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RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] Muhurta

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For Muhurta .. pls consider the following components and you take a stab at it... two good books to get:

a. Muhurta, Traditional and Modern - by K.K. Joshi

b.Muhurta Chintamani by Girish Chand Sharma

Consider: Good day, time, placement of Chandra and Tithi forming Yogas...look to the Langa and

how the Graha's line up..choose the days that suit the actions you wish to be successful at.

Also consider Sri Ganesha for the start of any action to assist in eliminating obsticles.


1. Tithi and their classifications - Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta, and Poorna - consider the yogas formed from this - Siddha Yog, Amrita Yog, e.g. Yogas formed by Tithi and day ( Vaar)

2. Nakshatras and their classifications - Sthira ( Constant or fixed) , Char-Chala ( Movable), etc.,etc. - consider the yogas formed from Nakshatra and Day timings - Saravartha Siddhi Yog; Days


3. Placement of Lagna in favorable Rasi for start of an action - the nature of the Rasi Lagna is in should match the nature of the activity you wish to pursue.


4. Month or Sawana


5. Surya's movement - Uttarayana ( north) and Dakshiniayana ( southerly motion which starts in a day or two fromtoday as Ravi enters Cancer)


6. Consider all of the Graha's and their placements - there's much to be said about this.


7. One thing I consider is Tajaka or Varshapahl - what is going on in your chart for the year and is it favorable for a major under taking , or can you wait a few months till your next solar cycle that may be more favorable.


Hope this helps. - the books I recommended have a wealth of info that will assist you.


Anton Kuznetsov [tony] Saturday, July 14, 2001 3:12 AMvarahamihira ; varahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] MuhurtaJaya JagannathaPranam, dear friends, I project to create and publish a magazine - "Vedic Astrology" forRussian-speaking people, which will spread knowledge of Jyotish and otherVedic Science - Ayurveda, Sthapatya-Veda, etc. Can you help me and find good muhurta for this, please? And if so, whatshould be done in stated time: announcement of the magazine, printing of firstcopy, sending first copies to subscibers by post, or something also? Thank you NamasteAnton KuznetsovDonetsk, Ukraine Shree Gurave NamahaOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Hara Rama Krishna

Dear Anton!


Please check out the lessons on Hora by pt. Sanjay Rath in the files section to get an overview of use of Hora in muhurtha determination. You could also check out Dr. BV Raman's book on muhurtha, which I found to be very comprehensive. The details given by Frank should also be taken into consideration, Check out the horoscope of the Muhurtha and see whether the planets are auspiciously placed, i.e. Benefics in Kendra, Kona; Malefics in Upachaya and 8th house free from any malefic influence.


Hope this is enough to make you think.....


Why don't you attempt to get a muhurtha and share it with the list, so that we can share our views on the same.






Frank in Austin


Sunday, July 15, 2001 4:32 AM

RE: [Hare Rama Krishna] Muhurta



For Muhurta .. pls consider the following components and you take a stab at it... two good books to get:

a. Muhurta, Traditional and Modern - by K.K. Joshi

b.Muhurta Chintamani by Girish Chand Sharma

Consider: Good day, time, placement of Chandra and Tithi forming Yogas...look to the Langa and

how the Graha's line up..choose the days that suit the actions you wish to be successful at.

Also consider Sri Ganesha for the start of any action to assist in eliminating obsticles.


1. Tithi and their classifications - Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta, and Poorna - consider the yogas formed from this - Siddha Yog, Amrita Yog, e.g. Yogas formed by Tithi and day ( Vaar)

2. Nakshatras and their classifications - Sthira ( Constant or fixed) , Char-Chala ( Movable), etc.,etc. - consider the yogas formed from Nakshatra and Day timings - Saravartha Siddhi Yog; Days


3. Placement of Lagna in favorable Rasi for start of an action - the nature of the Rasi Lagna is in should match the nature of the activity you wish to pursue.


4. Month or Sawana


5. Surya's movement - Uttarayana ( north) and Dakshiniayana ( southerly motion which starts in a day or two fromtoday as Ravi enters Cancer)


6. Consider all of the Graha's and their placements - there's much to be said about this.


7. One thing I consider is Tajaka or Varshapahl - what is going on in your chart for the year and is it favorable for a major under taking , or can you wait a few months till your next solar cycle that may be more favorable.


Hope this helps. - the books I recommended have a wealth of info that will assist you.


Anton Kuznetsov [tony] Saturday, July 14, 2001 3:12 AMvarahamihira ; varahamihira Subject: [Hare Rama Krishna] MuhurtaJaya JagannathaPranam, dear friends, I project to create and publish a magazine - "Vedic Astrology" forRussian-speaking people, which will spread knowledge of Jyotish and otherVedic Science - Ayurveda, Sthapatya-Veda, etc. Can you help me and find good muhurta for this, please? And if so, whatshould be done in stated time: announcement of the magazine, printing of firstcopy, sending first copies to subscibers by post, or something also? Thank you NamasteAnton KuznetsovDonetsk, Ukraine Shree Gurave NamahaOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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