunjaya

Mantra ruled by it. The native shall have many very impossible experiences

and then will also come out strong. Such a native shall have great faith in

Shiva. How can exalted Lagna Lord be bad? Lagna Lord is never bad..


With Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath






Monday, July 23, 2001 7:41 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus



Dear Zoran!

I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please

clarify this.




<varahamihira >

Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus



> Namaste Sarajit,


> > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position


> > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under

control. I

> > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.


> There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence

of venus

> using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think


> It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled


> Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall

prey to

> shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and

significator of

> 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the

heart), is

> naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of

desires will

> be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus.


The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We

also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in

the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication

that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets

destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.


I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to

shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However,

my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified

desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.


Am I not thinking logically?



>Venus rules clothes as well. It may

> be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may

weaken the

> senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and

influence of

> saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make


> intensified, and too worn out of use.



>Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would

> severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in

8th house

> from its sign.

> Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual


> Best wishes,

> Zoran


I agree





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> Files: varahamihira

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Dear Visti,

When I said strange sexual desire, first of all I meant oversexuality,

desires for plurality of partners,..I didn't mean some wierdness like perversions

etc.. Venus alone in 7th house is enough to make person oversexy. My friend

is Libra lagna with venus and jupiter in 7th house. He keeps thinking about

sex, even though he is very cultured, educated and full of positive venerian

influence. Retrograde venus is another story, and being strong and full

of desire, it would do anything to achive her desire. I have seen many

charts of people with venus in 7th and most of them were too sexy, and

liberal, chosing partners by sexual attraction, rather than mental compatibility.

Most of them were adaltorous if married. Weird sexual desires are another

matter. Let me tell you something. In many villages in the former Yugoslavia,

where there are few inhabitants living in the small and cultury allianated

villages, the first sexual intercourse is often with an animal, such as

a sheep or she goat. It is utterly uncivilized, but it is the case. Do

they all have Rx or afflicted venus? I don't think so.. So there are specific

patterns described in jyotisha texts, that would show that. Later on of

course, when they meet the women, the sexual relations turn normal..

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen wrote:


Namaste.Venus should be retrogade

or afflicted to promote strange sexual desires. The best example I have

of this is Adolph Hitlers chart.. His 7th house has been commented again

and again. Best wishes, Visti.






Monday, July 23, 2001 10:20


Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Hi, I

dont agree on venus in 7th creating strange sexual desires. I know of a

chart with venus in the 7th in taurus. No such thing, the person was as

normal as can be re sexuality. Now

I know another chart where the sexuality was definitely abnormal: uncontrolled

and indiscriminate sexuality, including underage females. Here the rasi

positions were: Aries -

Asc, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, RahuGemini - MarsCancer - Moon (Aslesha)Libra

- KetuSagittarius - Saturn These

two people were married to each other. The marriage ended in divorce (6th

8th relationship of lagna. But love marriage as moons were in trine, and

scorpio had moon in 5th) and ended very badly. Aries

had beautiful curly hair when young (Venus) but lost it in twenties to

be quite bald quite young (sun). Career was in the postal service - asc

ruler in Gemini aspecting 10th ruler in 9th - and did generally well in

career. Regards,






Monday, July 23, 2001 3:11 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Dear Zoran!I don't have disagreement with you

most of the things, however, please clarify this. ----- Original

Message -----<ahimsaTo:

<varahamihira >Sent:

Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PMRe: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus > Namaste



> > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position


> > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under

control. I

> > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.


> There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence

of venus

> using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think


> It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is

ruled by

> Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti

fall prey to

> shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator


> 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the

heart), is

> naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of

desires will

> be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus. The

6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also

know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the

6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication

that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also

gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.

I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th

tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to

overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms

of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.

Am I not thinking logically? >Venus

rules clothes as well. It may

> be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may

weaken the

> senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence


> saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make


> intensified, and too worn out of use. >Venus in taurus or dhanu

in 6th house would

> severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed

in 8th house

> from its sign.

> Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites.

> Best wishes,

> ZoranI agree >



> Archive: varahamihira

> Files: varahamihira

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Dear Gary,


> For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus you

> have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about

> relationships and passion all the time.

> ZORAN: Why would Jupiter increase it? I may agree with this, but would

> like to hear your resons. Guru Deva of the chart, to increase sexual

> energy in 7th by its mere placement? Lagna lord in 7th needn't

> necesserely bring too passionate character. I may counteract that

> argument with charts having the same. So the key point is venus and of

> course some other factors. One sole factor cannot determine the

> destiny of the chart. Do also note that Parashara states that Venus in

> 7th gives passionate character.

> I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She met the

> man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought of

> having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her chart. I

> know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have never

> fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are

> Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity

> among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my experience

> been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are just

> as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe more

> so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex

> experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars

> affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu

> mahadasa, etc.


I didn't say that infidelity comes with mere placement of venus in 7th

house. It just arises desires of the heart. Refer to the latest lesson.

Furthermore, sexual energy is strong and overpassionate character may be

seen, or seen not depending on the other factors. However, it exists.

With some other factors it will be triggered very easily. Your argument

about Malavya yoga is also shaky. I have also seen charts of people

having venus in own/exalted signs, with broken marriages, too flirty, or

adalturous.My point was that venus gives strong passion when placed in

7th house. With such tendency, some other afflictions would easily make

a person adaltorous. With some other positive factors, this may remain

in the mental domain..

Best wishes,


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For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus you have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about relationships and passion all the time.


I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She met the man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought of having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her chart. I know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have never fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my experience been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are just as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe more so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu mahadasa, etc.


