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[Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu

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Dear Sanjay,


> Dear Sanjay,

> Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer

> understanding of these rules that makes the subject " an art as well as a

> science " .

> The situation where " Jupiter is aspecting the nodes " is very different

> from " Jupiter conjoining the nodes " . Take a situation where a Purohit of a>


> is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu)

> for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work

> place)and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes

> Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally

> concernd to help the criminal.

> Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces)

> and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his

> temple

> (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is

> simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others

> to

> prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to

> steal

> the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.

> Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by

> the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined

> Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism

> etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the

> Guru-Sthana.


> With Best Wishes,

> Sanjay Rath


As you said, the jyotish cannot be the bunch of rules. In my own chart,


is lord of lagna (dhanu) and is with ketu in 10th in paka lagna. Guru as

natural significator of paka lagna makes dhi shakti protected being in


lagna itself. Doesn't he?

Its yuti with ketu needn't necessarily bring mental abberations in paka

lagna, since I opine that ketu apart from thief is moskha karak graha,


dhi shakti is indluenced to the point of applying intelligence in ketu's

realm, such as jyotisha and spiritual fields.This is further confirmed


course by ketu placement in karakamsa in pisces with saturn ruling 12th


it. However, as the case is, I have seen charts, where lagnesh is placed


ketu giving mental abberations. In most cases, the power of Guru*dhi

shakti ,

was weakened, or even when the guru was placed with ketu in paka lagna,


was severly afflicted, therby failling to protect paka lagna.

Guru and rahu conjunction was inverably found to be bad in most charts.

Best wishes,


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Om Gurave Namah----


Dear Zoran,


Excellent reply. Then tell me "In which cases will the conjunction of Ketu with the Lagnesh cause mental aberration and in which cases can we say that the Lagnesh has prevailed?". Take your own case and see the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter carefully and then reply.


There was another vital point in the example I had stated. Although the conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter, but Jupiter will also not allow the nodes to be exalted. Thus, in Narayana Dasa where Jupiter aspects or conjoins exalted nodes, they cannot get a year in addition for Aquarius or Scorpio dasa as Jupiter shall annul them. This is important in explaining your chart as well. Thus, come what may you will not compromise with some Adharma situations and will, sooner or later, react.

With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath







Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:57 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu

Dear Sanjay,> Dear Sanjay,> Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer> understanding of these rules that makes the subject "an art as well as a> science".> The situation where "Jupiter is aspecting the nodes" is very different> from "Jupiter conjoining the nodes". Take a situation where a Purohit of a> temple> is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu)> for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work> place)and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes> Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally> concernd to help the criminal.> Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces)> and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his> temple> (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is> simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others> to> prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to> steal> the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.> Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by> the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined> Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism> etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the> Guru-Sthana.>> With Best Wishes,> Sanjay RathAs you said, the jyotish cannot be the bunch of rules. In my own chart,Guruis lord of lagna (dhanu) and is with ketu in 10th in paka lagna. Guru asnatural significator of paka lagna makes dhi shakti protected being inpakalagna itself. Doesn't he?Its yuti with ketu needn't necessarily bring mental abberations in pakalagna, since I opine that ketu apart from thief is moskha karak graha,wheredhi shakti is indluenced to the point of applying intelligence in ketu'srealm, such as jyotisha and spiritual fields.This is further confirmedofcourse by ketu placement in karakamsa in pisces with saturn ruling 12thfromit. However, as the case is, I have seen charts, where lagnesh is placedwithketu giving mental abberations. In most cases, the power of Guru*dhishakti ,was weakened, or even when the guru was placed with ketu in paka lagna,itwas severly afflicted, therby failling to protect paka lagna.Guru and rahu conjunction was inverably found to be bad in most charts.Best wishes,ZoranOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Om Gurave Namah,


Dear Gurudeva,

I have a similar combination of Lagnesh Sun conjunct

Ketu in the 12th house. Sun is 2Cn21 and Ketu in 21Cn56

Jupiter is in 3Sc10. Sun is vargottama and Guru is exalted

in Navamsha. Is the Sun strong enough to win from Ketu?.

This conjunction is also in 2nd from AL with Mercury in it.

Mercury is debilitated in Navamsha.

I do have problem of mental disturbances and Irregular sleep

problem(being in 12th house).

But I thought them to because of Saturns Conjunction and

Mars aspect on Moon.

Is there any remedy to this Lagnesh conjunction with Ketu?.

Please give me your directions,

Your Shishya,







varahamihira, " Sanjay Rath " <srath@h...> wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah

> ----


> Dear Zoran,


> Excellent reply. Then tell me " In which cases will the conjunction

of Ketu with the Lagnesh cause mental aberration and in which cases

can we say that the Lagnesh has prevailed? " . Take your own case and

see the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter carefully and then reply.


