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Dear list members,

I am not receiving Sanjay's mails, as separate mails on the list, but

only under the mails such as this.. For example, I havenot seen this

mail below sent bySanjay to the list, neither the previous ones. What is

going on?

I also keep receivning postmasters mails about some errors of not

connecting on the list, even though each my email regularly arrives at

the varahamihira.

Best wishes,



Drifter - Drifter wrote:


> Dear Sanjay and Other List members,


> How about for a Leo ascendent, SUN positioned in sixth house, with Ketu and

> Saturn ans aspected by debilated Mars situated in 12th house. What do you

> infer from this combination. Is it a good position for sun.


> ~ Drifter


> " Sanjay Rath " <srath

> varahamihira

> <varahamihira >

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

> Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:24:14 +0530


> Om Gurave Namah

> ----


> Dear Sarajit

> When Venus becomes Marana Karaka and also the Lord of Lagna, then it shall

> protect the native from many death like situations just like the Mritunjaya

> Mantra ruled by it. The native shall have many very impossible experiences

> and then will also come out strong. Such a native shall have great faith in

> Shiva. How can exalted Lagna Lord be bad? Lagna Lord is never bad..


> With Best Wishes,

> Sanjay Rath


> -

> Sarajit

> varahamihira

> Monday, July 23, 2001 7:41 PM

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


> Dear Zoran!

> I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please

> clarify this.


> -

> <ahimsa

> <varahamihira >

> Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PM

> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus


> > Namaste Sarajit,

> >

> > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position

> would

> > > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under

> control. I

> > > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.

> >

> > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence

> of venus

> > using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think

> logically.

> > It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled

> by

> > Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall

> prey to

> > shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and

> significator of

> > 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the

> heart), is

> > naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of

> desires will

> > be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus.


> The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We

> also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in

> the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication

> that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets

> destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.


> I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to

> shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However,

> my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified

> desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.


> Am I not thinking logically?


> >Venus rules clothes as well. It may

> > be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may

> weaken the

> > senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and

> influence of

> > saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make

> desires

> > intensified, and too worn out of use.


> >Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would

> > severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in

> 8th house

> > from its sign.

> > Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual

> appetites.

> > Best wishes,

> > Zoran


> I agree


> >

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Files: varahamihira

> > varahamihira/database

> >

> >

> >

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