Guest guest Posted July 25, 2001 Report Share Posted July 25, 2001 Respected Sires, Please accept my humble obeisances.I am a new member of the group and I thank you for bestowing upon me the privelige of being a member of varahamihira group and thereby a student in the discplic succession of Sri Chaitanya Mahapraphu.In the acceptance letter, Shri Sanjay Rath had said that vyaspooja should be done on a suitable date , preferably on a thrusday.I am a beginner in astrology and my knowledge is very little.With this little knowldedge, i tried to choose a suitable date and have given the analysis below. Please peruse thro this and clear some of my ignorance .. The start of an auspicious activity should have panchanga shuddhi(thithi, vara, nakshatra,yoga and karana).For the thithi, i usually try to avoid the rikta thithis(4,5,9) atleast .The vara (weekday) as suggested by Shri Sanjayji was thursday(being ruled by Brihaspathi- the preceptor of the gods).Since , this effort is to study astrology and grow spiritually, can Sunday be also chosen as Sun is the karak for the soul and jyotish? For the nakshatra, the starting point would be the 2,4,6,8 and 9th nakshatras counted from my janma nakshatra.I have given my birth chart below and the discussion continues after the chart: Date of Birth: June 19, 1977 Time of Birth: 12:38:27 pm Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT Longitude of Birth: 77 E 48 Latitude of Birth: 40 N 49 Lunar month (maasa): Ashadha Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Tritiya Tithi balance: 0.6555 Nakshatra balance: 0.0641 Sun-Moon Yoga: Dhruva Sun-Moon Karana: Taitula Vara (weekday): Sunday Sunrise = 4:48 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) Ayanamsa = 23-32-38 Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days Planet Position Pada CharaK Ascdt 8 Vi 17 U.Pha. 4 - Sun 4 Ge 20 Mrigasira 4 PK Moon 2 Cn 28 Punarvasu 4 DK Mars 16 Ar 11 Bharani 1 PiK Mercury 21 Ta 46 Rohini 4 AmK Jupiter 23 Ta 32 Mrigasira 1 AK Venus 18 Ar 40 Bharani 2 MK Saturn 20 Cn 17 Aasresha 2 BK Rahu 27 Vi 22 Chitra 2 GK Ketu 27 Pi 22 Revathi 4 - BhavaLg 1 Li 30 Chitra 3 - HoraLg 28 Cp 58 Dhanishtha 2 - GhatiLg 21 Cp 22 Sravanam 4 - Mandi 0 Sc 16 Visakha 4 - Gulika 19 Li 12 Swathi 4 - +----------------------+ | | | | | | | Mar | Mer | | | Ket | | | Sun | | | Ven | Jup | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Moo | | | | | | | | Sat | | | | | |-------------| R A S I |-------------| | | | | | GL | | | | | | | | HL | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | BL | Asc | | | Mnd | | | | | | Glk | Rah | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | Asc | | | | | | | | | | Glk | | | | | | | | | | Ket | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | Mer Moo | | | | | | | | Mnd GL | | | | | |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------| | | | | | | | Mar | | Sat | | | | | | Jup | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | Ven | | | | | | | | Sun | BL | Rah | | | | | | | | | | HL | +----------------------+ Vimsottari Dasa: Jupi 1977-06-19 Satu 1978-06-28 Merc 1981-07-01 Ketu 1984-03-10 Venu 1985-04-19 Sun 1988-06-18 Moon 1989-05-31 Mars 1990-12-31 Rahu 1992-02-09 Jupi 1994-12-15 Merc 1997-06-28 Ketu 1999-11-24 Venu 2000-11-21 Sun 2003-09-21 Moon 2004-07-28 Mars 2005-12-27 Rahu 2006-12-25 Jupi 2009-07-13 Satu 2011-10-19 Ketu 2014-06-28 Venu 2014-11-24 Sun 2016-01-24 Moon 2016-05-31 Mars 2016-12-30 Rahu 2017-05-28 Jupi 2018-06-16 Satu 2019-05-23 Merc 2020-06-30 Venu 2021-06-28 Sun 2024-10-27 Moon 2025-10-27 Mars 2027-06-28 Rahu 2028-08-27 Jupi 2031-08-28 Satu 2034-04-28 Merc 2037-06-27 Ketu 2040-04-27 Sun 2041-06-27 Moon 2041-10-15 Mars 2042-04-16 Rahu 2042-08-21 Jupi 2043-07-16 Satu 2044-05-03 Merc 2045-04-15 Ketu 2046-02-20 Venu 2046-06-28 Moon 2047-06-28 Mars 2048-04-27 Rahu 2048-11-26 Jupi 2050-05-28 Satu 2051-09-27 Merc 2053-04-27 Ketu 2054-09-27 Venu 2055-04-28 Sun 2056-12-27 Mars 2057-06-27 Rahu 2057-11-23 Jupi 2058-12-12 Satu 2059-11-18 Merc 2060-12-27 Ketu 2061-12-24 Venu 2062-05-22 Sun 2063-07-22 Moon 2063-11-27 Rahu 2064-06-27 Jupi 2067-03-10 Satu 2069-08-03 Merc 2072-06-09 Ketu 2074-12-27 Venu 2076-01-15 Sun 2079-01-14 Moon 2079-12-09 Mars 2081-06-09 Ashtakavarga Tables (after reduction): Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi Sun 3 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 2 2 2 2 Moon 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 4 0 4 0 Mars 3 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 1 Merc 5 4 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 1 1 0 Jupi 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Venu 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 