All the best,


Gary Gomes





Friday, July 27, 2001 12:45 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Dear Visti, When I said strange sexual desire, first of all I meant oversexuality, desires for plurality of partners,..I didn't mean some wierdness like perversions etc.. Venus alone in 7th house is enough to make person oversexy. My friend is Libra lagna with venus and jupiter in 7th house. He keeps thinking about sex, even though he is very cultured, educated and full of positive venerian influence. Retrograde venus is another story, and being strong and full of desire, it would do anything to achive her desire. I have seen many charts of people with venus in 7th and most of them were too sexy, and liberal, chosing partners by sexual attraction, rather than mental compatibility. Most of them were adaltorous if married. Weird sexual desires are another matter. Let me tell you something. In many villages in the former Yugoslavia, where there are few inhabitants living in the small and cultury allianated villages, the first sexual intercourse is often with an animal, such as a sheep or she goat. It is utterly uncivilized, but it is the case. Do they all have Rx or afflicted venus? I don't think so.. So there are specific patterns described in jyotisha texts, that would show that. Later on of course, when they meet the women, the sexual relations turn normal.. Best wishes, Zoran Visti Larsen wrote:

Namaste.Venus should be retrogade or afflicted to promote strange sexual desires. The best example I have of this is Adolph Hitlers chart.. His 7th house has been commented again and again. Best wishes, Visti.


Nimmi Ragavan


Monday, July 23, 2001 10:20 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus Hi, I dont agree on venus in 7th creating strange sexual desires. I know of a chart with venus in the 7th in taurus. No such thing, the person was as normal as can be re sexuality. Now I know another chart where the sexuality was definitely abnormal: uncontrolled and indiscriminate sexuality, including underage females. Here the rasi positions were: Aries - Asc, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, RahuGemini - MarsCancer - Moon (Aslesha)Libra - KetuSagittarius - Saturn These two people were married to each other. The marriage ended in divorce (6th 8th relationship of lagna. But love marriage as moons were in trine, and scorpio had moon in 5th) and ended very badly. Aries had beautiful curly hair when young (Venus) but lost it in twenties to be quite bald quite young (sun). Career was in the postal service - asc ruler in Gemini aspecting 10th ruler in 9th - and did generally well in career. Regards, Nimmi




Monday, July 23, 2001 3:11 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus Dear Zoran!I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please clarify this. -<ahimsa<varahamihira >Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PMRe: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus > Namaste Sarajit, > > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position would > > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under control. I > > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th. > > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of venus > using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think logically. > It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by > Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall prey to > shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator of > 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the heart), is > naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires will > be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus. The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life. I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong. Am I not thinking logically? >Venus rules clothes as well. It may > be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken the > senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence of > saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires > intensified, and too worn out of use. >Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would > severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th house > from its sign. > Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites. > Best wishes, > ZoranI agree > > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > >

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Dear Gary and Zoran!


I agree with Zoran that, an individual can be oversexed with the

placement of Venus in the 7th, however, whether the tendencies would

menifest outside or he would put control on it would depend on many

other factors. Don't ignore the house lordship of Venus in such cases

and also the dispositor of Venus. These factors would modulate the

intesity of the indication of 7th placement of Venus. Moreover strong

Jupiter's or Ketu's aspect would always put limit to the intesity of

passion whereas Mars's aspect would intensify it. Also look the 2nd

house from the Navamsa, where Mars's and Venus's aspect or placement

might bring havoc in this regard. The weightage of all the factors

should be taken before giving any judgement. This is reminded to me

by Gurudev Pt. Sanjay's mail on Venus in 6th. I said, When Venus is

placed in the 6th and exalted then only the Venus's passion will be

well marked as 6th is the natural debilitation sign of Venus,

however, I forgot to mark here that, Venus will be the Lagna lord

himself and hence Guard the native from many things and the person

will be a devotee of Shiva who rules Mrityunjaya Mantra.


I know that these things are not new to you. Discussing indications

in isolation of a practical chart can only clarify the concepts

theoretically whereas their practical application of the same

principles would require a lot of Tapasya and GuruKripa.


with humble regards



varahamihira, ahimsa@p... wrote:

> Dear Gary,


> > For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus


> > have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about

> > relationships and passion all the time.

> > ZORAN: Why would Jupiter increase it? I may agree with this, but


> > like to hear your resons. Guru Deva of the chart, to increase


> > energy in 7th by its mere placement? Lagna lord in 7th needn't

> > necesserely bring too passionate character. I may counteract that

> > argument with charts having the same. So the key point is venus

and of

> > course some other factors. One sole factor cannot determine the

> > destiny of the chart. Do also note that Parashara states that

Venus in

> > 7th gives passionate character.

> > I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She

met the

> > man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought


> > having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her

chart. I

> > know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have


> > fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are

> > Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity

> > among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my


> > been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are


> > as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe


> > so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex

> > experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars

> > affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu

> > mahadasa, etc.


> I didn't say that infidelity comes with mere placement of venus in


> house. It just arises desires of the heart. Refer to the latest


> Furthermore, sexual energy is strong and overpassionate character

may be

> seen, or seen not depending on the other factors. However, it


> With some other factors it will be triggered very easily. Your


> about Malavya yoga is also shaky. I have also seen charts of people

> having venus in own/exalted signs, with broken marriages, too

flirty, or

> adalturous.My point was that venus gives strong passion when placed


> 7th house. With such tendency, some other afflictions would easily


> a person adaltorous. With some other positive factors, this may


> in the mental domain..

> Best wishes,

> Zoran

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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Gary,

Please check the navamsa for a firm view on this. The Lady with Jupiter in debility has the same in the fifth house and seventh Lord in the fifth gives a strong love for spouse.. so, the question of infielity would become weak. As such the Lagna is Virgo the sign of debility of Venus and the sign of the PURE VIRGIN.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- Crystal Expectations


Saturday, July 28, 2001 8:25 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus




For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus you have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about relationships and passion all the time.


I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She met the man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought of having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her chart. I know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have never fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my experience been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are just as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe more so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu mahadasa, etc.


