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[Hare Rama Krishna] May I join U?-Part II

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Om Gurave Namah----Dear Lakshmi,

Your chart is correct. The Dasamsa (sixth house Budha-Aditya Yoga) clearly points at your service. Now coming to the Mission of life, since you asked, it is your chart that we shall use as an illustration. Chart is given below.


+----------------------+| | | | || | | Mar | || | | | || | | HL | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | || Ket | | GL || | | || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | Sun || | | || BL | | Mer || | | || | | Rah ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | AL || Jup SatR | | | || | | Mnd | Ven || Moo Asc | | | || | | | Glk |+----------------------+


+----------------------+| | | | || | Jup | | || GL | | | || | Ket | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| AL | | || | | || Ven | | || | | || BL | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || | | Mar (KA) || Mnd | | || | | Sun || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | Rah | HL Mer || | Asc | | || | | Moo | Glk SatR || | | | |+----------------------+

The Atmakaraka is Mars and is placed in Simha Navamsa with the Sun. The 12th house from karakamsa is Cancer and is aspected by Venus alone. Thus, Venus represents your Ista devata and its dignity indicates the dignity of your Ista. The Ista Devata's dignity indicates 'Bandhana or Moksha' i.e. you shall get bondage or return to this planet to finish other desires and unaccomplished tasks or shall get out of this cycle. Thus, the primary mission of every birth is to have the Ista in the highest dignity to ultimately get out of this cycle.

Now, look at the placement of the KING (AK-Mars) in your chart. Being the fifth lord it goes to the sixth house of enemies. Thus, if you have enemies, they shall be like your king or Ista Devata. So, it is imperative that you must 'LEARN TO LOVE YOUR ENEMIES' as Mars is the fifth lord of love and affection and goes to the sixth house of enemies. What is more, Venus the planet governing love and affection is your Ista Devata and is also your GNATI-KARAKA. Thus, through Lakshmi you should learn to love verything in this world. This is the secondary mission as it will support and lead to the fructification of the primary mission.

Hint: Meditate on all aspects of the sixth house like shadripu and associate them with women. In what way can your contribution in this world lead to the removal of shadripu from the lives of women, especially debilitated women (as Venus is debilitated in Rasi chart) or women who have seen tremendous suffering like Venus in Kumbha (Sita in Lanka..) Think and pray to Mahalakshmi to guide you.

As a Jyotish, I can guide you to the door of Mahalakshmi (HREEM BEEJAKSHARA), but I cannot do more than this.. With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath


Date of Birth: September 1, 1960Time of Birth: 3:25:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 78 E 30Latitude of Birth: 17 N 20Lunar month (maasa): Bhadrapada Lunar day (tithi): Sukla EkadasiTithi balance: 0.600220Nakshatra balance: 0.466542Sun-Moon Yoga: AyushmanSun-Moon Karana: VanijaVara (weekday): Thursday


Sunrise = 6:2:7 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 23-18-23.54Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 25 Sg 39'28.42" Poo.Shaa. 4 - Sun 15 Le 38'55.47" Poo.Pha. 1 PiKMoon 20 Sg 26'45.96" Poo.Shaa. 3 AmKMars 25 Ta 44'02.48" Mrigasira 1 AKMercury 17 Le 01'55.97" Poo.Pha. 2 MKJupiter 0 Sg 41'09.23" Moola 1 DKVenus 4 Vi 58'59.17" U.Pha. 3 GKSaturn ® 18 Sg 40'59.11" Poo.Shaa. 2 BKRahu 22 Le 28'32.70" Poo.Pha. 3 PKKetu 22 Aq 28'32.70" Poo.Bhaa. 1 - SreeLg 7 Cn 42'09.36" Pushyami 2 - BhavaLg 5 Cp 59'21.24" U.Shaa. 3 - HoraLg 26 Ta 42'28.74" Mrigasira 2 - GhatiLg 28 Cn 51'51.24" Aasresha 4 - VighLg 9 Ge 38'43.74" Aardra 1 - PrnpdLg 10 Aq 01'25.47" Satabhisham 2 - VarndLg 7 Ta 38'02.84" Krittika 4 - Dhooma 28 Sg 58'55.47" U.Shaa. 1 - Vyati 1 Cn 01'04.53" Punarvasu 4 - Pari 1 Cp 01'04.53" U.Shaa. 2 - I.Chapa 28 Ge 58'55.47" Punarvasu 3 - Upaketu 15 Cn 38'55.47" Pushyami 4 - Kaala 11 Sc 59'18.69" Anuradha 3 - Mrityu 24 Sg 58'39.42" Poo.Shaa. 4 - ArthaPr 19 Cp 15'47.99" Sravanam 3 - YamaGha 14 Le 27'07.96" Poo.Pha. 1 - Mandi 10 Li 07'02.63" Swathi 2 - Gulika 29 Vi 08'46.64" Chitra 2 - Kunda 8 Cp 17'22.04" U.Shaa. 4 -



- lakshmi ramesh


Friday, July 27, 2001 10:10 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] May I join U?-Part II

Om gurave Namaha----------------Dear friends, perhaps my earlier message requestingacceptance into your group had not reached some ofyou. I am repeating the same message again with .jhdfile (containing my birth data) enclosed.Please pardon the redundancy, if any. Regards,Lakshmi> Om Gurave Namaha> ---------------------> > Shri Sanjay and dear friends,> > Namaste. I am a new member to this work group and> for> nearly a week, I've been avidly following your> online> interactions. I am very impressed by the enthusiasm> and interest which characterise these discussions.> > I am an Officer in State Bank of India, based in> Hyderabad and stumbled into astrology by sheer> chance.> But the chance led to fascination which in turn led> to> a strong desire to know something about my" mission> in> life" through astrology (Rahu major period & > mercury> sub period?). The phrase " mission in life" might> sound grandiose, but I always believed that everyone> is born to perform a certain duty in life, however> small it might be. I am often quite restless about> this aspect and puzzled by the intensity with which> I> want to know the answer.> > I am furnishing my birth data below, however, I will> try to enclose my birth data as a .jhd file, with my> next e-mail. Please let me know if my aspiration to> become a credible astrologer will be fulfilled. I> also> hope that you won't forget that all important part > about "mission in life", which in the first place> drew> me to astrology.> > I hope you'll accept me as a beginer in your work> group from today, as today is Thursday, and give me> your blessings. I request you to deal with my basic> questions/responses with tolerance, humour and> affection.> > Regards to all, > Lakshmi> > My Birth data:> > Name: B Lakshmi> Date of birth : 01.09.1960; Thursday; Bhadrapada> Suddha Ekadasi> Time of birth : 3.25pm> Place of birth : Hyderabad, India> Longitude: 78-30E> Latitude: 17-20N> Standard difference from GMT : 05:30:00> > > > > > Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute> with Messenger> http://phonecard./> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Messengerhttp://phonecard./

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