> There was another vital point in the example I had stated. Although

the conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter, but Jupiter will also not

allow the nodes to be exalted. Thus, in Narayana Dasa where Jupiter

aspects or conjoins exalted nodes, they cannot get a year in addition

for Aquarius or Scorpio dasa as Jupiter shall annul them. This is

important in explaining your chart as well. Thus, come what may you

will not compromise with some Adharma situations and will, sooner or

later, react.


> With Best Wishes,

> Sanjay Rath



> -

> ahimsa@p...

> varahamihira

> Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:57 AM

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu



> Dear Sanjay,


> > Dear Sanjay,

> > Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer

> > understanding of these rules that makes the subject " an art as

well as a

> > science " .

> > The situation where " Jupiter is aspecting the nodes " is very


> > from " Jupiter conjoining the nodes " . Take a situation where a

Purohit of a> temple

> > is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a

murderer (Rahu)

> > for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in

sagittarius (work

> > place)and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the

two makes

> > Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit

is normally

> > concernd to help the criminal.

> > Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house


> > and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking

into his

> > temple

> > (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The

result is

> > simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police

(Mars) or others

> > to

> > prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation

i.e. to

> > steal

> > the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.

> > Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign

occupied by

> > the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is


> > Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration

or autism

> > etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand


> > Guru-Sthana.

> >

> > With Best Wishes,

> > Sanjay Rath


> As you said, the jyotish cannot be the bunch of rules. In my own


> Guru

> is lord of lagna (dhanu) and is with ketu in 10th in paka lagna.

Guru as

> natural significator of paka lagna makes dhi shakti protected

being in

> paka

> lagna itself. Doesn't he?

> Its yuti with ketu needn't necessarily bring mental abberations

in paka

> lagna, since I opine that ketu apart from thief is moskha karak


> where

> dhi shakti is indluenced to the point of applying intelligence in


> realm, such as jyotisha and spiritual fields.This is further


> of

> course by ketu placement in karakamsa in pisces with saturn

ruling 12th

> from

> it. However, as the case is, I have seen charts, where lagnesh is


> with

> ketu giving mental abberations. In most cases, the power of


> shakti ,

> was weakened, or even when the guru was placed with ketu in paka


> it

> was severly afflicted, therby failling to protect paka lagna.

> Guru and rahu conjunction was inverably found to be bad in most


> Best wishes,

> Zoran



> Archive: varahamihira

> Files: varahamihira

> varahamihira/database




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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Sanjay,

Yes.. Gayatri Mantra and mediate on the centre of the Solar disc with the mantra "SO-HAM". Mentally say "SO" as you breathe in and "HAM" as you breathe out. First do this very fast and then allow your breath to stabilise slowly. keep your eyes closed. Do not be afraid of the lights..With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- SanjayPrabhakaran


Friday, July 27, 2001 1:56 AM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu

Om Gurave Namah,Dear Gurudeva, I have a similar combination of Lagnesh Sun conjunct Ketu in the 12th house. Sun is 2Cn21 and Ketu in 21Cn56 Jupiter is in 3Sc10. Sun is vargottama and Guru is exalted in Navamsha. Is the Sun strong enough to win from Ketu?. This conjunction is also in 2nd from AL with Mercury in it. Mercury is debilitated in Navamsha. I do have problem of mental disturbances and Irregular sleep problem(being in 12th house). But I thought them to because of Saturns Conjunction and Mars aspect on Moon. Is there any remedy to this Lagnesh conjunction with Ketu?. Please give me your directions,Your Shishya,S.Prabhakaran varahamihira, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@h...> wrote:> > Om Gurave Namah> ----> > Dear Zoran,> > Excellent reply. Then tell me "In which cases will the conjunction of Ketu with the Lagnesh cause mental aberration and in which cases can we say that the Lagnesh has prevailed?". Take your own case and see the degrees of Ketu and Jupiter carefully and then reply.> > There was another vital point in the example I had stated. Although the conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter, but Jupiter will also not allow the nodes to be exalted. Thus, in Narayana Dasa where Jupiter aspects or conjoins exalted nodes, they cannot get a year in addition for Aquarius or Scorpio dasa as Jupiter shall annul them. This is important in explaining your chart as well. Thus, come what may you will not compromise with some Adharma situations and will, sooner or later, react.> > With Best Wishes,> Sanjay Rath> > > - > ahimsa@p... > varahamihira > Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:57 AM> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Jup & Rahu> > > Dear Sanjay,> > > Dear Sanjay,> > Jyotish cannot just be a bunch of rules. There is a finer> > understanding of these rules that makes the subject "an art as well as a> > science".> > The situation where "Jupiter is aspecting the nodes" is very different> > from "Jupiter conjoining the nodes". Take a situation where a Purohit of a> temple> > is sitting inside a temple and then he is approached by a murderer (Rahu)> > for some task. Here Jupiter (purohit) is in strength in sagittarius (work> > place)and Rahu has entered sagittarius. The conjunction of the two makes> > Jupiter weaker by a polluting conjunction and then the Purohit is normally> > concernd to help the criminal.> > Take another situation where the Purohit was in his house (Pisces)> > and then he gets information about some theif (Ketu) breaking into his> > temple> > (Ketu in Sagittarius aspected by Jupiter from Pisces). The result is> > simple. He takes preventive measures by calling the police (Mars) or others> > to> > prevent the theft.. the theif is caught and Ketu's exaltation i.e. to> > steal> > the idols itself (untruth of the highest level) is broken.> > Conjunction cannot strengthen Jupiter. In fact, the sign occupied by> > the Lord of Lagna is called the Paka Lagna and if this sign is conjoined> > Ketu, then invariably it creates some serious mental aberration or autism> > etc. The Dhi-shakti is lost. In this manner try to understand the> > Guru-Sthana.> >> > With Best Wishes,> > Sanjay Rath> > As you said, the jyotish cannot be the bunch of rules. In my own chart,> Guru> is lord of lagna (dhanu) and is with ketu in 10th in paka lagna. Guru as> natural significator of paka lagna makes dhi shakti protected being in> paka> lagna itself. Doesn't he?> Its yuti with ketu needn't necessarily bring mental abberations in paka> lagna, since I opine that ketu apart from thief is moskha karak graha,> where> dhi shakti is indluenced to the point of applying intelligence in ketu's> realm, such as jyotisha and spiritual fields.This is further confirmed> of> course by ketu placement in karakamsa in pisces with saturn ruling 12th> from> it. However, as the case is, I have seen charts, where lagnesh is placed> with> ketu giving mental abberations. In most cases, the power of Guru*dhi> shakti ,> was weakened, or even when the guru was placed with ketu in paka lagna,> it> was severly afflicted, therby failling to protect paka lagna.> Guru and rahu conjunction was inverably found to be bad in most charts.> Best wishes,> Zoran> > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Files: varahamihira> varahamihira/database> > >