All the best,


Gary Gomes





Friday, July 27, 2001 12:45 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Dear Visti, When I said strange sexual desire, first of all I meant oversexuality, desires for plurality of partners,..I didn't mean some wierdness like perversions etc.. Venus alone in 7th house is enough to make person oversexy. My friend is Libra lagna with venus and jupiter in 7th house. He keeps thinking about sex, even though he is very cultured, educated and full of positive venerian influence. Retrograde venus is another story, and being strong and full of desire, it would do anything to achive her desire. I have seen many charts of people with venus in 7th and most of them were too sexy, and liberal, chosing partners by sexual attraction, rather than mental compatibility. Most of them were adaltorous if married. Weird sexual desires are another matter. Let me tell you something. In many villages in the former Yugoslavia, where there are few inhabitants living in the small and cultury allianated villages, the first sexual intercourse is often with an animal, such as a sheep or she goat. It is utterly uncivilized, but it is the case. Do they all have Rx or afflicted venus? I don't think so.. So there are specific patterns described in jyotisha texts, that would show that. Later on of course, when they meet the women, the sexual relations turn normal.. Best wishes, Zoran Visti Larsen wrote:

Namaste.Venus should be retrogade or afflicted to promote strange sexual desires. The best example I have of this is Adolph Hitlers chart.. His 7th house has been commented again and again. Best wishes, Visti.


Nimmi Ragavan


Monday, July 23, 2001 10:20 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus Hi, I dont agree on venus in 7th creating strange sexual desires. I know of a chart with venus in the 7th in taurus. No such thing, the person was as normal as can be re sexuality. Now I know another chart where the sexuality was definitely abnormal: uncontrolled and indiscriminate sexuality, including underage females. Here the rasi positions were: Aries - Asc, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun, RahuGemini - MarsCancer - Moon (Aslesha)Libra - KetuSagittarius - Saturn These two people were married to each other. The marriage ended in divorce (6th 8th relationship of lagna. But love marriage as moons were in trine, and scorpio had moon in 5th) and ended very badly. Aries had beautiful curly hair when young (Venus) but lost it in twenties to be quite bald quite young (sun). Career was in the postal service - asc ruler in Gemini aspecting 10th ruler in 9th - and did generally well in career. Regards, Nimmi




Monday, July 23, 2001 3:11 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus Dear Zoran!I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please clarify this. -<ahimsa<varahamihira >Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PMRe: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus > Namaste Sarajit, > > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position would > > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under control. I > > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th. > > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence of venus > using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think logically. > It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled by > Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall prey to > shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and significator of > 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the heart), is > naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of desires will > be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus. The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life. I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong. Am I not thinking logically? >Venus rules clothes as well. It may > be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may weaken the > senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and influence of > saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make desires > intensified, and too worn out of use. >Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would > severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in 8th house > from its sign. > Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual appetites. > Best wishes, > ZoranI agree > > > OM TAT SAT > Archive: varahamihira > Files: varahamihira > varahamihira/database > > >

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Dear Gary,


> Zoran,


> I wasn't an argument about exalted Venus; just an observation. I just think

> you are assigning too much weight to the karatkawas of the planet and not

> enough to other influences. I too know folks who have exalted Venus (and

> strong Moon and Jupiter) who have had many affairs, but never

> simultaneously.



I am not arguing either. Whille I do assign too much weight to the basic

karakatwas of graha, there is a strong reason for doing so. There are many

beginners on the lists, and they often do not tacke the basis well, and jump to

dristis, amshas and other subtle methods.I am just trying to point out the

natural order of chart judgement. As far as the isolated factors are concerned,

you are right, but this was mere for illustration. I never look any grahas in

isolation, but within the structure of the chart.



> With all due respect to the lesson, I have had a major disagreement with

> Vedic perceptions of Venus, as taught on this list and in other sources, for

> quite awhile, mainly because from my experience, they do not work, or they

> don't work in isolation. The chart environment and the potential for

> adultery show up in Bill Clinton's case, but look at how weak and

> non-angular his Venus is!



I have not idea of what Venus percepetions you are talking. How does it differ

from standard perception of Venus. Do kindly explain..


> And as for guessing what a person thinks--well, I 'm an astrologer, not a

> mind reader.


This is highly disputable either..but needn't go into furthur argumentation on

this matter...

Best wishes,


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I wasn't an argument about exalted Venus; just an observation. I just think

you are assigning too much weight to the karatkawas of the planet and not

enough to other influences. I too know folks who have exalted Venus (and

strong Moon and Jupiter) who have had many affairs, but never



With all due respect to the lesson, I have had a major disagreement with

Vedic perceptions of Venus, as taught on this list and in other sources, for

quite awhile, mainly because from my experience, they do not work, or they

don't work in isolation. The chart environment and the potential for

adultery show up in Bill Clinton's case, but look at how weak and

non-angular his Venus is!


And as for guessing what a person thinks--well, I 'm an astrologer, not a

mind reader.

Best wishes,

Gary Gomes








<varahamihira >

Friday, July 27, 2001 7:20 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus



> Dear Gary,


> > For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus you

> > have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about

> > relationships and passion all the time.

> > ZORAN: Why would Jupiter increase it? I may agree with this, but would

> > like to hear your resons. Guru Deva of the chart, to increase sexual

> > energy in 7th by its mere placement? Lagna lord in 7th needn't

> > necesserely bring too passionate character. I may counteract that

> > argument with charts having the same. So the key point is venus and of

> > course some other factors. One sole factor cannot determine the

> > destiny of the chart. Do also note that Parashara states that Venus in

> > 7th gives passionate character.

> > I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She met the

> > man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought of

> > having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her chart. I

> > know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have never

> > fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are

> > Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity

> > among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my experience

> > been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are just

> > as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe more

> > so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex

> > experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars

> > affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu

> > mahadasa, etc.


> I didn't say that infidelity comes with mere placement of venus in 7th

> house. It just arises desires of the heart. Refer to the latest lesson.

> Furthermore, sexual energy is strong and overpassionate character may be

> seen, or seen not depending on the other factors. However, it exists.