Satu 2 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 3 1 1 3 Total 10 2 0 5 0 5 2 0 7 0 18 7 The next step would be to choose that part of the nakshatra lying in rasis win which the ashtakavarga of Moon after reduction is high and also that which has the highest ashtakavarga bindus totally(considering the contribution of all planets and lagna to that rasi).In my horoscope,(Punarvasu is janma nakshatra and Kataka is janma lagna) this yields two rasis - Dhanus and Kumbha.This would give Moola(4th in series), Uttarashadha(1st pada)(6th ),Dhanishta(3,4 padas)(8th) and Satabisha(9th) at this round of elimination.Next,we can eliminate Moola as this is an inauspicous star leaving Uttarashadha ,Dhanishta and satabhisha.Now,the latter two stars fall in Kumbha rasi which is in Chandrashtama to my janma rasi Kataka.Does chandrashtama have a bad effect only for travel or for most purposes?Also, can i overlook chandrashtama due to its compenation bythe higher number of bindus and Can I still use Kumbha for this ? In the near future, Moon will be in Uttarashadha during morning(trying to choose the early morning and forenoon for an auspicious activity to get more strength) on 2nd and 3rd august , but it is on 14th thithi on 2nd and on 3rd august, the karana is Vishti in the morning and hence not acceptable.The above calculations were made in Jagannatha hora lite for place -State College,Pennsylvania -USA 40N 74W. The next nakshatra in consideration would be Dhanishta.At my place , Chandra will be in Dhanishta on 5th August, Sunday during day.The Karana would be Kaulava and the Yoga would be Saubhagya indicating good fortune. The next step would be to find a suitable time on Sunday(Shubha Muhurtha Lagna).One good astarting point could be to choose the rasi which has high bindus overall as the lagna.with reference to my chart, this would yield Aries and Aquarius(10 and 18 bindus after reduction) and Cancer and Pisces as second choice(5 and 7 bindus).Of these, Aries, Aquarius and Pisces lagna would rise at night and hence have to be discarded.Cancer rises during day,but the lord of 9th from cancer,Jupiter would be in 12(gemini) and the lagna lord Chandra would be in 8th from the muhurtha lagna.The general muhurtha principle would be to keep the 8th from muhurtha lagna empty ,lagna lord fortified and lagna receiving good aspects and/or conjunctions from natural benefics such as guru and shukra.On that date, guru and shukra would be in mithuna and we can consider mithuna as lagna.But,we would be not considering ashtakavarga strength if we choose mithuna as lagna(mithuna has 0 bindus after reduction in my chart).But, some compromise has to be reached.The chart with Mithuna as Lagna for 4:20 a.m is given below. Date of Birth: August 5, 2001 Time of Birth: 4:20:19 am Time Zone of Birth: 4:00 West of GMT Longitude of Birth: 77 W 48 Latitude of Birth: 40 N 49 Lunar month (maasa): Sravana Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Pratipat Tithi balance: 0.0012 Nakshatra balance: 0.4176 Sun-Moon Yoga: Soubhagya Sun-Moon Karana: Kaulava Vara (weekday): Saturday Sunrise = 6:11 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) Ayanamsa = 23-52-28 Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days Planet Position Pada CharaK Ascdt 26 Ge 05 Punarvasu 2 - Sun 19 Cn 06 Aasresha 1 BK Moon 1 Aq 05 Dhanishtha 3 DK Mars 23 Sc 01 Jyeshtha 2 AK Mercury 18 Cn 29 Aasresha 1 PiK Jupiter 11 Ge 06 Aardra 2 PK Venus 10 Ge 32 Aardra 2 GK Saturn 18 Ta 43 Rohini 3 MK Rahu 10 Ge 21 Aardra 2 AmK Ketu 10 Sg 21 Moola 4 - BhavaLg 20 Ge 31 Punarvasu 1 - HoraLg 22 Ta 49 Rohini 4 - GhatiLg 29 Aq 42 Poo.Bhaa. 3 - Mandi 1 Ta 51 Krittika 2 - Gulika 19 Ar 23 Bharani 2 - +----------------------+ | | | Mnd | Rah Ven | | | | | | | | Glk | Sat | Jup | | | | | | | | | HL | BL Asc | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | Moo | | Mer | | | | | | GL | | Sun | | | | | |-------------| R A S I |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | Ket | Mar | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | Sat | | | BL | Asc | | | | | | GL | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | HL | | | | | | | | Ket | | | | | |-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------| | Mnd Rah | | | | | | | | Ven | | | | | | | | Jup Mar | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Mer | | | | | | | Moo | Glk | | Sun | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ This would be in the Brahma Muhurtha of Sunday.But, the day would still be saturday by jyotish it okay? If it is okay, then looking at the rasi chart, guru and shukra are in lagna along with rahu.the lagna lord is in 2nd along with 3rd lord Sun(karak