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[Hare Rama Krishna] Assignment

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Dear Sarajit,


> What you mentioned (Ta-Sc) could be true for a job. However, does it

> necessarily indicate assignment in the job? I agree with you with

>the principle of the Upachaya, the houses of growth. Here, why don't

>we take the upachaya houses from the 10th in Dasamsa and not from

>the dasamsa Lagna? I would rather consider 3rd and 6th from the 10th

>house which show initiative and hardwork related to Job.


In Rasi or D1 chart, the 10H is the strongest indicator of Job or

indicators connected to Job, Fame, Promotion etc. So your suggestion

would work well in D1.


The D10, however, has the total domination of 10H effect...everything

pertaining to Jobs/Action in Society. Here the Common Denominator is

basically the 10H matters. Every thing is interpreted w.r.t 10H

matters. Lie the Trines indicate prosperity *on the Job front*.

Quadrants indicate Sustainance *on the job front*.


Similarly when we consider the Upachchaaya houses it should be *in my

opinion* w.r.t D10 Lagna.


In D10, the 10H plays a strong role in coloring the *type/nature* of

work(s) one could be involved with.




> Why should the quadrant and trine from the AL should influence? I

>might not get any assignment and people might perceive that I am

>working hard if there are benefics in the trines from the AL.


In my opinion, there is a definite change in status. Not the type of

status as one gets by say...Promotion etc....but simply by the fact

that when one is assigned....one is usually judged on things like

qualification, capabilities, communication skills, etc...some kind of

measurement is involved.


With assignment comes....Responsibilities....then one has to keep up

ones image in front of others....etc. Also usually, Professionals in

Organizations with Assignment & Responsibilites are judged favorably

than one who sits around and does nothing productive. Hence I

suggested that AL could be involved.




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