> With some other factors it will be triggered very easily. Your argument

> about Malavya yoga is also shaky. I have also seen charts of people

> having venus in own/exalted signs, with broken marriages, too flirty, or

> adalturous.My point was that venus gives strong passion when placed in

> 7th house. With such tendency, some other afflictions would easily make

> a person adaltorous. With some other positive factors, this may remain

> in the mental domain..

> Best wishes,

> Zoran





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namaste Gary,

What are your views on Sukra?


Crystal Expectations [crystalx] Saturday, July 28, 2001 12:31 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] VenusZoran,I wasn't an argument about exalted Venus; just an observation. I just thinkyou are assigning too much weight to the karatkawas of the planet and notenough to other influences. I too know folks who have exalted Venus (andstrong Moon and Jupiter) who have had many affairs, but neversimultaneously.With all due respect to the lesson, I have had a major disagreement withVedic perceptions of Venus, as taught on this list and in other sources, forquite awhile, mainly because from my experience, they do not work, or theydon't work in isolation. The chart environment and the potential foradultery show up in Bill Clinton's case, but look at how weak andnon-angular his Venus is!And as for guessing what a person thinks--well, I 'm an astrologer, not amind reader.Best wishes,Gary Gomes-<ahimsa<varahamihira >Friday, July 27, 2001 7:20 PMRe: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus> Dear Gary,>> > For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus you> > have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about> > relationships and passion all the time.> > ZORAN: Why would Jupiter increase it? I may agree with this, but would> > like to hear your resons. Guru Deva of the chart, to increase sexual> > energy in 7th by its mere placement? Lagna lord in 7th needn't> > necesserely bring too passionate character. I may counteract that> > argument with charts having the same. So the key point is venus and of> > course some other factors. One sole factor cannot determine the> > destiny of the chart. Do also note that Parashara states that Venus in> > 7th gives passionate character.> > I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She met the> > man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought of> > having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her chart. I> > know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have never> > fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are> > Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity> > among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my experience> > been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are just> > as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe more> > so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex> > experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars> > affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu> > mahadasa, etc.>> I didn't say that infidelity comes with mere placement of venus in 7th> house. It just arises desires of the heart. Refer to the latest lesson.> Furthermore, sexual energy is strong and overpassionate character may be> seen, or seen not depending on the other factors. However, it exists.> With some other factors it will be triggered very easily. Your argument> about Malavya yoga is also shaky. I have also seen charts of people> having venus in own/exalted signs, with broken marriages, too flirty, or> adalturous.My point was that venus gives strong passion when placed in> 7th house. With such tendency, some other afflictions would easily make> a person adaltorous. With some other positive factors, this may remain> in the mental domain..> Best wishes,> Zoran>>>> OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database>>>

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I will artfully dodge the implications of your very last statement, which I

might erroneously take as an insult or a compliment, since I am not sure

what was meant by it! :)


So, let us lighten this a bit...


The major problem that I have is usually that Sukra seems to be perceived as

capable of doing no good, of having no spiritual nature, of solely being

connected with sex and passion, etc. So when sins are assessed, Sukra is

blamed, regardless of other factors in the chart.


It is viewed as a benefic planet in the Vedas, the possessor of high

spiritual knowledge, and as a guru planet (although a Guru planet for the

" other side " ).


Although I concur that it is connected with passion, passion has many forms

and is not just sexual in nature. It has rulership over music, art, the " 64

arts " etc. and is a child of sage Bhrigu and is the planet of priests. It

seems to receive little or no respect on the list, in my humble opinion.


Personally, I have seen many people engage in very spiritual practices

during Venus bhuktis and mahadasas. It is not soley a sensual planet.


And Zoran, one of the reasons that the lord of the first in the seventh is

important for obsessing (or thinking) about sex is that the 1st house rules

the person's perspectives--if the first lord is in the seventh, the person

always puts his head in relationships! It is a very simple, basic



Thanks for listening,



Gary Gomes



<varahamihira >

Saturday, July 28, 2001 11:27 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus



> Dear Gary,


> > Zoran,

> >

> > I wasn't an argument about exalted Venus; just an observation. I just


> > you are assigning too much weight to the karatkawas of the planet and


> > enough to other influences. I too know folks who have exalted Venus (and

> > strong Moon and Jupiter) who have had many affairs, but never

> > simultaneously.

> >


> I am not arguing either. Whille I do assign too much weight to the basic

> karakatwas of graha, there is a strong reason for doing so. There are many

> beginners on the lists, and they often do not tacke the basis well, and

jump to

> dristis, amshas and other subtle methods.I am just trying to point out the

> natural order of chart judgement. As far as the isolated factors are


> you are right, but this was mere for illustration. I never look any grahas


> isolation, but within the structure of the chart.


> >

> > With all due respect to the lesson, I have had a major disagreement with

> > Vedic perceptions of Venus, as taught on this list and in other sources,


> > quite awhile, mainly because from my experience, they do not work, or


> > don't work in isolation. The chart environment and the potential for

> > adultery show up in Bill Clinton's case, but look at how weak and

> > non-angular his Venus is!

> >


> I have not idea of what Venus percepetions you are talking. How does it


> from standard perception of Venus. Do kindly explain..


> > And as for guessing what a person thinks--well, I 'm an astrologer, not


> > mind reader.


> This is highly disputable either..but needn't go into furthur

argumentation on

> this matter...

> Best wishes,

> Zoran





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Virgo ascendants are very critical and analytical. I would think that you would try to analyse your relationships to extremes, as venus aspects the 7th and is also karaka for relationships. You may be good looking but not think so. Curly hair but dissatisfactory to you. On the whole, a debilitated venus gives a sense of dissatisfaction, and also a kind of criticalness that can be hard on the social life.


I have another neecha venus for a capricorn ascendant. The neecha shows up in the work environment as he absolutely hopeless in trying to persuade his customers. He tries to tell them that he is right and they are all wrong and they should do things his way. His partner fortunately has an exalted venus and has an absolute great time with his customers. Both are capricorn ascendants!


In your case, venus as 9th ruler may have given you a good but critical father. As 2nd ruler, you may be very critical in your speech style, but without meaning anything malicious.