for jyotish and atmavidya).lords of 5th and 10th in lagna(KendraKonadhipatya yoga?).Looking at the Shadbala strength, Ravi,Chandra(mind), sukra(5th lord - wisdom and 12th lord - emancipation) sani( 9th lord - dharmadhipathi) and guru(10th lord - occupation) have more than 100% strength and two of them are in lagna fortifying the lagna.but, guru and shukra are giving only marginally more ishta phala (favorable results) than kashta phala(unfavorable results).Also, the natural malefics are relegated to the dusthanas(Kuja - 6th lord in 6th and Sani 8th lord in 12th - Vipareeta Raja Yoga?)In light of the earlier mentioned suitable combinations,mithuna might not be that bad a choice. These being the plus points , there are some minus points too.From the Chandra Muhurtha Lagna,5th lord in 6th,6th lord in lagna- are these minus points for the chart?Also, i chose to look at chandra muhurtha lagna as per Maharshi Parashar's dictum that the effects gleaned from Lagna should also be likewise seen from Chandra.Is the extension of this principle to muhurtha lagna valid? As, the activity in question is for learning astrology(a learning activity) and also spiritual upliftment. the chaturvimsamsa and vimsamsa should also be studied.In fact, i choose the particular time in the lagna after getting some good combinations in D-24 and D-20.If the lagna is chosen as 4:20 am, the Chaturvimsamsa (chart shown below) +----------------------+ | | Rah Ven | | | | | | | | | | Jup | | | | | | | | | | Asc Ket | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | GL | | | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 2 4 |-------------| | | | | | HL | | Mnd | | | | | | Mar | | Moo | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | | | | Sat | | BL | Glk | Sun | | | | | | Mer | | | | | | +----------------------+ has Mesha as lagna with Guru(9th lord) and Sukra in it, 5th lord Ravi debilitated in 7th(is there neechabhanga due to sukra, owner of tula being in kendra from ravi in thula?).Also, lagna lord Kuja is exalted in Makara giving strenth to the chart. In the vimsamsa chart, between 4:00 and 4:30 a.m, the vimsamsa lagna moves from Dhanus to Meena.With reference to the chart, +----------------------+ | | Glk | | | | HL Ven | | | | | | Mer | | | | Jup Mar | | | | | | Sun | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | Rah | | | | | | GL | | Ket | | | | | | | |-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------| | | | | | Mnd | | | | | | | | Asc | | | | | | | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------| | | | | | | Sat | | | | | | | | BL | | Moo | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+ if Dhanus is chosen , then the 8th lord Moon will be inlagna - hence ditch it.If Kumbha is chosen , 9th lord would be exalted but lagna lord would be in company of 6th lord -don't know if it is a good combination spiritually.if meena is chosen as lagna, sukra would be exalted in lagna along with lagna lord and the company of 9th lord.Then, 6th lord Ravi would be exalted in 2nd- again don't know if it is good..If Makara is chosen, 9th lord Budha would be in exaltation with sun and 12th lord in the company of exalted 5th lord(knowledge in spiritual matters?).At this point, with insufficient knowledge and at loss to make a suitable decision, i guess that it would be advisable to seek your view on the choice of the lagna for vimsamsa.i arbitrarily chose 4:20 as the time corresponding to Makara Lagna in Vimsamsa. Thus, based on the above design considerations, 5th August 2001, Sunday,4:20 a.m (state college,pa) might be a good time for the vyas puja.But , at the end of this analysis, some other questions came into my mind.Do we have to take the above mentioned considerations(such as choice of vimsamsa and chaturvimsamsa lagna) . If the above analysis is wrong, is it okay to just choose any thursday or 3rd august(yajur veda upakarma) or 4th august(gayathri pratipat).Thus, the choice is between a muhurta otpimised for a native and a generally good day . Also, i don't know if the pinpointing of a muhurtha to a very narrow time speaks of arrogance on the part of the astrologer to become God.The aim of the above query was to ensure that i progress in my pursuit of the science of astrology and i know that this is impossible without the blessings and good wishes of the acharyas and the Supreme personality of godhead.Kindly correct my analysis and suggest a suitable date. Thanking You and Looking forward to your wise counsel, your student, K.N.Sriram __________ Get your free address at or your free address at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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