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[Hare Rama Krishna] Problems with the list

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The same problem happens with me. Narasimha, Can you please check that as

you are a moderator of this group.




On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 ahimsa wrote:


> Dear list members,

> I am not receiving Sanjay's mails, as separate mails on the list, but

> only under the mails such as this.. For example, I havenot seen this

> mail below sent bySanjay to the list, neither the previous ones. What is

> going on?

> I also keep receivning postmasters mails about some errors of not

> connecting on the list, even though each my email regularly arrives at

> the varahamihira.

> Best wishes,

> Zoran


> Drifter - Drifter wrote:


> > Dear Sanjay and Other List members,

> >

> > How about for a Leo ascendent, SUN positioned in sixth house, with Ketu and

> > Saturn ans aspected by debilated Mars situated in 12th house. What do you

> > infer from this combination. Is it a good position for sun.

> >

> > ~ Drifter

> >

> > " Sanjay Rath " <srath

> > varahamihira

> > <varahamihira >

> > Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

> > Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:24:14 +0530

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > ----

> >

> > Dear Sarajit

> > When Venus becomes Marana Karaka and also the Lord of Lagna, then it shall

> > protect the native from many death like situations just like the Mritunjaya

> > Mantra ruled by it. The native shall have many very impossible experiences

> > and then will also come out strong. Such a native shall have great faith in

> > Shiva. How can exalted Lagna Lord be bad? Lagna Lord is never bad..

> >

> > With Best Wishes,

> > Sanjay Rath

> >

> > -

> > Sarajit

> > varahamihira

> > Monday, July 23, 2001 7:41 PM

> > Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

> >

> > Dear Zoran!

> > I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please

> > clarify this.

> >

> > -

> > <ahimsa

> > <varahamihira >

> > Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PM

> > Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus

> >

> > > Namaste Sarajit,

> > >

> > > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position

> > would

> > > > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under

> > control. I

> > > > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.

> > >

> > > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence

> > of venus

> > > using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think

> > logically.

> > > It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled

> > by

> > > Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall

> > prey to

> > > shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and

> > significator of

> > > 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the

> > heart), is

> > > naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of

> > desires will

> > > be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus.

> >

> > The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We

> > also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in

> > the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication

> > that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets

> > destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.

> >

> > I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to

> > shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However,

> > my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified

> > desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.

> >

> > Am I not thinking logically?

> >

> > >Venus rules clothes as well. It may

> > > be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may

> > weaken the

> > > senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and

> > influence of

> > > saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make

> > desires

> > > intensified, and too worn out of use.

> >

> > >Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would

> > > severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in

> > 8th house

> > > from its sign.

> > > Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual

> > appetites.

> > > Best wishes,

> > > Zoran

> >

> > I agree

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > OM TAT SAT

> > > Archive: varahamihira

> > > Files: varahamihira

> > > varahamihira/database

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Zoran,

I am having a lot of problems and my latest account with hotpop also gave problems with mails being returned, i hope this one from my real box gets through. Else I have to get anew account.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath



- ahimsa


Saturday, July 28, 2001 2:54 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Problems with the list

Dear list members,I am not receiving Sanjay's mails, as separate mails on the list, butonly under the mails such as this.. For example, I havenot seen thismail below sent bySanjay to the list, neither the previous ones. What isgoing on?I also keep receivning postmasters mails about some errors of notconnecting on the list, even though each my email regularly arrives atthe varahamihira.Best wishes,ZoranDrifter - Drifter wrote:> Dear Sanjay and Other List members,>> How about for a Leo ascendent, SUN positioned in sixth house, with Ketu and> Saturn ans aspected by debilated Mars situated in 12th house. What do you> infer from this combination. Is it a good position for sun.>> ~ Drifter>> "Sanjay Rath" <srath> varahamihira > <varahamihira >> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus> Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:24:14 +0530>> Om Gurave Namah> ---->> Dear Sarajit> When Venus becomes Marana Karaka and also the Lord of Lagna, then it shall> protect the native from many death like situations just like the Mritunjaya> Mantra ruled by it. The native shall have many very impossible experiences> and then will also come out strong. Such a native shall have great faith in> Shiva. How can exalted Lagna Lord be bad? Lagna Lord is never bad..>> With Best Wishes,> Sanjay Rath>> -> Sarajit> varahamihira > Monday, July 23, 2001 7:41 PM> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus>> Dear Zoran!> I don't have disagreement with you most of the things, however, please> clarify this.>> -> <ahimsa> <varahamihira >> Monday, July 23, 2001 3:15 PM> Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Venus>> > Namaste Sarajit,> >> > > However, I would ask Gurudev, to enlighten me, whether this position> would> > > indicate that the native would feel hard to keep his senses under> control. I> > > think this is more true when Venus is in 7th.> >> > There were some words on the list before... Sanjay explained influence> of venus> > using analogy.However, the most important thing is to learn to think> logically.> > It is a well known fact that 6th house rules vice. Natural 6th is ruled> by> > Budha, and it is a place of shadripu. Thus, people born on shashti fall> prey to> > shadripu( 6 basic sins). Venus ruling desires(natural ruler and> significator of> > 7th house, and according to Jaimini, 7th house rules desires of the> heart), is> > naturally debilitated in 6th house. Venus, being the main ruler of> desires will> > be badly placed in 6th house of shardripus.>> The 6th house in Zodiac is Mercury's where Venus gets debilitated. We> also know that Mercury keeps hold on Venus's passion. Hence naturally, in> the 6th Venus should be very uncomfortable and weak to give its indication> that is passion and sensuality. With this venus's other indication also gets> destroyed and the person might have a difficult married life.>> I also agree with you that the planet born in 6th tithi are prone to> shadripu as mentioned by Pt. Sanjay Rath in COVA to overcome this. However,> my contention is that, Venus will be worse in terms of its intensified> desire, if it is exalted in the 6th or otherwise strong.>> Am I not thinking logically?>> >Venus rules clothes as well. It may> > be too worn out of use (6th house and influence of rahu), that may> weaken the> > senses and give rise to disease, or old and torn(8th house and> influence of> > saturn). Consequently, venus in 6th house or with rahu, would make> desires> > intensified, and too worn out of use.>> >Venus in taurus or dhanu in 6th house would> > severely damage the 11th house affairs, being natural subha placed in> 8th house> > from its sign.> > Venus in 7th house makes person too sexy, having strange sexual> appetites.> > Best wishes,> > Zoran>> I agree>> >> >> > OM TAT SAT> > Archive: varahamihira> > Files: varahamihira> > varahamihira/database> >> >> >

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