Shashank Gupta


Wednesday, July 25, 2001 7:36 AM

RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


I have a neecha venus in Ascendant. Any comments?




Delhi, India

3.10 AM


Nimmi Ragavan [106350.3660]Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:08 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Just a comment on Neecha Venus. It can coexist with extreme self indulgence and also a strong artistic perfectionism due to the placement in Virgo. I know of one quite well known commercial photographer, voted one of the top 10 in the world (5th I think!) who fits in here very well. Virgo brings in the technical element as well, and he was a master photographic deception. But a favourite thing was also to photograph gay transvestites in Paris. There was a strong interest in this culture, with its self indulgent style, though he himself was not gay.









Tuesday, July 24, 2001 8:51 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

Dear Sarajit, The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life. ZORAN: Planet is weak according to its baal. If debilitated it will manifest the lower aspects of its karakatwa. Both uchcha and neecha venus tend to give passion. However the dignity of passion in neecha venus is low, not absent. Exalted venus gives passionate mind, but not necessarily low morals and overindulgence, unless afflicted. I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However, my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.ZORAN: Exaltation is the most favourite place of graha. Venus is exalted in guru sign, and promotes chasity and purity, even though it is Asura teacher.IT is also a Brahmin by caste. Exaltation means both quality and strength. For instance, planet may be debilitated but strong in shadbala. It would strongly manifest all it represents in the chart, even bad traits of debilitation. Exalted planet is found in deept avasta which is favourable, while debilitated planet forms bad avasta, somewhere termed khal, somewhere heen, depending on the classics source. In Satya Jatakam, combined effects of avastas and shadbala are given. This is very important in my opinion. Satyacharya mentions that neecha planet equipped with strength would manifest its bad effects fully. So there are different sources of strength. To my mind, exaltation, multrikon, own sign, great friend and friend sign, give both quality and strength. For example, venus rules senses, enjoyment, purity, refinement, artistic taste, spouse etc.. When exalted, these karakatwas will abund in quality. It doesn't mean that enjoyment would be low, vulgur and immoral (unless it is afflicted). On the contrary, when venus is neecha or in enemical signs, these karakatwas would be low in quality. In case shadbal is strong, these karakatwas would manifest more. Do note that Parashara mentions that for a good longevity it is not sufficient to have 8th lord placed in 8th house, but it has to be strong in shadbala to manifest its house placement and give good longevity. Besides, that exaltation is a quality matter we can see from most classical texts, where exaltation navamsa has highly being praised, even when graha is debilitated in rashi chart. If we treat exaltation as a mere strength, then exalted planets in navamsa chart would intensify bad effects in case of natural papas for example. Instead, most classics state that exalted grahas in navamsa chart prove to be good, notwithstanding their possible debilitation in rashi chart. There has been little mention on shadbala and other strenghts on this list.. Hopefully we would discuss this more in near future.. Best wishes, ZoranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Dear Gary,


> Zoran,


> I will artfully dodge the implications of your very last statement, which I

> might erroneously take as an insult or a compliment, since I am not sure

> what was meant by it! :)



It wasn't certainly an insult, Gary,



> The major problem that I have is usually that Sukra seems to be perceived as

> capable of doing no good, of having no spiritual nature, of solely being

> connected with sex and passion, etc. So when sins are assessed, Sukra is

> blamed, regardless of other factors in the chart.

> It is viewed as a benefic planet in the Vedas, the possessor of high

> spiritual knowledge, and as a guru planet (although a Guru planet for the

> " other side " ).

> Although I concur that it is connected with passion, passion has many forms

> and is not just sexual in nature. It has rulership over music, art, the " 64

> arts " etc. and is a child of sage Bhrigu and is the planet of priests. It

> seems to receive little or no respect on the list, in my humble opinion.

> Personally, I have seen many people engage in very spiritual practices

> during Venus bhuktis and mahadasas. It is not soley a sensual planet.



I never thought of venus being malefic. Neither did I notice this in Sanjay's


Actually Parashara says that Venus is the most benefic. Venus rules pleasures

and happiness, and if afflicted, life pleasure is gone. In the highest form, it

rules ananda, or bliss, recognized in Sat Chit Ananda Transcendental awareness.

I somewhere read that the root word of Shukra, comes from Suchi which means

light and purity, correct? Venus is also exalted in Guru's sign, pisces, the

sign of sages. Venus rules senses, and when dignified, senses are highly

cultered. Venus rules sukha, and happiness, so it is of the utmost importance.

Venus is a Brahmin by caste, so it rules scriptural knowledge. However one

cannot say that it gives the same tipe of vibrations as Guru. Venus is till

Asura teacher, It will imbibe the senses, and make person lost in artistic

impression. It enjoyes in sensual impressions like music, arts, while Guru

enjoys in meditation. It will pass through all sensual impressions, experience

them and ultimately seek Devine, while Guru will seek Devine through prayer and

meditation. Venus is the perfect Tapaswi when influenced by Saturn. So in no way

do we lessen the Venus role in the chart. However, it is not Graha of Primary

Spiritual knowledge. Surya, Guru and ketu tend to give Shiva Yoga, while

Chandra, Shukra and Rahu tend to give Laksmi Yoga. So Venus differs from guru.

However, one cannot say that Venus will not give Spiritual knowlege in the

chart. In my own chart, venus is exalted in kendra in involved in Tapaswi Yoga.

In Sanjay's chart, venus is in Swamsa, involved in Tapaswi Yoga. So there is no

question of Venus being incapable of giving spiritual knowledge. However, venus

alone, even in exaltation will not give spiritual knowldge, if now influenced by

saturn preferebly, or other factors.



> And Zoran, one of the reasons that the lord of the first in the seventh is

> important for obsessing (or thinking) about sex is that the 1st house rules

> the person's perspectives--if the first lord is in the seventh, the person

> always puts his head in relationships! It is a very simple, basic

> interpretation...



That is correct, but it still needn't give too much sexual enjoyments alone..