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Dear Ashsam,



> Pranam Sanjay, Zoran,


> I have a basic quesion.

> Grahas in a state of Exaltation tend to manifest their significance

> fully and it manifests the best qualities of the graha.

> Is my understanding correct ?



That is my understanding.



> If it is then In case of exaltation of Ketu, or Rahu it would tend to

> bring out the goodness of these nodes. Then why would the aspect or

> conjunction of Guru being the most benefic try to curtail the

> exaltation of nodes.



Do read Sanjay's explanation again, about Purohit and thief... Rahu is

debilitated in Guru's sign, so he wants to steal the satya from Guru.


are two signs of rahu exaltation. One is taurus, essential for

longevity, the

other is gemini, where rahu karakatwas would manifest in a better


For example, when rahu is exalted in kendra, it will give spiritual


and his power of research and intellience would manifest in the best

direction. Jupiter aspect may be helpful there, however by conjunction,


would always even in exaltation try to steal the satya of guru, due to


demonic side. Rahu stands for adharma and jupiter for dharma. That is


dharmic planet has a desire to end adharma by his dristhi. As far as the


is concerned, Dharmic planet(guru) would end frustration that ketu


by tormenting the mana. When ketu is exalted in dhanu sign, he is at his


mood in the Dharma Graha Guru sign, and that is why ketu is natural

significator for marriage and family lineage (upapada) and moksha which


ultimate dharma of all human beings. For that reason I cannot understand

why would guru aspect prevent exaltation of ketu in his own(guru) sign.

What I can understand is that ketu is natural tormentor of manas

mind(eclipses it) imposing frustrations for the purpose of turning to

spiritual rise. Perhaps,

guru aspect on ketu would debilitate his power to eclipse the mind. In


of conjunction, it is good when guru is lagnesh and in higher degrees


ketu. Whenever rahu and ketu are in kendras, it is important that they

are on the less longitude than guru, and in case of ketu being in paka

lagna, he should be at the less longitude than lagnesh



> If Rahu were to become Atmakaraka and exalted then how would the

> aspect on jupiter affect it ? Would jupiter still try and curtail

> Rahus exaltation. If that happened then Jupiter is trying to weaken

> the Atmakaraka which is the guiding force of the chart rather than

> strengthening it?

Exalted rahu as atma would make the soul go through many difficulties.

It will give severe punishment for purpose of purification. Rahu

exaltaion as atma would speak of desire to punish being very strong.

Jupiter graha dristi would signify desire of Deva Guru to end this prime

desire of rahu and that is rebirth. Dristi would not weaken the Atma,

but it would influence it since guru would be placed in trines to atma

and certainly influence the direction of the soul. I would also like to

hear Sanjay's opinion on this.

> On the same token, Rahu and Ketu are malifics so how would jupiters

> aspects on other malifics in exlation (Mars and Saturn) prevail.

> Would jupiters exaltation would also curtail Mars and Saturn

> exaltation?


Just think of the aspects.. It depends wheteher graha or rashi dristi.

Graha dristi indicatas desires. Guru's desire is to bring dharma,while

mars and saturn desires are different. In my opinion it would not

curtail their exaltation but show a strong desire to influence their

nature and role. However, guru must be strong to do so. Rashi dristi of

guru is much more reliable for certain effects.

Best wishes,


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