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This discussion is getting abit out of hand.

Venus in the 7th will make a person oversexed, but frivolous attitude to marriage/relationships is seen in the Navamsa.


Jupiter is necessary to look at.


The 2nd from Navamsa Lagna shows our desires. Venus involved with it gives high potency, and Mars + Jupiter add to these desires. Ketu removes them.


The trines to Navamsa lagna shows our intent, and Merc+Moon in trines or aspect/joining Nav Lagna gives frivolous attitude towards relationships.


Saturn & Ketu in trines or joining/aspecting Nav Lagna, can create an adulterer, depending on Jupiter.


These added to the analysis should give the propper depictions of the person.


Best wishes, Visti.



Drifter - Drifter


Sunday, July 29, 2001 12:42 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


Dear List Members,


I have some concerns about the VENUS and JUPITER placed on 7th House. I am attaching a chart of native having JUPITER and VENUS on 7th house. This native is not at all indulged in any sort of over-sexual or pervert activity.


As many of the learned members have noticed this behavior with combination, does this means that there are some other combinations in this chart that over rule this nature of over-indulgence in sex.


~ Drifter


Date of Birth: August 8, 1968Time of Birth: 8:00:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 77 E 12Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36Lunar month (maasa): Sravana Lunar day (tithi): Krishna PratipatTithi balance: 0.8646Nakshatra balance: 0.9281Sun-Moon Yoga: SoubhagyaSun-Moon Karana: BalavaVara (weekday): Thursday

Sunrise = 5:46 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 23-25-3Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 11 Aq 09 Satabhisham 2 - Sun 22 Cn 40 Aasresha 2 BKMoon 24 Cp 17 Dhanishtha 1 AKMars 8 Cn 26 Pushyami 2 PKMercury 23 Cn 53 Aasresha 3 AmKJupiter 16 Le 15 Poo.Pha. 1 MKVenus 6 Le 12 Makha 2 GKSaturn ® 2 Ar 08 Aswini 1 DKRahu 18 Pi 53 Revathi 1 PiKKetu 18 Vi 53 Hastha 3 - BhavaLg 25 Aq 28 Poo.Bhaa. 2 - HoraLg 28 Vi 50 Chitra 2 - GhatiLg 8 Cn 58 Pushyami 2 - Dhooma 6 Sg 00 Moola 2 - Vyati 23 Cn 59 Aasresha 3 - Pari 23 Cp 59 Dhanishtha 1 - I.Chapa 6 Ge 00 Mrigasira 4 - Upaketu 22 Ge 40 Punarvasu 1 - Kaala 5 Cn 07 Pushyami 1 - Mrityu 20 Aq 01 Poo.Bhaa. 1 - ArthaPr 18 Pi 32 Revathi 1 - YamaGha 15 Ar 35 Bharani 1 - Mandi 8 Ge 48 Aardra 1 - Gulika 29 Ta 28 Mrigasira 2 -

+----------------------+| | | | || | | | || Rah | SatR | Glk | Mnd || | | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Asc | | Mar GL || | | || BL | | Sun Mer || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | Ven || Moo | | || | | Jup || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | Ket || | | | || | | | HL || | | | |+----------------------+

+----------------------+| | | | || | | Ven | || | SatR | | Ket || | | BL | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || Mer | | || | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || Sun | | Jup || | | || Asc | | Moo || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || Mnd | | | Glk Mar || | | | || Rah | | | GL HL || | | | |+----------------------+

Vimsottari Dasa:

Mars 1968-08-08 Jupi 1969-07-22 Satu 1970-06-28 Merc 1971-08-07 Ketu 1972-08-03 Venu 1972-12-30 Sun 1974-03-01 Moon 1974-07-07Rahu 1975-02-05 Jupi 1977-10-19 Satu 1980-03-13 Merc 1983-01-18 Ketu 1985-08-06 Venu 1986-08-25 Sun 1989-08-25 Moon 1990-07-19 Mars 1992-01-18Jupi 1993-02-05 Satu 1995-03-26 Merc 1997-10-06 Ketu 2000-01-12 Venu 2000-12-18 Sun 2003-08-19 Moon 2004-06-06 Mars 2005-10-06 Rahu 2006-09-12Satu 2009-02-05 Merc 2012-02-08 Ketu 2014-10-18 Venu 2015-11-27 Sun 2019-01-27 Moon 2020-01-09 Mars 2021-08-09 Rahu 2022-09-18 Jupi 2025-07-25Merc 2028-02-05 Ketu 2030-07-04 Venu 2031-07-01 Sun 2034-05-01 Moon 2035-03-07 Mars 2036-08-06 Rahu 2037-08-03 Jupi 2040-02-20 Satu 2042-05-28Ketu 2045-02-04 Venu 2045-07-03 Sun 2046-09-03 Moon 2047-01-08 Mars 2047-08-09 Rahu 2048-01-06 Jupi 2049-01-23 Satu 2049-12-30 Merc 2051-02-08Venu 2052-02-05 Sun 2055-06-07 Moon 2056-06-06 Mars 2058-02-04 Rahu 2059-04-07 Jupi 2062-04-06 Satu 2064-12-05 Merc 2068-02-05 Ketu 2070-12-06Sun 2072-02-05 Moon 2072-05-24 Mars 2072-11-23 Rahu 2073-03-31 Jupi 2074-02-23 Satu 2074-12-12 Merc 2075-11-24 Ketu 2076-09-29 Venu 2077-02-04Moon 2078-02-04 Mars 2078-12-06 Rahu 2079-07-07 Jupi 2081-01-05 Satu 2082-05-07 Merc 2083-12-06 Ketu 2085-05-06 Venu 2085-12-05 Sun 2087-08-06




Sarajit Poddar

July 28, 2001 1:25 AM


Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

HARE RAMA KRISHNADear Gary and Zoran!I agree with Zoran that, an individual can be oversexed with the placement of Venus in the 7th, however, whether the tendencies would menifest outside or he would put control on it would depend on many other factors. Don't ignore the house lordship of Venus in such cases and also the dispositor of Venus. These factors would modulate the intesity of the indication of 7th placement of Venus. Moreover strong Jupiter's or Ketu's aspect would always put limit to the intesity of passion whereas Mars's aspect would intensify it. Also look the 2nd house from the Navamsa, where Mars's and Venus's aspect or placement might bring havoc in this regard. The weightage of all the factors should be taken before giving any judgement. This is reminded to me by Gurudev Pt. Sanjay's mail on Venus in 6th. I said, When Venus is placed in the 6th and exalted then only the Venus's passion will be well marked as 6th is the natural debilitation sign of Venus, however, I forgot to mark here that, Venus will be the Lagna lord himself and hence Guard the native from many things and the person will be a devotee of Shiva who rules Mrityunjaya Mantra.I know that these things are not new to you. Discussing indications in isolation of a practical chart can only clarify the concepts theoretically whereas their practical application of the same principles would require a lot of Tapasya and GuruKripa.with humble regardsSarajitvarahamihira, ahimsa@p... wrote:> Dear Gary,> > > For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus you> > have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about> > relationships and passion all the time.> > ZORAN: Why would Jupiter increase it? I may agree with this, but would> > like to hear your resons. Guru Deva of the chart, to increase sexual> > energy in 7th by its mere placement? Lagna lord in 7th needn't> > necesserely bring too passionate character. I may counteract that> > argument with charts having the same. So the key point is venus and of> > course some other factors. One sole factor cannot determine the> > destiny of the chart. Do also note that Parashara states that Venus in> > 7th gives passionate character.> > I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She met the> > man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought of> > having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her chart. I> > know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have never> > fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are> > Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity> > among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my experience> > been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are just> > as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe more> > so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex> > experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars> > affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu> > mahadasa, etc.> > I didn't say that infidelity comes with mere placement of venus in 7th> house. It just arises desires of the heart. Refer to the latest lesson.> Furthermore, sexual energy is strong and overpassionate character may be> seen, or seen not depending on the other factors. However, it exists.> With some other factors it will be triggered very easily. Your argument> about Malavya yoga is also shaky. I have also seen charts of people> having venus in own/exalted signs, with broken marriages, too flirty, or> adalturous.My point was that venus gives strong passion when placed in> 7th house. With such tendency, some other afflictions would easily make> a person adaltorous. With some other positive factors, this may remain> in the mental domain..> Best wishes,> ZoranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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I really don't think it is getting out of hand; I just think that we are moving a little bit out of dogma and absolute statements.


In my humble opinion, we really have to be careful in analyzing charts so we don't set up a situation in which students make absolute statements about charts which oversimplify and give incomplete guidance to students.




Gary Gomes



Visti Larsen


Sunday, July 29, 2001 12:32 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus



This discussion is getting abit out of hand.

Venus in the 7th will make a person oversexed, but frivolous attitude to marriage/relationships is seen in the Navamsa.


Jupiter is necessary to look at.


The 2nd from Navamsa Lagna shows our desires. Venus involved with it gives high potency, and Mars + Jupiter add to these desires. Ketu removes them.


The trines to Navamsa lagna shows our intent, and Merc+Moon in trines or aspect/joining Nav Lagna gives frivolous attitude towards relationships.


Saturn & Ketu in trines or joining/aspecting Nav Lagna, can create an adulterer, depending on Jupiter.


These added to the analysis should give the propper depictions of the person.


Best wishes, Visti.



Drifter - Drifter


Sunday, July 29, 2001 12:42 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


Dear List Members,


I have some concerns about the VENUS and JUPITER placed on 7th House. I am attaching a chart of native having JUPITER and VENUS on 7th house. This native is not at all indulged in any sort of over-sexual or pervert activity.


As many of the learned members have noticed this behavior with combination, does this means that there are some other combinations in this chart that over rule this nature of over-indulgence in sex.


~ Drifter


Date of Birth: August 8, 1968Time of Birth: 8:00:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 77 E 12Latitude of Birth: 28 N 36Lunar month (maasa): Sravana Lunar day (tithi): Krishna PratipatTithi balance: 0.8646Nakshatra balance: 0.9281Sun-Moon Yoga: SoubhagyaSun-Moon Karana: BalavaVara (weekday): Thursday

Sunrise = 5:46 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 23-25-3Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days

Planet Position Pada CharaK

Ascdt 11 Aq 09 Satabhisham 2 - Sun 22 Cn 40 Aasresha 2 BKMoon 24 Cp 17 Dhanishtha 1 AKMars 8 Cn 26 Pushyami 2 PKMercury 23 Cn 53 Aasresha 3 AmKJupiter 16 Le 15 Poo.Pha. 1 MKVenus 6 Le 12 Makha 2 GKSaturn ® 2 Ar 08 Aswini 1 DKRahu 18 Pi 53 Revathi 1 PiKKetu 18 Vi 53 Hastha 3 - BhavaLg 25 Aq 28 Poo.Bhaa. 2 - HoraLg 28 Vi 50 Chitra 2 - GhatiLg 8 Cn 58 Pushyami 2 - Dhooma 6 Sg 00 Moola 2 - Vyati 23 Cn 59 Aasresha 3 - Pari 23 Cp 59 Dhanishtha 1 - I.Chapa 6 Ge 00 Mrigasira 4 - Upaketu 22 Ge 40 Punarvasu 1 - Kaala 5 Cn 07 Pushyami 1 - Mrityu 20 Aq 01 Poo.Bhaa. 1 - ArthaPr 18 Pi 32 Revathi 1 - YamaGha 15 Ar 35 Bharani 1 - Mandi 8 Ge 48 Aardra 1 - Gulika 29 Ta 28 Mrigasira 2 -

+----------------------+| | | | || | | | || Rah | SatR | Glk | Mnd || | | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || Asc | | Mar GL || | | || BL | | Sun Mer || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | Ven || Moo | | || | | Jup || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | Ket || | | | || | | | HL || | | | |+----------------------+

+----------------------+| | | | || | | Ven | || | SatR | | Ket || | | BL | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || Mer | | || | | || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || Sun | | Jup || | | || Asc | | Moo || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || Mnd | | | Glk Mar || | | | || Rah | | | GL HL || | | | |+----------------------+

Vimsottari Dasa:

Mars 1968-08-08 Jupi 1969-07-22 Satu 1970-06-28 Merc 1971-08-07 Ketu 1972-08-03 Venu 1972-12-30 Sun 1974-03-01 Moon 1974-07-07Rahu 1975-02-05 Jupi 1977-10-19 Satu 1980-03-13 Merc 1983-01-18 Ketu 1985-08-06 Venu 1986-08-25 Sun 1989-08-25 Moon 1990-07-19 Mars 1992-01-18Jupi 1993-02-05 Satu 1995-03-26 Merc 1997-10-06 Ketu 2000-01-12 Venu 2000-12-18 Sun 2003-08-19 Moon 2004-06-06 Mars 2005-10-06 Rahu 2006-09-12Satu 2009-02-05 Merc 2012-02-08 Ketu 2014-10-18 Venu 2015-11-27 Sun 2019-01-27 Moon 2020-01-09 Mars 2021-08-09 Rahu 2022-09-18 Jupi 2025-07-25Merc 2028-02-05 Ketu 2030-07-04 Venu 2031-07-01 Sun 2034-05-01 Moon 2035-03-07 Mars 2036-08-06 Rahu 2037-08-03 Jupi 2040-02-20 Satu 2042-05-28Ketu 2045-02-04 Venu 2045-07-03 Sun 2046-09-03 Moon 2047-01-08 Mars 2047-08-09 Rahu 2048-01-06 Jupi 2049-01-23 Satu 2049-12-30 Merc 2051-02-08Venu 2052-02-05 Sun 2055-06-07 Moon 2056-06-06 Mars 2058-02-04 Rahu 2059-04-07 Jupi 2062-04-06 Satu 2064-12-05 Merc 2068-02-05 Ketu 2070-12-06Sun 2072-02-05 Moon 2072-05-24 Mars 2072-11-23 Rahu 2073-03-31 Jupi 2074-02-23 Satu 2074-12-12 Merc 2075-11-24 Ketu 2076-09-29 Venu 2077-02-04Moon 2078-02-04 Mars 2078-12-06 Rahu 2079-07-07 Jupi 2081-01-05 Satu 2082-05-07 Merc 2083-12-06 Ketu 2085-05-06 Venu 2085-12-05 Sun 2087-08-06




Sarajit Poddar

July 28, 2001 1:25 AM


Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

HARE RAMA KRISHNADear Gary and Zoran!I agree with Zoran that, an individual can be oversexed with the placement of Venus in the 7th, however, whether the tendencies would menifest outside or he would put control on it would depend on many other factors. Don't ignore the house lordship of Venus in such cases and also the dispositor of Venus. These factors would modulate the intesity of the indication of 7th placement of Venus. Moreover strong Jupiter's or Ketu's aspect would always put limit to the intesity of passion whereas Mars's aspect would intensify it. Also look the 2nd house from the Navamsa, where Mars's and Venus's aspect or placement might bring havoc in this regard. The weightage of all the factors should be taken before giving any judgement. This is reminded to me by Gurudev Pt. Sanjay's mail on Venus in 6th. I said, When Venus is placed in the 6th and exalted then only the Venus's passion will be well marked as 6th is the natural debilitation sign of Venus, however, I forgot to mark here that, Venus will be the Lagna lord himself and hence Guard the native from many things and the person will be a devotee of Shiva who rules Mrityunjaya Mantra.I know that these things are not new to you. Discussing indications in isolation of a practical chart can only clarify the concepts theoretically whereas their practical application of the same principles would require a lot of Tapasya and GuruKripa.with humble regardsSarajitvarahamihira, ahimsa@p... wrote:> Dear Gary,> > > For that Lagna, Jupiter in the seventh would increase this, plus you> > have the lagna lord in the seventh. Of course he will think about> > relationships and passion all the time.> > ZORAN: Why would Jupiter increase it? I may agree with this, but would> > like to hear your resons. Guru Deva of the chart, to increase sexual> > energy in 7th by its mere placement? Lagna lord in 7th needn't> > necesserely bring too passionate character. I may counteract that> > argument with charts having the same. So the key point is venus and of> > course some other factors. One sole factor cannot determine the> > destiny of the chart. Do also note that Parashara states that Venus in> > 7th gives passionate character.> > I also know a woman who has exalted Venus in the seventh. She met the> > man she was going to marry when she was 16 and never even thought of> > having an affair (Jupiter, by the way, is debilitated in her chart. I> > know several other folks who have Venus in the seventh who have never> > fooled around (who knows if they have thought about it?). Some are> > Malavya yogas who are very talented and graceful--but, infidelity> > among most people who have Venus in the seventh, has, in my experience> > been somewhat rare. I am not saying it never happens, but you are just> > as likely to see infidelity with Jupiter or the Moon there--maybe more> > so. I would also rather look at the twelfth house for rampant sex> > experimentation--I bet these people also had conditions like Mars> > affliction, afflicted twelfth houses or Moons or were in a Rahu> > mahadasa, etc.> > I didn't say that infidelity comes with mere placement of venus in 7th> house. It just arises desires of the heart. Refer to the latest lesson.> Furthermore, sexual energy is strong and overpassionate character may be> seen, or seen not depending on the other factors. However, it exists.> With some other factors it will be triggered very easily. Your argument> about Malavya yoga is also shaky. I have also seen charts of people> having venus in own/exalted signs, with broken marriages, too flirty, or> adalturous.My point was that venus gives strong passion when placed in> 7th house. With such tendency, some other afflictions would easily make> a person adaltorous. With some other positive factors, this may remain> in the mental domain..> Best wishes,> ZoranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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